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JPAK v1.0 Specification

Lucas Teske edited this page Nov 24, 2015 · 1 revision
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JPAK v1.0 Specification File

This file will describe how JPAK v1.0 works. The JPAK it's a very simple package format for using on the web. For Easy-to-use stuff, the file table is a JSON with struct described below:

direntry    =   { 
    "name"          :   DIRNAME,                //  Ndame of this folder
    "path"          :   DIRPATH,                //  Path for this folder
    "numfiles"      :   DIRNUMFILES,            //  Number of files in root of this folder
    "directories"   :   DIRSUBDIRECTORIES,      //  It's an array [] with directory objects like direntry
    "files"         :   DIRFILES                //  It's an array [] with file objects like fileentry
fileentry   =   {   
    "name"          :   FILENAME,               //  File Name
    "path"          :   FILEPATH,               //  File Path
    "offset"        :   FILEOFFSET,             //  Absolute offset in the jpak file
    "size"          :   FILESIZE                //  The file size

The JPAK file is structured like described below:

Y -> End of data of the files Z -> End of JSON File Table

START END Description
0x0 0x5 JPAK1 Magic Number
0x5 0xD Padding (0x00)
0xD 0xY Start of Files Data
0xY 0xZ JSON File Table
0xZ END Unsigned Integer that tells the start offset of JSON File Table
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