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Shedding Light on the Web of Documents

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DBpedia Spotlight is a tool for automatically annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in text, providing a solution for linking unstructured information sources to the Linked Open Data cloud through DBpedia. DBpedia Spotlight recognizes that names of concepts or entities have been mentioned (e.g. "Michael Jordan"), and subsequently matches these names to unique identifiers (e.g. dbpedia:Michael_I._Jordan, the machine learning professor or dbpedia:Michael_Jordan the basketball player). It can also be used for building your solution for Named Entity Recognition, Keyphrase Extraction, Tagging, etc. amongst other information extraction tasks.

Text annotation has the potential of enhancing a wide range of applications, including search, faceted browsing and navigation. By connecting text documents with DBpedia, our system enables a range of interesting use cases. For instance, the ontology can be used as background knowledge to display complementary information on web pages or to enhance information retrieval tasks. Moreover, faceted browsing over documents and customization of web feeds based on semantics become feasible. Finally, by following links from DBpedia into other data sources, the Linked Open Data cloud is pulled closer to the Web of Documents.

Take a look at our [Known Uses] ( page for other examples of how DBpedia Spotlight can be used. If you use DBpedia Spotlight in your project, please add a link to If you use it in a paper, please use the citation available in the end of this page.

You can try out DBpedia Spotlight through our Web Application or Web Service endpoints. The Web Application is a user interface that allows you to enter text in a form and generates an HTML annotated version of the text with links to DBpedia. The Web Service endpoints provide programmatic access to the demo, allowing you to retrieve data also in XML or JSON.

Support and Feedback

The best way to get help with DBpedia Spotlight is to send a message to our mailing list at

You can also join the #dbpedia-spotlight IRC channel on Freenode. We also listen to Tweets.

We'd love if you gave us some feedback.


DBpedia Spotlight looks for ~3.5M things of ~320 types in text and tries to disambiguate them to their global unique identifiers in DBpedia. It uses the entire Wikipedia in order to learn how to annotate DBpedia Resources, the entire dataset cannot be distributed alongside the code, and can be downloaded in varied sizes from the download page. A tiny dataset is included in the distribution for demonstration purposes only. After you've downloaded the files, you need to modify the configuration in with the correct path to the files. More info here.


If you use this work on your research, please cite:

Pablo N. Mendes, Max Jakob, Andrés García-Silva and Christian Bizer. DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics). Graz, Austria, 7–9 September 2011.

  title = {DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents},
  author = {Pablo N. Mendes and Max Jakob and Andres Garcia-Silva and Christian Bizer},
  year = {2011},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics)},
  abstract = {Interlinking text documents with Linked Open Data enables the Web of Data to be used as background knowledge within document-oriented applications such as search and faceted browsing. As a step towards interconnecting the Web of Documents with the Web of Data, we developed DBpedia Spotlight, a system for automatically annotating text documents with DBpedia URIs. DBpedia Spotlight allows users to configure the annotations to their specific needs through the DBpedia Ontology and quality measures such as prominence, topical pertinence, contextual ambiguity and disambiguation confidence. We compare our approach with the state of the art in disambiguation, and evaluate our results in light of three baselines and six publicly available annotation systems, demonstrating the competitiveness of our system. DBpedia Spotlight is shared as open source and deployed as a Web Service freely available for public use.}

The corpus used to evaluate DBpedia Spotlight in this work is described here.


The DBpedia Spotlight team includes the names cited below. Individual contributions are acknowledged in the source code and publications.


  • Pablo Mendes (Freie Universität Berlin), Jun 2010-present.
  • Max Jakob (Freie Universität Berlin), Jun 2010-Sep 2011, Apr 2012-present.
  • Jo Daiber (Charles University in Prague), Mar 2011-present.
  • Prof. Dr. Chris Bizer (Freie Universität Berlin), supervisor, Jun 2010-present.


Google Summer of Code Students

  • Chris Hokamp (University of North Texas)
  • Hector
  • Dirk Weissenborn
  • Jo Daiber


This work has been partially funded by: