Dependencies: none
TypeScript wrappers for treating 'Storage' instances (i.e. 'localStorage' type objects in browsers) like collections.
Provide an easy to setup wrapper for 'localStorage' which can be used throughout a project in place of localStorage and also:
- (work in progress) exposes changes to the underlying 'localStorage' object seamlessly (i.e. if a 3rd party library modifies 'localStorage', the objects/classes in this library should reflect those changes)
- provides meta-data tracking, such as:
- the total size of the data in 'localStorage'
- whether local storage is currently full
- history of added/removed items
- whether an item is a string or a stringified object
- callbacks to track when old items are removed due to local storage being full, useful for archiving old data
import MemoryStore = require("ts-local-storage-manager/local-store/MemoryStore");
import LocalStorageStore = require("ts-local-storage-manager/local-store/LocalStorageStore");
var store = LocalStorageStore.newTimestampInst(typeof window !== "undefined" ? localStorage : new MemoryStore(5000000));
var doJsonEncode = true; // supports objects as 'data', if false only strings, numbers, and booleans can be properly stored in the 'store'
var data = ...;
store.setItem("key-1234", data, doJsonEncode);
var result = store.getItem("key-1234", doJsonEncode);
A class which contains a group of other LocalStores and allows you to treat 'localStorage' like a group of collections.
Provide additional validation on top of existing 'StorageLike' or 'LocalStore' objects.
Provides a pure in-memory implementation of the interface exposed by 'localStorage' (i.e. lib.d.ts 'Storage').
Wrappers for accessing a strongly typed LocalStore key-value without having to retype the key each time you access it.
See the test/
directory for example usage of the functions in this project.