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Build Status Build Status Updates Python 3 Ansible Role

Install sftp package.


This role requires Ansible 2.4 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.

It should work on older Ansible version, but without garanty.


This role use Molecule to run tests.

Locally, you can run tests on Docker (default driver) or Vagrant. Travis run tests using Docker driver only.

Currently, tests are done on:

  • Debian Jessie
  • Ubuntu Trusty
  • Ubuntu Xenial
  • Ubuntu Bionic

and use:

  • Ansible 2.4.x
  • Ansible 2.5.x
  • Ansible 2.6.x
  • Ansible 2.7.x

Running tests

Using Docker driver

$ tox

## Role Variables

### Default role variables

``` yaml
# Path management about sftp users home dir
sftp_data_dir_path: '/var/sftp'
sftp_data_dir_mode: '0750'
sftp_data_dir_owner: 'root'
sftp_data_dir_group: "{{ sftp_users_group_name }}"

# Sftp users management
sftp_users_group_name: 'sftp-users'
sftp_users_home_mode: '0750'
sftp_users_skeleton: '/etc/skel'
sftp_users_shell: '/usr/sbin/nologin'
sftp_users: []

SSHd configuration

Example of SSHd configuration if you use willshersystems.sshd

You can use the following configuration (at least) in your group/host vars files. SSHD configuration is not managed inside the role.

sshd_Subsystem: 'sftp internal-sftp'
  - Condition: 'Group {{ sftpd_users_group_name }}'
    ChrootDirectory: '%h'
    AllowTCPForwarding: False
    X11Forwarding: False
    ForceCommand: 'internal-sftp'

SFTP users format

  - name: 'my_name'
      - 'beautiful_public_key'
    skeleton: '/etc/skels/sftp-users' *optional*
    shell: '/bin/false' *optional*
    state: 'present' *optional*
  • sftp_users_skeleton is the default skel if not defined in user entry.
  • sftp_users_shell is the default shell if not defined in user entry.
  • present is the default user state value.


No mandatory dependencies, but you can use this role to manage SSHD configuration:

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - { role: Temelio.sftp }



Author Information

A Chaussier, L Machetel (for Temelio company)