Compilation of computer vision code for external coprocessors on the Texas Torque 2022 robot. This does not include RoboRio interfacing code or limelight, as it doesnt have offboard source code.
Note this will be merged as a subcomponent of TexasTorque2022 monorepo, but is currently not as it was made before the competition code was started.
This project is build with a Makefile utalizing the
WPILib Raspbian Toolchain
added to your $PATH
. The project utalizes the C17
and C++17 standards, and is built with the toolchain's
version of GCC 8 (arm-raspbian10-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
and arm-raspbian10-linux-gnueabihf-g++
, which shoul
be in your $PATH
). All of the headers to include
and static libraries to be linked are bundled in the
and ./lib
directories respectively.
To supress the include path errors, make sure your
is structured for
your system and includes the "includePath"
like below.
"configurations": [
"name": "Mac",
"includePath": [
"defines": [],
"macFrameworkPath": [],
"compilerPath": "/usr/local/bin/gcc-11",
"cStandard": "gnu17",
"cppStandard": "gnu++17",
"intelliSenseMode": "macos-gcc-x64"
"version": 4
is a portable GNU Make binary for Windows,
but you must used the Makefile-DOS, which has some limitations.
This project uses Clang-Format for, you guessed it,
code formatting. Clang-Format has a VSCode plugin
that I perfer to the command line utility, and it
should download all software automatically. Dont
try and format outside of ./src
because it will
run forever and waste your time.
Run make
to run the Makefile. The Makefile builds
all .c
, .cc
, (perfered C++ extension) and .cpp
files in ./src
Run ./make.exe -f Makefile-DOS
to run the Windows Makefile.
You will need to individually specify all the source files
to compile in this Makefile.
The resulting binary at ./bin/camera-binary
is the
binary to upload to WPILibPI. Do not try and run this
locally, it is build for the ARM instruction set with
Raspberry-Pi system libraries, not x86 or Apple ARM.
To clean up the build generated .o
files, run make clean
This project is licensed under the WPILib License, I will manage licensing later. Currently this is Texas Torque internal software.