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Monkshu Framework - How to guide

Guide to initiate project with Monkshu Framework

This is a step by step guide to create a project using Monkshu Framework (version 2.01).

Preliminary Tasks

  1. Download Monkshu Framework (version 2.01) codebase to you local from here
  2. Create an empty directory where you would like to setup project, let say it as my-project.
  3. Extract monkshu framework into my-project directory.
  4. Rename "monkshu-master" to "monkshu".
  5. Create a new directory named your project. For instance ​ sample.
  6. Create the following sub-directories and files. Remember to keep the project directory named exactly the same in inside directories.
  1. Now make symlinks (shortcut) to map this project with Monkshu framework a. Go to ​ my-project/monkshu/backend/apps​ and run below command
$ ln -s <path-to-my-project>/sample/backend/apps/sample .

b. Go to ​ my-project/monkshu/frontend/apps​ and run below command

$ ln -s <path-to-my-project>/sample/frontend/apps/sample .
  1. Run below command in ​ /sample/backend/apps/sample/3p/​ directory
$ ​ npm init
  1. Create below files as part of initial setup a. Create file and copy below text in /monkshu/frontend/framework/conf/default_app.json

b. Copy below code into file ​ /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/lib/constants.js​

* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.
const​ ​path=require("path");
// LIB_PATH: Location to APIs lib directory
// Simple API Response for success or failure
exports.API_RESPONSE_TRUE= {result:​ ​true};
exports.API_RESPONSE_FALSE= {result:​ ​false};

c. Copy below code into file ​**/sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/lib/utils.js​**

* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.

* Generate random RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript
* source:
module.exports.uniqid= ()=>​ ​require(__dirname+ "/../../3p/node_modules/uuid/v4")();

/** Generate random number using current timestamp */
module.exports.randomNumber= ()=>​ ​Math.floor(Math.random() * /1000);

/** Generate random characters can be used as strong password */
module.exports.randomCharacters= (length=20,wishlist= "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~!@-#$") =>Array(length).fill('').map(()=>​ ​wishlist[Math.floor(Math.random() * wishlist.length)]).join('');

/** Enable or disable info logs from here */
module.exports.captureInfoLog= (toLog,disableLog=false)=> (!disableLog)? ​ : ​undefined;

/** Get Unixtimestamp */
module.exports.getTimestamp= (date)=>(date)? ​new Date(date).getTime() : ​new​ ​Date().getTime();

/** String passed string for new line or additional spaces */
module.exports.stripString= (inputString)=>(inputString) ? inputString.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"").replace(/\s+/g,' ') : ​"";

/** Returns Array of unique values within the provided Array */
module.exports.getUniqueValues= (inputArray)=> Object.values(inputArray).filter((value,index,self)=> (self.indexOf(value) ===index));

/** Get Current Unix timestamp without milliseconds */

module.exports.getCurrentUnixTimestamp= ()=>(new​ ​Date().getTime() / 1000).toString().split('.')[0];

d. Copy below code into file ​**/sample/backend/apps/sample/conf/apiregistry.json**.


Backend API creation:

  1. Create your first two sample APIs as follows.

a. Copy below code into file ​ /sample/backend/apps/sample/conf/apiregistry.json.

    ​"/apis/message"​ : "/apis/message.js?needsToken=false&addsToken=sub:access"​,
    ​"/apis/random"​ : "/apis/random.js?get=true&key=Mk6DAu4beAzqD6I63Z1jRgQ5WTDa6zQO&needsToken=true"

b. Create files /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/message.js /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/random.js

c. Copy below code in file /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/message.js

* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.

// Custom modules
const​ ​API_CONSTANTS= require(`​${CONSTANTS.APPROOTDIR}​/sample/apis/lib/constants`);

exports.doService=async​ ​jsonReq​ ​=>{// Validate API request and check mandatory payload requiredif(!validateRequest(jsonReq))return API_CONSTANTS.API_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS;try{const​ ​message=await​ ​getMessage(jsonReq);if(!message)return​ ​API_CONSTANTS.API_RESPONSE_FALSE;return{result:​ ​true,results:​ { ​message​ } };

    }catch(error) {console.error(error);return​ ​API_CONSTANTS.API_RESPONSE_SERVER_ERROR;

const​ ​getMessage=async(jsonReq)=>{try{ 
        if(jsonReq)return​ ​"This is your first API";
    }catch(error) {throw​ ​error;

const​ ​validateRequest=jsonReq​ ​=>(jsonReq);

d. Copy below code in file /sample/backend/apps/sample/apis/random.js

* (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
* License: MIT - see enclosed LICENSE file.

