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data = [(' This movie is essentially a Disney-fied story of the Star Wars universe. Force Awakens was great, with a solid story, light humor and a feeling of Hope, you know, that whole underlying notion of the rebellion. Rogue One was a fantastic, gritty story that should the sacrifices people have made for the rebellion, to stand up and say We will fight you until this oppression stops. Last Jedi is none of these. The story wanders much like episodes 1-3, it relies way too much on humor, and though it starts off strong, with the exception of one or two points the story is weak.', '10'), (" Dissappointing film. Squandered opportunity. It's an ok modern sci-fi film for the superficial twitter generation, but as an installment of the Stars Wars opera, building emotion, engaging the audience's belief, it's utter dirge.", '20'), (' Rian Johnson, you suck', '10'), (' Still a fan of the expanded universe, and upset how it was discarded just for Disney can make more money by making these films in their vision.', 'ni'), (" This movie completely surprised me. When I walked in I thought I knew what I was getting. I knew what the questions were and the only mystery was how they would be answered. About 2/3 through the movie, the entire Star Wars universe changed for me. I didn't know what the questions were, let alone the answers. It was amazing.The sense of humor in this movie is much drier than previous Star Wars movies, and that really worked for me.Also, this movie also wrestles with questions of legacy that is a little meta, but very welcome.", '50'), (' All the good characters are just wrong. The new characters are a Marry sue and her stupid cronies. All the men are portrayed as bumbling fools and the women are just bad at leadership. Yes, the visuals are good but even the sword fights are just crap. Rest in peace Carrie Fisher.', '10'), (' After two showings, this movie remains a confusing and bloated mess. The plot pivots jarringly from whatever setup The Force Awakens provided in an effort to "subvert expectations" and ends up not being able to satisfactorily explain itself along those lines. Rian Johnson seems to simply change things just to be different from TFA and provides little rhyme or reason for those changes. The characters are provided no explicable motivation for any of the actions they take and pure stupidity seems to be the central theme of their behavior. There are scenes that invoke painful memories of the prequels and then do nothing to salvage themselves.J.J. Abrams will have a lot of work ahead to salvage this trilogy - the first two installments almost seem to be two separate movies at this point.', '20'), (" Then humor in this movie is just ridiculous. Unreasonable and not fitting in the moments it's used. Rian Johnson has destroyed this movie and should never have been hired to direct this film. He uses the wrong humor at the worst times, doesn't give certain people the roles they deserve, and finally, he makes the plot of the movie one big space race, which could have been dealt with at the very beginning.", '20'), (' From the reviews I have read it seems most people are upset that it did not do the original 3 justice and let down all the die hard fans... because they did not like the fact that this movies story did not follow their version of the story/ how they hoped it would play out. Much like in the film, everyone saw their plan going one way, but irrational decisions lead to failure after failure. Let all the people involved in creating the film tell you a story, and check your preconceived notions at the door. I would give the movie between an 85-90% but I\'m giving it 5 stars to balance out the shills that gave it a 1/2 star "because it didn\'t play out exactly how I wanted it to in my head!!!!"', '50'), (' Best Star Wars movie since the original trilogy!', '50'), (' It was good but there were some uncertain pointsAnd Ray beyond Yoda', '40'), (' This movie is beyond this 5 star rating.', '50'), (' It was a great movie that left you wanting more at the end. I cant wait for the next one to come out.', '50'), (" Hello. So I just decided to make an account on RT.I am not a bot, and as far as I know, I'm not Russian.This movie really went against everything I held dear in this franchise.From a moviemaking standpoint, it's a competent film, plagued with bad pacing and some convoluted and convenient writing. It's ok. It's mostly engaging and entertaining. The visuals are great. The diverse cast was a positive in TFA, but here they're all wasted... Some of their stories could have been left out and nothing would have changed. But the story is an absolute disaster. Ignoring everything that came before it, just to have specific story beats, that are not worth it. it ruined heroes, it ruined legacy.This is why I think it deserves to be at the bottom. May the Force be with you.", '05'), (' The Last Jedi does a poor job with its story, it doesnt not stand up as its own movie and does a worse job as a sequel in this new trilogy. There are just numerous plot holes that never get explained or even make sense in the movie. It has some good moments but just too many awful moments.', '20'), (' Failure was a thematic necessity in this film, just like it was in Empire. Our main heroes learned that love for each other in the throes of catastrophe is all that\'s worth fighting for. Yoda says it, "a most courageous teacher, failure is." They don\'t win just because they are good, just like Luke couldn\'t defeat Vader in Empire just because he was good. And that doesn\'t render their efforts irrelevant... through all that failure, they (and we) still dare to have hope in the end? That was powerful and it dared the audience to have hope in the real world that constantly beating us down.', '50'), (" At first The Last Jedi is deceptively pleasing, thanks to an impressive opening space battle and a lack of predictability, which hampered the enjoyment of The Force Awakens.Unfortunately, it goes on an increasingly rapid and deep descent into the all too familiar territory of ticking off items on the Hollywood virtue signalling checklist. Most instances of this are so jarring that they ruin the immersive cinema experience for any politically conscious viewer. Attacks on The One Percent - check. Attacks on capitalism - check. Attacks on animal sporting spectacles as a form of animal cruelty - check. Strong female character needlessly debasing a male hero, in a sign of feminist empowerment - check. Character made to feel guilty about eating meat - check. The clumsiest of all movie subplots is the vehicle for most of these checklist items, and could've been avoided entirely were it not for the aforementioned male hero debasement. Keeping the hero and the audience in the dark about the escape plan is lazy story telling at its worst.Despite Daisy Ridley doing an even better acting job this time round, the film ruined Rey's character - she had no significant character development beyond The Force Awakens and they removed the mystique behind her character with an innocuous line regarding her ordinary parentage. She's fought Kylo Ren to a stalemate twice now, and it seems any hope of an interesting development in their relationship has been quashed, as Snoke has been unceremoniously removed, and they're cemented as the leaders of their respective sides.Finn's character had so much potential, and that has been stripped as well. That you could've taken his character out of the film entirely, without influencing the outcome at all, demonstrates how pointless he has become. The ultimate noble sacrifice during the siege on the planet could have provided his character with some redemption, but even that had to be spoiled by the Rose character, in a selfish act of a affection, that had no reasonable basis in plot developments, and could have very easily led to the immediate destruction of the last remnants of the rebels. Yes, the plucky Rose, who has no other distinguishable, let alone redeemable, characteristics beyond assisting in meeting the desired diversity quota. The character of Kylo Ren moved beyond theForce users no longer need ships to fly through space. Force users have foolishly been wasting bandwidth by communicating via hologram, when apparently all they had to use was astral projection. Every subsequent space battle in the Star Wars universe should, logically, now consist solely of using the almighty light-speed kamikaze run. *picardfacepalm.jpg*The comedy in the film is forced and uninspired, reminiscent of the same mess that Disney infuse into their Marvel movies, rather than the clever delivery of Alan Tudyk's K-2SO in Rogue One.There's so much more awfulness to unpack; the lack of a menacing villain, disappointing direction for Ben, dismissal of The Force Awakens, the nature of Luke's death. This movie is a steaming pile of garbage that, like The Phantom Menace, I'll never bother watching again. It's unlikely that I'll see future installments at the cinema before going through some reviews.", '05'), (' Disappointing. So tired of liberal agendas creeping into entertainment. "Save the animals!" "Men are dumb and weak." "Women are strong and wise." Each male had a female "handler." Rose tased Finn. Leia tased Poe. Rey beats Luke and Kylo. And a porg corrects Chewie\'s carnivorous ways. And Disney wanted to kill off the evil white patriarchs: Han and Luke. Agenda?', '05'), (' It\'s finally here-- The Last Jedi-- and after two years of waiting, it looks like we got a more than fulfilling result. The film picks up where The Force Awakens ended with Rey, Chewie and R2D2 on Achh-To with Luke and the rest of the Rebels trying to escape from the First Order. It echoes The Empire Strikes Back in some ways, one of them being that it\'s essentially a story about survival and defence, not attack. The stakes are set high and right from the first scene, we are plunged into action.The Dark Side, lead by Supreme Leader Snoke is shown getting stronger with each passing second and the Resistance is seen struggling to keep up their fight but hope is kept alive even in the toughest of times. Some early losses in the film set a somber tone and weaken the Resistance fairly, allowing the enemy to take advantage. But the Dark Side isn\'t perfectly focused either. With an inefficient General and a rather conflicted warrior at the face of it, their decisions don\'t always seem to be the best (as usual) but due to the sheer power they possess in this film in terms of artillery and manpower, the fight between the two sides makes for an exciting watch. Talking about conflict, we see it rising in the minds of almost all of the key characters in the film. The many different layers to everyone\'s psyche are explored and that\'s always something to love. Kylo, shown previously being torn between the Light and the Dark and having to carry the burden of being his own father\'s killer is more disturbed than ever and even Rey, tired of not knowing what her lineage is faces some moments of weakness. To add to this, the two are shown to be "connected" by the Force (the reason behind which is later explained) and this just increases the complications. In one rather cathartic scene, we see the possibility of redemption in Kylo but that is short lived and despite an inexplicable bond set up between the two characters, they resume their positions on opposite sides of the battlefield soon afterwards. Luke himself is an old and grumpy man with no interest in what is happening in the galaxy and it takes a fair amount of coaxing and our ever-so-cheeky R2D2, pulling a "cheap trick" in a really sweet throwback moment (you\'ll see), to get him to agree to train Rey. In a later scene, we see another character from the past, a Jedi Master whose name begins with the second last letter of the alphabet, make a small appearance and it warms our hearts to know that everyone and everything really is connected and those ties remain even after the physical selves cease to exist. However there remains a lot of tension in Luke\'s mind and a whole lot of back-and-forth about whether or not he should involve himself, even if indirectly, in the war again, takes place there. Haunted by what he believes is his failure as a master and his creation, Kylo Ren, he is never fully committed to what he is doing. We are told how Kylo Ren came to be and why he turned to the Dark. But in the end, Luke, very grandly and in a very unique way, regains his place as a Jedi hero.One of the dialogues in the film where he tells Rey that things are not going to go as planned runs true through every turn of this movie. Learning from The Force Awakens, this plot was created starkly different. Nothing seems to work out and nothing comes easy. The film has three parallel stories-- one with Luke and Rey, one with Finn and Rose Tico and the other with Poe and Leia trying to protect their army and the plans of all of these people fail when they needed to work the most. Even though it rendered the subplots practically useless and is one of the biggest reasons behind the big divide between the fans and the critics about how the film was (the fans disliking the movie, for a change), it\'s a take that I liked as it made the story seem more real because not everything goes according to plan in life. Rose is a new addition to the cast and is similar to Finn\'s character in that she too is an underdog who rises to glory through her will. Some other characters should have been given meatier roles like Maz Kanata and Captain Phasma, whose potentials weren\'t fully tapped. Hopefully the former shows up more strongly in Episode IX. One of the biggest questions from the previous installment was about Rey\'s parents. That is answered but it\'s not what was expected and even more frustratingly we don\'t know if it\'s completely true because we don\'t see anything play out in any scene, clearly, but instead just hear someone tell her about her family. I wish we\'d have been given more of a definite revelation, in this film, like the one from the "I am your father" scene from its twin in the original trilogy. If the answer is true however, it would make the \'force\' a more open power-- something that can be wielded by anyone and not just a special group of people.The film has been made funnier than the others in the saga but in just the right way and only when needed. After all, the events are very grave in nature and emotion rules stronger throughout. Since the story references the past more than The Force Awakens, it reminds us of what used to be and how the lives of the people we know have changed and those ignited memories create just the slightest tinge of nostalgia. Every time the Resistance takes a blow and boy do they take a lot of those, it hurts a bit more because it really does feel like we\'re losing a part of our family and the fact that the dashing Han Solo is missing doesn\'t help either. One such loss right at the end was especially heartbreaking. Star Wars just isn\'t Star Wars without some of the characters that have died recently but I guess that\'s life. Hopefully this person will return as a force-ghost in the last of this trilogy. The death was beautifully sentimental though as it mirrored one of the very first scenes we ever see of this character, symbolically closing the circle of life, so to speak.The Resistance is left lessened in number but \'reborn\' as Luke says in the end. Their future is uncertain but they are safe, for now, and the final showdown in Episode IX will be one for the ages.', '40'), (' Star Wars - The Last Jedi (weakest Star Wars till date)Since the unexpected and supremely brilliant Force Awakens came out, I\'ve had really high expectations from the modern-day reincarnation of Star Wars. The Force Awakens relied on the nostalgia of The New Hope and it worked really well. Considering that dramatically Episode IV was so sorted, I think that this was the perfect way to re-introduce Star Wars to a modern audience. The follow-up off-spin too was great. It was deliberate, thoughtful but most importantly focused and not shying to dwell into drama. Within this context comes Star Wars - The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi, unfortunately, is a mess, though a technically brilliant mess but a mess nonetheless. I\'ll tackle the issues one by one. It\'s literally death by a thousand cuts for this film. It doesn\'t do things catastrophically wrong, but it screws up with many small but pivotal things at once. 1a) THE PLOT - or rather the lack of it. Like my brother stated, "jahan se shuru hoti hai, wahin pe khatam hoti hai", and I couldn\'t agree more. Characters don\'t move forward in any meaningful way. The plot too is pretty much non-existent. All it does it tie up some thread plots but there is a serious lack of forward momentum. Whereas, The Empire Strikes Back (the BEST Star Wars, period) ended with "I AM YOUR FATHER" moment, resulting in one of those 2nd in a trilogy film, which have a brilliant climax and yet sets the next one. The Last Jedi, however, does not have an end aim. The climax is non-existent, and the stakes just don\'t feel high enough. What exactly is the end-game? 1b) THE THREAD INVOLVING FINN AND ROSE (Spoilers) - So there is a full 30-35-minute thread dedicated to these two where they are tasked with infiltrating the Orders\' Main Ship and to disable it\'s tracking device. So far so good. They go to this planet, in order to find a hacker, have an elongated chase sequence, get the wrong guy, board the main ship, get caught and basically do nothing! So, you have 35+ minutes of screen time which literally adds nothing to the core story or fits in the larger schema of things. It only introduces the romance between Finn and Rose, some random liberal top1% propaganda, PETA animal cruelty campaign and that\'s basically about it. Considering the amount of time spent in the Force Awakens to establish Finn as a character, to him basically doing nothing meaningful in this film was a downer. 2) LACK OF DRAMA - The film had so much of dramatic potential, but the writers just squandered it. The film lacks a gut-punching scene or any scene which evokes some kind of an emotion. It\'s decently executed, but supremely generic. How does Rey realize her potential? The Empire Strikes Back had a whole sequence dedicated to Luke being stranded and figuring out how to master the force so that he can escape the planet and join the battle. His motivations are set, and his actions have agency, Luke goes through the struggle before becoming a master. Rey just does it, goes through no hardship, she just gets it! Her character too is supremely one dimensional. Poe aka new age Han Solo lacks any kind of personality. What The Last Jedi doesn\'t get is the fact that the original trilogy, not only played with archetypes (the rebel, the outlaw etc) but made sure that they were fitted with an equally charming personality. In this movie, however, everyone sans Luke lacks personality in their characters. They are just harbingers of actions with no purpose and nothing else in between. It\'s all too generic, the plot, the motivations, the set-pieces. 3) LACK OF HEROISM - The film deviates from its \'western\' roots to something which is well, universal as well as generic. You do get a feeling that this is more of a feminine film (female commanders/fighters all of a sudden), which is fine. But then (spoiler alert), fleeing instead of leading the charge and not doing something of consequence is not exactly I say \'dramatic\'. Where is the dramatic sacrifice (apart from one scene)? Where is the heroism? And the most heroic guy (Poe) gets reprimanded for it! Where is the risk-taking? And where is the audacity? There is a massive undertone of feminism and equal representation which is fine as long as it is not at odds with the well-being of the film. Give everyone a chance but not at the expense of the plot. It almost feels like a quota system with equal representation at work. Ok, so let\'s give our female lead a scene, follow it up with a scene of the black guy and mix him with a South-East Asian. Now, get the female queen and then the legendary Luke......rinse/repeat and everyone go out happy. As a result, what suffers are the characters. No one is given enough time to cook, no plot thread is taken to its logical conclusion. It\'s corporate flattening at its worst. This flattening strips the film with any kind of personality it could have possessed. Even the set-pieces are generic. It starts off well, but then you have your basic CGI powered, pretty looking scenes where people hurl swords and lasers at each other. Where is the dramatic action, the heroic moment equivalent of Luke firing the impossible shot to destroy Death Star or I am your Father moment? What is the setup of the action scene? Rogue One in this regard did a fantastic job of it. It had a plot, the end game, heroism, sacrifice and brilliant set pieces all in equal measure. The action here is devoid of drama and urgency. Even (SUPER DUPER SPOILER) Luke dies in a supremely uneventful way. Like C\'mon. Luke is Sci-Fi action hero incarnate. The destroyer of Death Star and Vader and you kill him like this? His death should have been bombastic, instead, it\'s a whimper. All he does is brood and milk lactating aliens :/ You just don\'t screw with the character of Luke Skywalker like this.... case closed. For Rey, what\'s her heroism? She can lift Rocks!! Great! She thinks she can change a bad boy in her own image, even better! As one of the viewers on Metacritic said, "Here\'s a stat for you... BB-8 kills more ppl in this film than Luke & Snoke combined lol! This is one of the worst Star Wars films ever!"4) KYLO REN - "Jhaatu hai yeh banda", I exclaimed as I saw n\'th number of his close-up shot. Seriously, this character is THE WEAKEST LINK in the film. Vader inspired dread, Skywalker inspired Heroism, this guy just inspires pity! All he does is sulk and cry and behave like a baby. How can this character be taken seriously let alone villainous? And here is the crux, the villains don\'t seem villainous enough. With these people at command, who will fear the Order? Kylo Ren is just pitiful. 5) MISPLACED HUMOR - Star Wars usually have had its share of humour. The banter between C3PO and R2D2, Han Solo\'s one-liners. But they were treated in an almost Shakespearean way, i.e. there were scenes set aside for comic relief. Here, unfortunately, jokes come at the most inopportune dramatic moment. Villains lose their power when their action ends in humour, or Luke his heroism when (spoiler) after being attacked from multiple Tie-Fighters and AT-Ts shrugs dust from his shoulders. It just kills the emotion. This technique is called \'BATHOS\' and just like most of the Marvel films sans Guardians, it doesn\'t work here as well. Too forced, stripping the dramatic moment of its efficacy. All in all, The Last Jedi is one of the weakest Star Wars movie. The amount of pivotal things it gets wrong is truly baffling. Random Left Wing propaganda and feminist undertones to literally everything were not required at all. That\'s not what you expect from a Star Wars film, especially when it has been preceded by the excellent Rogue One and The Force Awakens. The film is generic, too generic in fact. It was an excellent opportunity to take the series to a bold new direction, but unfortunately like Luke\'s X Wings in Empire Strikes Back, this film is stuck in a swamp. Hope the force is strong with the next instalment and I dare say with it possessing a bit more heroism and pathos. P.S. - The owl creatures are cute, but c\'mon, they gotta serve a purpose!', '05'), (' I loved Star Wars: The Last Jedi. There were so many incredible twists and turns that I did not expect and that makes a movie surprising and enjoyable to watch, I would rather not know what to expect or what is coming next. The actors were all placed in challenging positions and they delivered great performances.Side note - The audience score is definitely corrupted for this film. There are so many reviews, where user accounts have been deleted. I have never seen so many illegitimate reviews.', '50'), (' Awful! Just awful...completely invalidated every storyline in episode VII. No way in the SW universe that Luke would become what is represented in this film. Not to mention how on earth has Leia honed her force abilities that she is now able to fly tru the vacuum of space ala "Mary Poppins" Snoke, the almighty mystery is a nothing, bad a$$ Phasma is a nothing, nothing left of rebellion (all that is left can comfortably fit on the millennium falcon!) Rey is a nobody ( uh.... then why , as Maz asked in VII did the light saber call to her?) to have fans discuss ad nauseam, her mystery... only to make a joke of it? How can you call this a Star Wars movie without a single light saber dual? Canto Bite....literally bites. Waste of screen time. John and Daisy have such incredible onscreen chemistry! They have totally different stories...not together at all, except near end ... and by the looks of it, their budding romance is over too! Have been a fan since 1977, seen them all over and over again., this will not be on my list to rewatch..... just hated the story. There is a time and place to make the change over to the next generation and all the planned spin offs .... this was not that time. Hopefully this posts without too many typos.... can\'t go back and proof read.', '10'), (' I went in with high hopes. I was a huge fan of Rian Johnson\'s Looper, and enjoyed The Force Awaken\'s, and The Last Jedi trailers looked amazing. The film didn\'t get off to a good start, with a "your mom" joke right out the gate, followed by some incredibly unrealistic space combat. (apparently you can drop bombs in space) But really, Tie bombers in Empire Strikes back were more efficient. The film continued with realism breaking stunts, poor dialogue and painfully poor humor. Then it got worse. The plotting was horrible, the writing choices by Johnson hurt. I was offended when I left the theater. I won\'t spoil anything, but the big twist is that there is no twist. Hopefully they retcon this entire piece of garbage. But don\'t take my word for it. Go watch it for yourself.', '05'), (' Best to worst1. Empire strikes back2. Return of the Jedi3. A New Hope 4. Clone Wars movie5. Revenge of the Sith6. Phantom Menace7. Attack of the Clones8. Space Balls (if it were a Star Wars film)9. Ewok spin-off films 10. Star Wars Christmas special 11. Anything relative to Star Wars 12. The Last Jedi (aka The Last Turd that I will buy from Disney) shoe frickin wee flush episode VIII down the toilet-o. Episode IX and anything Star Wars that is by Disney from here out is screwed from this crap film.', '05'), (' Total SJW bulls**t. Anther over-diversified cast of hollow characters that was sh***ed out by Disney. Only pleasing to beta male libtards and feminizes.', '05'), (' I am no bot, after seeing TLJ I was forced to create an account to put in my 2 cents. This movie was not handled properly. Im all for introducing new characters and taking the story in a new direction. But sheesh, can we at least give Luke (the main character of the franchise!) a proper good bye?, that man was not Luke.', '05'), (' Possibly the best in the series. Loved how they approach the flaws in the previous movie and prequels by having Luke himself address the Jedi and their failings. A lot gets explained so as to provide some continuity.', '50'), (" It's not a perfect movie, but it is definitely fresher and more entertaining than its predecessors.", '40'), (' The actors were fine. The art was fine. The plot, now we know why Carrie Fischer died. The movie felt like they targeted a 3 hour runtime and was working to drag it out by adding twist after twist after twist.The Last Jedi starts out okay. At the spot where the movie should have ended, the whole movie takes a twist and decides to keep on going. Everything after the twist just absolutely ruins the whole movie. Basically, they made the movie too long. I can\'t believe there can be an Episode 9 after this. The plot of The Last Jedi was poorly conceived. The story is like a rehash of "Return of the Jedi" but now it is 2 dozen people versus a galactic army. Nothing makes sense anymore.If there is a conclusion to be made about The Last Jedi, we have evidence that no one managing Star Wars has any idea or direction to go. When you want to make a trilogy, you should have a direction for all three films. If you don\'t have a direction for any sequels, then don\'t plan ahead saying there will be a trilogy.', '05'), (' [SPOILER ALERT]: Believe it or not, the force is strong in this one! What I think is most appealing about this movie is the Character development. We find our main protagonist Rey and antagonist Kylo with big questions about their position in this galactic conflict. Their interactions and flirtation with ambivalence was presented during several scenes where they contact each other via the force. By the end of the film these two characters are tempted to change sides, but ended defining themselves as light and dark force users, respectively. Luke Skywalker, on the other hand, was turned apart about his role in the corruption and rise of Kylo Ren, therefore choses to die in solitude and in shame. Full of regret, we witness a sour version of the jolly character that Gen Xers learned to care and love in the original installments of the story. Luke resolves his internal conflict and realizes that he can\'t rescue Kylo Ren from his fate. Luke goes on and dies a hero\'s death, and lives up to his legendary status of savior of the galaxy after pulling one of the coolest Jedi Trick ever shown on the big screen. Finn and Rose were other characters that spends time in a side quest that was fruitless, and pointless some might add. From my perspective, this sub-arc allowed the introduction of character Rose, who was portrayed as intrepid woman that believes and venerates heroes, but grieves her heroic sister\'s death. On the other hand, coward Finn who attempted to dump the rebel forces during the beginning of the film, ended founding the courage that he lacked by attempting to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Yes, Finn tries to justify his actions as a selfless act to find Rei and protect her from the First Order, but come on, who many times did he tried to pull that stunt in the previous movie. I believe that in the end, Finn could find genuine courage on his own. Rose intervention in Finn\'s crazy stunt allow her to show how two people can grow together in the face of adversity. Poe also found himself almost castrated after his ship blows up and is demoted to Captain (and that kids, it\'s why nobody shared the original plan with him in the first place). Happy trigger Poe found himself in a vulnerable position that led him to make several mistakes during the film, e.g. sending Finn and Rose in a wild goose chase. At the end, Poe learned humility as he reflected on his flaws along with Leia. Characters like DJ and Snoke were flat characters in a way, but served to the story. Snoke offered extreme perspectives (going balls deep to the dark side of the force), while DJ\'s character represented the middle grounds and gray areas intrinsic to war. That said, the other aspect of this movie that really stands out is the "out with the old, in with the new" philosophy. Not only Kylo\'s character endorsed this philosophy after killing off his Supreme Leader, but is also the general sense in the movie. Scenes like force ghost Yoda burning the ancient tree, where supposedly the old texts were guarded, is other action that speaks to breaking old cycles to clear the way for new venues in the movie franchise. We got a lot of nostalgia from Episode XII, down to blowing up yet a "bigger Death Star." In this movie, Episode VIII offers an Anti-nostalgic, quasi-nihilistic attitude that most fans found offensive. An act of sacrilege that disrespected the legacy of previous installments some might say. Lots of people\'s hearts were broken during the process, because they hold dear old Star Wars movies. From my perspective, this makes this film even more important in the franchise, and will lead the way to even more exciting adventures in future films. It\'s safe to say that the original trilogy had a decent conclusion. Stories usually don\'t go on to the extent that we witness the fate of our heroes. This is what happens when we want more of a good thing. But Star Wars movies makes a lot of money. Adding to the saga in yet another trilogy calls for desperate measures to make more space for what is yet to come. Episode VIII allowed the character and the franchise to mature and extend for new generations. Hard as it maybe, the Star Wars audience wasn\'t ready to grow up like their movie did. I acknowledge that I always enjoyed a good Star Wars movie, but I\'m not a fan of the franchise. I almost always try to focus on the elements within a movie to appreciate its artistic values (not to say that I\'m totally objective on the subject, given that I think is almost impossible to anyone to have an objective review). I think that Last Jedi has a lot of merit from an artistic point of view, and that many will definitively enjoy the movie.', '50'), (' Terrible. Barely any action, bad acting. The 3 people i went with fell asleep duringthe movie. Unbelievale how they are destroying this series i loved. They need to make sure they fit their racial and woman quota and dont worry about the plot or about any fighting scenes. 152 minutes runtime with 8 minutes of saber fighting? So what is star wars now? Itsf full of scenes and characters that dont matter. The black guy had no significance in the movie, yet had the most time on screen. Dont waste your money and support movies like this. With 800 million dollar budget thats the best they could do? Stop grading star wars with a curve and actually criteque them for their dismal efforts. 