This project is a simple web application that showcases a 3D ball using the Three.js library. The ball can be interactively rotated by clicking and holding the mouse. The project also demonstrates the use of GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) for timeline-based animations and OrbitControls for camera manipulation.
You can try the live demo of the project by visiting the following link:
Demo - Link
- 3D Ball rendering using Three.js.
- Interactivity: Click and hold the mouse to rotate the ball.
- Smooth animations with GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform).
- Camera manipulation with OrbitControls.
Clone the repository:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd 3d-ball-app
Install dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install
Start the development server with Vite:
npm run dev
yarn dev
Open your web browser and visit the local development URL provided by Vite. Typically, it will be something like
Now you should be able to see and interact with the 3D ball application locally using Vite's development server.
The project uses the following technologies:
- Three.js - A popular JavaScript 3D library for rendering 3D objects in the browser.
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) - A powerful animation library for smooth and precise animations.
- Vite - A fast and lightweight development server.
- OrbitControls - A popular Three.js library for camera manipulation.
The 3D ball model used in this project is from the Three.js documentation: Three.js - SphereGeometry