// Custom modules
const​ ​API_CONSTANTS= require(`​${CONSTANTS.APPROOTDIR}​/sample/apis/lib/constants`);
const​ ​utils=require(`​${API_CONSTANTS.LIB_PATH}​/utils`);

exports.doService=async​ ​jsonReq​ ​=>{// Validate API request and check mandatory payload requiredif(!validateRequest(jsonReq))return API_CONSTANTS.API_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS;try{const​ ​random=await​ ​getRandom(jsonReq);if(!random)return​ ​API_CONSTANTS.API_RESPONSE_FALSE;return{result:​ ​true,results:​ { ​random​ } };

    }catch(error) {console.error(error);return​ ​API_CONSTANTS.API_RESPONSE_SERVER_ERROR;

const​ ​getRandom=async(jsonReq)=>{try{if(jsonReq)return​ ​utils.randomCharacters();
    }catch(error) {throw​ ​error;

const​ ​validateRequest=jsonReq​ ​=>(jsonReq);
  1. Run backend server as below a. Open terminal and go to ​/monkshu/backend/server/
$ node server
  1. Open any Rest client application like “postman”

a. Enter url as ​http://localhost:9090/apis/message You would see the following result in return from server

    ​"result"​: ​true​,
    ​"results"​: {
    ​   "message"​: ​"This is your first API"

You would also get access_token in headers look at it

Note: Monkshu support JWT tokens to secure apis access

b. Enter url as ​http://localhost:9090/apis/random You would see the following result in return from server

403 Unauthorized or forbidden

Note: You are not able to get a response because you have to pass access_token in subsequent APIs as security practices.

Frontend Setup:

  1. Copy codes to required files a. Copy below code to file ​ /sample/frontend/app/sample/index.html.
(C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
<!​doctype​ ​html​>

<​head​><​meta​ ​charset​=​"UTF-8"​><​meta​ ​http-equiv​=​"pragma"​ ​content​=​"no-cache"​><​meta​ ​http-equiv​=​"expires"​ ​content​=​"-1"​><​meta​ ​name​=​viewport​ ​content​=​"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,
    minimum-scale=0.5 maximum-scale=1.0"​><​title​>​Sample​</​title​><!-- Include the monkshu framework --><​script​ ​type​=​"text/javascript"​ ​src​=​"/framework/js/$$.js"​></​script​><!-- And off we go ... --><​script​ ​type​=​"text/javascript"​>​$$​.​boot​(​new​ ​URL​(​"./"​,window​.​location​));​</​script​>


b. Copy below code to file ​ /sample/frontend/app/sample/js/application.mjs.

 * (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
 * License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
import {router} from "/framework/js/router.mjs";
import {session} from "/framework/js/session.mjs";
import {apimanager as apiman} from "/framework/js/apimanager.mjs";
import {securityguard} from "/framework/js/securityguard.mjs";

const init = async _ => {
	window.APP_CONSTANTS = (await import ("./constants.mjs")).APP_CONSTANTS;
	window.LOG = (await import ("/framework/js/log.mjs")).LOG;
	if (!session.get($$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.LANG_ID)) session.set($$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.LANG_ID, "en");
	securityguard.setCurrentRole(securityguard.getCurrentRole() || APP_CONSTANTS.GUEST_ROLE);

const main = async _ => {
	let location = window.location.href;
	if (!router.isInHistory(location) || !session.get(APP_CONSTANTS.USERID))

export const application = {init, main};

c. Copy below code to file ​ /sample/frontend/app/sample/js/constants.mjs.