100$ that the next star wars will tank and end the series, no one will contiue tobpay to watch these lackluster films. The only character they have right is the new orders new supreme. leader.', '10'), (" I find it's lack of nostalgia most disturbing. To be honest Th pores were amazing but most else sucked.", '30'), (' Disney ruined Star Wars, terrible and a shame', '05'), (' This is the worst what could be hapened with my favorite saga', '05'), (" Meh, they killed all the interesting characters of the franchise. It looks like snoke is the strongest Jedi user we've ever seen and he is killed by a silly trick. Oh and apparently Masters can telehologram themselves across the galaxy. Why didnt they think of that before the clone wars... Apparently being old isn't a problem anymore either.", '25'), (' Oh my God! Most of the time I was watching the movie I never felt it was a "Star Wars" movie, but then some elements came up and reminded me it was! I hate the disneyfication of the franchise( expect for rogue one which was very serious and could of been even more darker if only disney would of let it), I hate the stupid and childish humor put into the movie, and the story in my opinion was pretty boring( especially the casino part). The characters were under developed and boring... In overall i prefer watching a Jar Jar Binks movie than this one."Betrayed I felt" (Cit. Yoda)', '05'), (' This is the worst StarWars movie ever. The only good movie Disney has made was Rogue One and Kathleen Kennedy tried her hardest to ruin it.', '05'), (" Remember Luke Skywalker ? He was the humble young man that suffered great tragedy and hardship, but who through great heroism, friendship, mysticism and a harnessing of his innate gifts, triumphed over evil and brought about peace in the universe. He was a man that with Leia, Han, and others, inspired us, raised our spirits high above the mundane and taught us that good truly can overcome evil.Yeah, well, his efforts and his adventures were a waste of time. Han died, the universe was quickly reset right back to where it was, and Luke became a cynical misanthropic hermit suckling blue milk from the tit of a giant space walrus for breakfast on a desert planet.Basically that's what this film tells us.So why should we care about these characters, new and old? Even if they win, things will only going to be reset once again.All the things that the previous film teased us with - the mysteries, the unanswered questions - were left unanswered, killed off willy nilly, or relegated to pointless subplots in Casino prequel land. Instead, what was crammed down our throats was the message that women are better, men are fools, and that Star Wars is a bit of a joke anyway hence the self-parodying and endless misplaced gags.But the biggest crime of this film was to reassemble the original cast and not even give them a scene together. Yeah, yeah, Luke and Lea had 30 seconds of stilted dialogue at the end, but by that point we were so bludgeoned by insipidity for the 2.5 hour running time, all we cared about was when it would end so we could go to the toilet.The only thing this film had going for it were the special effects, art, costumes, a couple of poignant scenes and of course the music. But without any substance, even John Williams's music felt like so much nothing,", '05'), (" I feel the hate this movie has gotten from fans are from the hardcore fans that disapprove of change. Incidentally, these same fans are probably the ones that complained about Force Awakens having a lack of change. Ergo, you really can't please fans. I personally see this as one of the best entries in Star Wars. I embrace the change to the status quo and the attempt to break the rules of Star Wars to enable a new order and a new line of characters to run with the story. I agree with Luke that it is time for the Jedi to end and this film does a spectacular job building up to the supposed end of the Jedi. Every character has some great on-screen moments. There's a scene I enjoy in regards to Leia, though it does feel like a bit of an ass-pull. The internal conflict within Kylo Ren makes up for his one-dimensional nature in the previous film. The good guys not all being on the same page to a point of conflict is actually cool to see. The bad guys, nearing the end, butting heads as they do makes me think there will be more conflict like that in the following film. Overall, this film does a lot to change this from your generic Star Wars to something on the level of Empire Strikes back, and I may personally like this better. I'm giving this a 5 because it is ludicrous for the audience score to be 55% when this film is among the best of the year and one of the best Star Wars flicks to date. Haters need to step back and ask why they disapprove of the changes being made and if that is something really worth getting upset about.", '50'), (" I very much enjoyed the movie although there were some things I didn't particularly care for. I'll keep those to myself for now to avoid spoiling anything for anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet and stumbles on this.", '50'), (' It was enjoyable as a standalone space sci-fi action movie, but it has horrible story telling and waaaay to many dumb writing decisions and plot holes.', '25'), (" Love it. It was refreshing, fun, exciting and unexpected. Fin's side journey felt a little too Star Wars: Rebels for me, but that's about my only minor gripe. The cinematography was also pretty damned epic", '50'), (' Certainly flawed, but a great entry in the series. One of the best.', '45'), (' I really wanted to leave a 1,000+ page review that really means a 5,000 word review on The Last Jedi but I will not. Every bad line of dialog, plot hole and bone headed mess of a story has already been highlighted by the viewers. I left the viewing Thursday night disappointed, angry, and confused. The critics had again mislead me. I thought yes!! The Last Jedi is going to be an excellent film, but from the first prank call scene on, I knew I was witnessing something unnaturally bad. The film is an absolute mess. Rian Johnson really demonstrates more than anything else that he is completely tone deaf when it come to Star Wars. Like I said, so many fans have ripped the obvious.I will rip the not so obvious. As Bryan is a USC film grad he would have been "educated" in film and more specifically what makes a masterpiece a masterpiece, and how you can be gud director! George Lucas stated that a great influence in his original trilogy was the Japanese master Akira Kurosawa. Great, except we had little Rain/Ryan/Brain/Rain or whatever his name is ripping Rashohmon. The three different visions of why Kylo turned to the dark side is a blatant rip from what is considered to be Kurosawa\'s absolute masterpiece. But wait Ray laser sword beam (who really cares) is ever powerful and can read minds...great job little Rian! You are a gud movie maker. I really hope you never make a movie again you brain dead hack!I think the real reason I am so disappointed is that I know that Star Wars as an entertaining somewhat cohent franchise is dead. As they say though, all good things. At least I am in the golden age of television and for that i am grateful. RIP Star Wars and RIP Cinema! Good luck JJ!!!!!! Spoiler alert...you have no idea how to end this thing! #everymovieorseriesyouhaveevertriedtoendI want to make this very clear...I will never being seeing another Star Wars movie in theaters again.But hey we are all bots so............................................................', '05'), (' This movie has no respect for the Star Wars universe and the fans who grew up with the original 3 movies, so many problems, but the biggest one was making Luke a coward. I am truly in awe of this film, and not in a good way.', '05'), (" It's hard to imagine how this movie could be worse. The two worst characters in Star Wars history (Holdo and Rose) are completely unnecessary and contrived. A criminal waste of Luke Skywalker's last appearance.", '05'), (" Totally misuse and wrong direction with Luke !! Rey's 2 one hour lessons !!! Now she's a Jedi ? These guys (Disney+Rian+JJ+Kathy) DONT HAVE A CLUE! Starwars in officially DEAD!", 'ni'), (' HALF OF THIS MOVIE SHOULD HAVE BEEN CUT OUT. Insanely boring. Cheap jokes. The plot sucks. Do not pay to see it', '05'), (' SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS OMG! BRILLIANT! Best star wars by far! Give Mark Hamil and Adam Driver some oscar nominations. It was gripping, funny, full of twists! Seen it three times and it just gets better. SPOILERS AHEAD: finnamd rose plotline was less interesting the second time around but I love that Star Wars has some social commentary. Best part of the whole movie was the showdown.\xa0 Luke went out like a champ. It was epic!\xa0 The showdown was perfect! He showed kylo how powerful he really was, humiliated him, and did it as true representation of what a jedi should be.\xa0 It was better than I imagined and it even reminded me of the sarlaac pit scene because of the tension and Lukes confidence.\xa0 Plus his whole han solo line! One last F U to Kylo Ren.\xa0 Beautiful.\xa0 He comes full circle, finds inner peace and becomes one with the force. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.', '50'), (' awful movie with no cohesive plot, horrible writing/humor, no continuity, and no semblance of star wars mythology. even as just a blockbuster and not a star wars movie, it was incredibly boring and too long with no good action scenes, pointless characters with no development, and terrible storytelling.', '10'), (' Star Wars needed this film!!!', '50'), (" I'm going to preface this with saying I was at a 40th bday party for one of my longest friends and had imbibed about a 4th of a 5th of scotch when I typed this last night. I debated sending it since it kind of rambles but I think there was just enough scotch in my system to make it I bit more enjoyable to read. Yeah, I might need to make a rotten tomato review. The longer I think about it the more I dislike it. There some pretty cool things in the Last Jedi but the things I didn't like far out weigh the good stuff. Pogs - No point at all. No Snoke backstory, just the most powerful person in the galaxy then cut in half. To me this was the most annoying part of the movie. That and Timothy Zahn wrote a much better sequel trilogy that Disney bought and then curb checked it right in front of all the true Jedi fans. (Slightly still bitter) I'm also still going with Lucas wanted Darth Jar Jar but I would do just about anything for 4 billion dollars too george. Also agree with you. No reason to make Luke Skywalker a Pussy but leave it to Disney. My childhood hero is now a depressed washed up has been that milks aliens on a far off planet named after a sneeze (Could have left that sea creature tit milking scene completely out, the directors cut probably has him giving her a motorboat and sucking straight off the areoles) and the most bad ass hero of the movie is a pretentious purple haired bitty who 9/11ed admiral Ackabars ship (who died a way too uneventful death after keeping the rebellion going for 40 years) at hyper speed like United 175 through snokes ship. She just feels too forced into the movie. Why not have Ackbar sacrifice himself? (Oh yeah lobster privilege)Both my 7 and 9yr olds NOW think Luke Skywalker is a Stupid meanie. F you Disney!!!And the whole Leia getting sucked into the vacuum of space and force-glow pulling herself back onto the ship. WTF was that????? I've seen event horizon I know what happens to bodies in the vacuum of space. Laura Dern could have discussed it with Sam Neill while they were digging up dinosaurs. The whole going to the casino to find a code breaker that they saw but didn't talk to and settled for BDT who thought he was shooting the Usual Suspects 2 that turned them in to the first order which didn't really add anything to the story at all and wasted a good 20min that could have been used to tell snokes backstory. Except it did add some horse things that Disney will market to kids and that the rich casino owners are pricks. Even if they run the free world. Ok Disney you don't like trump we get it. And that is all we get of Phasma? (Maybe she'll be back for the Christmas special)The whole force mind melting thing like we are watching the wrath of Kahn. Yeah not having it, wrong movie. And since this movie is like three days after the force awakens how did the new republic die out so quickly. The capital planet is blown up and in a matter of days the resistance is down to Poe, Finn, Billie Lourde and like 4 others. And finally we could have at least had a flashback of Rey remembering her tweeker parents selling her for a hit to the junk dealer on Jakku (and really, if Jakku is that rough of a place and he was that cold of an alien he could have gotten a lot more out of Dasiy Ridley than a few junk trinkets, gold bikini anyone)", '05'), (' Much better than TFW, i love Rose Tico', '50'), (" An original story which puts the main characters in difficult positions, over come then, and introduce new elements with John Williams' iconic music in the background. I loved it even more the second time.", '50'), (' This was a waste of time. The humor was a cringe feast. The plot was surprisingly bad. What was the purpose of fin? Anyone?', 'ni'), (' This movie sucks. All the interesting characters die and all the sucky characters get to live. No point in seeing the next one now.', '05'), (" Its a shitty Marvel movie in Star Wars drag, I'm not surprised.", '05'), (' I cannot believe how disappointing this film was. The plots were silly, the characters were out of place, too many (not particularity funny) attempts at humor. All this ruins the continuity set up by the previous films. In short, it does not seem like a Star Wars film, particularity a main saga film. I can see them "changing things up" for their "Star Wars Story" franchise, but the main saga should at least feel like a SW film.', '15'), (' bland, boring, this is not star wars for me.', 'ni'), (' Star Wars has gone full SJW and ruined the franchise. Wish the empire would just wipe out the rebels and put an end to this travesty.', 'ni'), (" Cool special effects but ruined through horrible writing and huge plot holes that are not consistent with the Star Wars universe. Movie is too long with subplots that literally have NO effect on the story whatsoever and drag a bad story down even more. It's almost like watching 2 bad movies at the same time, topped of with crazy disrespectful treatment of beloved characters for good measure. And i truly truly wanted to love this movie so bad. Very disappointing.", '05'), (" Finally got to see The Last Jedi and I must say I was very disappointed. Everything was very familiar and I was not impressed with the story and in-consistency in the plot and subplots.I am not going to spoil it for anyone but just saying as a die hard, life long Star Wars fan I was very unhappy with how they are continuing the saga and the story they are trying to tell. The issue is that the elements that we loved are getting pushed aside by some 1 dimensional characters and a ton of special effects.It's about story, and the great thing about the original trilogy is that it was more about story because they couldn't afford fancy special affects.All in all it was a good movie, but I wouldn't call it great and if they keep this up it will bring a slow painful death to a great legacy.", '30'), (' The originals were the best. Not bad.', '30'), (" I am not a huge SW nerd and I tend to forget the story line and the characters in between episodes. I haven't even seen all (but I had seen VII)! I enjoyed Ep VIII because of the deep reflections on power and corruption. I liked the deep insights into the inner core human beings, exemplified by Luke and Rey and Kylo. I liked the saber fight in the fantastic red room. And a lot of good humor along the way. As with regards to the fate of Luke, I am fine as long as there will be new heroes to admire in the episodes to comes. And it seems there will be some.", '40'), (" Quite sadly ruined star wars, i'd put it far under the prequels", '10'), (" Haters gonna hate, but this was a true original. Fan boys are gonna have to deal with the franchise moving forward. I've been a fan since childhood, watched Empire at the local drive-in in 1980. Loved this movie just like I loved that one.", '50'), (" Had some great scenes but some terrible writing. An endless arc on a casino planet that is pointless and leads absolutely nowhere. The first order spends 18 hours chasing the rebel fleet rather than warping a few star destroyers 30 s ahead and appearing in front of the rebels. After snoke is gone, either Rey going bad or Kylo going good would have lead to an amazing movie, the writers chose... nothing. Snoke dies and there is no hint as to even who he was. Leia's superman impression. Admiral Ackbar is thrown away for no reason. The high ratings from the 'official' reviews is bizarre.", '30'), (' This is the worse Star Wars movie of all! Smoke gg easy, he died very very fast. Luke died in a terrible way, not needed! Lea can survive in the space, she can fly in the space! The Empire has another ship that can destroy everything. This movie is worse than Phantom Manace!', '05'), (" The Last Jedi was a stinging disappointment. There were no plot developments. No continuity. All previous cliff hangers and mysteries were ignored, if not out right contradicted. Constant debilitating jokes riddled the entire film with obnoxious humor. Iconic characters were eternally disgraced with portrayals such as Leia Poppins, toilet flushing Admiral Akbar, and child murdering Luke. The film refused to develop Rey. We are up to the third movie and Disney still doesn't have a clue as to who Rey is. Due to unrelenting defeats and humiliations by nearly just anyone, specially holograms, Kylo is the most underwhelming villain in all of the Star Wars sagas. The characters we came to love in TFA were diminished with recklessness tantrums and forced love stories which made little sense. And they introduce a new Jar Jar Binks in the pointless character of Rose. Many people blame Rian Johnson for this disappointing movie, but the blame solely belongs to Kathleen Kennedy and Disney when they approved of this shit of a movie. Let's hope Disney cleans house by firing these losers.", '05'), (' Star Wars is now dead because of this film. Disney has turned the whole saga into a joke.', '05'), (' This new Star Wars was awful. Stale acting. Bad dialogue. Silly creatures and sight gags. Cliches abound. I kept asking myself when this movie would end.', '05'), (' I absolutely loved this movie. I understand that not everyone feels the same way - but my family loved it, my friends loved it - and the whole theater I watched the movie in was gasping, laughing, and clapping.I think the "audience" score is low here because people are quick to share the negative and slow to share the positive.', '50'), (" I just loved it. That's all I can say. It was Brilliant", '50'), (' serious WTF moments from start to finish.... threw away the lightsaber, really. Luke has grew old, and lost his balls; the hero from the original movies was totally destroyed in this installment. Yoda\'s ghost was the copy of Lion King scene with Simba & Mufasa, very child play. As Snork claimed he can "read Ren\'s mind and control it", he was shafted. It was so easy, why it took this long for Ren to kill him. I understand they had to make some love story out of the trilogy, Rey and Ren were not the likely match, a bit hard to swallow that one. Overall, not the worst, but very close.', '10'), (' La trama está llena de incoherencias.', '05'), (" Came out of the movie disappointed. The film wasnt terrible but had a lot of problems and didn't have the feeling of Star Wars.", '25'), (" Kylo Ren and Rey were the ONLY good parts of this movie, not so much their storyline, but their performances. Story-wise all of it was terrible. Filled with potholes, and nonsensical. Rose shouldn't even be a character, much less still surviving by the end of the movie. In fact, the whole Rose and Finn storyline was just a huge waste of time and made the film drag on. If they were going to make Finn a useless character, they might as well have killed him off with Rose. I loved his character in TFA but they just threw him away in this movie. Also wtf was that scene with Leia? They made Luke seem like a crazy homeless person and ruined his character as well. There is absolutely no clear and present danger, the villains seem dumb and lazy, just like the writing. This is definitely the worst movie in the franchise.", '15'), (' Yeah super anticlimactic and kind of boring. You almost knew what was gonna happen.', '10'), (' I really liked it a lot.', '45'), (" Star Wars Episode 8 ..what a disappointment! A few moments of greatest can?t fix the holes in the script or some of the bizarre directions taken. Luke would have been better off lost because he turned out to b one depressing bastard! It's a poor rehash of the previous films which may not be surprising but this is done particularly poorly given the opportunity that they had.", '10'), (" So clearly, this movie has been the target of a very divisive fanbase. You either hate this movie or love it. I love it. That's fine; everyone has their own opinions. Here's mine:Pros:-The acting was fine.-The special effects were great.-The twists were shocking, fun, and interesting.-The action was well choreographed and unique.-The themes were clear.-The conflict was clear as well.-The obstacles were strong and vivid.-The movie plays on your expectations really well.Cons:-The first hour and a half or so are a little lackluster in terms of tension, pacing, and conflict.-Rose is pretty useless as a whole.-The casino scene is out of place.-Some of the creatures in the movie were meaningless to the overarching plot (i.e. Porgs).Overall, definitely worth seeing.", '40'), (" Completely unexpected! Granted, I didn't enjoy every character's arc. A whole story tangent could have been dropped in favor of more time with Luke & Rey.... but hey!! Totally not what I expected~ very rare thing in cinema these days. Good work overall!", '45'), (" Entertaining space-type movie. They've pretty much started a whole new saga and left the old Star Wars behavior nd.", '20'), (' Probably the worst Stars Wars movie ever made. It is just bad, it should have never been made. NOT FUNNY, RIAN...', '20'), (' Shocking film that had me on my toes from start to finish. Even as a major Star Wars enthusiast with several books and lore stuff under my belt, it felt exciting and refreshing. If the plot details are answered correctly by the next installment this will have been one of the best trilogy bridges I have seen.', '40'), (" Disappointing, Disney made a mess of Luke Skywalker. Don't care for this movie.", '10'), (' I thought this movie was awful, and a slap in the face to Star Wars fans.I get it: Star Wars needs to "move on". But it can treat those characters that we knew and loved with dignity. This was the problem I had with the prequels. You know the setup of the noble Jedi Knights that we all dreamed about in the first meeting of Obi Wan and Luke in ANH? That romantic view of them? Dashed to pieces by the prequels.But this was something worse. The courage, the strength of the characters, the hard work of the characters in the first trilogy is just wiped away by this movie.Han died as a loser, cut down by his son (in the last movie). We are given no time to mourn in that movie. We had more of an emotional investment in him being frozen in Carbonite. That\'s when I knew things were going badly in this new trilogy. In this movie, Luke dies as a disgrace, because he tried to kill his nephew. Something he refused to do with his father. Leia basically made very few decisions in this movie and let the purple haired Admiral do all of her work. She sat this one out until the very end. That\'s a tragedy. I know Carrie Fisher was not in the greatest of health, but what little she is given to do is a real shame and mixed opportunity.The new characters are a mixed bag. Kylo and Rey seem to work the best. Everyone else comes off poorly -- especially Poe. The humor was just cringey. It completely degraded the serious situations that the characters were in. Were they afraid that this was going to turn into Batman V. Superman because of the "darkness"? Empire didn\'t worry about slapstick and it was fine. Same with ANH -- the humor arose naturally and wasn\'t forced.The new villains lack any gravitas that the old guard had. Where is the menace and gravitas of Vader? Where is the Moff Tarkin? Where is the looming presence of a Palpatine?Nowhere.This will be the first SW movie I do not purchase for my home collection. I even bought all of the prequels (though they gather dust). Di$ney has certainly ruined Star Wars more than Lucas -- who, to be fair, at least _tried_ to do something with the prequels that was interesting, though very badly executed.I have a weird feeling that either this movie was graded "on a curve" by critics because, well, Star Wars is no cinematic masterpiece -- OR, they were trying to stay in good graces with the Empire (Disney) who now owns almost all franchises that people are going to want to read reviews for.The Mouse has a monopoly on pop entertainment now. The repercussions of what that means will be felt for a long time.Skip this one. And probably the next. Whoever cut the trailer for this movie should really have been in charge of editing it as well. They did a phenomenal job and had me interested in watching. The actual product was way worse than the trailer.', '05'), (" Wow, where to start....How about with the obvious. SPOILERS: The plot has more holes than Swiss cheese. Finn's entire side mission that was really just there to fill time, could have easily been removed and done without. All the major reveals lacked substance with the intent to be surprising. It's almost like Johnson and his writers decided to skip any backstory and just kill off anyone that the audience might be interested in. Other than failing to deliver on what should have been Star Wars moments, this film just shits all over what we've known as canon for years. Poor Abrams has his work cut out for him. Even the few chances the film has to redeem itself, like Finn crashing into the cannon, it goes the predictable route much like the Rey and Ren scene. This film took no risks in the big moments. Worth a watch maybe on DVD when it's in walmarts $5 bin. Until then don't get robbed suffering through this poor excuse for a SW movie.", '05'), (" TLJ was a visually stunning film with extremely flawed plot points and awful character usage. The twists in it were put in for the sake of proving the audience wrong about their theories and speculations. Luke, Leia and Ackbar's characters were thrown completely out the window, while the new characters seemed shallow and unrelatable. Political statements stood in the way of good storytelling, and so many interesting ideas were wasted. Though the high points were really high, the low points were even lower. Even the amazing visual effects and CGI were not able to redeem this movie for me.", '05'), (" (spoilers) Shockingly bad. As a huge fan of the Star Wars saga, I feel personally offended by Disney's treatment of the new trilogy. (Without even mentioning Disney giving battle front rights to EA) The first issue of the movie is the lack of character development. Kylo Ren is the only interesting character in the movie... And that says something. As Snoke was used as a mere plot device and killed off, kylo is the main villian of the trilogy. AND HE ISNT EVEN THREATNING. It took Darth Vader 3 episodes to lose a battle. Kyle loses a saber battle to Rey and the stormtrooper, when they have had no official training (force awakens issue). This issue is more an over complaint about character Handling. Fin is a boring character, and Rose was even worse. The movie would have been 100% better if that relationship and adventure to the casino critism of capitalism planet wasn't included. If holdo just told everyone her plan, that whole planet could have been avoided. There relationship and character building wasnt needed and felt extremely forced. I mean, if they really had to keep it in the film for diveristy reason, they should have let Fin die and the end and prevent the door from being blown open. Saving the animals was also lame..it's a star wars movie, not PETA. The line 'it was worth it' once they saves the animals was Soo idiotic. Was it worth it! You just doomed all the rebellion because you were busy saving a couple of camals! Like how can they say it was worth it. Also for such a seedy planet, where TF are the Huts. The main crime family! Like why wasn't there a HUT!Now on to commander holdo. Why would you have her and not admiral Akbar. They just killed one of the most iconic characters off in the most disrespectful way, for some purple hairs smug lady to come in and being counter-productuve. Why not have admiral akbar take control of the bridge and then sacrifice himself to have the rebellion. It's like no one at Disney has actually seen star wars or understands it's fans. Luke projecting himself as a hologram was also shit. Should have had him there in person deflecting off the AT-AT fire. Would have been cooler. And then sacrificed himself for the rebellion. The comedy did not have to be there. I didn't. Realise slap-stick was still a thing. I'm sorry, but people running over and falling isn't funny. It felt like I was watching the avengers. That level of humor. Leia using the force to fly through space was so stupid as there has been no evidence of her using the force. Just have Kylo push her back into the ship, at least that would show his conflict more. Overall. The movie had some huge plot holes and no common sense. Zero character development, especially in regards to Snoke. Pushed to much of a political agendas. And felt like a marvel movie with the shitty humour. Disney.... I could write a book about how bad this movie was. Please go find some diehard fans, and listen to what they have to say. You might actually make movie that people will never forget. Instead of a shitty sci-fi comedy.", '15'), (" I felt as though the movie would have been the perfect length if Fin and Rose's side story was excluded from the movie. I mean their entire plan was a little stupid to began with. It felt like I was watching the combination of two movies about different things. I felt as though maybe they overdid it with the rebels' desperation. I guess you were suppose to feel something for them but the multiple Disney aspects in the film kept me from doing that.", '05'), (" I made an account just to give an honest review, unlike many people here who just rate it high for being a Star Wars movie. Without spoiling, I would just like to say, the movie had lazy writing, unnecessary finn and rose extended section and disregard for previous movie characters, even Star Wars: The Force Awaken (you will understand after viewing the movie. Don't ruin your day by holding this movie to a high regard when preparing to watch the movie and enter with low expectations.", '05'), (" So many plot holes made without any common sense, like 45 mins of movie is wasted. \\and changing character of Luke to somebody who would turn on his apprentice just cause he felt something dark in him is just lame. I hoped for epic and heroic outro for these all time favourite characters. And Leia as Superman.... omgGiving it 3 stars just cause Im fanboy of SW universe. Otherwise I'm totally unhappy of how this episode went. You should have stick with JJ Abrams...", '30'), (' I found myself many times in the theatre going "what? How? Why?" Over the years I\'ve really gotten into the EU though it\'s no longer cannon I believe they best r', '05'), (' An absolute disgrace to even be called a Star Wars movie. True Star Wars fans will be so ashamed of this movie. Get out of here Rian Johnson, you suck. Someone else please come back and save this. devastated right now at what I just watched.', '05'), (" Let's review the Star Wars Last Jedi. First of all let's understand who are the professional movie critics. These are individuals who are considered as professional moviegoers and their critic matter to the movie. But that doesn't mean they are always right. For the given reasons below I don't think Star Wars Last Jedi is a great or good movie. I am going to tell you why Disney went on this route towards the end of this review. Let's begin! Luke Skywalker is marked as a washed of Jedi who has lost his way in the movie. He is merely there to be killed off and make way for other characters there is no significance with Luke Skywalker. Great Skywalker was sidelined and demoralized throughout the whole movie. only to be back towards the end of the movie to bie. There was no significant training from Luke Skywalker to Rey on Jedi training it was merely a Passover. Look how hard it was for Luke Skywalker to lift the X-Wing Fighter from the swamp but in this movie for Rey to lift huge rocks was a no brainier. That was no great Luke Skywalker moment for us to Remember by to show how powerful is Luke Skywalker. There is no emotional attachment to Rey to her parents and the discovery of who they are. After all that was the main quest on her side on the first movie. She gave it up. That would have been a much greater story. There was no great lightsaber battle in the end of the movie that we can speak off. That is a signature of the franchise.They have a lot of plot lines left unanswered and blank. Knights of the first order, exploring General Snoke's abilities and Rey's parents. Now anybody can be a Jedi, coming from nowhere you will be the greatest Jedi ever!.. I think this is a cultural effect where you can come from nowhere and you can be anyone in America. This is not necessarily A Bad Thing it doesn't fit with the overall arch of the Jedi Order. But in the context of Star wars it is better to have little mystery around it, on where and how the Jedi's become. Being feminist is good it is not a bad thing but when you're pushing for it you can almost see it through the movie. Female characters over the male characters again this is not a bad thing it is just when you are trying too hard to do it the movie fails. Why Disney sent on this route ? Movie is all about, out with the old and let's make a New trilogy. I am not talking about this trilogy, I'm talking about Disney's next trilogy after this. I will not be surprised if they kill off Rey on the third movie and bring the kid from the end of the second movie to the next trilogy that is all about continuity and make more money and make more movies in the franchise. I am sad to say, this is going to be just like transformers. Good special effect tho! Transformers any one ?", '05'), (" Star Wars for SJW's. Fuck you for ruining the legacy!", '05'), (' This is a great movie and merits more than one watching.', '50'), (" With this movie, Rian Johnson truly gives us a different star wars than we've seen before. It challenges TFAs characters and challenges us with a different type of storytelling. One that is more cognizant of how people actually evolve, and learn and become heroes. Heroes aren't born, they are created through a series of failures.This was always supposed to be the darker and challenging chapter. Yet, people are complaining about the fact that it is different and challenging. They complain that their favorite characters are actually facing failure for the first time. Despite the fact that these same people complained that TFA was too much like the OT, they now complain that this movie is not enough like the OT.I think this movie needs to be seen at least twice to truly appreciate what Rian Johnson is doing. The first viewing will break our expectations and leave us shocked. But during the second viewing, we can truly appreciate thos film as it's dual themes of challenge and balance (like the force itself", '50'), (" I loved the Last Jedi. I could have done without the casino storyline. This movie gave older Star Wars fans enough nostalgia with introducing new characters. I can't wait to watch again.", '50'), (' Excellent movie. Best Star Wars movie.', '50'), (' Visually impressive. Great performances. Horrible writing. I expected more from Rian Johnson and Disney.', '15'), (' Complete travesty! Total garbage.', '05'), (" Aside from the visuals, this film is a travesty. It completly misshandles all of the major characters with the exception of Kylo Ren. I've been waiting 25-odd years to see Luke again, and this is what I get? A comedy side character that does pretty much nothing? I've loved Star Wars since I was a kid and this film ruined that legacy somehow worse than the prequels did. Luke stood for hope and you've crushed that out just so you can profit from introducing new characters. Utterly disrespectful to the fans of the original trilogy.", '05'), (" This script has been wrecked leaving no decent future for the narrative to continue with the original fans. It's been made into a micky mouse franchise. literally! Killing off Luke as soon as he's introduced? What the frack is this guy on?? Idiots! I disown the franchise after 37 years of faithful following. Don't bother watching it. Unless they find a way to bring Luke back.. It's finished.", '10'), (' My review of Star Wars The Last JediThe Positive:Great visuals and some mind blowing special effects, some of the ideas and concepts i.e. Canto Bite were interesting even though not executed or realised sufficiently to make it satisfying. There were some magical moments like reunion scenes i.e. Luke & R2, Chewie & Luke, Luke & Yoda (even though Yoda looked a little odd) that were genuine & heartfelt. "Some" of the humour was on point and hit the mark and there were moments of shear brilliance. The problem is there weren\'t enough of these moment and far too many moments of disappointment or just moments that felt - well "odd" which takes me to the negative "prepare to go into hyper-drive"The Negative:The Force Awakens was branded a rehash of previous films and yes even though I would agree at least the story was coherent and made sense, the character development was satisfying and it set things up perfectly in regards to paying respectful homage to the past and creating mystery for the future (for future films to address). Everything I have mentioned here The Last Jedi tries to either undermine or undo, I honestly feel The Last Jedi is a victim of trying to hard to be what it needs to be "Original" and "Unpredictable" and in trying so hard to be these things it falls flat on every single hurdle, so let me go into detail of what I thought was wrong with the movie.First off the Humour - The Force Awakens paid respectful homage to the original films in regards to recreating the humour recipe that those films created and carefully balanced the humour with serious moments. The Last Jedi literally tries to rewrite the rules with this, making it come across as a spoof or a piss take. The scene where Luke throws the saber over his shoulder could have been taken straight from an episode of the Simpson\'s, General Hux was turned into a bad stand up comedian repeating the same jokes over and over, which rather than funny comes across as very tedious in the end. Odd moments - There were a few really odd moments in TLJ, the one that springs to mind first and foremost is the character that should have been handled with so much care, because the actress is no longer with us. There were at least two moments in the movie in which could have been used to respectfully send off this character, but instead they decided to turn these ideal moments into a bit of a joke. The moment Princess Leia was quite literally turned into superman was such a strange moment and very awkward, an experience I have never had viewing a Star Wars movie. Not only did this make literally no sense at all considering Leia never had any Jedi training, it was such a disrespect to the character and talented actress whom is no longer with us. Luke milking a huge sea cow like walrus and drinking it, with a wink to the camera like it had been taken from an advert was again a scene that belonged in an episode of the Simpson\'s. Its moments like this that made me feel very uncomfortable as a viewer. Rey was one of the great characters developed in TFA, her character was developed really well by JJ Abraham\'s, she worked really well with the character Kylo Ren whom was consumed by evil but had a pull to the light side. She saw this character murder his own father in TFA, even referring to him as a monster in the previous movie yet in this movie she is getting all hot and bothered by seeing him with no top on - go figure!Incoherent story - The majority of this movie was one big chase and whilst some of it was entertaining from a visual / effects side of things it didn\'t make a great deal of sense. The little Maz Kanata snippet could have been taken straight