This is a step by step guide to create a project using Monkshu Framework (version 2.01).
- Download Monkshu Framework (version 2.01) codebase to you local from here
- Create an empty directory where you would like to setup project, let say it as my-project.
- Extract monkshu framework into my-project directory.
- Rename "monkshu-master" to "monkshu".
- Create a new directory named your project. For instance sample.
- Create the following sub-directories and files. Remember to keep the project directory named exactly the same in inside directories.
- Now make symlinks (shortcut) to map this project with Monkshu framework a. Go to my-project/monkshu/backend/apps and run below command
$ ln -s <path-to-my-project>/sample/backend/apps/sample .
b. Go to my-project/monkshu/frontend/apps and run below command
$ ln -s <path-to-my-project>/sample/frontend/apps/sample .
- Run below command in /sample/backend/apps/sample/3p/ directory
$ npm init
- Create below files as part of initial setup a. Create file and copy below text in /monkshu/frontend/framework/conf/default_app.json
b. Copy below code into file /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/lib/constants.js
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.
const path = require("path");
APP_ROOT = `${path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../../`)}`;
exports.APP_ROOT = APP_ROOT;
exports.CONF_DIR = `${APP_ROOT}/conf`;
// LIB_PATH: Location to APIs lib directory
exports.LIB_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname + "/../lib");
// Simple API Response for success or failure
exports.API_RESPONSE_TRUE = { result: true };
exports.API_RESPONSE_FALSE = { result: false };
c. Copy below code into file **/sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/lib/utils.js**
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.
* Generate random RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript
* source:
module.exports.uniqid = () => require(__dirname + "/../../3p/node_modules/uuid/v4")();
/** Generate random number using current timestamp */
module.exports.randomNumber = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * / 1000 );
/** Generate random characters can be used as strong password */
module.exports.randomCharacters = (length = 20 , wishlist = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~!@-#$") =>
Array(length).fill('').map(() => wishlist[Math.floor(Math.random() * wishlist.length)]).join('');
/** Enable or disable info logs from here */
module.exports.captureInfoLog = (toLog, disableLog = false) => (!disableLog)? : undefined;
/** Get Unixtimestamp */
module.exports.getTimestamp = (date) => (date)? new Date(date).getTime() : new Date().getTime();
/** String passed string for new line or additional spaces */
module.exports.stripString = (inputString) => (inputString) ? inputString.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/\s+/g, ' ') : "";
/** Returns Array of unique values within the provided Array */
module.exports.getUniqueValues = (inputArray) => Object.values(inputArray).filter((value, index, self) => (self.indexOf(value) === index));
/** Get Current Unix timestamp without milliseconds */
module.exports.getCurrentUnixTimestamp = () => (new Date().getTime() / 1000 ).toString().split('.')[ 0 ];
d. Copy below code into file **/sample/backend/apps/sample/conf/apiregistry.json**.
- Create your first two sample APIs as follows.
a. Copy below code into file /sample/backend/apps/sample/conf/apiregistry.json.
"/apis/message" : "/apis/message.js?needsToken=false&addsToken=sub:access",
"/apis/random" : "/apis/random.js?get=true&key=Mk6DAu4beAzqD6I63Z1jRgQ5WTDa6zQO&needsToken=true"
b. Create files /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/message.js /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/random.js
c. Copy below code in file /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/message.js
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.
// Custom modules
const API_CONSTANTS = require(`${CONSTANTS.APPROOTDIR}/sample/apis/lib/constants`);
exports.doService = async jsonReq => {
// Validate API request and check mandatory payload required
if (!validateRequest(jsonReq)) return API_CONSTANTS.API_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS;
try {
const message = await getMessage(jsonReq);
return { result: true, results: { message } };
} catch (error) {
const getMessage = async (jsonReq) => {
try {
if(jsonReq) return "This is your first API";
} catch (error) {
throw error;
const validateRequest = jsonReq => (jsonReq);
d. Copy below code in file /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/random.js
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.
// Custom modules
const API_CONSTANTS = require(`${CONSTANTS.APPROOTDIR}/sample/apis/lib/constants`);
const utils = require(`${API_CONSTANTS.LIB_PATH}/utils`);
exports.doService = async jsonReq => {
// Validate API request and check mandatory payload required
if (!validateRequest(jsonReq)) return API_CONSTANTS.API_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS;
try {
const random = await getRandom(jsonReq);
return { result: true, results: { random } };
} catch (error) {
const getRandom = async (jsonReq) => {
try {
if(jsonReq) return utils.randomCharacters();
} catch (error) {
throw error;
const validateRequest = jsonReq => (jsonReq);
- Run backend server as below a. Open terminal and go to /monkshu/backend/server/
$ node server
- Open any Rest client application like “postman”
a. Enter url as http://localhost:9090/apis/message You would see the following result in return from server
"result": true,
"results": {
"message": "This is your first API"
You would also get access_token in headers look at it
Note: Monkshu support JWT tokens to secure apis access
b. Enter url as http://localhost:9090/apis/random You would see the following result in return from server
403 Unauthorized or forbidden
Note: You are not able to get a response because you have to pass access_token in subsequent APIs as security practices.
- Copy codes to required files a. Copy below code to file /sample/frontend/app/sample/index.html.
(C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="-1">
<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,
minimum-scale=0.5 maximum-scale=1.0">
<!-- Include the monkshu framework -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/framework/js/$$.js"></script>
<!-- And off we go ... -->
<script type="text/javascript">$$.boot(new URL("./",window.location));</script>
b. Copy below code to file /sample/frontend/app/sample/js/application.mjs.
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
import {router} from "/framework/js/router.mjs";
import {session} from "/framework/js/session.mjs";
import {apimanager as apiman} from "/framework/js/apimanager.mjs";
import {securityguard} from "/framework/js/securityguard.mjs";
const init = async _ => {
window.APP_CONSTANTS = (await import ("./constants.mjs")).APP_CONSTANTS;
window.LOG = (await import ("/framework/js/log.mjs")).LOG;
if (!session.get($$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.LANG_ID)) session.set($$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.LANG_ID, "en");
securityguard.setCurrentRole(securityguard.getCurrentRole() || APP_CONSTANTS.GUEST_ROLE);
const main = async _ => {
let location = window.location.href;
if (!router.isInHistory(location) || !session.get(APP_CONSTANTS.USERID))
export const application = {init, main};
c. Copy below code to file /sample/frontend/app/sample/js/constants.mjs.
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
const FRONTEND = "http://localhost:8080";
const BACKEND = "http://localhost:9090";
const APP_NAME = "sample";
const APP_PATH = `${FRONTEND}/apps/${APP_NAME}`;
export const APP_CONSTANTS = {
MESSAGE_HTML: APP_PATH + "/message.html",
RANDOM_HTML: APP_PATH + "/random.html",
SESSION_NOTE_ID: "com_monkshu_ts",
API_MESSAGE: `${BACKEND}/apis/message`,
API_RANDOM: `${BACKEND}/apis/random`,
USERID: "id",
USER_ROLE: "user",
GUEST_ROLE: "guest",
user: [APP_PATH + "/message.html", $$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.ERROR_THTML],
guest: [APP_PATH + "/random.html", APP_PATH + "/message.html", $$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.ERROR_THTML]
API_KEYS: { "*": "uiTmv5YBOZMqdTb0gekD40PnoxtB9Q0k" },
Note: Look for frontend page constants MESSAGE_HTML, RANDOM_HTML
d. Copy below code to file /sample/frontend/apps/sample/i18n/i18n_en.mjs.
export const i18n = {
"Title" : "Sample",
- Create two files for frontend pages as a. Copy below code to file /sample/frontend/apps/sample/message.html.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="module">
import { app_message } from "./components/app-message/app-message.mjs"; app_message.register();
b. Copy below code to file /sample/frontend/apps/sample/random.html.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="module">
import { app_random } from "./components/app-random/app-random.mjs"; app_random.register();
- Create app-message directory in components folder and create below files a. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-message/app-message.html.
<div id="app-message">
<input type="text" name="message" id="message" />
<input type="button" value="Get Message!" id="get-message"
b. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-message/app-message.mjs.
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
import { router } from "/framework/js/router.mjs";
import { monkshu_component } from "/framework/js/monkshu_component.mjs";
import { apimanager as apiman } from "/framework/js/apimanager.mjs";
const getMessage = async () => {
let resp = await, "POST", {}, false, true);
if (!resp || !resp.result) router.reload();
app_message.shadowRoot.querySelector("#message").value = resp.results.message;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
function register() {
// convert this all into a WebComponent so we can use it
monkshu_component.register("app-message", `${APP_CONSTANTS.APP_PATH}/components/app-message/app-message.html`, app_message);
const trueWebComponentMode = true; // making this false renders the component without using Shadow DOM
export const app_message = { trueWebComponentMode, register, getMessage }
- Create app-random directory in components folder and create below files a. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-random/app-random.html.
<div id="app-random">
<input type="text" name="random" id="random" />
<input type="button" value="Get Random String!" id="get-random"
b. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-random/app-random.mjs.
* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
import { router } from "/framework/js/router.mjs";
import { monkshu_component } from "/framework/js/monkshu_component.mjs";
import { apimanager as apiman } from "/framework/js/apimanager.mjs";
const getRandomString = async () => {
let resp = await, "POST", {}, true);
if (!resp.result) router.reload();
app_random.shadowRoot.querySelector("#random").value = resp.results.random;
function register() {
// convert this all into a WebComponent so we can use it
monkshu_component.register("app-random", `${APP_CONSTANTS.APP_PATH}/components/app-random/app-random.html`, app_random);
const trueWebComponentMode = true; // making this false renders the component without using Shadow DOM
export const app_random = { trueWebComponentMode, register, getRandomString }
- Now start frontend server by going to location in terminal
$ node server
- Now go to browser and hit url as
You will see a page having an input box type text with a button.
Upon clicking on “Get Message!” button you will get message from server and it will appear in box, after 3 second this page will redirect to next page (random page)
Upon clicking on “Get Random String!” will fill box with random string from server