 * (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
 * License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
const FRONTEND = "http://localhost:8080";
const BACKEND = "http://localhost:9090";
const APP_NAME = "sample";
const APP_PATH = `${FRONTEND}/apps/${APP_NAME}`;

export const APP_CONSTANTS = {
    MESSAGE_HTML: APP_PATH + "/message.html",
    RANDOM_HTML: APP_PATH + "/random.html",

    SESSION_NOTE_ID: "com_monkshu_ts",

    API_MESSAGE: `${BACKEND}/apis/message`,
    API_RANDOM: `${BACKEND}/apis/random`,

    USERID: "id",
    USER_ROLE: "user",
    GUEST_ROLE: "guest",
        user: [APP_PATH + "/message.html", $$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.ERROR_THTML],
        guest: [APP_PATH + "/random.html", APP_PATH + "/message.html", $$.MONKSHU_CONSTANTS.ERROR_THTML]
    API_KEYS: { "*": "uiTmv5YBOZMqdTb0gekD40PnoxtB9Q0k" },

Note: ​ Look for frontend page constants​ MESSAGE_HTML, RANDOM_HTML


d. Copy below code to file ​ /sample/frontend/apps/sample/i18n/i18n_en.mjs.

export​ ​const​ ​i18n= {
"Title"​ :​ ​"Sample",
  1. Create two files for frontend pages as a. Copy below code to file ​ /sample/frontend/apps/sample/message.html.
<!doctype html>

	<meta charset="UTF-8">


	<script type="module">
		import { app_message } from "./components/app-message/app-message.mjs"; app_message.register();



b. Copy below code to file ​ /sample/frontend/apps/sample/random.html.

<!doctype html>

	<meta charset="UTF-8">


	<script type="module">
		import { app_random } from "./components/app-random/app-random.mjs"; app_random.register();



Create following components

  1. Create app-message directory in components folder and create below files a. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-message/app-message.html.
<​div​ ​id​=​"app-message"​><​input​ ​type​=​"text"​ ​name​=​"message"​ ​id​=​"message"​ ​/><​input​ ​type​=​"button"​ ​value​=​"Get Message!"​ ​id​=​"get-message"

b. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-message/app-message.mjs.

 * (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
 * License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
import { router } from "/framework/js/router.mjs";
import { monkshu_component } from "/framework/js/monkshu_component.mjs";
import { apimanager as apiman } from "/framework/js/apimanager.mjs";

const getMessage = async () => {
    let resp = await, "POST", {}, false, true);
    if (!resp || !resp.result) router.reload();
    app_message.shadowRoot.querySelector("#message").value = resp.results.message;
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 3000);

function register() {
    // convert this all into a WebComponent so we can use it
    monkshu_component.register("app-message", `${APP_CONSTANTS.APP_PATH}/components/app-message/app-message.html`, app_message);

const trueWebComponentMode = true;	// making this false renders the component without using Shadow DOM

export const app_message = { trueWebComponentMode, register, getMessage }
  1. Create app-random directory in components folder and create below files a. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-random/app-random.html.
<​div​ ​id​=​"app-random"​><​input​ ​type​=​"text"​ ​name​=​"random"​ ​id​=​"random"​ ​/><​input​ ​type​=​"button"​ ​value​=​"Get Random String!"​ ​id​=​"get-random"

b. Create file and copy below code /sample/frontend/apps/sample/components/app-random/app-random.mjs.

 * (C) 2020 TekMonks. All rights reserved.
 * License: MIT - see enclosed license.txt file.
import { router } from "/framework/js/router.mjs";
import { monkshu_component } from "/framework/js/monkshu_component.mjs";
import { apimanager as apiman } from "/framework/js/apimanager.mjs";

const getRandomString = async () => {
    let resp = await, "POST", {}, true);
    if (!resp.result) router.reload();
    app_random.shadowRoot.querySelector("#random").value = resp.results.random;

function register() {
    // convert this all into a WebComponent so we can use it
    monkshu_component.register("app-random", `${APP_CONSTANTS.APP_PATH}/components/app-random/app-random.html`, app_random);

const trueWebComponentMode = true;	// making this false renders the component without using Shadow DOM

export const app_random = { trueWebComponentMode, register, getRandomString }
  1. Now start frontend server by going to location in terminal


$ node server
  1. Now go to browser and hit url as http://localhost:8080/

You will see a page having an input box type text with a button.

Upon clicking on “Get Message!” button you will get message from server and it will appear in box, after 3 second this page will redirect to next page (random page)

Upon clicking on “Get Random String!” will fill box with random string from server