from a video game, "you need to find the master code breaker to progress to the next level", its almost like they needed to include this character and couldn\'t come up with how to, so they did this just to include that character. And whilst the Canto Bite segment was in theory a great concept, the execution was all wrong and the entire scene felt like it was a completely different movie entirely, completely unnecessary and a waste of half an hour where this time could have been utilised developing other characters that so desperately needed it. The whole Finn and Rose romance thing was unengaging and did not resonate what so ever and Poe\'s character development was absolutely pointless.Poorly copied scenes from previous movies being conveyed as original - The scene on the new planet Crait was practically a copy of Hoth but being conveyed as original when its not, Hoth was a much longer scene and added impact to a very tense part of Empire. This scene in Last Jedi being towards to end of the movie rather than the begging does anything but this coming across as kids playing with toys as oppose to a proper convincing war like Empire conveyed.Unfulfilled promises and unsatisfying answers to questions - TFA set up things so well story wise ready for an eventual pay off in subsequent films. Snoke was such a powerful character and hinted at being probably one of the most villainous characters ever, even stating himself that he\'d been there from the very begging (before all the Star Wars movies). Yet he gets killed so simply that just makes you gasp and sigh in annoyance, almost like Tyson biting Holyfield\'s ear off and it abruptly and dissatisfyingly ending. Rey again such an important character in this new trilogy and it was set up so well in TFA in regards to her parentage mystery. She could have been a Skywalker, Solo, Kenobi, a descendant of the dark side or even an avatar kind of character being the chosen one "Vader" reborn. But no they decided to go with an overwhelming bombshell that topped any of these ideas - she is a little orphan mary sue with wino parents whom sold her for drug money, wow - never expected that! From an audience perspective these things are so disrespectful not just to the Star Wars heritage but comes across as a huge slap in the face, almost making it feel like Disney is laughing at us. Hints at things that were going to happen but never did - Rey\'s training barely happened yet we are lead to believe she is now a fully fledged Jedi by the end of the movie. Luke\'s training as short as it was in Empire felt like an eternity in comparison, Rey is obviously very powerful with the force with barely any training, yet we are still lead to believe she is a nobody - eh OK? Showing Luke\'s X-wing submerged makes no sense unless he was going to raise it up out of the water at some point during the movie, (which would have paid great homage to Empire) and use it to fly and save the day as Jedi Master Luke - but it never happened. Instead he decided to stay on his cosy little island and use his force abilities to project himself, yeah that\'s a better idea let\'s go with that one.Disrespect to the foundations laid down in previous films and disservice to fans - BB8 is the new R2-D2 that much is for certain, as much as I love the character it made no sense to bring R2-D2 back to life purely to give us the map to find Luke or to remind Luke of the good O\'l times, this was a disservice to the character originally created by Lucas. Everyone anticipated the return of Luke Skywalker, but the way they treated his character and the heritage of his character was a complete lack of respect. Luke was willing to sacrifice himself in order to bring his father (whom he\'d only known for 5 mins) back to the light side, yet we are lead to believe that this is the same character whom is willing to murder his own nephew whom he\'d been training for years all because he senses a little darkness in him? This makes literally no sense at all considering the characters development thus far and completely contradicts what\'s gone before.All in all an entertaining movie, but a hugely disappointing Star Wars Movie that does not deliver on anything that was promised or hinted at in the previous instalment and pays little to no respect to the overall Star Wars Legacy & Lore.Enjoy!!', '20'), (' This film needs to be redone by JJ Abrams. Rian Johnson ruined this story.', '20'), (' Yall butthurt cuz u not got ur questions answere THERE IS STILL ANOTHER MOVIE TO COMEStop trying to see everything so structured and not get joy of it let star wars get to be starwars boiis', '50'), (" Best Star Wars movie to date. And doesn't cater to fan boys. Honors the old films, but the creative and writing team completely blew this out of the park. Thank god for fresh direction from Rian Johnson.", '50'), (" The worst Star Wars episode, ever. An utter garbage not only as a sequel to the loved saga - the plot is dumber than any fanboy's speculation novel. Even Jar Jar Binks did not raise this much outrage. A disgusting attempt by Disney to sell some character goods and nothing more.", '05'), (" Maybe not the story we wanted or expected, but most certainly the story (I) needed, The Last Jedi manages the near-impossible act of both completely subverting the classic storytelling mechanics of the franchise while affirming, (maybe) better than any film since Return of the Jedi, the core themes of the series. The movie uses a deft, resonant, metatextual script to tell a story about the indomitability of hope-of perseverance against both impossible expectations and the oppressive weight of almost certain failure. It's in both acknowledging and surviving failure, the movie insists, that we can transcend it, and it channels these concepts through the character of Luke Skywalker. Unlike Ben/Kylo, who is so deadened by his failings that he has become a sort of ultimate nihilist, Luke learns that inaction is just crippling as defeat; in choosing to reconnect with the force, Luke regains his sense of purpose and hope. At its heart, beneath the unfamiliar tone and uncomfortable character turns (burdened, it should be noted, by the narrative choices established in The Force Awakens), The Last Jedi is a call to arms-less a soap opera than a story about human frailty and the almost superhuman feat of carrying on. I fully acknowledge the broader criticisms and can see, with plenty of sympathy, why people are cold on this movie, but The Last Jedi felt more complete to me than any Star Wars entry since Empire.", '50'), (' Such a disappointing plot, storyline, and character development. Worse than the Force Awakens and that was also terrible. Rogue One stands as the only good recent Star Wars film.', '05'), (' worst star wars episode everthx for the director', '10'), (' The last Jedi is a disgrace to everything StarwarsTFA was a simple "a new hope" ripoffTLJ has gigantic plotholes and to MUCH political correctness', '05'), (' Killing of Snoke was dumb the writing was dumb and frankly you defeated the force awakens story and made that irrelevant.', '05'), (' After having to swallow with disgust the news of disney buying Star Wars, the complete annihilation of the expanded universe, which involved almost my entire life span of stories in video games, comics and books. I decided to give a chance to the new movies. Not only was I dissapointed by some massive loop holes, chronological and timing mess as well as mainstream characters in the force awakens but they kept some of the life/essence of the main characters such as Han and chewie. I was intrigued of learning the story of luke isolation (and what happened to Leia), just as yoda and kenobi before him, I expected meaning not just complete destruction of the character built in the previous movies just giving up.I hate to say it and it saddens me to know that perhaps one of the best stories in cinema with so many rich characters have fallen so far from its origins. I have come to realize that the star wars i loved ended when its creator and visionary stop steering its future, now i understand some of the claims of mark hamill being in total disagreement and why harrison ford jumped ship.', '15'), (' I think the pink haired Admiral Holdo may have just barely beaten Jar Jar out for the worst character in the Star Wars universe.', '05'), (' Simply amazing. Dealt with the story with elegance and grace. I could have thought of no better way to continue the saga.', '50'), (" Worst star wars movie yet,never going to believe the critics again.Terrible story ,terrible acting,just doesn't care about anything related to star wars. Its a big black hole,like a cheap TV rip off. Everything in the movie feels forced.Dont watch this,This will destroy star wars for you.Will not return to star wars unless they restart from episode 7 again.", '05'), (' Laughable writing, cringy "comedic relief" and some of the most atrocious attempts at writing we\'ve seen in recent years. This film is one of the last cries of hollywood\'s diseased bloated corpse. Disclaimer: I am not a Russian bot your film just sucks.', '05'), (" Finn and Rose had literally no impact on the story. Poe had no impact on the story, the constant jokes were too much and not funny. The Canto Bight scenes were not enjoyable at all.Leia in space was cheesy, the slow-mo Matrix shots were cheesy. Luke's role in the film was overhyped and underwhelming. All the mysteries left by The Force Awakens were thrown out the window. Who is Snoke? Doesn't matter. Who's Rey? Nobody. Knights of Ren? Never mentioned, except to confirm they were Luke's students... Yeah I gathered that from TFA.Also, the man who fought tooth and nail to redeem Darth Vader gets spooked by his nephew and considers murdering him in his sleep, and then Luke, powerful Jedi master, dies because he's tired? Bullshit.I can forgive weaknesses in Luke, he's only human, but there's so many things I can't forgive.They lost me a lot of times, the constant jokes didn't work half the time, it felt like a marvel movie. Humor has always had a place in Star Wars, but it works when it's not so in your face.The Force is connected to every living thing, some individuals are sensitive to that connection, some aren't.Rey doesn't have to be from the lineage of a Jedi to be Force sensitive, that being said, it makes no sense that Rey is a nobody from nowhere. The Skywalker lineage is exceptionally strong in the Force. It would explain how Rey would be able to use it without any training. It would explain the Skywalker lightsaber calling out to her.It just makes NO FUCKING SENSE for her to not be a Skywalker!", '25'), (' Did not enjoy the movie. Felt it was disjointed and had too many holes in the storyline. Did not have the charm or feel of a Star Wars movie, and I have been a fan of all of the previous installments. Acting, visuals, score were all good. For me, main problem was story. Appreciate that others feel differently, though.', '10'), (' Devastated at how bad this movie was. Awful, just awful.', '05'), (" I grew out of being a Star Wars fan years ago, when the Ewoks first showed their furry faces, but I forced myself to go see this movie so that I could at least talk knowledgeably about it with others. Surprisingly, I rather enjoyed it. It wasn't the fast-paced mishmash of hollow action scenes that I expected. Instead, the movie took its time to explore its characters and build an emotional arc.", '40'), (" Loved it lifetime star wars fan and I'm not stopping now. I think people really need to open their minds to new plots and characters. Yes it is an extremely different feel to the whole star wars franchise and maybe I'm not crazy about it being involved with Disney now but I really believe that Rian Johnson did an unbelievable job with all the characters. He gets so deep and emotional with them that makes them feel very relatable. I really could have gone with a different side story in leiu of the Canto Bight scene but I suppose it does build Rose and Finn's relationship. Overall I LOVED IT and I'm so sad I will have to wait till 2019, guess it'll just be novel, blu-ray release and fellow fans YouTube videos to hold me over. Biggest take away, haters gonna hate but I ain't listening.", '50'), (' Terrible for the timeline', '05'), (" It's forward thinking, which probably explains why so many weak minds rate it poorly. Move out of your parent's basement and try limiting yourself to less than 8 hrs a day online complaining about everything, idiots.", '50'), (" Really don't know why it has a 54% (at the time of this posting) rating. The movie was fantastic.", '50'), (" I can't believe that this is the WORST of all the Star Wars movies ever made. Yeah, the action, the special effects and a lot of the acting are all outstanding, but what makes a movie great is it's story. Unfortunately, I don't have as much free time as a lot of reviewers here to specify everything. I'm sure many of the posters here had already touched on these but I really feel sad that Rian Johnson just ruined the most beloved movie franchise in history. You are hearing this from me FIRST. Episode IX's opening weekend will only get half of what this movie made. The trust had been broken. Long time fans will be approaching this movie just like they did Justice League ... extremely cautiously. I personally lost all eagerness to see the next episode, hence won't be lining up on opening day.", '10'), (" It was good. New plots and characters and story. And it had cool call backs. Anyone comparing worse than prequels is a person that wasn't much of a fan in the first place. I liked the new direction and if people think that's the answer for (spoiler) than they are easily fooled.", '45'), (' I saw the original Star Wars movie on its release weekend back in the 1970\'s and have seen every movie since. This movie ranks in my top 3 of all the movies in the Star Wars universe. It is the bridge to the next set of movies for this great franchise. Old characters are gone or fade to lesser roles while new ones are introduced and step forward to greater roles. Not sure why "fans" hate this or what they were expecting but IMHO it was one of the best in the franchise and well done to set the stage for what is to come.', '50'), (" When you read the expanded universe books and saw the way the Luke character was treated and then see him reduced to this you just feel your dreams being mocked, I am happy if people can find happiness with this movie and i don't intend to try and believe me not liking it means I should protest for it to be changed but I cannot enjoy it as much as I tried.", '05'), (' A disappointment. Not bad, not good.', '25'), (' It sucks, ex Star Wars fan, congrats Lucas your are very ritch and your greed destroy your legacy', '05'), (' Um filme que tem um paralelo interessante com a trilogia clássica, ótima fotografia, roteiro muito bom e algumas novidades bem-vindas à série.', '50'), (' A good movie, but not a great movie!! Unfortunately the movie makers are focusing on being PC and are forgetting what the real world audience wamt to see!!', '30'), (" Ok so I dont want to burst anyones bubble here but if you're over the age of 12 prepare to be disappointed. The amazing effects really weren't enough to detract from the huge plot holes, hammy acting and sloppy timeline. Leia flying through space....what the actual flip is all that about? Those cutesy puffin like creatures and the ice dogs were only created so that Disney can make some toys out of them and rinse the hell out of the viewing kids. I can say that as a 47 year old man it felt like the ending of a long marriage. That started out so amazingly, loads of excitement, plodded through some really dark and boring times to finally leave in the knowledge that shes gone to find a younger model. Maybe this is what I've needed. For someone to tell me to grow the hell up and stop living as my past 8 year old self. My only advice is to go see it with your kids. Don't go expecting it to rejuvinate you or you'll end up moaning for the next hour afterwards, how kids these days dont understand loss, or what an actual plot line is and why the heck Leia should not be flying. Not ever. That is all.Oh yeah and what makes this all the more personal is that Star Wars a New Hope was the first film I went to see at the cinema, at the age of 8. Kind of glad its been handed over to a new generation who will probably in 40 years time feel the same bitter disappointment I feel today. Live long and prosper :-P", '15'), (' Stupid, worst one yet and that is saying something! It there a way to give a negative rating. And who the hell are these critics? To give it a 93%?', '05'), (" Oh my life! What on earth (or Alderaan) has Rian Johnson done? If he set out to cock up the back on track saga series after TFA, this is a triumph. If he was trying to emulate the mockery of the franchise that TPM, AotC, RotS made of it, again he has succeeded. Otherwise this interpretation is a ham-fisted dud. The plot line on this story is so weak, so ridiculous that attempts to build tension backfire. [spoiler alert]; if the crew of a fleeing spaceship have the ability to shuttle back and forth to a casino whilst on the run to save the slow moving spaceship alarms should have been sounding in the writer's room never mind the doomed craft. Its pretty clear why Mark Hamill didn't say much in TFA, next to the upstarts his 1970's-esque candour looks wooden. The only thing Hamill succeeds in is making Daisy Ridley's acting look credible. Against a more credible professional Ridley (and Boyega for that matter) would be shown up for their acting-class-homework-assignment standard efforts. This film throws up more questions than it answers. And I don't mean the mysterious ones that are dangled in front of us to whet our appetite. Were Rey's parent's alcoholics? Who were they? Actually this movie beat the living curiosity out of me. I gave up after wondering how Yoda could affect real world items, why they didn't use the cannon on the rebel base to finish everyone off after they blasted the doors through, how Leia could suddenly summon the force to save herself after being blasted into space...... this particular list is endless. Not that it was all downhill, Benicio Del Toro and Adam Driver put in two pretty solid performances. With them on board maybe there is some hope for the future episode 9.I guess we can expect more of this from Disney..................... Another reason why I'm watching old Star Trek reruns. Not that I ever liked ST particularly but I'd rather go down that route than wait at the bedside of a much loved franchise series that is on life support watching it gradually get weaker with each passing day..........A possible title for 9 could be Star Wars Rebels In Peril (R.I.P)TLJ............hmmm, lets just try and put that past us.", '20'), (" Lots of plot holes, unlikable new characters because they don't have background, they killed the old interesting ones making them look ridiculous. What can I say, I think star wars was all about characters and nice story, now its all gone. 2 stars only for the visuals and sound", '20'), (" A lot of fans are taking this movie *very* personally. I am an OG Star Wars fan. I absolutely loved the movie. If you are at all interested, see it. If you saw it and were thrown off by it, see it again! And no, I don't work for Disney.This movie was supposed to be shocking and unexpected. I think we can all agree that is the case. I loved what I saw. A lot of people didn't. But our childhoods are intact. Every Star Wars movie still exists unchanged. Come to think of it, all the old extended universe books still exist as well. If you want, read them. And I can totally respect that fans have a different reaction to The Force Awakens. But, for me, Yoda, Luke and I are laughing at the burning tree. I invite anyone with an open mind to do so to see The Last Jedi again. I liked it *much* better the second time I saw it.", '45'), (" Not anything. No. I did not enjoy it. Ill be nice and start with the good. Great cinematography. It's absolutely stunning. Action scenes are great. Even acting is better in my opinion. But then, it all just goes down. So the movie is just one big chase sequence with about 5 stories being thrown at you at once. With 2 of them being anything important and 1 being interesting. And I'm not even going to get started on the whole backstory. Basically its can the rebels escape the empire? This part should only take up one arc, but no, it needs two. Which is about the worst part. Then it's can Rey learn the force? Which takes up 3 arcs. I was okay with two of them. But we get little screen time on those. Then it's all coming together. Everything comes to one last desperate push. Btw, just about 3 of the previous arcs now mean nothing but screen time. So back on topic, this one lady does something that would've just solved everything in the first place. But it doesn't? Then how does it? Anyways now everyone is on this salt planet and just holding out. People ask if something could be possible for escape. Answer is no. Luke comes in, now the answer is maybe. Anyways, Kylo and Luke fight, rebels escape, and it ends. About none of it made any difference except, SPOILERS, Luke dies from nowhere just cause, and Snoke dies, in a way that they just show you cause we don't like surprises here. Also Luke is completely out of character because he tried to kill Kylo and that's why he's evil. So Luke now just hates everyone and everything. It's like they tried to pull off Logan in this movie with Luke and it just backfires. There's just three things they could've done easily. Cut out about 3 of these arcs so they can work on the important ones and do a bit of editing to cut out what gives away these surprising moments. Then there's this part where Leia dies and she flies back to the ship no explanation no questions. Really? Ugh, so anyways, great cinematography. Like one joke I heard people laugh, I kinda chuckled. Nothin else. Best way to summarize the movie is the way Luke reacts when he grabs his dad's lightsaber again. Just chuck it out.", '15'), (' I loved it. Thrilling, exciting, with lots of twists to keep you wanting to see more.', '50'), (' This franchise is creatively bankrupt. Disney will continue to miss the point of Star Wars because they are trying to turn the movies into Marvel Style action movies. Rian was simply trolling his audience, Disney cares more about searing Political Correctness and their ideologies into your kids brains instead of delivering a satisfying star wars experience. Disney will continue to violate the franchise to death, until no one cares about star wars, and that will happen way sooner than they expect.', '05'), (" Wow, they just killed Star wars.Episode 1-3 were bad movies, but it was still Star Wars, just badly directed, too corny and childish. SW The Last Jedi didn't feel like Star wars, the story was all over the place, and they make a concerted effort to advance SJW agenda. At times you didn't know if you were watching a comedy. I'll give it two stars because the production value of the movie was good, all the effects and stuff, and you could say it was entertaining, but as a Star Wars movie it sucked. I had some complains about the Force Awakens, but I still liked it. This one, I don't think I'll ever watch it again.", '20'), (' I am so upset at they handled Luke Skywalker the hero of the rebel allince in this movie. It is criminal.', 'ni'), (" Really enjoyed this installment and I've been a Star Wars fan since the 80s. I like the twists and turns of the story and there was a ton of action for a Star Wars movie that didn't have a single lightsaber clashing with another. Thank god we didn't just get more of the same.", '50'), (' Meandering story line, pointless characters introduced, tries to hard to be funny. The more I think about the movie the less I like it.', '20'), (" Screw you Rian Johnson for messing up my most loved franchise! Such a disappointment! I hope the Star Wars trilogy you're supposed to be making gets ripped out of your hands and you never make another movie again. Just terrible!", '15'), (' Both the characters of Kylo Ren and Rey were better developed, everytime Luke was on screen it was fun... but the movie was a train wreck.', '20'), (" Didn't expect that. Bravo", '50'), (' This movie is 30 minutes too long, becomes tedious near the end, some of its subplots are boring and/or silly and replicates elements in the original film trilogy in a rather unimaginetive fashion. The movie has little to offer to non-fans, fans on the other hand will probably love it or hate it (the latter being more probable).', '10'), (" Like everyone else, my feelings about The Last Jedi are complicated. This movie took chances and some of those chances landed and some didn't. But this is also a movie about making mistakes and recovering from those mistakes. For me, the parts that didn't land were forgivable, and the good parts took my breath away. I've seen it twice now and enjoyed it much more the second time. It's not a perfect movie, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's definitely worth seeing.", '40'), (' Waited to see a star wars movie while I watched a fleet loose wondering when the movie would "get good". Then I was promised a fight that sucked.', '20'), (' An excellent addition to the film lineup. Lucas film has built a large universe around the current canon. Fans should definitely read the new canon novels to get a better understanding and depth to this film. Many of the "plot holes" people are complaining about are explained/hinted at in books.', '50'), (" Loads of things wrong with it.Leia able to move herself back to ship when unconscious, frozen, not breathing. Ryu able to lil Snoake just by turning a light sander next to him around and switching it on. Then not using any force powers on the guards. Ships have shields that block attacks only when suits the poor plug. X wing just fly up to biggest ship no issue. Pointless sub plot.Pointless furbies.Poor acting, humour, and hippy sayings.I wouldn't watch again nor buy.", '10'), (" Don't get me wrong, This movie is phenomenal when it comes to keeping the audience entertained and as a movie alone it'd get 5/5 for the fantastic set pieces utilized and beautiful scenes; such as the silence added to create atmosphere to a certain stunning scene for example. However, as a Starwars film it should follow the rules of the established law and should of utilized certain characters more than others, this is a good film but a bad addition to the Starwars saga.", '30'), (' Great film! Everything I love from a Star Wars film and a Rian Johnson film!', '50'), (" Easily one of the best Star Wars movies. Sorry to those people who didn't get what they wanted with snoke (emperor had no backstory either till the prequels) or Rey (honestly, who were her parents supposed to be? Anakin Skywalker had nobody parents) Sorry for people who are disappointed in Luke. How is he supposed to be the same person he was 30 yrs ago? He made a mistake when he was tempted to kill his nephew, he was ashamed and went into hiding and cut himself off from the force. Also, the ending showed how powerful he was in the force and why he is one of the most powerful force users ever. The ended Luke's story fine. Overall the is one best filmed Star Wars movies (minus Canto Bight stuff which was a little over the top). Also the Leia scene looked odd but not ridiculous considering she had used the force before in a life threatening situation in the Claudia Grey novel and the Yoda wanted to train Leia, not Luke", '45'), (' Completely and utterly disappointing. From a huge Star Wars fan they missed this completely. There is certainly a few good moments. Absolutely. However the bad in this film ruins the little good it had going for it. No interest in seeing this again or owning it. (From someone who saw Force Awakens 13 times in theaters.)', '10'), (" If you love Star Wars, you're going to hate this movie. We've been betrayed by Disney and this director and they have ruined the storyline. If your kids know nothing about this series and they love fast moving flashing lights and you don't love them... then this should punch the ticket.", '05'), (" I hated it. I would have walked out within the first hour but I rode with friends. Last Jedi shits on the Star Wars mythology. True fans will hate this movie. New fans will love or think it was ok but it's crap. I woke up mad. The story arc of Luke was redirected and shat upon. No longer an ancient myth or legend the Force has been recreated for political and social stances. Star Wars used to be an escape, fantasy with great story lines. Last Jedi is closer to Phantom Menace than it is to IV, V or VI. Rian Johnson took some bullet points and lashed them together to fashion a story line that labors across a 2-1/2 hour finish line. They Disney'd my Star Wars.", '10'), (' Finally, Star Wars without a mega-weapon. Plenty of action and mystery. Huge space battles, thrilling chases, epic Force encounters, lively humor, and touching moments. What else could a sci-fi fan ask for?', '50'), (" Loved it - enjoy it as entertainment. Just because it isn't what you think should have happened doesn't? mean it isn't a great movie.", '50'), (' Better than Empire Strikes Back, best one of the entire series!!', '50'), (" The story is surprising and the visuals are amazing, this movie was everything I could've asked for.", '50'), (' This movie is a slap in the face of everyone that followed Star Wars cannon and respect its mythos.A disrespect to what was built before and corporation greed.', '15'), (' The movie was nothing that I was expecting. Tbh, I am so sad with what people did to Star Wars that I can\'t believe this movie can bem called "Star Wars".', '20'), (" While it's better than Episode VII, it's still a patently bad film. Much of the film spends necessary time correcting the mistakes of the previous film. Certain plot points simply could not be followed through on. The characters gain no additional depth and the plot, while momentarily exciting, is not permanence or meaning. Rey is still a Mary-Sue and Kylo is still a mentally unstable and less entertaining version of Hayden Christiansen's Anakin. All of the events in Episode VII are quickly forgotten by the viewer, but what bothers me most is that the characters and setting have also forgotten. Internal consistency in the franchise is now entirely absent.", '10'), (' Star wars ended with episode 6....these guys murdered Star Wars!!!', '05'), (' Put simply, The Last Jedi simply compounds the big picture structural issues that were set in motion by The Force Awakens. The Force Awakens brought us into a Star Wars galaxy that simply didn\'t make sense continuity wise. How the hell is there still a resistance? The rebels won last time! Twice! It is preposterous that the events of the original three movies had no appreciable effect on the galaxy.Yet, in order to tell the story Disney wanted to tell, it had to be this way. A hero\'s journey needs simple, binary conflict. Disney believes audiences need to to see a pure evil, authoritarian oppressor and a scrappy underdog in order to the story to be compelling. This is total BS, of course. Not only does is making the good guys the underdogs again laughable given the events of the first trilogy, its a boring, safe choice. Imagine a Star Wars 7 where the regular "Rebels fight Imperial oppression" narrative is flipped on its head; The Republic is on top, but faces the looming threat of Imperial terrorists. THATS doing something different. But no, simple-minded star wars fans can\'t enjoy a movie unless their cheering for the underdog. This issue is, as I said, compounded ten-fold in The Last Jedi; the rebels are pushed down even further, all but eliminated. This issue wouldn\'t be so awful if it wasn\'t for the huge big issue this new trilogy has: the absolute pathetic villains. The original trilogy gave us Darth Vader, easily one of the most intimidating and interesting villains of all time. Even the prequels gave us Darth Maul and Count Dooku, two formidable characters in their own right. Here? The rebels, led by supposed badass Rey, are getting the snot beat out of them by Snoke, a bizarre looking cgi abomination we know nothing about, Hux, a laughably ineffectual commander that gets respect from no-one, and, worst of all, Kylo-Ren, an angsty My Chemical Romance fan who has whiny temper tantrums every ten minutes. These are the characters we\'re supposed to fear? Give me a break. I\'m sorry, but anyone who enjoys these new movies has just been taken for a ride by Disney. Its high time we let Star Wars die and let a new sci-fi epic come to the fore.', '05'), (' OMG, im a 48 year old guy and passing starwars fan. This the worst out of all the movies even Phantom Menace. Plot holes very poor character development, stupid wast of human life , plot arcs that were a wast of time and what they did to luke..... made me cry. I wanted to see luke do what vador did at and of rogue one only to the first order and better. The whole move apart from the opening sequence was utter guff.', 'wts'), (" I'm so far beyond disappointed. Maybe JJ can redeem the franchise again??", '25'), (' Thoroughly enjoyable. Nice that they have it enough time for the plot to play out.', '40'), (" Admiral Ackbar...with a whimper, like some pedestrian after thought. Yeah, the new material was clearly meant to expand to the younger generation and profitable demographics, it's just sad that they had to pull the rug under the old fanbase by making most novels and comics and other lores non canon. I hope Disney reinserts them soon. It's like being stripped bare naked. Old fans have so little to cherish and remember about the Expanded Universe with this abrupt and rushed passing of the torch. More so is this true after the burning of the Jedi texts, sanctioned by no one else but a Jedi legend (conveniently) through Disney's orchestrations to ensure a clear path for its own Star Wars Universe. I look forward to having Luke serve as that Force ghost who has all the knowledge of the legends, myths, history, and lore in his head like a gate keeper and that we'll see more of him in future installments because clearly us old fans need someone we can hold on to with this SW franchise starship going lightspeed without the old guard.", '20'), (" They killed luke off too quickly and without any scenes of him kicking ass. That's what we all came to see. Such a waste. They should have uphled the integrity of his character and waited until the last film to give him an honorable send off, if that's how it had to go. So disappointed. Wasted opportunity and a comlplete fumble of the star wars saga. Fumbled right into a shitty toilet.", '05'), (' Generally liked the film. Great scenes but felt some character could be used more.', '35'), (' This a bad film...not just a Star Wars film...just bad film. Poor poor writing, bad plot holes. Odd pacing and ruins Star Wars lore.', '20'), (' Plot lines that go nowhere, bad dialogue, bad acting, and a lack of anything feeling meaningful, a skip on almost all counts', '20'), (' The best Star Wars film. The best.', '50'), (" Terrible. Written by a 13 year old. High theme wasn't bad but everyone starts on a sinking Ship WITH LIFEBOATS and does nothing.. Utterly awful.", '05'), (' Not a bot. Not a fake review. Not a fanboy. Something is very wrong with the critics. A payoff or just a fixation on trying to guess what the movie goers will like. Some great shots and visuals but a trainwreck of a plot, dialogue, and development of characters. Horrible', '10'), (" I've been a lifelong fan, and I loved this movie. I don't understand the hate...I have no complaints. Rian Johnson came in with a fresh take on the series, but apparently some people just wanted the same ol' same ol'. I look forward to where the series is going.Don't believe the hate. Everyone out in the real world likes it. Trolls online are trying to bring this great movie down.", '50'), (" This film totally misrepented Star Wars. It's full of plot holes and as a genuine life long Star Wars fan I was not left satified. Real shame. Undone over thirty years of pure George Lucas genius", '05'), (" The casino planet was completely useless and added nothing to the film. Finn's 'romance' with Rose is terribly forced and felt like a joke. And about the jokes: comedy in this movie was completely out of place. Snoke's build-up from the previous movie meant nothing. Luke character has been completely thrashed. I liked last movie, although it had many flaws already. Instead of just having a few flaws, this movie resembles many things, none of them Star Wars. Admiral Holdo was a useless character, instead of her they should've used Admiral Ackbar who actually meant something. If this is the direction Disney is planning to take Star Wars then count me out. And before you accuse me of 'nostalgia': the other movies weren't perfect with the occasional loopholes, the prequels suffering more than the OT.", 'ni'), (" It's terrible what Disney is doing to Star Wars. They turned George Lucas's epic imaginative space opera full of mythological, spiritual, psychological and political elements into a soulless generic movie about spaceships. Disney stomped on all the Star Wars themes like a herd of angry elephants. The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi has no story, no character development, no substance, no meaning. It was like watching a SW parody: Spaceballs 