Rows: number of rows of the canvas. Min 1 - Max 99
Columns: number of columns of the canvas. Min 1 - Max 99
Cell size: size of the cells of the canvas. Min 6 - Max 99
Framerate: framerate of the animation. An higher value will make the animation faster. Min 0.1 - Max 60
+ direction cost: cost of moving vertically or horizontally. It will influence both h and g values. Min 0 - Max 50
x direction cost: cost of moving diagonally. It will influence both h and g values. Min 0 - Max 50
H coefficient: coefficient applied to the h value. A lower coeffient will make so the algorithm will seek the shortest path, but will be less efficient. An higher value will make so the algorithm will finish earlier, but the path may not be the shortest. Min 0 - Max 99
Special ground: traversing the special ground will cost the specified value times more than traversing the normal ground. It will only influence the g value
Heuristics: heustic used to calculate the h value. See below for more information on each one
Can move diagonally: whether or not diagonal movement is allowed
Cancel: revert the settings
Apply: apply the settings
There are 4 possible heuristics contemplated:
- Manhattan distance: estimate the distance considering only horizontal-vertical movements. Ignores obstacles
- Diagonal distance: estimate the distance considering all the 8 possible directions. Ignores obstacles
- Euclid distance: estimate the distance as the crow flies. Ignores obstacles
- Dijkstra (h = 0): always set h = 0. It behaves exactly like Dijkstra's algorithm