TorqueScout is Texas Torque's scouting utility for the 2022 season, Rapid React. The program is divided into two parts:
- the data logger
- the data analyzer
TorqueScout is designed to extract a few specific metrics that we use in formulating alliance selection decisions.
- individual team score
- accuracy during teleop and autonomous
- autonomous performance v.s. that of our own
- climb performance v.s. that of our own
The program is also used for team feedback and match strategy.
To compile and execute the development application, run:
mvn clean javafx:run
mvn package
to generate JAR
java -jar .\target\TorqueScout-1.3.1.jar
to execute JAR
runs standalone (tested with Java 16 SE)
To generate the custom JRE bundle, run:
mvn clean javafx:jlink
The bundle can be ran at
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 TexasTorque - All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of TorqueScout which is proprietary software. TorqueScout is not available for modification or distribution without express consent from TexasTorque. See file ./license.txt or go write for full license details.