2.", '05'), (' Absolutely beautiful. The diverse casting was fantastic, the cinematography was gorgeous, and I want to see it again and again!', '50'), (" The humor was terrible and didn't belong. Luke's character portrayal is absolute garbage. Snoke was killed with ease and without any background story. Rey's parents are...wait for it...........wait....for....it.....NO ONE. This movie was absolutely laughable if not down right lazy. The ONLY thing it had going for it was action sequences which were paced like a child with ADHD and the visual scenery set for the movie. This movie should be struck not only from canon but they should have the Men In Black flash their memory erasers for the entire world so this soul aching addition isn't slowly turning us all to the dark side from stupidity.?", '05'), (' one of the most stupid movie ever....fill with used and reused bullshit...stop using this movie name...', '05'), (" I should start out by saying that I have always loved Star Wars, despite the prequel trilogy and the last half hour of Force Awakens. While the beginning sequence of the movie was fantastic, the film quickly devolved in borderline unwatchable dreck. There would be the occasional entertaining scene along the way, but not nearly enough positives to outweigh the glaring negatives. Mark Hamill acted the hell out of the PTSD Luke Sykwalker, but I felt that the story did his character and the Skywalker legacy a serious injustice. Additionally, many of the character decisions we head-scratching and seemed to mostly be devices to serve the advancement of the plot more than actually making sense. I was hoping for a return to Star Wars glory, but this was more on par with Revenge of the Sith (which somehow pulled down a 79% 'Certified Fresh' on the infamous tomatometer) than even being in the same stratosphere as A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back. I had previously enjoyed Rian Johnson's work on such films as Looper and Brick, but now he's going to get an entire Star Wars trilogy of his own? That's unfortunate. This is not a movie that needs to be seen in theaters, and to be honest, not really seen at all. Just watch Rogue One, A New Home, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi (which has its own flaws, but still works on the most part), and the first 90 minutes of The Force Awakens.", '15'), (" Last Jedi is more like Guardians of the Galaxy or Spaceballs. But a Star Wars movie, it is not! The comedy is forced. The dialogue is so different from the first six films. Nothing from TFA was resolved and most of all, they ruined Luke Skywalker's legacy forever...", '05'), (' awful, Disney have destroyed the Star Wars legacy.', '20'), (' Worst Star Wars movie ever. A sorry excuse for a movie at that. An absolute disgrace to everything George Lucas has built within his original universe.', 'ni'), (" I can see why George Lucas never wanted to make any more Star Wars.How can you improve on perfection? The story dates to the 1970/1980 the reverse hero's journey was told well via a space movie. It was more about Darth Vader's redemption, than about Luke as a hero and this is what makes it so magical as the hero was Darth VaderThe depth of the story could be felt by those seeking an action movie or those looking for a deeper message of personal growth for one's own life journey.There was a time when all boys wanted to be Luke Sky walker, all girls wanted to be Princess Leia and all angry people wanted to be Darth Vader. Letting go of these childhood memories is hard but something we all must do if we are to grow into adults and tell our own hero's Journey to help and support those around us.As we grow we pass on the knowledge to the next generation with the hope they live a better life than we did. In other words, Star Wars fans, you need to get over it, as the younger generation will never understand the emotional connect we had with the characters. The characters are disposable like a bad razor. We have moved in to the attention economy and that means short burst of dopamine in rapid succession otherwise the audience is going to check there Facebook feeds in the cinemaI gave force awakens a 7 but 90% of the story was wasted and an anticlimax now, the rating goes down to a 2 as most of the movie was a waste of time. My understanding of storytelling is you don't put things in a story if it has no meaning, it just causes distraction. The movies main plot character is Kylo Ren I hope so otherwise why would you kill off snoke. and his journey to the dark side and back maybe. I guess we will see the Knight of Ren come into play in IX. Adam Driver performance was A grade and was a stand out in the movie he personally can get a 9 star from me for performance and for how much he improved from the last movie.Luke Light Saver seem pointless at this stage or is there more but judge form all the pointless plots I'm thinking not.Snoke seems pointless at this stage this was a massive let down, but it does make way for Kylo to be a supreme leader and we can see his rise to power. I hopeFinn pointless, like pointless and I think he will stay pointless after all we need a token black guy in the movie. Fin obsession with Rey is disturbing any women would think that sort of behaviour would be creepy in the modern age.Fin and Rey romance or is it Rose and Fin or are they going to have a three some that would make the film cover all the diversity issues.Leia's new force powers and Luke's new force power seems pointless one keeps one alive and one dies from it. Come on you need to treat the audience with a bit more respect than that. Please I beg you to look at writers that do the miniseries now they write great stories. Hire the team from Breaking Bad that would fix most of the story telling problems.Luke is back to his wimpy self, what was the Return of the Jedi all about. The hero's journey was wasted he learnt nothing but back to my point maybe it was never about Luke but about Darth Vader and now Kylo Ren. Lucky Yoda comes back as a force puppet ghost. He can now interact with life on earth and make lightning burn trees. So that is what OBI one was talking about when he said to Darth Vader strike me down and I become more powerful than you could possible imagine. Hope Luke can come back with some lightning action.Why did vice Admiral Holdo have it in for Poe she told everyone the plan before him? Poe is the number one pilot ok, so he got demoted, really. I guess fin and Rose would not have been in the movie otherwise. Lesson learnt from this one. If you're not going to tell a fly boy something his going to go by your back and stuff up your plan anyways so you might as well tell him the plan.Rey's new amazing force power now opens the way for anyone to have super amazing force powers just like picking up a broom and within weeks we just went from fine dining to eating at Macca's. The force now has no meaning, purpose or needs no special training just collect scrap metal or sweep a stable for a while and you're one with the force. Look what happen to Leia she picked it up while getting blasted out of the control ship. No need to put her in a Tauntaun the force will keep her warm. I guess this gives the writer the freedom to go anywhere now.Not sure why there was such a political motivate piece with the Rose and Fin going to Canto, free the animals go vegan, put down rich people for making weapons and selling them to both side and using kids as slaves. Not sure that was neededThe Crait battle was epic but really rushed can we get back some of that time from CantoBeside Snoke getting cut in half we get a battle with the Elite Praetorian Guards for most of it, it was great, but Ben and Rey force powers kicked their arse way to easy. How bad arse are the next Villains going to be, so they can beat Rey, that's not going to happen because she can create a hologram of herself, give Leah hans dice and kiss her good bye and then of course the dice have a force power of their own which can hang around long enough to disappear in Kylo's hands. I person think Leah is very rude for dropping the dice anyways they were a present.", '05'), (' Is guess it\'s worth half a star for their CGI or something? Acting was lame, characters lame, development lame, story atrocious, casino sequence unnecessary, weird subversive scenes undertones, betrayed Luke\'s character (by making him try to kill Kylo), stupid attempts to "trick" audience for the sake of it, and it just fell flat compared to The Force Awakens. They had SOOOO many chances to make this good, and it was terrible. All they needed to do was to continue the story that TFA had started. This was a train wreck. I fully expected to love this movie, and it just didn\'t deliver.', '05'), (' Visually striking, yet extremely incoherent and disappointing.', '05'), (" It's like someone vomited a Star Wars movie.", '10'), (' Pelicula entretenida para los que no sean muy fans de la saga, pero una mala pelicula en general. Argumento y guión pobres con personajes poco carismaticos.', '10'), (" *DON'T LISTEN TO THE OTHER AUDIENCE REVIEWS* This movie is unique and separates itself from the other movies in the franchise. The audience is not rating this movie on how it was put together and the cinematography that's in this movie. They are rating it on what happens to the characters and what background information was revealed about them. Part of a movies story is what happens to the character and just because something happens to a character that you don't like does not mean the movie is bad. The Last Jedi is a fun, action packed movie that will have you on your seat the entire movie! Rian Johnson has truly made a unique Star Wars film and the audience can not appreciate it. Listen the critics reviews not the audience, critics actually rate the movie on how its put together and the cinematography , the audience will rate it on how they thought the movie should have played out.", '45'), (" It's almost over. Thank God.", '05'), (' Not just the worst Star Wars movie, but probably the worst movie of 2017.Actually seemed determined to score negative points.The Last Star Wars for me. :( Such a shame.', '05'), (" I don't understand why people hate this movie so much... I'm a huge Star Wars fan.. been one since I was able to walk.. in 18 now.. and I can easily say this is the best Star Wars to come out in my lifetime. The further character development of Rey and Kylo Ren are absolutely brilliant. Two confused, misguided, (or in Rey's case, at first, not guided at all), angry, hungry, anxious, young people with a power they will never be able to fully understand. The obvious energy shared between them and their ability to speak to and feel each other with their respective force is a great extension of the ancient Jedi power. Kylo Ren just being so angry and power hungry, but still vulnerable and weak, juxtaposed with Rey's passion to harvest Kylo Ren's true potential and true good is compelling. Bitter, old, cynical, isolated Luke was done brilliantly as well. People don't like this film because Rian Johnson f*cked with Star Wars. He made one of Star Wars' great heroes reject the force, and give up on the greater good. This film showed luke as a flawed, shell of a man who can no longer find the motivation to keep trying to save the world that is destined for doom anyway. Although, he eventually figures out that in order for the legend to keep moving forward, it needs to die. Which is kind of the main point of the movie, teat down what once was, and build something new from the rubble. I could go on forever, and there is no way anybody is reading this anyway, so I'll stop here. I loved this movie. My jaw was dropped 45% of the time. I almost came during several scenes.", '50'), (' This movie was a huge disappointment filled with underdeveloped characters and pointless side plot. This movie that spans hours could have been cut to a 10 min star wars short film with meaningful content. I really felt like I wasted my time on this one. People seem to be trying to stretch really hard to find some underlying meaning to this movie but it was simply just a filler episode. Disney seems to have an agenda they are trying to push and it\'s overwhelming. with the very blatant "Braun before brains" take of every male character we care about, and simply obnoxious, power hungry female character. Not impressed', '10'), (' Bad movie, bad actors, feminist propaganda, nothing like Star Wars. It was so "original" that they used parts from The Matrix and Harry Potter - last Star Wars movie that I pay to watch, I am against pirating this movie unless YOU ARE PAID TO DO SO because you will occupy useful space from your HDD or SDD. I literally left the theater with a depression because they\'ve destroyed my favorite SF universe... They need now to ruin Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, and The Matrix, and I am done.', '05'), (' I don\'t know whether critics were paid by Disney to write fantastic reviews or something else, however I would like to share few thoughts from audience\' perspective :1. The last jedi is not made for general public who are unable to unable to get either head or tail of the story, where movie is moving from one shot to another in zigzag path.2. The last jedi is not made for fans either as all characters behavior has been changed altogether for "God knows why" reasons.3. No story, twist were sloppy and characters hollow.', '10'), (' Absolute garbage with several good scenes. Lost me when superman Leia flies through the freezing vacuum of space to knock on the door of the ship..... And they just let her in..... Disney fucked up Star Wars.', '05'), (' First time reviewer, ever, not a bot. SW fan since Empire Strikes Back in 1980. Last Jedi had a lot of cool special effects scenes. And some really good acting which is worth 2 positive stars. But totally missed on plots and subplots which prevents me from giving it anymore stars. The direction of the plots were fine. But the storyboard was way off. George Lucas was pretty poor with dialogue and directing actors to be believable. But Lucas painted great storyboards with plots and subplots which made me want more. The Last Jedi storyboard was amazingly awful in contrast. The caravan of ships chasing each other was boring. My 11 year old fell asleep during the middle of the movie. The whole Finn trip to planet Monte Carlo is totally pointless except possibly an "Easter Egg" for Episode 9 that poor people will rise up to be the new rebels. That whole concept didn\'t sell well for me. Totally unnecessary and lowered the Star Wars mystique even worse than the Anakin courting Padme scenes. What really bugs me is the lack of continuity from all other Star Wars movie and huge holes in story. All the setups in Force Awakens are discarded. I don\'t recognize the original trilogy characters say for a few lines. Sorta felt like watching the last 2 seasons of Lost the TV series. Great setups in previous seasons just thrown away. Tone of movie and characteristics of characters was way off. That makes me not care with any other setups the Last Jedi is trying for in Episode 9. Force Awakens blew me a way for the movie\'s ability to connect to previous movies and still be fresh. Same for Rogue One. Plus the great acting in Rogue One and Force Awakens. The Last Jedi felt like it ruined all other Star Wars movie for me. i won\'t be watching any other Rian Johnson Star Wars movies. He\'s all about cheap laughs and trying to throw twist at you regardless of holes in the story. He should direct and write some Avenger movies and not Star Wars movies. I don\'t really care what happens in Episode 9. I do hope Episode 9 redeems the Star Wars franchise. Much like the last Hobbit movie, I won\'t bother to watch Episode 9 unless fans that see the same issues with Last Jedi I do give it a thumbs up and worth my time.', '15'), (' Best Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi', '40'), (" Loved the movie, it has some twists that surprised me but it's qualities make some mistakes lower than it all. Loved Mark Hamill, the battles, the places, space battles and the development of the new characters. Waiting for 9", '50'), (" Those negative reviews are not bots, they are disappointed Star Wars fans. We all dropped our $14 and put on our 3D glasses with an expectation..and sadly we were disappointed. If there was a plot, I'd love someone to tell me what it was, cuz I didn't get it. i did enjoy it when the millennium falcon was on screen, but that was 4 minute of a 150 minute movie. Sorry, this could have been so much better and it wasn't. Thumbs down..", 'ni'), (" It had a joke every 3 minuets. It didn't even take itself seriously and most of the jokes sucked. Also they just put in way too many story lines to actually do any of them right.", ''), (' Wow. What a piece of... People, if we keep giving our money to disney for garbage, they are only going to keep making garbage for you. This is how we have arrived at this point. I implore you all to stop supporting this trend. Its obvious there was no consideration in the dialogue, characters, character development, history, and especially the story. They didnt care if this movie was good or not, they cared about your money and thier narrative. I am done with Star Wars. What a sad way to end the franchise.', '05'), (" this movie just didn't feel right, and I was highly disappointed.", '10'), (' I have never reviewed a film on RT, but I hate to see this movie get dragged into the mud over what I can only imagine is personal preference. Rian Johnson has done something for which a LOT of SW fans have been waiting: he took a hard left at viewers\' expectations for how a new entry into the saga should look, and I don\'t think that counts as making a film "bad", let alone ruining an entire saga. Without spoiling any of the surprises "The Last Jedi" beholds, I was excited, surprised, and often giddy as a school child throughout the duration of this movie. It\'s by no means perfect (very few films are, let alone SW movies), but it takes risks in almost all of the right places. If you take a moment to consider the stories, the developments taking place within the characters (however small or large these may be), and the balance between the film\'s levity and darkness (or shall I say, "light and dark"? :) ), I think it\'s evident that Rian Johnson isn\'t the bumbling moron people are making him out to be. Disliking the turn of events within a film is everybody\'s right, and if 45% of audiences TRULY disliked these, then so be it. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but The Last Jedi" is not the technically awful sacrilege many reviewers (and bots) are making it out to be.', '45'), (' While not a perfect film, it\'s a pretty great film standing on its own as well as marrying into the long standing and revered franchise, so as a long time Star Wars fan, I was surprised at the backlash it was getting from fellow fans. To my mind, this film continues the evolvement that Rogue One began. We live in darker times than we did (believe it or not) when a little space western called Star Wars came out 40 years ago, and the newer films reflect that. They\'re brutal in some respects. The leads are more complex: there may be a light and a dark side to the Force, but the fact that both live within all of us - not just Vader - is taken out of the box and examined more readily than before. That said, those darker themes that ripple throughout were too starkly contrasted by the moments of humor in the film. Porgs are adorable, but really had no purpose. And a few other moments seemed out of character for the film overall. My daughter dubbed them "Disney moments". But it didn\'t diminish for me what was really happening here. As the director did in Loopers, he took a rousing sci fi action flick and managed to examine the power of familial love with it. Just as there is in Kylo Rens\' mind, there\'s a lot going on here. Clear your mind, use the Force and try to see what it\'s truly putting out there. And then enjoy the light saber sequences!', '40'), (" Star Wars: The Last Jedi does not honors the saga's rich legacy, ignores the events from previous movies and destroy the well known characters. The movie is filled with plot holes, the new director tried to go in new direction ignoring the previous movie and the twists that went in unexpected directions end up terribly disappointing. Only thing good in this movie is cinematography and a a glimpse of an old beloved character, but in the end this is not the Star Wars you're looking for.", '05'), (" Star Wars The Last Jedi is a kind of mix between The Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back.After the fans' critics about episode 7, I hope Disney and Kathleen Kennedy have understood what was wrong with it, but it was not.In my opinion this is the worst movie of all the saga and I will explain why.Firstly, the movie is too long, I look at the clock several times while watching it, bad.Secondly, all that happens in episode 7 and all the story in the original trilogy is not taken into account to make the story of episode 8, so there is no continuity at all, so it could be called whatever instead of star wars.The feeling I have after going out of the cinema was that I have seen a long commercial to sell a lot of merchandising, what a shame of you Disney.Finnaly I have to say that I will never beleive in the proffesional critic anymore, I have read the critics before watching the film and after it the only reason I found to make sens to the difference between the good critics and the movie is that Disney spends a lot of money paying good critics, shame of you too....", '05'), (' Absolutely belongs in the company of the canon. Saw the first in the theater as a 6 year-old and felt like a kid again seeing TLJ. LOVED IT!', '50'), (" One of my first memories was watching The New Hope and this abomination The Last Jedi have smashed that movie experience into a zillion pieces. I told people in the last film the makers needed to pick up a few Star Wars novels and read them, but all they have done is watch the original trilogy and bastardize it. But what is beyond any understanding is how anyone can give this film a stellar rating. It defies belief. Don't these mindless critics even question why their views don't even match up with so many of the masses that saw this movie? Doesn't it haunt them at night or are they blissfully unaware because they have separated themselves from true talent and come to worship a bunch of hacks. Like some smear on a canvas, which any child can make, that sells for tens of millions of dollars. I for one don't usually listen to you fools dribble over cinematic slop, but Star Wars was a fond childhood memory that was desecrated in the theaters and once again in your insipid reviews. I wonder if you come across your thoughts one by one or is there a cabal somewhere that you howl at the moon for the highest bidder. I read dozen of reviews that are dead on with the myriad of problems with this film and the fact that the elite of the elite couldn't spot them speaks more to your collective worth that a volume of explanations.", '05'), (" What a horrible way to end Luke's story. For 40 years I've waited to see Jedi Master Luke Skywalker kick some Sith ass. And all we get is a hologram distraction and a puff of smoke as he concentrated himself to death. Don't get me started on the waste of Leia. Oh *now* she decided to use the Force? Not to save someone or do something noble, but just to save her own ass? And Holdo couldn't just hit auto-pilot? Or hell, get 3PO to man the ship? Or an R2 unit? The casino run was a complete waste of space, and OMG what a waste of Benecio's talent. And Snoke? He can whip Rey's ass around the room like a rag doll, can connect Kylo and Rey's through Force Skype, but can't tell that Kylo is bullshitting him? Ugh. At least I can't just blame George Lucas for ruining Star Wars now. Thanks, Mickey.", '30'), (' I walked into this movie fresh off re-watching The Force Awakens. I wanted to walk in with an appreciation for the plot, for the characters. I wanted to make sure i didn\'t miss anything, any relevant plot points or connections. I\'ve been watching Star Wars since i was a kid, i was blown away the first time i saw it on TV, Luke Skywalker became my hero. The Jedi, with their peace-first philosophy, and Luke\'s defeat of his father not through force, but through love, through humanizing what good was in him, was one of the most amazing moments in cinema i\'ve ever witnessed. There are many masterpieces out there that touch the human soul, that show a moment where a character can raise above what they are and become something more- and this was one of those.I didn\'t go into this film expecting that. I knew, like any person, that this was a new series, under a new director. I wasn\'t blown away by The Force Awakens, but i was surprised to see it brought back that feeling, that Star Wars feeling. I\'d be lying if i said it didn\'t get me excited. I went to this film because i genuinely enjoyed The Force Awakens. I wanted to see it progress, to see the story unfold. My girlfriend bought me the tickets to the showing the day after opening day as my birthday gift at my request. We had to go to a smaller theater for the showing, as it was sold out nearly everywhere.If you enjoy Star Wars, and i mean if you have watched a Star Wars film- and know the names of the characters- Don\'t watch this. I\'m saying this because i care. Don\'t. Just walk away. Wait for the DVD. Watch it at a friend\'s house. If you even remotely care about Luke Skywalker- Walk away. Hamill warned the fans for months, and we didn\'t hear him. Just don\'t do it to yourself. And here- spoiler heavy, mind you- is why.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Spoilers)---------------------------------------------------------------------------The movie opens with that epic shot we ended on in The Force Awakens. Luke, standing poised before Rey, her outstretched hand holding his lightsaber. Her quest to find Luke fulfilled, the map he left so he could be found, completed, and her epic journey to find him, fulfilled. Her face, Pleading. His face, grave and filled with indefinable emotion. The shot pans back and forth for a second, Luke grabs his lightsaber from her open hand, and hucks it over his shoulder and off a cliff.Noone in my theatre laughed. Seriously. I\'m not kidding. I love Star Wars, and i wish i was kidding, but i\'m not. And honestly, it should have been funny. But it wasn\'t. After two years of waiting, two years of building this epic moment. And this is the first scene. It progresses bewilderingly into Luke not only saying he did not want to be found- (Why did he then leave a trail and explicit instructions to find him?) into him refusing to train Rey. What we, as an audience, are meant to swallow, is that Luke not only left a trail ONLY a force user could follow- he also DID NOT WANT THAT TRAIL FOLLOWED.It cuts to a scene with Finn, waking up in a bacta suit. This is played for laughs, him walking around leaking fluid everywhere. But noone laughed. Again, i really wish i was joking or lying. I wanted to laugh. But something just wasn\'t funny about it.The film progresses to Poe- (The X-Wing fighter from TFA) Lining up with a single X-Wing vs several Imperial Star Destroyers. He attacks the Star Destroyer with no backup- somehow destroying every single turret on it- without them deploying any fighters- and none of the available other star destroyers providing any backup. It\'s pure nonsense as a tiny ship incapable of the firepower to even damage the enemy ships bewilderingly does so- and pulls it off. Whereas in the OT it took entire squadrons of X wings to destroy just the turrets- All of a sudden due to plot power, one X wing can take down a Destroyer. (And he\'s facing several)I gave up hope right here. I could already tell. From the stale lines pulled straight from a cheesy Sci-Fi channel original, to the bs space battle, and then right back to Rey training with Luke. Or should i say, not training with Luke. Watching Luke Milk an alien\'s massive crotch nipples while the alien moans suggestively and looks at Rey. Meanwhile, a space battle unfolds with the rebels where they drop bombs from a B-Wing in full gravity (In space, where there is no gravity), and from nowhere, at the last second, the Empire pulls a ship out that can predict hyperspace jumps.It only gets worse. The plot from here for the rebels consists of them running from the imperial battleships because they are outnumbered (But yet a single X Wing can take on three of them, and they have flight decks full of X-Wings) when they discover they are running out of gas. Let me just let that sink in. The Rebel ships are ahead, and stay ahead, because they are faster. The Empire states the rebels are just out of range of the cannons, but soon they will run out of fuel. Noone who made this movie understands how space works.Just to tutor you- In space, there is no gravity, and no air. No gravity and no air means very little resistance. That means, once you have achieved maximum velocity (like with a engine) you remain at that speed nearly indefinitely. That means, you don\'t need to use gas once you\'re at top speed. And at their top speed, they were faster than the Empire. Get the problem?They don\'t even need the fuel to stay ahead. And this is only one of the huge problems created by the lack of basic knowledge this film displays.During the battle, we see the expected death of Princess Leia. Because Carrie Fisher is dead. Noone would ever slight them for that. But in some ham fisted attempt to surprise the audience, instead, after being frozen solid in space- Leia not only lives- but force glides like Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy, in a terribly cgi\'d flight- back into a ship that does not explosively decompress because plot armor. During this travesty of a space battle, Finn and a newcomer- Rose- are doing a comedy bit where Finn- apparently back to being a coward- is trying to escape the battle. She stuns him, travels to a planet to help him find support for their fuel lagged ships- (Groan) all while teaching him the values of animal rights and the evils of capital gain. Ironically, i\'m liberal, and these messages resonate with me. But in the film, they come off forced, ham fisted just like the rest of the plot. Additionally, it is revealed later that nothing they do actually impacts the battle, or any of the plot. And to top it off, Rose dies, killing herself to stop Finn from making what would have been an amazing and impactful sacrifice, and then revealing she fell in love with him during the several hours they knew each other with her last breath.This is disney romance at it\'s worst. Meanwhile, Luke offers Rey three lessons, because she won\'t leave. She accepts her first lesson, descends into a dark pit filled with the dark side of the force, and faces her trial.In what could have been an amazing moment of symbolism and a clarification of any one of the dozen mysteries surrounding Rey, we discover not only nothing- but less than. Whereas Luke left the tree aware of his great fear of becoming his father- Rey leaves with nothing. No lesson. No vision. No change. The theme of this movie, in short.As the climax of the star wars 5k funrun in space concludes, a character we don\'t know and i can\'t even remember the name of sacrifices herself in Admiral Ackbars cruiser (Him having died earlier in a moment of battle without merit), crashing it into the enemy cruisers to protect those fleeing the battle to a planet below. Throughout these scenes, interactions between Kylo and Rey have continued, through the form of Force Telepathy- a power never witnessed in the previous films, that it not explained in any way. As it continues to occur- and Kylo accidentally seduces her with his shirt off, rey decides from several conversations, the first of which she accuses him of being a murderous monster (Totally true), to the last where she bafflingly decides there is good in him, and ditches her training to go confront him in the same throne room as Snoke.In the midst of this- Luke confesses, and we finally get one tiny little bit of closure on one single plotline from TFA. And god damnit, it is the worst possible thing you could ever imagine for anyone who loves Luke. It turns out, the reason Kylo is evil, is because one night, as he slept, Luke Skywalker, man who stared Darth Vader in the face- Who saved a mass murderer\'s soul and returned him to the light- whose primary trait is his never-give-up, always hope, attitude and immense bravery- snuck up on him and stood above him with the equivalent of a dripping blade, considering his murder, because, and i quote "I sensed the dark side growing in him"Luke Skywalker- Child murderer.This is about the point i became outraged.The following scenes i barely paid attention to. I wanted out. I no longer wanted to see what happened, but i stayed long enough to watch Luke die, of concentrating too hard, as he used all of his abillity to project himself in a 5 second lightsaber fight that had no fighting- in the last ten minutes of the film.That\'s when i walked out. Happy birthday, me. And screw you, Rian Johnson.I am not coming back for any more. Star wars is dead for me. Thanks for the good run. I\'ve seen and read Hamill\'s comments on the matter- and i am going to take his advice.The original trilogy is enough- It\'s amazing- and i don\'t need more than that. Thank you Mr.Hamill. Your performance was the best you could do, and i thank you for it. For me, this is the end of the road. Jesus, Snoke. Where do i begin. Snoke, the man who can sense everything, even his own disciples urge to kill him, is fooled by a ruse that he is openly detecting as he detects it. Without backstory, without any idea of who he is and what he can do, he dies. Who was he? Who cares. He\'s gone.', '05'), (" Save your money. More Spaceballs than Star Wars. THe out of galaxy 'prank call gag' sets the tone for the entire movie. Not a movie for Star Wars fans that's for sure. Sucking the eternal optimism and faith out of the Luke Skywalker character was a huge disappointment. This is a movie hyped purely to sell merchandise, there's not even a coherent plot. They didn't just kill off Luke Skywalker, they killed Star Wars.", '05'), (' total the worst Star Wars Ever! The script is so bad that my 8 years son was laughing. Defo Disney pay for Rotten Website as I cannot believe that critics like it .', '05'), (" TLJ was a real disappointment. For one there was lots of plot holes that I could not overlook. Manly though I was disappointed with the story and the direction the film took. I thought it was going to be a grittier darker film like the Empire Strikes back but it didn't even come close. Also i thought it would expand the characters and their past but didn't do any of that either. Overall I thought it was really bad. I will probably watch it again someday but I doubt it will change m opinion.", '05'), (' Luke and phasma are so sick', 'ni'), (' This movie destroys all meaning from the original 6 movies and manages to be a worse film than the prequel trilogy.', '05'), (' I believe that this was an amazing film, with fabulous CGI and special effects.', '50'), (' expected more from luke character', '10'), (' The Star Wars franchise is officially ruined. What a tragedy.', '05'), (' Its just bad.. so bad.. ughh.. so bad', 'ni'), (' It was not the strongest of the Starwars movies, but it was very entertaining and well made.', '50'), (" The cinematography is gorgeous. That's the only positive comment I can make about this film. Glaring plot holes, completely changing characters from the original series and blatant misandry all add up to make this the worst movie I've seen in years. Needless to say, I'll be avoiding Episode IX. I don't think I'll ever forgive Disney for destroying this epic universe.", '05'), (' ...and I though The Force Awakens was bad...then I saw this pile of hot garbage.', '05'), (" Disney has wiped out the entire legacy of George Lucas, this is not Star Wars, there is no honor, there is no emotional conflict, it is confusing and incomplete. The problem was not the fate of the Skywalkers, the problem is the fate of the whole series, Yoda's words were written by Mickey Mouse and that's it. There are no more rules and traditions within the Star Wars universe, or abandon or accept this superficial generation and want quick answers to everything.", '05'), (" Way to many plot holes. Apparently every shingle person in the new order is incompetent and can't shoot straight. Turbo laser beams do NOT ark over distance in space ! I could honestly go on for hours but it's not worth my time and this movie isn't worth yours. Disney really dropped the ball on this one.", '05'), (" As a fan from the old days, episodes I, II and III are still not in my favorites, this episode is now side by side with the Return of the Jedi. They had the courage to surprise us and move the franchise ahead. Great Movie and great cinematic experience (even more if you are a real fan - to be surprised again .. the way we were in the 80's).", '50'), (" Don't get the hate with this. Honestly. I get the plot holes and the dragged out sequences, but there's too much good shit in this for it to be a bad movie. Rey and Kylo Ren are incredible, arguably the two best characters in the whole saga. Big thumbs up", '50'), (' I agree with PewDiePie!', '25'), (' Everything a Star Wars movie should be.', '45'), (" I am not a fan fiction or extended universe junkie. And I didn't love the prequels, but they were tolerable. They had some magic moments. This movie had none. As a stand-alone movie I could see how it could get a good review, but as a Star Wars movie, it is an epic fail. I am not just saying that because it does not follow my preconceived notions of what should happen. I am saying that because it is not consistent with the previous films. Not even TFA. I felt like Rian Johnson was giving the middle finger to all star wars fans on this one.", '05'), (' slow at the start but picked up in the second half', '50'), (' I skipped into the cinema, because I was so damn excited to see star wars. I left the cinema holding back tears, because I was so disappointed.', '05'), (' Once again, Disney revealed their lack of respect for story-telling craftsmanship. Rian Johnson can keep on lying to himself, but the audiences will always tell the truth.', '10'), (" Super entertaining and expanded the lore in great new ways. Did it have some flaws? Sure, but what movie doesn't? Don't believe all the negative hype.", '50'), (" Surprising, innovative, and (even though Mark Hamill doesn't appear to think so) it stays coherent with the characters and the universe. A wonderful movie that took Star Wars somewhere new. I expected nothing less from the director of Looper and Brick.", '50'), (' Snoke was the worst villian ever, stupid even, we are used to empire baddies to be smart and mean, not condescending and dumb. Big ships are supposed to have shields, and jedis are no supposed to fly like the virgin mary or superman in space, totally stupid.', '20'), (' Excellent chapter in the Star Wars legacy!! Plenty of drama, excitement, nostalgia and suspense. People in the theater were clapping and cheering at several points during the movie.', '50'), (' Disney literally milked any semblance of good story telling for quick $ . Cheap like spoiled milk.', '05'), (' Horrible joke of a "star wars" film. Disgrace to George Lucas, luckily he made a fortune off Disney yet they can be as mainstream & off-topic as they want. Very boring film, there was maybe one halfway-original Jedi battle to try and please the audience. They threw in plenty of random characters that had no importance to a single part of the once great Star Wars legend. And they proceeded to follow with a series of corny jokes, while every sub-par character expressed their drama with the other side. Not much happened in the movie overall, and sadly Skywalker did not achieve a thing besides passing away (RIP) after not teaching a soul the first thing about the Force. It was overall a terrible movie with little action, but it may have a chance to win an Oscar due to being one of the best dramas since The Breakfast Club. George Lucas you are already missed.', '05'), (" This is for you if you're hoping to find shallow characters, a throwaway plot, and an overbearing nod to social justice trends in your cinema. Unfortunate, considering the incredible talent of the actors involved. If this is the future of the franchise then the most responsible option for Disney is to put it out of its misery.", '15'), (' Cinematically beautiful, but tied together with unimportant sub-plots that ended up stealing the show. Too many characters to fully develop any emotional connection to any of them. What have they done to the force? It feels like something straight out of the Harry Potter universe.', '10'), (" it's not what I was expecting. Realistically hero worship aside, what happened with Luke's character humanized him. I don't want to spoil it, but what happened needed to happen in order for things to be torn down and started anew.", '40'), (' There is not one thing I enjoyed about this movie. They tried to force in too many plot lines with some of the dullest characters in any sci-fi film while trying to teach us real world values. Felt like this was a sequel to Wing Commander or Battlefield Earth. If this is the director for the next franchise I will not be watching.', '05'), (" For the people who are upset by this movie: relax, and may the Force be with you. This is the epitome of a middle movie in a trilogy, and I like Johnson's approach to the complex natures for the major characters. Where Chapter iV was about black-and-white good vs. evil, this feels more like real relationships and the how people face their failures. I trust that Abrams will bring this story home with a flourish in the next movie and people will appreciate how well The Last Jedi made this a deeper story with richer characters.", '50'), (' Lots of twists that were enjoyable in the moment, but became overbearing by the end of the movie. The lack of story development is the major flaw and leaves little hope for the final movie.', '15'), (" They've disrespected a heritage and storyline with cheap political ideological scenes cuckolding former heros in favour of strong decisive women. Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson have taken a rich vibrant and deep cinematic world and turned it into a cheap, tacky and shallow soap opera. Total disappointment and indicative of the crap churned out by companies like Disney nowadays. You failed.", '05'), (" Best movie I've watched in years!", '50'), (' Fight scenes were okay, but everything else was pretty much disappointing. I wanted to like it, but it left me uninterested in what happens to the characters moving forward.', '15'), (' A bit too much comedy and a bit too much cuteness. Otherwise an OK middle movie. Nothing grand and no masterpiece like for instance Rogue One or Episode VII.', '35'), (' This movie is a shame to the previous great movies and titles and it does not do justice to the old fans of this series. The humor is out of balance and the logic is out of this world, literally! Waste of time!', ''), (" I'm sorry for Mark Hamill. Hate Ryan Johnson", '10'), (" It's fun, it's visually stunning, it takes risks. It's got problems but what's good is just so good.", '50'), (" An opportunity to create something very special was missed. Luke Skywalker's character was rewritten to fit a poorly contrived plot. Carrie Fisher is pushed to the side lines and under used in what should have been her final moment to shine. The humour is forced and falls flat, completely missing the mark. I came away from this film feeling insulted and angry that such an incompetent director had been allowed free reign to create his own personal version of star wars. The fans are what have made the franchise so lucrative, and this is how Disney rewards them. George Lucas should never have sold out. So so sad. I will not be going to see any more Star Wars movies. It really is time for the Jedi to end.", '05'), (' Awful. No point in listing all of the bad it has been done. How bad? so bad that a friend even came around for a therapy session as he was also baffled why the movie was so bad. We spent the afternoon bitching about it. Star Wars has a strong fan base who have supported it for years, like the 501st Legion. This movie craps on that legacy. The prequels were not great films, but they still advanced a story and were based in the Star Wars universe. This story/plot was a mess and did nothing, characters and events served no purpose. There were moments of good, often ruined by slap stick comedy, but ultimately the entire film was let done by a pointless story and a cavalier attitude to the previous films, universe and lore.You can make a new story with new characters and still be true to the original universe. Don\'t give me this crap about "challenging my preconceptions" that is just lazy for a bad story, because you can\'t write anything with constraints. I was going to write a big review why this was so bad .... but honestly much like the writers of the Last Jedi, I am not sure I care anymore. If this is the future of Star Wars .... then I\'m no longer a fan.Finally, stop trying to blame the bad reviews on bots and accept the fact that a lot of fans disliked the film. I am more concerned that all of the critic reviews seem suspiciously overly positive.', '05'), (' Sigh, not what i hoped...', '20'), (" This is one of the most disappointing films I've ever seen. Even if you ignore the 7 (count them) unnecessary characters in the film the plot and storyline can't hide the lack of effort involved on all counts. Instead of creating a solid story In which one could add some suspense or false leads, we are left with a film that lies to the viewer at every opportunity to synthesize suspense and ingenuity, I am a lifetime SW fan and I can honestly say I have no intention of paying to see another film in this saga. It is a joke, and I'm not going to take it seriously if they won't.", '10'), (" Its not that the Last Jedi is bad. Its that its soo bad...I really don't understand what move the critics were watching with this or if they are just so afraid of Disney at this point that they dare not give it a bad rating? The biggest disappointment for me on this is that after that massive success of Rogue One (I'm not talking about number of toys sold here but more to the fact that it was such a good movie) for someone not to sit back at Disney and say 'Well we've cracked it! This is the formula to make Star Wars great again.' instead they sat back and said 'Well lets not make another one of those!' There is honestly so much wrong with this film I don't know where to start. I think it may actually (whisper it) be worse than Phantom Menace. Phantom Menace had some glaring issues that if fixed would have made for a decent film. There is nothing that would redeem this. Luke hams it up, Leia (bless her) dials it in and Chewie is on steroids. I'll not bore you all with the problems with the film but simply choose one of my personal worst moments. The scenes with Snoke in are probably the worst CGI I have seen in any star wars movie. His throne room looks like something out of an original series star trek set design and the cgi for snoke himself is just awful and thats before I even start on the characters role in the movie. So disappointed and the only light at the end of the tunnel is a JJ (I'll do whatever Disney tell me to) Abrahams shaped train heading the way of the Star Wars franchise. Sad times.", '05'), (' I saw it twice. Both times in the 3D 4X theaters. I thought it was a good fun movie. Had lots of nail biting scenes and laughs. I\'m sure there will be people not happy with the glorious Skywalker name not being the most important and powerful Jedi name in history but those are people not able to actually watch a movie and enjoy it without saying "if I was the director I would have ...." When I went, people were clapping at various scenes. GO SEE IT', '50'), (" Hey Rian Johnson...this isn't Guardians of the Galaxy. Star Wars isn't meant to have comic relief for every scene. And the Force is apparently magic now. Just awful. Has Johnson even seen a Star Wars movie?", '05'), (' It is Star Wars. It is great. Shock - horror the director does new things. Cannot understand the poor reviews at all.', '50'), (' a crime against humanity', '05'), (" There are moments of genuine brilliance in this film but sadly they are damaged by the much more frequent instances of awkwardly placed humour, jarring tonal shifts and a complete disregard for rules, characters and plot points set up by all the previous movies. I am a massive Star Wars fan, like lightsaber owning wookiepedia reading book owning fan...and I wanted to love this movie. It was just a mess, put simply. Classic characters get butchered and turned into weirdo version of themselves with no justification. Other characters are utterly wasted (Phasma and Snoke) and don't even get me started on Leia's space walk. Thank the force for Rogue One.", '20'), (' This is a perfect Star Wars movie, the best one since Return. There appears to be a vocal segment of people online who did not like the movie. To them I say: get over it.', '50'), (' The Last Jedi was wonderful! Immediately after seeing it I just wanted to see it again. I am going to see it a second time tonight. The characters were well done, great acting, amazing visuals, great storyline, good plot twists (so glad I did not get any spoilers before I watched it). I am really impressed with what disney is doing with the Star Wars franchise. I enjoyed this more than The Force Awakens, which I very much loved. I grew up on Star Wars and saw Empire and Jedi in the theaters when they came out. I did not care much for episodes 1, 2, 3 but I am really loving these new movies and Last Jedi was wonderful. It is quite amazing how many people out there are hating on this. I wonder how much of that is troll-farm but I also know that it is impossible to please everyone. In any case, I consider myself to be a true fan, a believer in the force and I loved this movie!', '50'), (" Plot holes everywhere. Horrible slapstick. Completely untrue to the established characters. Story decisions that are just plain stupid. It seems Disney has zero established plan for this series. Just pump em out and rake in the dough. This script should have been trashed. I grew up with the original trilogy. I've loved this franchise all my life but The Last Jedi has made me not care about seeing any more of it. Such a shame.", '15'), (" This movie is fun! What I love about Star Wars, is that throughout it's own history there have been bad moments and great one, amazing technological advances in movie making and puppetry... Star Wars brings the past and present together into a grab bag of awesomeness. The Last Jedi is a thrill ride and continues a beautiful story.", '50'), (" This movie is the biggest waist of time and potential I have ever seen. It is so badly written I can't even explain how much. Actually, I can I think Suicide Squad, that I deeply hated, had a better script thant the last Jedi. Obviously, the people responsible of writting this movie didn't know the other ones. They didn't know the caracters, they didn't know force, they didn't even know simple space laws! And what makes me even sadder, is that they just didn't seem to know how to write a story, which is suppose to be their f****** job! Indeed, this entire movie seems useless, because for the most part it is. Most of the plot could have been eliminated if only the behavior of the caracters followed simple logic. There is so many plot hole, so many things that are introduced and never exploited, so many nonsence! And I am talking about this movie alone not even the force awaken. It could have been so good, but it's pure garbage. I wasted my money and I hope you won't.", '05'), (" This movie doesn't require you suspend disbelief, it requires that you first have a total lobotomy to buy into it. I didn't do it before so I'll go for mine now in an attempt to erase the film from my mind.", '05'), (' Not as good as episodes 1 through 6 but The last Jedi Tells a unique story That is probably best out of the star wars universe.', '20'), (' Rian Johnson brings a new and enjoyable take on Star Wars, it takes our expectations and fan theories and turns it on its head. For once in a very long time, we now have a Star Wars story that is not predictable and we have no clue where the story in the sequel is going and just like A New Hope it brings back that "a nobody like Luke or even me can be a Hero" feeling which a lof of people seem to forget about.', '50'), (" The Last Jedi was a fantastic addition to the Star Wars universe. It's even better the second time. Rian Johnson took risks that pay off. As a fanboy I would say that it is not what I was expecting or hoping for, but that's ok. So many movies are predictable, Rian Johnson gave us a Star Wars movie that is willing to burn down what we know and (attempt to) open our minds to the vast possibilities of the force and the Star Wars universe (obviously there are those who can't see past their fan theories and expectations).Opinions on this movie vary greatly, but there's no way this movie deserves a 1/2 a star like so many have. Those scores are from angry fans who gave The Force Awakens 5 stars for not taking any risks at all and following a scene by scene formula provided in the original trilogy. This isn't a remake like its predecessor, it pays homage to the classics while shaking things up to the vast potential directions that Star Wars can take.I can't wait to see how JJ brings this trilogy to a close in Episode IX as well as to see what Rian Johnson has in store for us with the next non-Skywalker trilogy.", '40'), (' I\'m not sure if I\'ve ever been this disappointed with a Star Wars film. Sure, the acting was great, the battle sequences were great, the new creatures were fun, there were a couple of cool twists and a welcome reappearance from puppet Yoda, and I LOVE the new emphasis on strong female characters.BUT the plot pretty much sucked. Yes, a lot happened. But did any of it amount to anything? No, not really. It was all just the First Order chasing the Resistance, the Resistance trying to escape. There was lots of plot but no plot progression at all. At the end, we were virtually in exactly the same place we were at the end of "The Force Awakens", minus some key character deaths (some of the cool twists I mentioned). And there were so many scenes ripped straight out of previous Star Wars films. The Ren/Luke confrontation was a combo of the Obi-Wan/Vader confrontations from "A New Hope" and "Revenge of the Site", even with similar lines. The Snoke/Ren/Rey confrontation was a close remake of Luke/Emperor/Vader in "Return of the Jedi". The overarching plot was too similar to "The Empire Strikes Back" and all the battles didn\'t feel particularly different to anything we\'ve seen before either. I expected so much more. Despite having some dodgy acting, bad dialogue and huge over-reliance on CGI, there\'s one thing the prequels had in droves and, for me, made them better films than these sequels - and that\'s decent, original plots.', '20'), (' great movie, having seen every movie and been a long time fan since i was 5. i cannot understand the haters, rian johnson was considerably better than jj abrams, would recommend. only problem was that leia scenae', '50'), (" This movie doesn't have a coherent story. It is full of sight gags that harken back to Monty Python or Tim Burton films (or Tekken). It in no way captures the feel of a Star Wars movie. Yet, it still manages to copy many of the beats of Empire, making it also unoriginal. It fails on every level.", '10'), (' Love it! The casino was ok. That is all!', '50'), (" Objectively, this movie was good but subjectively this movie, to me, was nothing but wasted potential. The main male characters barely have any character development and Finn gets sidelined. Some of the characters are horrifyingly out-of-character. Luke's character gets *destroyed* because the director has a boner for fascist redemption arcs and it was all for nothing in the end anyway. Luke's character got destroyed for That.The OT makes me the happiest and so do the ending to each one of those movies. You know that something is wrong when you have angry tears streaming down your face when the credits roll on a Star Wars movie.", '05'), (' I don\'t know why their saying these reviews are rigged why people are saying fans are unsatisified because of wrongpredictions and bad homage to previous characters. The fact of the matter is Rian Johnson took away two major antagonist(Phasma and Snoke) and the original biggest protagonist in the series Luke skywalker without giving a proper Star Wars homage to the theatre. Star Wars the force awakens does leave a lot obvious hints that major events should be important but the actor went into this movie not trying to connect the dots as previous stars movies have and kind of Kentucky wind aged it. Truthfully the problem with the film industry is that a lot of people could of been completely fine with whatever Rian decides to put in his films as long as he puts the Star Wars label on the cover. I have truly liked Star Wars but it does not matter if I\'m a major fan or a person who started off the movies from the new arc the truth is Arian can get away with a lot and just say "it comes with the business ." Well I understand it is not easy to fulfill the same nostalgia but don\'t recycle scenes like these are episode 4-6. Oh well it what is going to be said in this Star Wars universe but glad to know the fans will at least put smack down on its games.', '20'), (' Heroic....truly heroic.', '50'), (' Utter waste of my time. Extremely disappointing beyond a fair job by Dern & Hamill. Save your money. Worst Star Wars film ever.', '10'), (" I enjoyed it, I really liked it. Only thing I didn't fancy was Rose's few scenes.", 'wts'), (" Loved it, this is the new Star Wars we've been waiting for. More of this please!", '50'), (' Some great fights and beautiful scenes, but a scattered and meandering plot and dialogue on par with old "I hate sand... it gets everywhere." Disappointed overall.', '20'), (' While visuals and music are great, the plot unfortunately is just plain stupid and boring.Plot holes are huge enough that even a deathstar would fit into them.I wish we had old EU back...', '20'), (" Remember when you visited a band of rebels from a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, and you cared about each of them, and followed them from their desperate flight in delivering the plans of a deadly weapon into the hands of those who could use them to free the galaxy, to the rising up of a young, courageous hero, and the fall of an Empire? Now , take all that and toss it and all the popcorn you couldn't eat, due to the loss of appetite this film will give you, because we're erasing all the progress the original films concluded with, and we're shoving modern feminism, plot twists you won't care about, countless subplots that lead you nowhere, and none of that warmth that kept you cheering on that original band of lovable characters. There are likable moments, to be fair, and you'll want to care for some of them... You'll really, really want to care... But the overall plot just will not allow it.", '05'), (" While I certainly have some nitpicks, like I would with any movie, The Last Jedi was a brave and stirring movie. Rian Johnson has saved Star Wars from going stale by being unafraid to do something bold and take risks. Mark Hamill's performance is almost unbelievably good and carries much of the weight of the film.", '50'), (' Horrible, with this film episode VII become completely useless', '10'), (' Everything that was great was countered by two things that were terrible.', '25'), (' I loved this movie yes there were issues and it wasnt my favorite a little long, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. I liked some of the twists and turns, I enjoyed the comedy even though there was a lot more than there should have been. a must see', '45'), (' The movie have many plot holes', 'wts'), (' Film all messed up.Nothing that was proposed in the previous film was respected. Clearly the Disney studios have repented of the course taken in episode VII.They have passed over all mythology. But what bothered me most was how they dismissed Supreme Leader Snoke. They did not explain anything about him and threw him out with a simplicity that did not fit into the story.They threw everything in the trash. Not even the mask of Kylo Ren survived the episode VIII.This movie is pure space junk.', '05'), (' This is a great action movie. Awesome sound and great visuals. However, it feels like Rian Johnson didn\'t watch The Force Awakens, because there are so many plot-holes. Many of the "high-profile" characters is neglected, which confirms my suspicion about Rian Johnson prioritizes the trailer more than the actual movie. This movie is a sad attempt to stretch a 1 hour plot into a 2.5 hour movie.', '25'), (" This movie is filled with plot holes, is lack of consistent universe, has legendary characters totally different personalities from the original trilogy...The first 3 episodes were just to fill the blanks in episodes 4, 5 and 6 and this trilogy should have been as legendary as 4, 5 and 6.7 was filled with unrelatable characters and now. Rey is the most Mary Sue in all movie sector. She was perfect at everything, liked and trusted by everyone easily, had great powers with no explanation...In 8, i hoped there would be some explanation all for this. Why does she know how to fix hyperdrive? where does her powers come from? how come he learned all these powers without being trainedAnd guess what? There was no answer. Also, the given answer is not answering at all.Mark Hamill risked his everything for a tiny bit everything for his father because he saw a little bit good in him. But when he saw Kylo, he tried to kill him in sleep? THIS IS NOT LUKE!!!!And Rey took 3 lessons only for 2 days! This is no training! This isn't even an intro to training! And who wrote the lessons? 5 years old kid? Crying out loud, listen, in space where you can travel with FTL, you wont chase anything. you use FTL to get in front of them, cut them and toast them from two sides. The great, builders of planetwide deathstar couldn't think of it?This, episode 8 is so much worse and gives no hope for the episode 9.", '05'), (" It's Indiana Jones 4 but for Star Wars", '05'), (' Disney has killed Star Wars, its culture and its legacy.', '05'), (" Let's get one thing straight: if you only want new Star Wars films to retell the old films with new characters (like TFA) and balk at any change, you will probably be disappointed.The older fans might still remember the outcry that happened when Chewbacca was killed off in the Expanded Universe, before there was Disney to blame (of course, that was 1999 when people had other reasons to complain about Star Wars). It's the kind of outcry that always happens when a beloved franchise dares to go new ways.This, basically, is The Last Jedi in a nutshell: an attempt to prevent the universe from becoming a stale retread of old stories. Is it perfect? No. But neither is any other Star Wars film. But it is entertaining and moving with the right amount of heart, surprises and excitement which is worthy of the franchise.In the end, everyone should make up their own mind of course and so I urge anyone reading this to ignore the barrage of negative comments and just see the film. Like always with the internet, a tiny vocal minority can distort the perception because those unsatisfied have more reasons to voice their frustration. When I saw it the day it came out, the whole theater was full of happy fans and I heard not a single bad word about it afterwards. I doubt that I was in the only theater full of people who liked the film.PS: imagining a grand conspiracy in which Disney bribed more than 90% of critics worldwide might make some people feel better than to consider that they might be in the wrong. But that does not change the fact that there is no such conspiracy.", '45'), (' The Storyline was baaaaaaad. Any interesting sparks from episode 7 were quickly extinguished. Acting and special effects were good.', '20'), (' The low audience score is due to anti Disney people using bots to bring down the score so do not believe the hack. It is a good movie and if your a Star Wars fan you will surely enjoy it.', '50'), (' Fantastic addition to the franchise, ryan Johnson is not afraid to take risks with this and tells a fantastic story, with great character depth.', '50'), (" A impressively bad film. Not since The Hobbit have such high expectations been struck so low. I'd say there about 50 major problems with the film.", '05'), (' Such a good movie. This movie instills the hope and wonder that A New Hope did all those years back.', '50'), (' Pitiful. Silly plot. Even weaker characters then the last. Nothing to get excited for in the final chapter.', ''), (' The filmmakers main goal across the board was to destroy and manipulate our expectations by breaking rules set in the Star Wars universe and by debunking every possible fan theory based on questions set up in the Force Awakens.I\'ve seen every Star Wars movie in theater four times on top of countless viewings at home. I will only be seeing The Last Jedi twice and that\'s only because I had tickets purchased for the second viewing in advance with a group of friends. (BTW this is my first RT review.)I\'ve never had such polarizing different opinions with critics as I do with this movie. I spent countless hours reading fan reviews and watching youtube reviews (positive and negative) and the problems that everyone has are consistent across the board. I\'m having a hard time understanding why this would be the best critically reviewed Star Wars movie when I feel this may be one of the worst produced... The filmmakers were more concerned with burning the past to build the future that they want. They don\'t care what the characters or story deserve. General flaws.- The plot and structure are flawed. The low-fuel resistance ship being "slowly" chased by the first order fleet who were just out of harms way presented no sense of urgency. It did not serve as a good ticking clock and it needed way to much exposition to explain what the filmmakers were trying so hard to set up.- The comedy was off putting and Star Wars should not have self-deprecating humor in the second act of a trilogy. Both audiences at packed theaters did not laugh at majority of the jokes. I actually was the only one laughing quit a few times. (I love the porgs.)- Luke Skywalker was not Luke Skywalker. I can write an essay on this one alone. His motives and arc in this movie made no sense on top of not remotely emulating who he spent 3 movies becoming. I\'ve heard many people express that they felt he was weak and passive. Mark Hamill was very open about not agreeing with how Luke was portrayed in the script.- Finn and Rose\'s storyline completely destroys the pacing and is inconsequential. This 30 to 40 minutes should have never been written or it should have been completely cut out of the movie. The filmmakers disrespect and kill off original characters or put them in the background, and do not continue to develop the great characters set up beautifully in Force Awakens. They instead decide to take us to Canto Bight to get preachy and repeat things we\'ve understood about the rebels and oppressors since A New Hope. (Why are they adding a love story with Rose and Finn when we just had the beautiful connection between Finn and Rey in FA?)- Snoke\'s fate and lack of any backstory were both unsatisfying and cheap. (It\'s like the filmmakers are trolling their fans.)- Rey\'s lineage was handled the same way as the latter. It was set up for us to wonder for two years only for the filmmakers to out smart us by saying "Tricked you! It\'s nothing!" I think most of the audience feels cheated and not wowed by this choice in story telling. This is not a twist or even a good example of misdirection. If you want to play with genre conventions do it in a new standalone movie by playing with it\'s genre conventions. Not in an established universe. And I\'m not saying we have to stick to the same thing over and over because I can make a long list of things they recycled in this movie. - The decision to surprise us with Leia using her force powers is going against what we\'ve known of her character for four decades. To use Carrie Fisher\'s untimely demise to trick us with Leia\'s fake death and resurrections that early in the movie was manipulative and cheap.- The Skywalker family is what this saga evolves around. If you want to make stories about Rose and Vice Admiral Holdo and their best girl friends do that in your spin off trilogy that I will not be seeing.- The theme of the movie "It\'s time to let old things die." So Yoda and Kylo Ren now share the same views? If the filmmakers are going to embrace this, let go of characters from the past in a respectful way. Don\'t discredit everything they accomplished in the previous films and try to let them go in a way that pays tribute to who we all fell in love with.', '05'), (' I usually don\'t do movie reviews, but I\'m making an exception for this one.I\'ll just come out and say it... It was bad. I mean, really bad. I felt like I was watching a Transformers movie with an even worse plot. Not that there was much of a plot anyway. They could have called this movie "A Bunch of People Die in Space," because that\'s basically all that happens. A bunch of people get killed in laser fights, some crazy hermit drinks green milk from an alien\'s titty, and an emo kid cries about his abusive father figure. The End. It wasn\'t just the plot that was bad, though. Some things about this movie actually affected me mentally. Like whenever there is a serious battle scene happening, they keep inserting these stupid, cringy jokes that actually made me feel embarrassed just for watching this retarded trash. I\'m glad I torrented a cam version of this movie and didn\'t actually pay for a ticket. They don\'t deserve a dime for this pile of puke.If I could give it 0 stars, I would have given it -10. F!@# you, Disney. I hope I live to see you go out of business.', '05'), (' The story had a lot of plot holes, it was un-original. They took a lot of liberties with the force. The visuals are great, but the move is okay at best.', '15'), (' Amazing!!!! A fresh chapter to the Saga. Fun, nice storytelling and GREAT visuals. Epic!', '50'), (" This movie is terrible. I wont even get into how much potential was wasted on the half-effort story line. I miss when 1-2 characters were the comic relief of this Action/Sci-fi adventure series. Now, every character is a comedian. With each scene change, I don't know what personality I am going to see from any given character....the comedian or the real character that attempts to drive the plot forward. Spoiler: Kylo Ren was a disaster. Its sad, but this series is dead...its just like Transformers, just a whole lot of nothing with some explosions to make the brain dead go WOOOO and throw their money at it!!!", '05'), (" Disney took a huge dump on the Star Wars franchise. Was very excited to see it. Was hugely disappointed. Don't waste your hard earned money. If you have to see it wait to rent it at home. Don't let your friends and family see you watching it in public. Disney wiped their lame stank all over this thing. It's corny, stupid and politically correct. Plus now they kill off Luke. I want my 2 1/2 hours of my life back!!!", '05'), (" R.Johnson smashed everything apart what JJ set up for the new trilogy. They lied to Mark about Luke's future in the movies what is totally disgustiing in my opinion. This movei had so much potential but Johnson f**ed it up. They wrote too much plot holes, chose the completely wrong direction. Killed off all the caracters who they should not...and these are just a few things. If JJ Abrams will say NO to direct the last episode of this trilogy I would not be surprised at all.", '20'), (" I don't know why people is throwing garbage to this movie. Actually, it's very good! If you wanted to this movie were the same as all the other Star Wars, then go to hell.", '35'), (" This reminds me of the bad old days when George Lucas wrote the script. Episode 1,2 and 3. If this movie didn't have the history of Star Wars behind it and a massive special effects and marketing budget critics would be panning it. Wooden acting and terrible dialogue combined with an unimaginative story line. It is an average copy of Empire Strikes Back. The galling thing is that this will still crack a billion in ticketing.", 'ni'), (" Since there is a two year waiting game between films, the imaginations of fans build up the expectation of the next movie, to something that ten times the budget wouldn't be able to produce. I say make four hour movies with a 15-20 minute intermission to relieve one's self & get your refills on Soda & Popcorn that your large order allows you to have. To appease Disney, charge double for the ticket, since you'll only get half the showings in a day.I came with no expectations, & was entertained.", '45'), (" Going into see this movie I was so excited hoping to find out all the questions that the force awaken set up. Wow was I disappointed. This movie is pointless and destroys everything good about Star Wars. I have no interest or need to see the next one because this movie gave disappointing answer to who Rey's parents were. Also didn't tell us who Snoke was real or where he came from before killing him, so why does anyone need to see episode IX. The Last Jedi should be the perfect example why studios need to no star a trilogy without having everything planed out before they start. Thanks Disney.", '10'), (' No me gusto que creen un malo en una película con la idea de que es el malo a vencer.. y en 2 segundos muere como uno más', '25'), (' The damage is done, the question is now what will Disney do to correct this injustice. Honestly I felt this movie was a huge slap in the face! Disney listen to the fans and stop ruining the Star Wars legacy.', '20'), (' This movie is garbage!', '05'), (" This movie isn't just a bad 'Star Wars' film, it is an example of poor writing and what happens when you disregard the source material. For the record, I loved 'Force Awakens,' and it set this film up beautifully. However, at every turn Johnson decided to disregard the groundwork that was laid for him in 'Force Awakens.' There are so many plot holes and continuity errors that it took me a few days to think of them all. Entire subplots go nowhere and after thinking about how Episode IX is set up, I honestly do not care about the final film. It doesn't ruin 'Star Wars,' nor is it the worst, but it will take a long time to get over just how frustrating this film is.", '25'), (" Empire Strikes Back received bad reviews on it's initial release. Now it's considered one of the greatest films ever made. We'll have to wait and see what history makes of the last Jedi.Seriously though the negativity here is really bringing me down. Go and make a better star wars film yourselves. Rey can be predictably related to a main character, in a place as big as the universe, maybe we could have another death star to blow up with x wings, akbar can have a dramatic death scene where he slowly closes his eyes and whispers may the force be with you and blows himself up with half of the first order. Luke can be exactly the same as he was 30 years ago, forget that in every version of the expanded universe he turned to the dark side if only for a brief moment. He's invincible and anything that makes him more human is terrible. Snoke should be the emperors force body swap , or darth plagueis, and they should have saved him for episode 9 for the attack on starkiller base 2. Then finally rey should save kylo ren her long lost twin brother as kylo throws Snoke to his doom. Doesn't that sound better?Or maybe, just maybe, we could try something new? No? Nevermind I'm sure all this negativity will inevitably change the way episode 9 is made. And we'll end up with a crappy lukewarm nostalgic fuzz fest that'll please everyone and accomplish nothing. Thanks everyone, you definitely know what's best", '50'), (' Horrible betrayal of the Lucas legacy. Obvious what disney is doing here. Anyone who has ever cared about these vcharacters will be disappointed. Even Mark Hamill hates it. The Skywalkers are evil and the Empire will never be defeated. Get ready for more movies! Thanks for ruining this so completely Rian Johnson. I am boycotting the rest of your films."Everyone\'s special is just another way of saying no one is."', '05'), (' I want to say I liked it, insofar as I wasn\'t bored. But this movie fails hard on many levels. Rey is undeveloped as a character. Snoke is a McGuffin...along with almost the rest of the movie.I feel like even Kylo was better developed than all the other characters combined in the film. He was the only one making conflicting choices (and you\'ll hear "conflicted" frequently throughout the film, that\'s how you know he\'s making conflicting choices...) as where Rey is a complete Mary Sue.As a movie, it\'s an enjoyable action(!) flick. As a Star Wars film, it feels more like a movie using the Star Wars license. No lore, no emotional attachment (except maybe the Porgs, because they need you to purchase those toys), just a movie with cardboard cutouts personalities and throwaway characters. I can see why Daisy Ridley may not want to partake in more Star Wars films after the upcoming Episode 9...', '30'), (' The Last Jedi...otherwise known as "it just doesn\'t matter". I\'m a huge Star Wars fanboy and I walked out of Last Jedi and the best thing I could say about it was "Well, it wasn\'t horrible"...and I felt like "Well everything about the movie was trying hard, but why wasn\'t LJ good?"... it took a few hours but it all distills down to this..." Nothing matters anymore" Last Jedi makes all the events of all the previous Star Wars movies not matter and says to the fans " everything you want to know about the new characters just doesn\'t matter "...Were you intrigued about Snoke? "Well it just won\'t matter"...Want to know who Rey\'s parents are? "Well, it just won\'t matter"...Want more Phasma? "Well, it just won\'t matter" Imagine if you will Ruby Rhod reading off a list of everything you want to know about Star Wars and then lighting that list on fire with an over the top "But who cares!"The whole "chase the command ship" felt like Battlestar Galactica, the Finn/Casino story line was in fact a complete and total waste of time as it went nowhere without a single plot ramification...except to preach at you and del Toro? over-hyped would be doing the term a disservice. Also what in the world was up with some of the dialog ..."Godspeed"? really? The scenes that worked or were nicely shot could not carry the weight of what fell flat and the last scene...oh man is that a Disney commercial... When all is said and done though it is still better than the all the prequels combined but that is not a high bar to jump.. I was hoping Last jedi would make me excited for what was to come but now I have more then a little trepidation about what Rian Johnson will do with his trilogy.', '15'), (" I loved the last Jedi like all movies had its flaws. I get why some don't like it, the hero form the old movies is no longer the hero.", '50'), (' Was entertaining and had good scenes, but overall left me underwhelmed and does not live up to the originals.', '35'), (" Great refresh and ties the movies together. I do understand the backlash, but I believe it's wrong. This is a great movie.", '45'), (" Plot holes...and Disney can't take a shot apparently. Not unlike Kylo.", '15'), (" Upon my first viewing I was upset and angry as a lifetime Star Wars fan. The theatre I was in laughed at everything. Bad seats and a fat guy next to me was a perfect combination for me not being in a good mood coming out of the theatre. As a film enthusiast I saw the amazing directing and acting and cinematography. The Star Wars fan and me overpowered the film lover in me and saw the negatives and the turns away from the previously set up movie. Upon my second viewing I loved this film it deserves to be watched and besides the original trilogy it is easily the best Star Wars film. The characters develop beautifuly and Adam driver was AMAZING. All of this to say see it twice if you didn't like it. You'll pick up things you didn't see and just try to enjoy a Star Wars movie that breaks barriers which is what is needed when so many of these are coming out. May the force be with you.", '40'), (' Shameful. Luke, Leia, and Yoda deserved better.', '05'), (" The movie is out of touch with Star Wars. It seems to totally ignore the vast amount of available content that could have been brought to the big screen. Instead what was brought was rotten. It failed to deliver a Star Wars experience. Frankly the story was lacking and the jokes were trying way to hard. Star Wars isnt a comedy.. it doesn't need a laugh every 10 minutes.. they clearly tryed way to hard and failed.", '05'), (" After watching this a second time I am still disappointed with the handling of many characters, Luke Skywalker in particular. In the original trilogy he was full of hope and optimism. Faced Darth Vader, his father, a Jedi given life by the Force itself. He willingly walked into the hands of the emperor for a chance to redeem his father, whom only he felt could be redeemed. In the last jedi, he is devoid of hope, and contemplates killing his nephew because he sensed a darkness in him. When Rey senses the darkness and gives herself to it willingly however, he tries to steer her in the right direction. Luke has now flip flopped from redeeming someone considered irredeemable, to contemplating killing his own flesh and blood, to trying to steer a complete stranger in the right direction. On the topic of things that don't make sense, Luke says he came here to die in self-imposed exile basically. So why did he leave a map so that he could be found? In return of the Jedi, Luke goes after Han to make amends for his failing to save him in Empire Strikes Back. In the last jedi, he decides that rather than fixing his mistake with Ben, that he'll just let Snoke have him and the rest of the galaxy. Worse, he knew all along that Snoke was trying to get his claws into Ben and did nothing. Then there's also Luke stating he has only sensed such raw power in one other. His nephew, Ben. So Luke sensed no raw power from Vader all those times before. Surely someone given life by the Force itself would be the greatest power Luke has ever sensed. And to top it off, Luke dies at the end in a way that seems both convenient and ridiculous. We are to believe that Luke just used up the last of the Force within him pulling off that illusion. That makes no sense if the Jedi's strength flows from the Force. At least according to Yoda... Snoke was set up as the big bad. He was able to sense the exact moment any of his forces were defeated, anticipate friend and enemy alike, yet totally missed Kylo preparing to kill him. He sensed nothing! Kylo and Rey have a budding romance suddenly, which means Finn has to be removed from the picture. Enter Rose, who recently lost her sister and just happens to be an engineer who understands how the First Order is tracking the rebels. The two go on an adventure together where no sparks are apparent until she kisses him on Krayt. Suddenly he's lost all interest in Rey, because Rose kissed him. To top it off, their side mission was a waste of time. It literally accomplished nothing. It did not move the plot forward, and detracted from one of the best new characters. Rey continues to just watch a Force ability used once, or just thinks about it for literally a second, and she has suddenly mastered the ability. That's just lazy writing. Another thing that bothers me about Rey is her parents. I don't care if they were nobody special. Finding out who they were is what sparked her desire to go out in the galaxy. Do I need a name? No, but Rey might actually appreciate actually seeing their faces at least. This trilogy is meant to be a passing of the torch from one generation to the next. A great idea. Unfortunately, the only thing keeping Rey out in the universe is the identity of her parents, and making sure Finn is okay after his near death experience. Well, her parents were nobody and Finn is alive and well, so what motivates the character now? Please tell me it isn't because she's falling for bad boy Kylo Ren. If that's the case, then the next movie should be her giving herself to the Dark-Side. Also, according to the new rules, attacking your enemy in blind rage is the true spirit of a Jedi. Snoke pretty much said just that in this movie. So Yoda was wrong when he said a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense; never for attack. This isn't fanboy service, this is the lore written by George Lucas, the man who created Star Wars. In order to help everyone understand what I mean by this, imagine playing a game, any game, where everyone follows the rules whenever they play. Then one day, 2 new people play the game, but refuse to obey the rules. In fact, they make them up as they go. Others not playing the game praise the newcomers for breaking the restrictive mold. You would understandably be upset. Because rules only mean something when everyone follows them. Otherwise they're just words. Speaking of Yoda, it was awesome to see him back! Right up to the point that he used Force Lightning to destroy the tree. If Yoda can do that, then the battle against the First Order will end within moments of the return of Luke Skywalker...Force ghost. When it happens all you reviewers who liked throwing the rules out the window should enjoy it!Captain Phasma was another character built up early on, but when she faces Finn, a lowly stormtrooper, he bests her a little too easily to be believable. If being a Jedi, or being with Rey isn't his story arc, then Phasma is. Now that he's bested her, why should anyone be concerned for Finn's safety? That also signifies the end of his most sensible story arc, which is sad because he's a great character with lots of potential. The chase seen in space was just ridiculous. The tie fighters could've been launched to dispatch the rebel ships in quick order. General Hux would rather just chase them, firing a salvo or two from time to time. Where is the imperial supremacy we should be seeing to justify the rebels concern?Leia floating through space to safety was a novel idea, but the camera shot made it look bad. It was a nice nod to her though, so I can overlook it. Poe was shown to be a fantastic pilot with a short fuse, but a lot of heart. He didn't get a lot of screen time, but what little time he did have seemed to move the character's arc forward better than anyone else. He was actually done well in the movie. I'm actually interested in this character's progression because of it.In closing, The Last Jedi had major plot holes in it. That would be forgivable if these plot holes coincided with everything else we were led to believe, but they don't. I felt the pacing dragged in places, and plot points were used to make later plot points acceptable. I find that unacceptable. I shouldn't have to accept useless plots designed to further another plot. I want these new character's to succeed, but as of the end of the second film their development has left me feeling uninterested in their futures. Did I want to see a god like Luke ans Snoke? In short, no. I wanted to see Snoke's story unravel, and Luke to be an older, wiser character I still recognized. I wanted to see him fulfill Yoda's dying request to pass on what he had learned. Luke surely wasn't making it out of these films alive, but there was still so much he had to impart to the others. Instead of that, we get two of the most interesting character's taken out Game of Thrones style. Visually the movie is Star Wars, and character's who weren't fleshed out enough. From a story aspect we were given something that seemed as though it was cobbled together to make a deadline rather than an extension of the Force Awakens. It didn't deliver on the hype. There wasn't even a real lightsaber battle either. The only thing as diverse as the Star Wars universe is its fan base, as evidenced in the many differing reviews of this film. Having watched A New Hope at a drive-in in my youth, and every film since, I just don't feel this film lives up to its predecessors.", '05'), (' In the words of Luke Skywalker "What a piece of Junk!" This had to be the biggest cringe-fest on 2017. Snoke can read minds, force lightning, move people around, yet can\'t see a rusty lightsaber rattling on his metal armrest right by his waist??!! Green milk from seagoblins, Princess Leia flying like one arm out like superman in a vacuum of space???!!! This is not good work!! Lucas we forgive you! Is it too late to bring back Jar Jar?', '05'), (" Felt like the plotline was written by a large committee with too many different visions. Despite beautiful production, scenes, etc., it was long, tedious, rambling, with no climactic build-up or proper story arc (just lots of sequental thrill-scenes). It was totally divorced from almost every previous Star Wars film and the lore in general, full of plotholes and inconsistencies that broke immersion and left you with a WTF look on your face half the time. Sooo many characters it wasn't even possible to identify who the actual protagonist or antagonist was. I didn't think it possible that the prequels could be made to look good, but in comparison to this ... well, their status as disappointment of the epoch is being challenged.", '20'), (' The film\'s sole purpose isn\'t to push things forward or to build upon anything. It is reckless subversion for the sake of subversion. It is deconstruction with no meaning or purpose. It is a cynically assembled soapbox, made by people so arrogant and unappreciative that they would stand atop the legacy of one of film\'s most quintessential tales just to make an uninsightful, short-sighted point about "leaving the past behind", and toss some hamfisted political notes at the captive audience. It is worse than any corporate cash-in or any moronic prequels. The Last Jedi is an articulate attack on Star Wars itself and everything it represents. These people had no idea what they were dealing with. The Last Jedi was a cinematic manslaughter.', '05'), (" The only thing good about this movie is its ability to make money. Can't tell what is better analogy, milking the cow dry, beating the dead horse, or i'd rather drink bleach.", '05'), (' I went out from the theater a little empty', '25'), (" It wasn't bad, but it sure was not good.A bit slow at times: some aspects of the plot and characters didn't quite flow as they could have.Still, lots of great action, emotionally satisfying scenes and well acted characters (that could be given some more space though).A really good Star Wars movie, more original (but not as original as some think) than Force Awakens with better action.Could have lost a couple pounds in the edit.", '25'), (' My biggest SW deceit so far. Childish and obvious plot, amateur acting... Too much "Marvel" jokes Disney succeeded in killing definitively the SW saga and making their new gen-marvel alike reboot.', '20'), (' Don\'t even get me started, awful on so many levels. Can\'t tell if I watched the sequel to Spaceballs or Star Wars. I was super excited to see this movie and walked out wildly disappointed with the beyond poor storytelling, terrible character development/backstory, misplaced awkward humor and overall plot. Characters Poe, Finn, Rose, Phasma, DJ, Hux and more... dumb and pathetic. Actually, was there even a plot to begin with or did Rian and Disney just enjoy ruining Star Wars and calling it a twist? "This is not going to go the way you think" WOW was that the most accurate statement I have ever heard about this movie. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were amazing and are legends, but Rian Johnson, Disney and the writers have an embarrassing view of Luke\'s character post Return of the Jedi. Disgraceful! Snoke was absolute garbage, a laughable character. This movie was slightly worse then the god awful Force Awakens, and the entire trilogy is falling flat on its face. Not to mention what a joke the lightsaber fight scenes were, did they train the cast to swing a lightsaber? Not to mention I guess you can now drop bombs in space through bomb bay doors, while a person is literally in the same room with an open door to space like its nothing without getting sucked into space? But when Leia is exposed to open space she gets sucked out, turns into a popsicle, and proceeds to fly around like Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus. When she makes it back to the ship and they open the door to let her in no one else gets sucked into space? OK! So stupid, what an embarrassment to this entire franchise. Just a mess of a movie and a disgrace to the entire Star Wars saga. Rian Johnson should be ashamed of this pump and dump movie only meant to make money, by luring in fans with go fish marketing under the guise and possibility of greatness that never arrives. Only to dump a trash rendition of a once great franchise right on our laps like a stain. We deserved better and I haven\'t felt this duped since the last M Night Shyamalan movie. Wish I could get my money back for this disgraceful TRASH! How many of these "critics" were paid by Disney to give raving reviews? The critic reviews are beyond suspect and some of the audience reviews sound like Disney employees trying to keep the rating up so they can cash in. Either that or they have no clue what they are talking about and their opinions have now become completely devalued, lacking any form of credibility. 93%!! Rotten Tomatoes is almost losing credibility on this one. The authentic audience reviews have spoken. Thank you Rian Johnson for ruining Star Wars and single handedly destroying one of the best sci-fi sagas of all time. If I could rate this movie lower then 1/2 star I would. I literally had to join this site to share my immense displeasure with this movie. Save your money, and wait till this D movie is on TBS. TERRIBLE! The movie was so bad that even Yoda at the end of the movie was ready to burn everything down. The only way I will watch the next episode is if Luke returns to put a green lightsaber right through Bob Iger and Rian Johnson. #RIPStarWars', '05'), (' The perfect Star Wars movie... period.', '50'), (' Sorry fanboys. This is the best and most honest story about Star Wars YET! All the super fans who are caught up by the Jedi-Rules have bought the same lines sold to Anakin... and Rian Johnson lays it all out.The next generation is ready to take the mantle and being BALANCE to the Force!Knitpicking and bro-hurt feelings is not going to change this... space wizards got powers and no one needs to man-splain them to you.What is important is the messag about the source of Power and Tyranny... not the "evil wizards" vs. the good ones.', '50'), (' Good standalone movie, but makes no sense in the Star Wars franchise, especially following the buildup of Force Awakens. As a big Star Wars fan, I am disappointed', 'ni'), (' Johnson spends as much time as he can in this film compounding failure of storytelling upon failure of storytelling. We\'re expected to believe that a character messes up in not directing bombers we can barely see moving to return to their ship\'s hangar when at the same time we see that the ship they are meant to destroy is just a minute from blowing that ship out of the sky. This "failure" then spawns the 30 or 40worst minutes of the film simply because that character\'s leadership couldn\'t be bothered to sit down and have a 30 second conversation with him.The main drama of the film is an 18 hour long slow speed chase with three rebel ships barely outrunning a large fleet of star destroyers while slowly running out of fuel. Running out of fuel is something we\'ve never seen before in Star Wars and while lightspeed is, we don\'t actually see any of the much larger fleet simply jumping ahead of the rebel ships to cut them off or simply reaching out to any other ships of their First Order which the opening crawl tells us is in control of the galaxy and having them set up a space roadblock. Johnson\'s biggest sin here is in forcing the trilogy into yet another big baddies vs. the scrappy underdogs conflict as in the first trilogy. This is after JJ Abrams set him up by having the villains knock out the capital systems of the New Republic in the Force Awakens. Johnson simply ignores this. The hundreds or even thousands of systems that make up the body of the New Republic apparently don\'t seem to mind that their UN HQ system was destroyed and the resistance don\'t get so much as a phone call from anyone when they send out a distress signal as their chase draws to and end and they seek refuge. Johnson could have set up an actual war between two equal parties to start in this film and play out in the next but went with the same story from the original trilogy instead. The Porg penguins are awesome.', '15'), (' It was awful. I feel bad for the pointless characters of Finn, Rose, and Phasma and their pointless storyline. What a waste.', '05'), (" Amazing movie. Beautifully shot, absolutely stunning visuals. Loved the new messages - heredity isn't what matters, strategy and measured plans over impulsive actions. Felt like a Star Wars for this time and place.", '50'), (' Great addition to the saga. Nothing to dislike other than the missing "newness" of The Force Awakens after the long absence of a Star Wars movie on the big screen for so long. The packed theater\'s audience I was at were very enthusiastic.', '50'), (' A really big dissapointment for someone who grew up with the original trilogy. To compare this to Empire Strikes back is laughable. What was the point of having Snoke even be in the movie they should have just made Kylo the supreme leader. I didnt like the prequels but they were superior to this.', '10'), (" Loved it. I will go and see this again and again if I can. The problem with reviews is that everyone on the internet has an opinion, and worse, they think you need or care to hear it.We grew up on Star Wars. We have stayed fans through out our lives. We loved this installment and can't wait for the next. I left immediately wanting to see it again, and I did not feel cheated or let down by the story. We experienced that hint of magic we did as children, it showed us something new. The 'Something New' - did not leave us angry and spouting for days to anyone who would listen. It was worth our ticket price, it will be in our personal collection when it gets released. It will be played and replayed, just like the original trilogy.", '50'), (' funny, fast, unpredictable! two and an half hours of trolling fat fourty years old maniacs who made a religion out of a boyhood saga.', '50'), (" These types of movies don't come around often. Were a sequel is better than the first. This is the best Star Wars movie ever due to it's acting, visual effects, story, and big character development.", '50'), (' Story has no continuity from previous trilogies. Visually stunning but a pointless plot full of broken characters', '20'), (' So many missed opportunities...', '20'), (" This movie flushed Star Wars down the toilet... I could not be more crushed...Took all the characters in ridiculous or wasted directions...Mark Hamill is absolutely correct disagreeing with the script... All potentially cool storylines set up in TFA were discarded...Space flying Leia - 'nuff said...No Lightsaber on Lightsaber fight?!?!?! WTF...Slow speed car chase in space...And on and on - too much bad to list here...Disney has killed Star Wars ever since they bought it - not a single correct decision yet... No interest in seeing any more Disney Star Wars movies...", '05'), (' It was great! Ignore the haters. Just because it wasn\'t the movie that "they" wanted, doesn\'t mean it was bad. It was a great depiction of what actual "WAR" type events would have been like.', '50'), (" The continuation of Disney ruining the franchise. Luke's character was missed used and wasted. George, hope the 4 billion was worth ruining your franchise!", '20'), (" What a disappointment. I made this RT account just to leave a 1-star review to balance out all the critics reviews (93% fresh at the time of this review... you've got to be kidding me). Films like this really make me wish Star wars had just stuck to the original trilogy, or at least ended after the last of George Lucas' prequels. It's clear since Disney has taken control of the franchise that Star Wars has just become a massive marketing engine to sell merchandise. They've also lowered the level of writing and dialogue to clearly appeal to the target audience of 6-13 y/o kids for all of the aforementioned merchandise. For example when Leia/Holdo (can't remember which) finally reveal the shuttle escape plan to Poe Dameron, he immediately repeats back the plan - this level of forced exposition makes for a terrible film and again is just catering to the Disney target audience.I can understand arguments that in order for the films to be made profitably, Disney needs to cater to the lowest common denominator. IMO though, it's a slap in the face to the original trilogy and we would have all been better off had these not been made at all.", '05'), (' This movie was a disaster... utter waist of money and time. How did anyone from Disney watch this and think it was a good movie? lol.... Lea looking like Marry Poppins smh', '10'), (" One of my favorite Star Wars movies to date. Excellent use of Expectation Subversion, Pavlov's Gun, and just damn good storytelling in general. This is what I've been waiting for, what the prequel trilogy never gave me, a true successor to the storytelling of the original trilogy. Don't get me wrong, it's not a perfect movie, but if I want to nitpick I can go right ahead and do much the same to the original trilogy once the rose glasses of nostalgia are removed, but that's not why we watch movies, at least not myself. Fin and Rose's scenes felt a little unnecessary, at least with the planet they had visited, the First Order's reliance on 'Bigger is Better' is getting tiresome, and there are questions I don't think will get answered without reading novel and comic tie-ins, but despite all that, this movie still shown and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Can't wait to watch again.", '50'), (" This movie was entertaining, fun, and didn't take itself so seriously. Of course there are things I wish were further explained and some pointless but again entertaining scenes. When it comes to things being further explained people have to remember there is another movie coming out! I don't know what others are expecting the movie to be, because there is NO was for them to create the exact same movie and feeling you had the first time you saw 4-6. This movie did what I wanted out of a movie. Took me out of reality and into the world of Star Wars. I will be going to see it again to see what little things I missed because there were things my boyfriend say that I didn't and vise versa!", '50'), (' Story line? Who needs to carry on with the story line. All we need to tell the audience is that all women are flawless and all men are buffoons.', '05'), (" Just saw the Movie. It's not perfect but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Pleased they kept Luke and Leia as support rolls for the New characters.", '45'), (" I saw the TLJ twice to make sure I was not overreacting to the first viewing on Thursday. TLJ is a bad movie and no I am not a Russian bot or troll. When you decide to make a trilogy, the storylines from the previous movie must be answered/revealed in the second and third movies, but with TLJ, Disney/Kennedy/Johnson made a stand alone movie with no intent with moving the story forward. Finn and Poe's characters were not moved forward in this movie nor did it settle Rey and Snoke's backstory. Rian states in an interview that Rey and Snoke's backstory is not important so let's ignore 40 years of Jedi/Sith lore because you felt like a change. Finally Luke and Leia's sendoffs were weak and really disrespected the character's history from the past 40 years. I waited to post a review after I had some time to digest what I saw twice, but after reading numerous stories bashing audience reviews I knew what 50% of the people knew - TLJ is not a good movie.", '10'), (' Worst Star Wars movie yet. No questions answered. Leia floating through space, killing off Luke like that, where do I stop. Just bad.', '10'), (' This is not a Star Wars movie. If you are a Star Wars fan who liked the previous movies for there themes and messages, and not simply the explosions and space craft, you will not like this movie. Rian Johnson has little or no understanding of, or simply does not care about, what made Star Wars special. This movie was essentially a space action movie of the depth of a transformers movie.', '10'), (" This movie does not contain surprising or interesting twists. It contains forced and confused, half-ass, decisions that have no flow, no personality, and no soul. They ruined, absolutely ruined Luke Skywalker's nobility and optimism, his strength. He turned Darth Vader but lost his entire character over his bratty nephew?...that is so dumb it cannot be put into words. I just cannot believe what I saw up on that screen. Super disappointing.", '20'), (' Not a SW fan, just a SciFi fan. Still painful to watch. Can only imagine what the true SW fans are going through right now, after seeing their franchise being eradicated.', '05'), (' This movie was all over the place. Comedy scenes that did not land, specifically the whole "Call" scene at the beginning. Completely destroyed Lukes legacy while trying to clear the filed for new characters. very disappointed!!', 'ni'), (" Better than most movies in franchise, better if you don't rate movies on whether or not they meet your specific plot expectations.", '45'), (' Something very weird is going on here. TLJ managed to please critics with universal acclaim but somehow pissed the majority of the Star Wars fans at the same time myself included. So either the critics have been bribed by Disney or the fans are complete idiots...Now on a personal aspect, I was entertained but I am pissed because this could\'ve easily been one of the best SW films. The movie in itself was amazing but at the same time a huge disappointment, the forced humour, the choices of certain characters fate, unnecessary scenes etc, that\'s why I have mixed feeling and here are the reasons why I disliked TLJ:Snoke, (aka theoretical Darth Plagueis, that we shall now call Supreme Leader Snoke the unwise! - not that I wanted him to be Plagueis but it serves my point) is a character who\'s lived 1000s of years and seen the rise of the empire while hiding in outer rim. His experience in life left him scarred and weakened. How do we know this? From the Aftermath books, interviews and explanations from film directors etc. What have we learned about him in the movies until now? Nothing, nada. Will we learn anything further about him in the future, NO, COZ HE\'S F*****G DEAD!!! And if we ever had just a bit of information about him in ep.9, who\'d even care? The supposedly most powerful SW being died like s**t! The death was badass, but knowing who the character was supposed to be, what a waste my friends, what a waste!!! For those who only watch the movies, Snoke is a complete enigma. Phasma, the new Boba Fett, absolute s**t in ep.7, even knowing about her cowardly background from the comics and how she makes her choices to save herself first before thinking of the First Order doesn\'t help. "But do not worry, the character comes back more badass than ever in ep.8, you\'ll definitely learn to love her"... well hey, why not kill her off? Dies like s**t, big fail! No further comment. Please don\'t bring her back in ep.9, that would be the most stupid move!Benicio Del Toro\'s character, whatever his name is, you might as well take him out of the movie, absolutely useless! Why give a role like that to such an actor, f*****g disgrace! Finn and Rose don\'t even come for him in the first place, they just happen to be at the right place at the right time, dude opens the door cell like a can of coke (makes you wonder why he\'s even in there in the first place and why he didn\'t leave before), happens to stumble on bb8 and magically find their way back to Finn and Rose who are in the middle of nowhere, then it turns out he\'s exactly the kind of guy they need to infiltrate the Supremacy... Facepalm!Knights of Ren anyone? Where the f*** are they? Still no one knows. Will we actually ever know??? At least we now know they are fallen jedi apprentices but come on, why even bring them up in TFA in the first place if it isn\'t to have any visual content about them after? This better be fixed in ep.9 !Leia. Here i was hoping that they would\'ve given her a good and respectful death. She was close to death when in space though it would have been a pretty shitty death in that case, but at least Kylo wouldn\'t have been the one to trigger it. Don\'t get me wrong I loved seeing her use the force but f*** me dead, that angelic return to the ship was pathetic, she just got hit by missiles and torpedoes for crying out loud, not even a scar!? If you wanted to keep her alive, it would\'ve been so much more fitting to show her use some kind of force bubble shield to keep her inside the ship while protecting herself and even other possible crew member, RIP Ackbar! How can\'t they not let her go in peace? How the hell are they gonna deal with it in ep.9? OMG, why???Laura Dern as Holdo, nice move. Good to have an actress such as her in the movie. "Oh hey, I think we should get rid of her..." F*** OFF!Now see, this is probably one of the films biggest mistakes. Here was the perfect opportunity for Leia\'s end with an amazing sacrifice. Because when she dies in ep.9, who exactly is going to be worthy of taking her place or at least lead the resistance? Holdo for sure could\'ve been the one! I guess that\'s too late now, gonna have to bring in a new character, again...Letting characters live though they should die, killing characters though they should live! How can they trade in Luke\'s life for Leia\'s?!? No, i\'m sorry but no.That Ben Kenobi fading away death crap is not acceptable for that film and for Luke! He\'s the most powerful jedi dammit, isn\'t he? I get the fact that he must have felt exhausted after that crazy force apparition thing he did on Crait but dude, chill, take a nap, make some tea or something, get some rest, don\'t freaking die like this bro. If he had to die, it had to be in ep.9, not TLJ, period!Rey, oh boy. After TFA Daisy said the answer to her parentage was hiding in plain sight. The actress said she thought "a lot was answered in The Force Awakens,". It obviously wasn\'t the case. It was gonna be a big reveal in TLJ. It had to be! What, excuse me, say that again? Your parents are freaking scavengers? Are you outta ya MIND??? While the film was building up i was like, yes she actually is Kylo\'s lost sister, that connection they had, it was too obvio... oh f*** no, heeeeell no. Scavengers? NO!!! Yoda, yaaaay ????But they overdid it a bit though. It\'s a small thing but they should\'ve used him parsimoniously. That force ghost thing didn\'t look ghostly enough. Anyway that\'s a detail. Rose, useless character! Nothing else to say...The Finn and Rose subplot was completely unnecessary and was a filler.Finn? The dude in front of a f****** fire beam. His ship melting and ting but babes, mans not hot!!!Just kill the guy dammit! Oh s**t, he the only black character, mayday mayday, lets be politically correct and bring in the only asian character to save his a**. Gay theory unconfirmed??? Thank the maker if it is!Final thought, the real Empire in all this, is Disney!The fact they give us new SW content, big thanks.But where they messed up was from the start. It could only go wrong by rewriting stories taking place after Return of the Jedi because of all the content that was already written for that time frame with Expanded Universe and Legends content. People already had high expectations and ideas of how things would take place after knowing Disney was gonna give us new content about those exact stories. They wanted to mess with what we already had and loved instead of creating a whole new story from the start like they are about to do by giving Rian Johnson full control over a new trilogy.Disney can keep claiming wanting to please all Star Wars fans but it is clear that the aim is only targeted to new fan generations.', '20'), (" I'm not giving this 5 stars because it was perfect. This is not a perfect film. I'm giving it 5 stars because it completely took me by surprise in all the right ways. I had a fantastic experience watching this and I cannot wait to go back three or four more times!", '50'), (" very bad. couldnt believe i was watching this happen to my beloved saga when i was in the theater. absolute garbage.Inane plot, ill-conceived characters and script, stupid cameos, flashy gimmicky special effects, unrelated and superfluous political agenda, and a complete lack of the originality and substance that made the originals work so well. unconvincing, uninteresting, uninspiring heroes and even worse villains. these are just a few of the major problems.i guess i am perhaps old fashioned. this movie was just like all these recent superhero action flicks that i can't bear to watch but the general public seems to adore. i didn't particularly enjoy the last couple SW efforts either, but never thought it could get this bad. the saga is ruined.", '05'), (" I couldn't shake the fact that this installments major plot line was escaping with minor side arcs that disappointed in their delivery. This really made the title 'The Last Jedi' seem more of click bait than content. It would have been nice if the relationships between characters were more meaningfully developed, with in-film timelines that made sense. Seemed a bit slapstick with characters jumping between these subplots. Lastly, I was sad to see how the movie made use and sent off the franchises most iconic character -- it should really have been done better.", '20'), (" I had very mixed feelings. After much thought I decided to give a four and a half rating because in the end of the day motion pictures are made to entertain and I was entertained from beginning to end. I would've done start wars episode 8 differently but they achieved what any movie always aspire so in my works the last jesi will get four and a half stars. I think people are getting too picky and anybody out there now a days is basically born a movie critic it appears.", '45'), (' Here goes my almost spoiler free review of Star Wars The Last Jedi.As a movie it was a great! but as a Star Wars movie it was ok, my biggest complaint is that the movie basically changes what Star Wars is, it felt more like a guardians of the galaxy or Avengers movie than it did a Star Wars film.The scenes and CGI are great and action scenes were intense, so why am I complaining you may ask? the only way I can compare it to is:imagine if you will, marrying a girl from a small town, big into church, from a conservative family and a year down the road your wife is asking you to attend swing parties, down a bottle of rum on one sitting and attend death metal concerts, I mean, sure, the new version is more fun, but it is not who you fell in love with,too much going on ,wasted plots that lead nowhere, big build ups that ended up in disappointments.Too many plot twists, I mean, I enjoy a good plot twist, like "the Island" with Ewan McGregor, or "The others" with Nicole Kidman,love to see those curve balls that you did not see coming, but Star Wars TLJ has too many of them, it is at least 15 plot twists, through the movie, so it can wear you down a bit, it is like the movie is constantly mocking the viewer, as if a small boy extended his hand for a hand shake just to pull back in the last minute and laugh, over and over and over again, it is good the first time, not so much after the 10th , and that is what this movie feels like, like the movie makes fun of the viewer for even trying to guess what is going to happen next.Another complaint of mine is that I felt like the new movie completely destroyed whatever the last movie was trying to create, it is as if someone build a sand castle on the beach and the next guy that was supposed to help build it instead jumps on it and destroys it as he laughs maniacally.Now to the good parts of TLJ:Some Scenes were right down Epic,almost beating scenes such as Yoda in episode 2 The Clone Wars, and The Destruction of the death star in Episode 4 New Hope, there was a lot of wasted opportunities here with Jedi fights but I will leave it at that.The space battles were good, albeit a bit bland, not as good the space battles of the originals and the opening scene in Return of the Sith, but good non the less.Mark Hamill sill has the acting skills, Carry Fisher (May she RIP) can not act to save her life, Daisy Ridley is a talented actress and does a fine job as a lead character, and Vinicio del Toro does a great job as well, the rest of the actors were average to say the leastFinal rating:As a movie:8.5 out of 10As a Star Wars movie: 6.5 out of 10.', '15'), (" The worst. Destroys everything you loved and learned from the original trilogy in the name of trying to be different. Destroys everything Luke Skywalker stood for and his hero's journey. Arrogantly doesn't give any back story to major characters and justify's Rey's control over the force with....oh wait they never do that in 2.5 hours.", '05'), (" It's a fun movie that has some issues but is overall very exciting and enjoyable to watch.", '50'), (' first, i want to say that I loved EVERY single star wars movie.... except for this one :(sure, there is awesome imagery, and some good action, but it just kinda feel out of star wars soul.-There is serious pace issues at the point wich i got bored.-Someone\'s resurection was just outrageous and hilarious, ruined the moment, and character was totally useless from then.-Total arc with finn and fangirl number 207 completly useless and flat.-Puppet was better rendered in 1983-Anti climatic death of an hyper intriguing vilain.+some good jokes+Unexpected scenario--- " love will defeat the first order " :\'(+ many many short tributes to episodes 5 and 6', '25'), (" Best action movies I've seen in years. Perfect follow up to The Force Awakens. All the crybabies wanting ALL the answers RIGHT NOW need to go back to watch Spongebob Squarepants", '50'), (' As a film it is below average. As a Star Wars film it is terrible and an insult to the fans.', '05'), (' Worst star wats movie ever', '05'), (' While watching the movie, I felt like I was at a funeral and someone was cracking inappropriate jokes non-stop.', '05'), (' This movie was incredibly disappointing to me. While I admit as a stand alone film, it is a "decent" movie. We all know that this isn\'t a stand alone movie though. Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, the jedi actually had to train to use the force, couldn\'t beat Luke Skywalker in a stick duel with 0 training, and the bad guys were actually renown for their on screen prowess. Those days are gone. We now have a world where anyone with a broom can use the force and the bad guys are confused, emo, and generally unappealing. This movie should have taken Rey\'s character andrefined it under Luke\'s tutelage. Make her legit under existing Star Wars lore. During this time, have Kylo actually develop into a villain. I\'m not even going to touch on what was done to Luke... he deserved better than death from over-meditation. All in all, a decent movie, but a terrible Star Wars movie.', '20'), (" Very good movie. People that don't like it are stuck in the past. Like The movie tries to tell you. Let the past go. I'm excited about what the future holds for Star Wars.", '50'), (" Well where do I begin? The Last Jedi is without a doubt one of the strongest Star Wars films created. I personally enjoyed the film but felt it was weak on it's portrayal of certain main characters and shifting them out of the way for bland and uninteresting or completely random people.The parts I didn't like and some people may not agree with me were vast and I felt stupid after I walked out of the cinema but I can't help but feel it.To me I felt this was a personally attack on males as opposed to giving females equal opportunity to be lead roles. That may seem confusing but look at how males are portrayed in this film, stupid, reckless, power hungry and act before they think. Poe staging a mutiny was bizarre and it just made a male look like an idiot, the females had the plans and that's why they were calm. Don't agree? Ok, how about the guy who licks the ground and says 'it's salt' why would anyone do that? Don't agree? Look at Finn, he tried to run but is confronted by some randomer, then she takes charge and is made to be heroic and brave and Finn still a coward? Don't agree? Look at Kylo, becomes power hungry but is bested by Rey again. Don't agree? Admiral Ackbar dies but Leia survives, yes we know the force was always within her, but suddenly she becomes all powerful and able to not only survive in space but force pull her way out of it. And what about that scene where the ship jumps into hyperdrive and the second in command woman dies heroically. My point is, I love the fact females are taking the lead, not a problem with that, my favourite film from when I was a kid was Alien who had a female lead and I enjoy many films so I'm not intimidated or feel threatened by women. I spent two years at Uni studying feminism theories in child development (which is used to show what different theorists say about something, of course there are male theorists as well but it was more common for males to be noticed, that's just a part of become a teacher) and was bullied by my teacher for being male, she saw males as nothing but stupid and controlling and would often make sexist points and do community events involving only females and since I was the only male in the class I didn't have anyone to back me up. So I understand what women went through academically and physically being a victim of sexism.Women should be lead roles, but was there any need to make the sexist points they did to millions of watchers? To make men look stupid around every corner?", '05'), (" Categorially the worst Star Wars I've ever seen. The number of pointless side-plots, rushed scenes, 'forced' (hehe) funny moments, and the general tedium of the film make it my least favourite, even worse than Attack of the Clones.", '05'), (' Possibly ruined Star Wars forever. Trying to erase this movie from my memory. Thanks disney', '05'), (" I won't give any spoilers other than this movie was a hot mess that is probably the furthest thing I wanted to see as a sequel to the force awakens. This one was my least favorite star wars movie by a wide margin. Made Jar Jar seem like a breath of fresh air to me.", '15'), (' Could have been better, with less sleeper spots in it, but overall it was a good movie.', '40'), (' The Last Jedi, is exactly the movie that needed to be made. It is a very good character driven story of hope in adversity, it does not rely on amazing fight scenes and explosions to keep me enthralled. It is the interaction of all the characters on the screen and how there lives are tangled together. The fact that past heroes are not 100% infallible. Whilst I did find a flaws with the movie, especially the abundance of humor in the opening scene, this did tone down as the movie went on also there are still a lot of unanswered questions for the new trilogy. These should wet the appetite not sour it, get the fan boys in overdrive with new theories, not calling for the movie to be scrapped from the main cannon.What I loved about this movie is the fact that it does not rely on past glories (like the force awakens and to some extreme Rogue one) to drag through a new age. the story felt like it was on new territory, untold something that has not been done. This is a star wars movie to help bring in a new generation of fans into the fold, for me it succeeded in doing this. While some people may say the new movie ruins there childhood, I can honestly say I do not understand where that feeling comes from. For me Rian Johnson, produced a very good movie with brilliant aspects and some that could have not been included. However when was the last time anyone saw a perfect movie that ticked every box for everyone.', '45'), (' Best movie of the year.', '50'), (' Great film. Enjoyed Force Awakens but enjoyed this one even more. Really love that it went somewhere new with the franchise and subverted so many previously held expectations and rules of the universe.Looking forward to a second viewing.', '50'), (' The movie is not just a bad Star Wars film, but a bad film in general. There were a lot of plot holes, contradictions within the film, and even contradictions with previous Star Wars films. Pointless story arcs, no character development, the plot was flimsy at best, cheap humor at the expense of tension and dramatic effect of the film, and characters which behave completely differently from previous films with out a believable reason for it. It was just week, and not worth spending your time and money to see. I would NOT recommend it to anyone. The only positive points were the special effects and musical score. At the core, it was just poorly written, and bad story telling.', '05'), (" Great movie with Harrison Ford's humorous lines replaced by the more recent characters.", '50'), (' I watched the Last Jedi this last weekend and have to say, it\'s simply the most complex, most fleshed out and most introspective entry to the Star Wars universe. For me, it\'s finally unseated The Empire Strikes Back as my favorite Star Wars movie. The emotional and spiritual turmoil of the Force wielder is raw. Mark Hamill encapsulates the legend, the hero and the flawed human being so well, I have to wonder why he hasn\'t done more movies.The first act was typical space battle fare with Po Dameron effectively taking the title of best X-Wing fighter pilot ever and crushing it. Carrie Fisher acted the best Princess Leia ever. In fact, all the characters introduced were complex, complicated individuals. I laughed a lot in this movie, because I have to assume it is the new standard that Disney movies have to maintain. Thanks, Marvel! There were moments of genuine awe as well. I was intrigued and surprised on some levels. Even being a movie aficionado and Force Sensitive geek didn\'t prepare me for the plot twists and surprises. This movie is not simple....at all. If you want that, you will not be happy. If you wanted something brainless, you will not be happy. If you expected a wrapped-up-with-a-bow happy ending, you will DEFINITELY not be happy.The running themes in this movie are about hope, failure, unpredictability and even more failure. And I loved all of it. Hardly ever does a movie come along that has everything go wrong and still leave you anxious for the next installment.And Rian Johnson, the writer and director of this epic masterpiece. I have to paraphrase the words of T\'Challa, in the upcoming, sure to be awesome, Avengers Infinity War, "Somebody give this man another movie!" He is the truth. I love that he isn\'t afraid to trash our heroes. In fact, the reality is that our heroes are never as spotless as we make them to be. And that reality should make us love them more because they overcome in spite of their flaws and failures. But yeah, I laughed, oohed, cried and jumped through this movie. In my estimation, this is the moment when Star Wars finally grew up. The old chapter, great as it has been, was closed and a new one has begun. Thank you, George Lucas for birthing the concept. But your baby is all grown up now. And yeah, Yoda will never die.', '50'), (' Instead of character development and solid story we\'re treated with a movie that looks like an uncut, waaaaay too long version made up from random and badly thought pointless scenes, cheap, hollow laughs, Leia floating like Mary Poppins, Luke killed for no reason whatsoever, spaceships "running out of fuel", bombing in space WWII -style, dumb, just dumb writing.Snoke, the supervillain, killed like a cheap extra...Oh, wait, instead of an awesome final fight, a hologram? Why, just why?For sure, I\'m not going to see another one.* On the bright side, the prequels are not the worst of Star Wars anymore!** This isn\'t a bad Star Wars movie, it\'s a bad movie, the kind of CGI-heavy mindless, soulless, watch-and -forget movie.', '05'), (' so many plot holes. A total train wreck. The prequels are awesome comapred to this dribble', '05'), (' Excellent story, great ending. Go see it!', '50'), (' I understand the reservations about The Last Jedi, and agree that it is a departure from the "traditional" Star Wars narrative. However, that\'s what makes this movie such a crowning achievement. Rian Johnson\'s brilliance is that he was able to take everything we know about the Star Wars universe, shatter it into a million pieces, and then put it back together again to create something new and beautiful.', '50'), (" this movie just didn't feel right, and I was highly disappointed.", '05'), (" Hi guys I would first like to preface my opinions on The Last Jedi by saying I am a bot so my opinion does not matter or factor. I was a bot hired by the evil enemies of our lord and savior Mickey Mouse. The evil movie assasins such as myself were sent from the future to bash the Last Jedi and steal Mickey n Minnie's money. We are also hateful trump supporters and want nothing more than to lie about movies that are masterpieces.... Okay now that I got that out of the way, as a rational bot who enjoys movies that have a enjoyable story and compelling backstories for each of its individual characters I thought this was a complete pile of poo. I'm surprised this made it past its initial screening. As a fan of the original trilogy this new movie was a disgrace and has alienated itself from most of the Star Wars fan base. I can't believe the butchery of Star Wars that I witnessed. I wish I had never viewed this pathetic excuse for a Star Wars movie and saved my $5. I guess as a positive yes I cried, laughed, and applauded.... I cried as my childhood was violated, laughed at the stupidity of this dog doo, and applauded when this was over and could begin rehabilitation.", '05'), (' Take a serious franchise about saving The galaxy and add childish humor, useless merchandising characters, and dead end subplots with cheesy characters, this is what you end up with. Thank you Disney for ruining it for fans that cared about this franchise. This is the last star wars movie for me.', '45'), (" There are so many things wrong with this film. It shows up primarily in the story & its continuation from its predecessor. Yes, its a direct sequel but answers very few questions posed from the 1st movie: Who is Snoke? How does he seduce Been to become Kylo? How did he come to power. Why was there a Resistance in The Force Awakens when there was a functional government in place? Why wasn't that government openly opposing The First Order. Other issues include character development. It seems that only Poe's character shows any growth from TFA to TLJ. Rey is still searching for direction & Finn is still searching for Rey. The legend of Luke Skywalker was handled perfectly, until the end. The choices made to end his arc were almost criminal. As always, these films look beautiful but it lacks substance.", '25'), (" While this movie did have its drawbacks, it gave the audience something that we haven't seen since the originals, something different.", '50'), (' If I have to choose between "a steaming pile of Sith" (AKA Rogue One) and "now for something completely different" (AKA The Last Jedi) I will take something completely different. I feel embarrassed to say it, but for the first time since watching The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars has a plot that I never saw coming. There is a story arc in this film that could have been completely done away with to save budget, close a plot hole and reduce the run time by about half an hour, but other than that this is the best Star Wars film since Empire. Nothing\'s perfect, plenty of flaws here, a bit messy, but I\'ve been a fan since I was single-digits old and you know what? I wasn\'t loving the film then for plot advancement, writing and pacing. I was a fan of fantastic battles, of crazy explosions in outer space, inhuman powers and a struggle of identity and power. The originals are messy and not perfect examples of film either. After seeing all the prequels, the theatrical re-releases in the 90\'s, etc... this is the first time something new has awe-struck me like when I was a 6 year old sitting slack jawed, three feet away from a CRT TV with a grainy VHS copy of A New Hope on screen and John Williams blaring out of tinny speakers. The bad? Forced humor, heavy handed political messaging, and a WTF story arc that proves a COSTLY mistake for a few main characters. If Disney gets a message from the negative reviews of this film, I hope those are the issues they address in the ninth film.Screw the haters, this imperfect film (like most of them) gave me some hope that at least I\'ll be entertained by the revival of this classic cinematic universe. I may see this twice.', '45'), (' disney is the death of star wars.. this movie had so many plot holes.. this movie didnt even do tfa justice muchless the overall story...', '05'), (" The movie is in some parts absolutly grat. It's suprises you, it catches you, brings old memories, great performance by the actors and of course a great score. But there are also many negativ points. The first half of the film is not importan at all. You could easely cut it out and the movie would have been shorter. There are some decisions on some characters, which are destroying our image of them and most of the new characters don't fit in the film as they did in 7.", '30'), (' Bad jokes, pointless characters. boring storyline, plot-holes galore', '05'), (" Enjoyed this movie, many twists and turns, can't wait to see what Abrams can do with IX", '40'), (" A great film, excellent star wars movie, great tribute to Carrie Fisher and really involved character arcs for both Poe and Rey. Leaves me wanting to know more about the knights of ren, Rey's parents and Snoke though. :)", '45'), (' Cinematics were great, but too little effort made to explain important questions raised in sequels, and also too much time spent on a plot device that was ultimately meaningless.', '15'), (" I actually enjoyed the movie, but honestly it just left such a bad taste in my mouth. So many cool things but ruining luke like this negates all the good stuff. I don't understand the need to kill off the original characters in order to make the new generation the heroes. All the books I have read about Lukes heroics, I so wanted to see him in true action... so disappointed but then again maybe we should just accept that Ryan Johnson is trying to give Star Wars to a new generation and just 'let the past die'. Star wars feels finished for me now.", '05'), (' Real Star Wars fans who grew up watching the originals wanted a continuation of the story, as in what happens to the galaxy after The Empire is defeated. The plot in Last Jedi is just a reboot. Leia, Luke, and Han - these characters seem to just get in the way doing a true reboot.', '05'), (' I enjoyed watching The Last Jedi. I was able to share another installment of the franchise I love so much with my 9 year old son, who also loves Star Wars. Just like I am passing down my love for this series, the Last Jedi is passing the mantle down to a new generation of character / actors. Many fans who complained about the prequel trilogy are the same ones complaining about this trilogy. They are never going to be happy. Thank you Disney for continuing this series.', 'wts'), (' Very disappointing film. After all the goodwill that The Force Awakens brought back to Star Wars, this movie basically ignores everything established and does its own thing. There are good parts, but the middle drags forever with the pointless casino subplot. The ending somewhat makes up for it, but overall it left a bad taste in my mouth. I just hope Episode IX can redeem the series.', '25'), (' I signed up just to post this review.When movie finished my thoughts were, "there has to be more." I sat through the credits hoping there was more, nope. When I was driving home I was thinking, "did I miss something?" I just watched Star Wars, I was supposed to be feeling good/happy to have watched an epic tale. Why did it feel like it was shallow/hollow? I did not want to believe the review from the fans but after watching, I have to agree. I am definitely disappointed. Who do I blame? Directors? Writers? Disney? It was a decent movie, it was not Star Wars.', '20'), (' This rating should be higher but i can\'t get by the destruction and disrespect from the writers, directors, and Disney.HOW IN THE HELL DOES NICKELODEON NAIL A STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER IN "THE LEGEND OF KORRA" AND DISNEY DOESN\'T?I love the building of strong female characters, but like many other failed films before it, Star Wars failed on one HUGE aspect of doing that. You can\'t make strong female characters by making the males in the film weaker.Let\'s not get into plot holes, or the casino planet, or the forced (Thor Ragnarok esc comedy), or the forced messaging. For a 200+ million dollar movie you should be able to get messaging across without punching us with it in the face.Breaking the hearts of many dedicated fans seeing a beloved universe blatantly and lazily disrespected. I realize that from a critical perspective the movie has few flaws, but most critical reviews involve themes and delivery. If these qualities were important to Star Wars then we would have lost all of our fans when the prequels came out. Plot, story telling, and character development is what makes Star Wars so great. This film misses on all three.', '10'), (' star wars is dead, Bravo !', '05'), (" Even though failure and learning from your mistakes was the key point to this movie; there wasn't any progression to the characters growth since the last film (which was confusing). And when the story was building up near the end, there was no climax... This was an okay movie, just don't expect any great things out of it.", '20'), (" The Last Jedi is easily my favorite Star Wars film outside of the original trilogy (I'm a huge OT fan). When I saw the disparity between the glowing professional reviews and the damning fan reviews I expected to side with those who hated the film but in the end I thought the good FAR outweighed the bad. Yes, it suffered from lots of cringe inducing over-the-top moments, some generic Marvel-esque production values at points, and 45 minutes of distracting subplot, but it's core (the other 105 minutes which contained the major plot points) was magic, the simple and elegant story of Luke Skywalker and his two students, one representing momentous regrets and the other representing the possibility of redemption. A note about the depth of some people's dislike for this film:I hope that some of those who hated The Last Jedi are not so much reacting to the film's level of quality (though it's deeply imperfect) but more going through the stages of loss that the story itself intentionally and rightfully engenders: denial, anger, grief etc, and that some of these fans will end up changing their minds and having the deepest and most hard-won connection with this film (much the way I hated Return of the King at first for having Bilbo go senile and then later loved it as one of the few tales that recognizes and affirms the depth of life's imperfection). Sadly it's hard for stories that require long processing like this, to even exist in an age of test audiences and instant social media feedback. At any rate my fear is that from now on sequels might be dictated by the internet mob and that will be lame.So yeah, story-wise, The Last Jedi returned to the irrevocably forward moving and self questioning spirit of the original trilogy but in order to do so, it had to decisively depart from the spirit of both the prequels and The Force Awakens and I understand why that may have alienated some fans. I also understand why some would interpret the film's philosophical questioning of Star Wars past as SJW cultural vandalism given the deep tribal distrust that characterizes this decade (in 2017 when a character is tragically humbled we tend to take that as an attack on the character's demographic group rather than a statement about the human condition). But personally I thought the film's self questioning was very much in the spirit of the original trilogy and of good drama in general. It didn't ignore, undermine, or mock the message of earlier Star Wars films, it took it seriously and showed another side which makes Star Wars more whole.Some notes on me so you'll know whether my taste is relevant to your own: As I mentioned I'm a HUGE fan of the original trilogy. and I've been disappointed buy every single Star Wars movie since then. My other favorite movies are Andrei Rublev, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2001, Gummo, Back to the Future, and Gimme Shelter (the Stones documentary).", '40'), (' All the hate that this film is receiving is totally unfounded. People are so wrapped up in what they thought should happen that they miss what is right in front of there faces. Sometimes the best things are are those that we did not expect. Everyone was pissed when TFA was a somewhat rehash but now you get a completely different Star Wars story that opens up a completely different direction in the third movie and everyone loses their minds.', '50'), (" Felt like i was watching your typical Marvel movie. In your face humor. Hundreds of rebels are killed off and Rian Johnson thought it'll be great to throw in a joke (Read the interview, that really was his idea.) Reys character is great but not enough to save the film. Skywalker named has been ruined. Is Ren trying to become the next Vader or is he in need of therapy? So many things wrong with this script. Waste of time.", '05'), (" A short summary of the film is Rey meets Luke, nothing happens, space chase, useless casino scene, Kylo Ren turns into a whiny crybaby, nothing happens, they kill off a beloved character for no reason other than to enforce the female lead, end. Honestly, this isn't the worst Star Wars film, but it's down there with the trash. Boring, bland, generic, and cliché.", '05'), (' I thought it was a good movie it was hard to watch the first time but i went to see it again and totally loved it I had an amazing time and Luke and ray where just the best threw out the movie', '45'), (" This is not going to go the way you think! And that's why it's a great movie!", '50'), (' Total rubbish and utterly disappointing! I had been a life long fan but Disney and Rian Johnson has killed Star Wars for me! I am gutted!Save your money, and go see something worth watching!', '05'), (" In keeping with this brilliant new theme of killing off all the beloved original cast, I predict in the next film the Millenium Falcon will be put in a car crusher, Chewie set on fire and R2 and 3PO die of a mutual suicide pact.And now that The Force is just plain magic (untrained force wielders can instantly fight like Jedi's and survive the vacuum of space), the Porgs will become force wielders and become dark Jedis riding a magical wave of green milk and shooting lasers out their bums.", '10'), (' Stupid disney merchandise twonks social justice idiots. Literally all they care about is fucking money', '15'), (' This movie was horrible just read the other reviews to find out why.', '10'), (' The writing is so shallow. Kylo Ren got the best writing, and Adam Driver delivered a great performance, but it was pretty clear that was all the movie was concerned with. The amount of unfunny humor and of good dialogue opportunities being sacrificed in favor or pseudowitty, snarky one liners was really too much. Apparently the writers forgot that Finn has a background. Rey felt like a side character in her own movie. A boring, disappointing movie.', '05'), (' It is a good movie, better than TFA, but still it is just that, it has too many mistakes, they wasted Luke, it is the worst case scenario for an old Luke Skywalker. It copies most of its story from ESB with some of ROTJ, it has plain story, with too many jokes. Sadly it destroys what could have been a master piece. Its not a movie for fans of the saga. If you are not a fan the movie is gonna be great.', '10'), (" This movie, just like the previous The Force Awakens, is a fan fiction done by a new director. While visually appealing, the character arcs and overall story just don't align with what George Lucas originally created. Had this been a separate story with no ties to the Original Trilogy, then it honestly would've done better in my eyes.", '15'), (" This is my favorite Star Wars movie to date. It was great seeing something new and exciting. Everything I thought I knew about this universe was wrong. I can't wait to see where this all takes us!!", '45'), (' Critics Consensus: Star Wars: The Last Jedi honors the saga\'s rich legacy while adding some surprising twists -- and delivering all the emotion-rich action fans could hope for...This is what is posted on this very website in regards to the critics consensus to the movie. Okay, maybe if this was a standalone movie, but it is not. It is part of a saga, that has been created a long time ago and has a rich lore. This story does no honor to Star Wars; it craps all over it and wipes it all away.I always made a big deal about Star Wars with my children. The Force Awakens was okay, I was willing to wait and see what they built into it because they had many possibilities with the plot points at the end of that movie: Rey\'s lineage, who is Snoke, what will happen with Luke, how will the galaxy fight the first order now that both sides are weakened, and more. Also, Rogue One was fantastic. But after this movie, unless I get my pants blown away by some magic, and with Rian Johnson at the helm I am not expecting it, the Star Wars series will be allowed to slide into a "to watch on DVD, if at all" movies.Let us simply start with the writing: Rian Johnson basically took all of the cool plot points from TFA and threw them out the window: Rey\'s mystery? Normal. Snoke? Powerful but easily defeated. Useless story arch about making a political point going to a casino planet? That absolutely had to be in there, why? Luke Skywalker basically being a non factor and then killed (Everyone wanted to be Luke, Han, or Leia when growing up, by the way). All the old characters are dead, and are now replaced with new characters that have little to no character development and depth. The coolest character is Kylo, but he is conflicted. There is no overwhelming, unstoppable bad guy (Vader and emperor types) because no matter what, Kylo gets beaten by Rey, who apparently can pick up training just by taking a crap. Also, all of a sudden, the first order took over everything because why? Didn\'t they just have their massive death weapon blown up at the end of TFA? So how did they go from that to all of a sudden they are everywhere? Also, Leia survives in space with some new Jedi power, when she has never been trained... how?!?! Would have worked well had they just let her die there since she is actually dead in real life! It was a powerful moment in the movie... but no. Shit all over you all.Mark Hammill himself has stated it best: this movie is written by children. Lucas may had been flawed, but he had his vision and linearly made it happen, without crapping on all of the created history. There was so much that could have been done. I would have been okay with letting Luke die had he come out and actually put up some type of fight and be a martyr that lit the spark of the rebellion... but no.If Rian Johnson is allowed to keep going, this series will turn into a farce.There are cool visuals and battles. Rey and Kilo scene in the throne room was great. But again, right there, Snoke.... Snoke basically is a magnificent villain. He is tossing Rey around, who has so much raw power, like she is a rag doll. Snoke should have been the unstoppable, fearsome power that is oppressing the good guys. He was so powerful, yet could not detect that the old lightsaber, right BY HIS SIDE, was clanking around.... fine. You want to kill him off? Make it a struggle and breakthrough for Rey and Kilo having to surmount and defeat him.... bad, bad writing.', '15'), (' ???? ?? ? ????????? ??????? ????????????? ?? ????... ??????? ??? ?? ???? ?????. ? ???? ?? ? ?????? ??? ??????? ???????, ???? ? ??? ??? ?????? ?????????? ????? ? ??????, ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ?????????????? ??? ? ?????, ?????????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ?????? ?????, ? ???????/????? ??? ??? ?? ??????????? ? ??????????????? ???????... ????????? ??????, ??????? ?? 40 ???, ?????? ???? ????????