This repository contains the subrepositories needed to build the core module of TellMeFirst (TMF) as a fat jar runnable from the command line.
Since this repository contains submodules, to clone this you have to run the following command:
git clone --recursive
Otherwise, if you have already cloned, you can fetch the submodules using the following command:
git submodule update --init
We use maven to build and clean the code, so you need to install it. This repository also assumes that you use Java8. So, you need to install Java8 as well.
On Xubuntu 14.10, you can install all the above packages by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install maven openjdk-8-jdk
Once you have installed all the dependencies, you can build the code using the following command:
mvn package
You can instead clean the compiled artifacts using:
mvn clean
To combine both (recommended to be sure that the compile process starts from scratch) do:
mvn clean package
The top-level
file references two modules: tmfcore
, and tmfcore_cli
The tmfcore
module (which is also a git submodule) contains the core
functionality of TMF, that is, the classify()
API. More information on
this module can be found in the related git
The tmfcore_cli
module (which is not a git submodule for simplicity but
may become one in the future) contains the code needed to prepare a
fat jar runnable from the command line.
Run the following command:
$ java -jar tmfcore_cli/target/tmfcore_cli.jar -f file -l lang -n nTopics
Where file
is the file to classify, lang
is the language (i.e., it
or en
) and nTopics
is the maximum number of topics to return.
By default, the minimal index installed at data
is used, but this can
be changed by editing conf/
As a test file
you can use, for example, test/test_file.txt