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282 lines (235 loc) · 5.96 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (235 loc) · 5.96 KB

Code documentation


 * Used to enable the tooltips

 * Prevents the use of unwanted characters
 * @param {any} ob - html input field
function checkInput(ob)

 * Checks that the value is between the constrains
 * @param {any} ob - html input field
 * @param {number} min - minimum value allowed
 * @param {number} max - maximum value allowed
function validateInput(ob, min, max)

 * Change the status value and shows the settings modal
function callSettings()

 * Change the status value and shows the save/load modal
function callSaveLoad()

 * Show the results of the algorithm
 * @param {number} distance - distance result from the start point to hte end point
 * @param {number} stepCounter - times of calls to the function 'stepSolution'
 * @param {number} fcounter - times an fvalue got evalueted
 * @param {number} time - time enlapsed
function setResults(distance, stepCounter, fcounter, time)


* Called at the start
function  setup()

* Called each frame
function  draw()

* Set up the buttons variables and set the value for each button in settings
function  setupButtons()

* Initialize the squares matrix so that everyghing is walkable
function  initializeMatrix()

* Udate the matrix with the new width and height but trying to keep the elements that don't need deleting
function  updateMatrix()
* Draw the square matrix on the canvas, according to the state of each square
function  drawMatrix()

* Draw both end and start positions
function  drawStartEnd()

* Make the selected palette follow the mouse
function  drawCurrentMouse()

* If the position is valid, apply the correct palette on the square
function  mousePressed()

* If the mouse is locked, keep drawing the current palette
function  mouseDragged()
* Unlock the mouse
function  mouseReleased()

* Check if the given vecor is inside the matrix borders
* @param  {p5.Vector}  v - Vetor to check
* @returns  {boolean} Whether or not the vector is valid

function  validVector(v)

* Set the start position and checks for any conflicts
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the start position
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the start position
function  setStart(x, y)

* Set the end position and checks for any conflicts
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the end position
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the end position
function  setEnd(x, y)
* If the start or end position are on this point, remove them
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the point
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the point
function  removeStartEnd(x, y)

* Start the astar algorithm animation
function  startAlgotithm()

* Clears the board
function  clearBoard()

* Set the palette with the given index {walkable, unwalkable, start, end, special_ground}
* @param  {string}  id - id of the wanted palette
function  setPalette(id)

* Apply the changes in the settings
function  apply()

* Cancels every change in the settings
function  cancel()

  Set the currentStatus value based of the chosen status
* @param  {string}  newStatus - status to use when changing the editor mode value
function  setStatus(newStatus)


* Class that handles the A* algorithm
class  Astar {}

* Create an istance of Astar
* Start the algorithm animation

* Clear the point matrix and the openPoints array

* Inizialize the starting point

* Follows the Astar algorithm step by step. Called each frame

* Check all the neighbours of the point and, if they are valid points, calculate their f value
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the point
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the point
checkNeighbours(x, y)
* Calculate the new F value for the point, if the g provided is less than the current g
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the point
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the point
* @param  {number}  g - new g value calculated for the point
calculateF(x, y, g, px, py) 

* Calculate the heuristic distance from the indicated point to the end point
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the point
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the point
* @returns  {number} The value h
calculateH(x, y)

* Retrace the path discovered by the Astar algorithm and color it

* Retrace the all the path tried by the Astar algorithm and color it

* Generate a string containing all the point's info
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the point
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the point
* @returns  {string} - Point's info: h, g and f values
getPointInfo(x, y)  

* Draw some text on the chosen square
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the square
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the square
* @param  {boolean}  override - whether or not the intern of the square should be recolored
drawText(x, y, override)

* Draw a stroke around the chosen square
* @param  {number}  x - x coordinate of the square
* @param  {number}  y - y coordinate of the square
* @param  {p5.color}  color - color of the stroke
drawFocus(x, y, color)  

* Push the point into the openPoints array, if it is not present yet
* @param  {any}  point - point to push in the array


 * Class that handles saving and loading files
class FileManager {}

 * Read the data from the JSON file and update the canvas and the settigs accordingly
 * @param {event} e - event triggered upon uploading a file
static loadFile(e)

 * Save the state of the canvas and the settings in a JSON file
static saveFile()

 * Tranform the data into a JSON string
 * @returns {string} The data as a string
static getJSONString()