In this sample App, I used Inmemory DB instead of SQL server for demonstration proposes, Db configuration should be changed to SQL server with SQLServer connection strings(as example- Azure SQL)
In a real-world app, it should be either a cloud-based SQL server or self-hosted with several replicas
Service doesn't have Auth and permissions validation logic to simplify the logic
The service doesn't have Logging logic to simplify the logic
Service doesn't have Exception handling/Exception conversion Middleware (to provide user-friendly error codes instead of 500 errors)
To not add User controller with Crud operations nonexisting User created during Wallet creation
In the implementation requests processing from all endpoints goes to IWalletService to not spend a lot of time on Service implementations but in the final solution Services and Repositories should be created per Domain object As example: Transactions should be managed by TransactionsRepository In the case of user model extension - user management should be performed within the UserRepository
There are several rest endpoints to communicate with the service:
POST: http://{host}/api/Wallet?currecny=USD
[currecny] - Wallet currency
"username": "string",
"email": "",
"passwordHash": "string",
"dateCreated": "2024-07-19T07:13:21.133Z"
Example response:
"id": 1,
"userId": "2d76fadc5c46069f955e4d9572f9beb2e19fe8617f6698ecdce32dddb56912e3",
"balance": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"frozen": false
GET http://{host}/api/Wallet/{userId}/{walletId}
GET http://{host}/api/Wallet/{userId}/
POST http://{host}/api/Wallet/{userId}/{walletId}/chage-funds
[Operation] Add/Remove
[Amount] Amount
[Timestamp] DateTime of the operation
"operation": Add, #Add/Remove
"amount": 55,
"timestamp": "2024-07-19T07:13:21.133Z"
Example response:
"id": 1,
"userId": "2d76fadc5c46069f955e4d9572f9beb2e19fe8617f6698ecdce32dddb56912e3",
"balance": 54,
"currency": "USD",
"frozen": false
GET http://{host}/api/Wallet/{userId}/{walletId}/transactions
POST http://{host}/api/Wallet/{userId}/{walletId}/freeze
POST http://{host}/api/Wallet/{userId}/freeze
## Middleware
* There CorrelationIdMiddleware
to request Third-party service CorrelationId/TransactionId from a 3-party system
* The real-world project should have permissions validation logic (as Ex: token based with token received from the Auth service)
All the endpoints are accessible via Swagger
The project can be run via docker:
docker build -t wallet-api -f Dockerfile .
Auto service scaling can performed via Kubernetes cluster configuration (3-5 instances with 70% CPU)
kubectl apply -f api-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f hpa.yaml