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ????????????? ???????/??????, ??????? ????? 40 ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????? ? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ???????, ??????????? ?????????? ... ??? ????? ???????? , ?? ??? ???? ??????? ... ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????... ?? ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ?', '05'), (" You lose half a star when you have that one scene with Leia. You know what I'm talking about.", '45'), (' Easily my favourite Star Wars film to date. Visually stunning, captivating story and brilliant space battles. Loved every second of it.', '50'), (' Aside from a few glaringly painful technical issues, boring plot, SJW messages, and grating characters (Holdo & Rose) it was fine... I guess.', '10'), (' Parts with Rey/Kylo Ren/Luke enjoyable. The rest seemed a little repetitive and/or superfluous.', '25'), (' Boring movie, just like the force awakens. The movie adds nothing to the saga. If someone asked me what the movie was about, I wold not be able to answer.I do however recognize that many new people are now watching Star Wars. But remember these new "fans" came easy. And will disappear just as easy. You must protect you backbone.The main movies are lost, no doubt. But PLEASE add something real to the saga with the movies in between, Thank youThis is a Real review by the Way Disney. I know yo', '05'), (' If anything, after watching Episode VIII, I have begun to have a new appreciation for the prequels. Just trying to find something positive.', '10'), (' This film has totally derailed Star Wars. Disney may want to look in to dismissing Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson to save the brand. Very disappointed. Will not see it again and recommending no one else see it.', '15'), (" Great trailed. Bad movie.disney destroyed Star Warsi don't know how TOMATOMETER can be 93%, did disney paid to rotten tomatoes? IMDB, raiting is 7.8/10 but when i read comments for 4 pages, there were only bad comments and nothing was more that 3stars.", '05'), (" This movie is the biggest insult to the Star Wars franchise. It is utter trash and has totally disrespected the OT characters which was promised on record by KK and Disney. Mark Hamill said he fundamentally disagreed with how Luke Skywalker's character was being portrayed, now we know why. Zero Stars for this disgusting piece of garbage.", 'ni'), (' I cannot see where the negatives are coming from.. I am, what i would class as a "True" Star Wars fan and i thought the Last Jedi was fantastic! there were of course some small parts that I did not like but on the whole I thought this was a raging success that moves the Star wars Saga along in a great way.', '50'), (' Worst Star Wars ever!', '05'), (' I enjoyed this movie very much. It was fast paced, entertaining, not a single boring minute. Very understandable, even for a first time watcher. It had a satisfactory begining, middle and closure at the end of it.', '50'), (' This movie destroyed the franchise.', '05'), (' Subtlety in storytelling on a massive scale. Just absolute incred scenes.', '50'), (' For me it is simple, it is the movie that I liked the least in the saga. They have a fantastic villain who does not take advantage enough and the plot has a lot of gaps.', '05'), (' This movies defies logical thinking and rational behaviour. The plot is so bad I wont even start pointing out its flaws! Loved the original Trilogy but this was another huge disappointment.', '05'), (' The Whole movie is just a slow paced chase, characters in weird situation, worthless deaths just because Rian Johnson big god like ego puts believes that can do weather he want with Star wars characters and still people like the movie. Good reason why director should not be the only writer of same film, not sure if J.J. Abrams can fix this one.', '10'), (' Just a mess. Horrible story, complete and unnecessary reversal of several classic characters, with forced humor sprinkled throughout. Tone problems hinder this movie further. The throne room scene is worth the price of admission.', '20'), (" As someone who grew up watchingStar Wars movies and obsessing over the plot, I'm never seeing another of these movies. They should've stopped at 6 and prevented Disney and JJ Abrams from ruining these movies forever. The plot was absolutely horrid and random and felt like the ultimate goal was just to surprise Star Wars fans. I'm glad this movie is deservedly getting bad reviews from real Star Wars fans", '05'), (' There were some real strengths and I enjoyed some of it - for example I LIKED how Snoke was killed off by Kylo, and I LIKED how Rey\'s parents were nobody - that was really great IMO. Kylo was a character so well played and well developed, and the interaction between him and Rey was great, and just what I would have liked to have seen. My issues with the film, though, especially being a star wars fan, left me leaving the cinema feeling ultimately disappointed. Firstly, this was a decent action/sci-fi movie, but it didn\'t really fit in with the rest of star wars in some fundamental ways. For instance, the humor was Marvel-esk, and it felt like star wars moulded into another francise - please note, movie producers, that not everyone loves your formulaic humor!! It is NOT a win-all formula that appeals to everyone!! Similarly, I do consider myself a socially progressive person but that does not mean that a movie should be a platform for pushing social justice values - that was really really annoying!! The fight between good and evil is already beautifully symbolic - otherwise the SJ element could at least have been done thoughtfully or cleverly like in Harry Potter & built over several movies not just shoved into one fraction of the franchise. If I had seen previous star wars movies and known they were using that approach I wouldn\'t have been in to them! Aside from other issues that other AUDIENCE reviewers cover (note I don\'t mind about the Rey/Snoke thing - I thought that was really cool), the MAIN issue for me was the death of Luke Skywalker. Okay, I acknowledge that it would be essential to kill him off at some point in the near future. But, it was such a massive disappointment to see him die without any action on his part. For me, the whole reason that star wars is as interesting and entertaining is seeing characters such as Luke rise up and do their thing - and for Gods sake Luke is meant to be the best of the best. There is a childish appeal to seeing the power/wisdom etc of the Jedi, and in a way that\'s where so many people get hooked - and Luke was ALWAYS the hero, he ALWAYS had a solution and he was totally kickass!! That\'s what I wanted to see!! THAT\'s where, for me, this movie became not a star wars movie, but something else. It would have been SO much cooler if Luke had survived, shown off some cool skills, been the leader/Jedi Master that he always was, and then died doing something else... that is what I was looking forward to most, personally, and it was very disappointing to see the main character killed off like that - I mean, in A New Hope, Obiwan dying was fine, since he was never a main character in the same way Luke was - what got the audience so enthusiastic about these new movies was finding out what Luke had been up to and seeing his story continue a little bit - I mean you spent a whole damn movie building his entrance up - knowing that people are here for the Jedi touch/action/abilities - and then he doesn\'t do anything and just dies!!! I mean, OMG???! That is just so frustrating, and not at all in the spirit of where the movies were left off. It is literally killing off a main character!! Like, imagine if during a Marvel movie where the Hulk discovers his powers and the sequel is coming out and the movie is called "The Hulk" and they kill him off in the second scene, and are like "well that\'s just poetry isn\'t it"! Or this is also like you\'re watching Captain Planet (I know lame example) and Captain Planet gets killed but the series doesn\'t finish and they go on to have a different super hero but still call it Captain Planet - it is NOT a continuation of what we had and expected before!!Anyway, sorry for the rant, & no offence to the people that worked hard to create this, but I was very very disappointed by the way this movie went - and it really left my reasons for being a star wars fan untouched and unconsidered. There were some excellent points, but you can\'t just kill off a beloved, main character like that at the wrong wrong time and change the face of a franchise.', '15'), (" I saw ANH 4 times as a 8 year old in the cinema. I agree with the Machete list for SW1-6 and even enjoy Crap Sci-Fi films like Independence day for the shits and giggles. But something went terribly wrong here. Its like a chocolate cake with nice presentation and icing, but biting into it it is just coffee grounds inside. I walked out of the cinema liking it, but on thinking it through, I realised how deliberate this was as a break away movie even though wrapping itself up in the clothing of a Star Wars Series movie. Unfortunately, you cant be both.If they made this movie as an Anthology trilogy, then all good. The writers and directors can go different directions. But by virtue of the basis of this trilogy fitting into the Skywalker arc, it needed to key into the lore of the series. Constraints are not bad things guys...they can actually make things more challenging and enriching. The fact those constraints were ignored certainly opens the move up to deserving the backlash it is creating.I like others have seen the claims of BOT reviews not representing the true state of the fanbase and am posting this to show we arent all bots..As an illustration of the many issues with the movie and NOT utilising the Rich lore that could have been incorporated and actually ENHANCED the story, even my 12 year old son was able to point out that a very simple plot device to stop the Raddus Hyperspacing away could have been the Introduction of Interdictor Star Destroyers. These are lore starships from the Xwing and Tie fighter games that have gravity well generators that prevent star ships from going to hyperspace. Just this simple addition and a lot of angst could have been avoided.This is one of many examples of where the writers were just plain lazy and made up shit to suit the plot instead of integrating canon (we all know now why Disney wiped Canon).Ultimately, Disney have torn down the importance of having something to look up to or aspire to because you all have that power to what you want to be. The problem is, that without these figures its harder to benchmark what to become or avoid. That is pat of the human experience.Finally, Luke Skywalker. Others have discussed how ridiculous his fall is compared with his achievements. When I talk about role models, his portrayal in this movie does nothing to give hope that anyone can be strong enough to take adversity. Going by this portrayal, you could expect Ray to turn up in 9 and say 'Peace not war' and just head to Tatooine and become a moisture farmer...or noone respond to the Resistance's call to help. This is the danger of the example Rian Johnson made of Luke and the reason why the series has no hope going forward because it does not set any examples of resilience and strenght. Makes me really sad to say that, but it is true.Great stand alone Sci-Fi movie or Anthology, but not a Star Wars Episode movie in the values that it puts forward as examples to others. Sorry.", '20'), (' not as good as the last one.', ''), (' The spark has gone out', '15'), (' Como película asecas: mala (edición extremadamente rápida, escenas irrelevantes, tramas sin sentido etc.)Como sequela de "El Despertar de la Fuerza": una calamidad. Todas y cada una de las tramas que JJ Abrams había introducido se han visto ignoradas, destruidas o resueltas de la forma más rápida e impersonal posible.Como octavo episodio de la saga: sacrilegio. Esta película demuestra una falta de respeto enorme a las 7 anteriores. No entiende en absoluto nada de este universo y nos está diciendo a los espectadores que todo lo que hemos visto hasta ahora no tiene la más mínima importancia.¿Qué más de puede decir?Ah. El feminismo se basa en la igualdad de derechos entre los hombres y las mujeres (derechos, responsabilidad, consideración social). Esta película segrega a tanto a mujeres como a hombres (forzando a las mujeres a ser personaficaciones ideológicas del bando en el que se encuentran y minimizando los obstaculos con los que se encuentran y forzando a los hombres a ser contradicciones andantes (en algunos casos traicionando la esencia de sus personajes). Esta película se ha mercantilizado como feminista y siente la necesidad de hacer a todos los personajes femeninos perfectos (sin defectos y sin complejidades) porque tiene miedo de que los personajes femeninos cometan errores o se reflejen sus debilidades y de que esto se achaque a su género. Soy mujer, soy feminista y soy imperfecta (como lo es toda persona viviente) y no me averguenzo de ello. Todos, hombres y mujeres, tenemos obtaculos y limitaciones en esta vida (algunos y especialmente algunas mas que otros, pero eso no cambia el hecho de que nadie se libra). La segregación es lo contrario a la igualdad (que es la esencia del feminismo) y de lo primero tiene mucho esta película. Mis felicitaciones a Los Últimos Jedi por haber arruinado a una saga maravillosa y encima haber forzado un falso mensaje feminista que ha derivado en "las tias han jodido Star Wars". Un aplauso', '05'), (" In short I loved it, very bold, interesting character development and visually stunning. Go in without expectations of what you think will happen and you'll love it too!", '50'), (' No story and terrible use of much loved characters. If you want the most exciting thing Luke to do is slurp milk from the teat of a space cow you might like it.p', '10'), (" I don't understand all the hate it's getting. Way better than episode 7.", '50'), (" Most people are saying the backlash against this film is unwarranted. I think it is very much warranted and I for one hope Disney listens to the public. There is lots wrong with this film. There are many plot holes that have slipped through the editing process. The lore and rules have been broken in many ways which undermines all the films that came before it. Also There is a whole subplot that is meaningless in the long run. Many of the characterisations fall flat and we don't feel for the new characters. Also the old characters are disrespected in many ways. You can really feel the absence of Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas with this one. Such a shame. Hopefully Episode IX can turn it around but this films disrespect of the Force Awakens have put them in a really difficult position. Not to mention Carrie Fishers tragic, untimely passing.", '05'), (' So many plot holes and missing sub plots for what is basically one really, really, really, long chase scene. You learn so little about the story. The action was entertaining though and I enjoyed other parts of it. If you want to zone out and watch some space explosions you will like it, if you care about the story you will be asking questions in your seat just as I was.', '30'), (" It was great everything I expect from a Star Wars movie. It's not perfect but only minor issues.", '40'), (' Created an account to share my disappointment. Holding out hope Episode IX can save this story, but I am not optimistic. A lot of my gripes come from lazy storytelling and non-attention to detail as well. Sigh.', '10'), (" 'The force awakens' gave me a little prejudice before seeing this movie, as to how simplified I felt «good vs evil» was portrayed in a clichè way. Watching 'The last Jedi' completely turned my impression around and left me in awe. It was a stunning movie, with amazing characters and character development. The spiritual turmoil of The Force in this particular movie, and complication of what is 'good' and 'bad' was used to truly open one's mind. I was also quite happy to see Yoda back in the movie, with his mischievous character, yet sharing true wisdome to the troubled Jedi, Luke.", '45'), (' The only way to save this trilogy is by keeping Luke actively involved in the final movie as a spirit ghost. Mark Hamill is pure "class" and has mastered his craft as an actor and is essential to keeping the saga unified and whole.', '35'), (' A book the length of the Bible could be written about how bad this movie is in the context of the Skywalker STAR WARS saga. As Quaff-Down Gin, I fought the battles against THE FLANNELED ONE throughout the PT (particularly TPM), and we thought the Emperor had finally been de-clothed when he relinquished his entire legacy to Disney, the "Rebel Alliance", who was going to make great STAR WARS movies and save the franchise. Well, folks, Disney is the new evil EMPIRE, and they have dropped the DEATH STAR bomb on the entire saga. This putrid excuse for an entry in the next-to-last chapter of the 9-piece saga has taken a giant dump on everything that has come before it. An abomination in ten thousand ways. Though my bones may be creaky, I am starting to feel the call... to The Resistance (i.e. Bashers). This movie sucked, and there is no compelling reason for them to make Episode 9. Rian is a punk in Ewoks fur.', '15'), (" If you are a dedicated Star Wars fan who is interested in the bigger picture and story of Star Wars, this movie will piss you off. If you're a non fan or you're knowledge of Star Wars starts and ends with The Force Awakens you'll probably find little to know faults with this movie. This movie is terrible on so many levels it's hard to pack them into a paragraph. Disney needs to think very hard about where they will go from here. I am nervous for what the future of my favorite movies series' future after watching this movie.", '05'), (' How to shit in the saga', '05'), (" I couldn't get over the disrespectful treatment that they do of Luke Skywalker and even Master Yoda. So now we are just supposed to accept that those two basically brought down the Jedi Order temple and secrets? Totally out of character for the ones that we actually followed the series from the beginning. Also the whole subplot of the casino planet was such a waste of screen time and made the movie unnecessary longer. And i am sorry but I still don't feel the chemistry between Rey and Finn and therefore the obsession that he has for her. Oh and how on earth they expect to believe that Rey needs absolute no training to be the biggest kickass on the movies (since she already defeated Kylo with basically zero training). Ugh this movie just frustrates the heck out of me", '20'), (' Not sure where all the hate comes from, the second act sagged but first and third act had some of the best scenes in the entire saga (save some brief questionable cgi use)', '40'), (' second worst star wars film straight after TPM. Completely ruins the effort of the previous 3 films! would not recommend!', 'ni'), (' I had a lot to say about this fllm, but most of it has already been said. At the end of the day, your enjoyment of this film just depends on the kind of person you are. If you are going to get mad that they new things with the force, despite almost every Star Wars doing new things with the force (Empire expanded the Jedi abilities significantly, Jedi expanded the Sith abilities, the prequels ruined the force altogether). If you\'re going to get upset with anything, be mad at Rebels, which introduced the Force feature most are complaining about. If you\'re going to get upset with bombs "falling" in space, then you might as well get upset with the gravity on ships (if they fall in the ship, out into zero gravity, guess what they keep doing). I mean, if you get upset with the Star Wars universe not working with how you want it to work, then you probably won\'t enjoy this movie that much.If you want the Empire version of the Force Awakens, then you\'ll be really disappointed.After the Force Awakens I had a good idea of what to expect from the rest of the trilogy. I imagine most did. People weren\'t coming up with theories on how the overall play of the trilogy might differ from the other trilogies. They were coming up with theories on who was this person or that person or who might change sides, etc. The same stuff we\'ve been speculating about since Empire (which just adds to its credit). Coming out of the Last Jedi I can honestly say I have no idea what the heck is going to happen in Episode 9! And that\'s a good thing!The Last Jedi essentially picks up where The Force Awakens left off, and ends about 24 hours later. Its an examination of one of the most critical moments in a war. Where one side can finish it once and for all. Obviously, the First Order doesn\'t wipe everyone out in the end, and despite a huge setback, there\'s hope on the horizon. So, in the big picture, the film doesn\'t "move" the plot along, as some love to complain. That doesn\'t mean there isn\'t a point. That\'s like saying there was no point to Dunkirk because at the end the war hadn\'t moved along.So really, it just depends on the kind of person you are. That\'s why its such a great film. If you\'re racist or sexist and only enjoy films where white men are the heroes, you\'ll be disappointed to know that there\'s only 2 or 3 white men main characters who are epic. Yea, you\'ll hate this film. Yea, there\'s a few weird things we can universally agree upon are kind of odd, or they don\'t make sense. I dare you to point me to a Star Wars (or any film really) that doesn\'t have things that don\'t make sense (so you\'re leaving Hoth and there\'s literally an entire planet you can fly out of, why the heck would you fly right next to the ships that shoot at you? How long can a tan-tan\'s guts stay warm? So, if Boba Fett follows Han to cloud city, and he reports to the empire where the Falcon is going, how did they arrive before our heroes, as Lando explains later? Why is there gravity like, literally everywhere, even inside the asteroid monster? Why doesn\'t all the contents of the Falcon get sucked out when they leave the door open? Etc, etc) I mean, if you can\'t suspend your disbelief for this film, despite having to do it for all other Star Wars films, then you\'ll hate what they do here.Where was I? Oh yea, we all agree there\'s some stuff that falls flat, like the casino, or the milk scene for some (some thought it was the best scene in the film). Yes, a lot of it can be considered a big F.U. to the earlier films. Or it can be considered taking us step by step through the process of letting go of the earlier conventions so that we can move on to a new story, with new ideas, and a new overall plot. Just depends on how you look at it, or you can say, from a certain point of view.Personally, I loved it. There\'s definitely some valid arguments for why things don\'t make sense, and if you want to let that ruin the Star Wars universe for you, that\'s on you. I am going to watch it many times over, put up 5 stars, and debate its quality with friends, like I did with the prequels, but on the other side of the fight this time. I thinks its worth it. Just remember, when you\'re writing up a response to someone (or me), all mad that they disagree with you and think this film didn\'t ruin Star Wars completely, and completely mad and pissed off and start calling people names like idiots, and such. Remember what anger leads to. Remember that these films honor the light side of the force. Take a moment, take a breath, and let the force be with you. If that doesn\'t help, then maybe Star Wars was lost upon you long before The Last Jedi.(speaking of, why don\'t the Sith say "May be the Force be with you" as well? It doesn\'t quantify the light side of the force, just "the force" being with you. The Sith want the force to be with them as well, right? Anyway, just a thought.)', '50'), (' I\'m a Star Wars fan from the original 1977 era. I enjoyed listening to all the speculation post Force Awakens, but prior to the movie but I went in with an open mind, not a list of "must haves". Unlike Potter or LOTR, where we tick off the list of scenes we must have, this story can and does go to places we have never seen before. I\'ve seen it twice and whilst the movie is not perfect it provides us something old, something new and something very amazing. I came away happy and looking forward to the next installment. Well worth seeing.', '40'), (' Excellent movie. Beautiful cinematography. Great acting. I love the character driven approach and the clear transition into a wide open future for the series.', '50'), (" Le dernier Jedi de Johnson trahi l'esprit de la mythologie SW.", '05'), (' What a great way to expand this universe and move the lore forward. Not a perfect movie but exactly what I didnt know I wanted from Star Wars!', '45'), (" I'm a Star Wars tragic and I wanted so badly to love this movie. It was so beautifully shot and that score omg I felt every single note but unfortunately the movie in it's entirety was disappointing. This is a great Rian Johnson movie. The only problem is that it's just a terrible Star Wars film. I felt like a lot of the characters were done a great disservice. Some of their motivations and arcs that were built in The Force Awakens were completely thrown away by Rian and crew in favor of big beautiful action sequences and sometimes mind bogglingly bad plot holes. Holdo felt like she was plucked from the Hunger Games and placed straight into Star Wars. There are some amazing action sequences in this movie that are often let down by silly dialogue and forced humor. Overall I enjoyed the spectacle but I left disappointed as a Star Wars fan.", '30'), (" The last Jedi was absolutely terrible. It was the worst Star Wars movie ever. I'm what would be considered a super fan. I vehemently defend the prequels! I know they have their short comings and awful scenes, poor acting and cheesiness, but they still feel like Star Wars and perfectly fill in the story before the originals. Revenge of the Sith, I feel is one of the most important movies in the saga! I thought the Force awakens was a good enough job to start a new trilogy. I felt it was quite a bit rushed and too many things crammed in, a bit silly, but overall fine. I thought Rogue One was the best Star Wars since the originals, but dammit if this new one isn't just awful. There were no high stakes. It was all slap stick children comedy. It felt like laser tag in space with wizards and the story line was so dull and too convenient. Not to mention the insulting disintegration of everything prior to this one. This movie killed my excitement for the franchise going forward.", '05'), (' Total disrespect to the Star Wars saga. A total disgrace. Left through the middle of the movie. Some people in Disney have a really inflated ego, since they obviously think that they can destroy what Star Wars is and replace it with their vision. I wonder why they paid billions to buy the franchise... Just to have the Star Wars logo? They never understood what people liked in Star Wars. This is NOT a Star Wars movie', '05'), (' Loved it ... best Star Wars movie to date.', '50'), (" Short cuts taken on this film are typical of today's film industry. All CGI and no heart. The death of Luke ends a chapter in the original 9 part Skywalker saga. Followers of the books and movies will feel cheated with Rey's training vs natural ability. Just like in today's world everyone wants a shortcut and doesn't want to put in the time (years) to develope a skill set. This doesnt bode well for the future of the franchise a less you want to sell video games.Skip this one and then the rest!", '10'), (' worst star wars of the lot. Make the prequels looks like masterpieces.', '20'), (" TLJ is much better than the prequels and on par with many blockbusters these days (Transformers, most Marvel and DC). But it is significantly worse than TFA, and doesn't deserve to be on the same shelf as the classic trilogy. The Good: most of the action sequences, the performances (particularly Mark Hamil and Adam Driver).The Bad: massive plot holes/inconsistencies (e.g. it takes less than one scene for a Star Destroyers to overtake a Rebel ship in ANH but hours in TLJ, Kylo Ren could Force Grab/Throw/Choke in TFA but doesn't do this in the throne room, Rey decides to risk everything to turn Kylo without any explanation of his importance given she'd already beaten him in TFA); absence of meaningful character arcs for the established heroes of this trilogy - Rey doesn't change at all and doesn't achieve much except lifting some rocks that could have been blown up by Falcon anyway, Finn commits to fighting the First Order but doesn't achieve anything (he's stopped by Rose), Poe learns to think before acting but doesn't achieve anything (the Resistance is all-but-annihilated anyway) [In fact, the most substantail hero's arc is Luke's, as he re-commits to fighting the Dark Side and actually achieves something - but haven't we already had a trilogy of movies about Luke's journey?]; poor physical effects (speared fish, Yoda, the Temple Stewards who looked like Toad in the maid's costume in Wind In The Willows); increasing indestructibility of the Millennium Falcon (could bounce off desert and icy rocks in TFA but can now seemingly smash through enormous solid crystals - makes one wonder what everyone was worried about in the asteroid field in TESB).The Ugly: Hit-and-miss gags that: drained the drama and tension from the film, robbed the First Order of the menace that had been established by TFA (starting with the Poe-Hux prank-call), contradicted characterisation of Luke as being in a state of despair/depression in the first two acts over his past mistakes (alien milk-cows, various one-liners); Leia Force-flying through space; anti-climactic ending to Phasma (though I suspect she'll be back).However, given the Star Wars saga survived the Prequels, I think it is very premature to define TLJ as somehow constituting the death-knell of the franchise. With JJ returning for Ep IX, there's every chance the next film will be as good as TFA and all will be forgiven - by this viewer, at least.", 'ni'), (" Absolutely loved it! Can't wait to see it again.", '50'), (' The movie should have been Luke, Rey and Yoda. Hence one star. The rest of it was a $hi+show.', '10'), (' A perfect series reboot and the best non-stand alone since THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.', '50'), (' An incredible film that surpasses expections. Sorely needed for the franchise. 5/5', '50'), (" I wanted to like this movie. I did find it entertaining. But the plot holes are too big, and the character of Luke is too betrayed for me to approve. I think Mark Hamill, who I deeply respect, realizes Luke should've been written differently. Unfortunately, his opinion didn't influence the script. Four characters need justification in episode 9: Finn and Rose (what have they done to help the Alliance when they just about effectively obliterated it?), Leia (why keep her alive aside from some witty comments and connection with Luke?), and Snoke (was his death an illusion, and either way what is his backstory?)", '20'), (' Completely ruined the great plots The Force Awakens set the stage for. Also, terrible attempts at off humor that do not fit in the franchise. Overall very disappointed.', '20'), (' Disney has ruined the Starwars Universe they have also ruined the Legacy of Luke SkyWalker Who will always be the Face of the Franchise. Disney needs to figure their shit out and Quit ruining one of the Greastest Movies Series filmed and Quit Ruining Luke SkyWalkers Legacy which was cemented before Disney decided to wipe out all of his heroics from books written about him.', '05'), (' I don\'t think Disney knows how bad they damaged the franchise. For Rian Johnson to say, "This isn\'t Luke\'s story" should tell you everything: He doesn\'t know nor does he truly care. The whole Jedi prophecy just amount to Luke is all... He restores order, travels, gains immense powers, and is reduced to a crying hermit? To just be able to rip out the beating heart of what star wars is, and then shat on it really gives you an idea of the hubris these people have. The story will unfold now into a terribly predictable plot of Rey+Kylo vs. Snoke with force ghost appearances. It\'s all so stupid. Disney had a chance to milk the franchise in a slightly different way to appease both long-time star wars fans, and new ones to come. Instead they just butcher the story to this point, and what to start anew with extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY, forgettable characters in Poe, Rose, and Finn. Rey and Kylo to me were interesting, but it\'s going to unfold into a ying/yang finding balance and "actually fulfill the prophecy of the chose "one" through rey and kylo or some stupid asinine shit to cover the massive plot holes created in TLJ.... So disappointed. Shouldn\'t have had people come in who really didn\'t know what the hell they were doing. Making a movie? Sure... Keeping a beloved story alive? Not happening.', '05'), (' A true modern classic!', '50'), (" I thought this film was very good. I'm a die hard Star Wars fan and I am very satisfied with this film. I loved the twists and turns, the characters, action sequences, and the visuals. My only issue with the film is the Finn and Rose storyline. I loved Finn and Rose, but I did not like their mission at all. I actually really liked the humor in the film a lot. I know it has been pretty controversial, but I thought the humor worked. I do think this film is less cohesive than The Force Awakens and I do think The Force Awakens is a slightly better film, but this film has so many amazing moments that it is almost as good! I'm seeing the film again this Friday and I can't wait to see where it ranks with the other Star Wars films. 4/5 stars.", '40'), (' The Last Jedi is a negation of everything what Star Wars symbolizes and stands for. Star Wars is a story about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and his redemption initiated by his son. Luke is the one that believed that there is still good in such an evil, dehumanized person as Darth Vader. Seeing Luke igniting a lightsaber above sleeping Ben Solo is just out of his character. This is not "false expectation". This is a negation of everything what he represents. Jedi Master... heir of the Legacy of the Jedi does not behave like that and specially does not hide from the world for 30 years. This is just absurd. It\'s like seeing Spartans running away from a fight, or seeing Socrates praising democracy.', '05'), (" Dumpster Fire of movie. Unbelievably bad. So much wrong no point in trying to detail. Bottom line is it will sell because fans in denial will buy tickets, which Disney will consider a success, so there will only be more crap movies to come with no regard for quality. Star Wars is dead. Truth is, it's been dead since 1999.", '05'), (' embarrassingly terrible', '10'), (' This movie totally craps on the legacy of Episode 1-6. Its an okay movie by itself by it goes against the lore of Starwars.', '05'), (' The movie is a big sloppy mess. Through the course of The Last Jedi, the slate is cleaned where the only serious villain cannot be taken seriously and that heroine has been written in such a ridiculous way that the movie franchise is left floundering. I thought Anakin was supposed to be the one, but without any training, Rey is outrageously skilled and will far surpass him. Snoke and Luke were the only characters that had the ability to ballast the SW ship, but they were jettisoned in such a way that it seems SW7 never existed.. Now all that remains is Rey and Kylo Ren who sit atop the capsized husk of what was a great story. In Science Fiction or Fantasy, a core tenet is to stay true to the world-crafting that has already been developed. If hyper-spacing through a ship is a permissible option, then SW4 and SW6 could have been much shorter if they would have done something similar. Despite the flaws in SW 1-3, they passed muster because they had the same writer as SW 4-6. Johnson wrote a decent story but one that disregarded what came before it, and SW 8 serves as a wrecking ball to the Star Wars world. Instead of drawing upon the stories before it, Johnson decided to recreate the Star Wars universe in his own image.', '10'), (' Absolutely trash, f u Disney', '05'), (' Really beautiful changes to the series lots of positives and super exciting direction for the next one!', '50'), (" A very nice surprise on this one. An original story, this is to Star Wars saga what Musashi was to Samurai Novels. The hero that is naturally talented but ignore all conventions in her self learning journey. An adversary that recognizes himself as a conqueror and does what most princes in world history did. Let no one stand in front of their ambitions. A mix of Charles Martell and Alexander the Great. Also, Mark Hammil plays a Luke Skywalker in a very different light from his Ben Kenobi teacher. Still to see what's going on with the other characters, as they are still been developed to fulfill their achievements. I didn't expect none of these , and I'm glad I do not have to see the original trilogy reenacted, but a new story that stands by its own.", '50'), (" I cannot believe this is a canon star wars film. I have no idea what I just watched. I don't know who the characters are, and I have no idea if the story had any sort of setup or resolution. The whole film was a disjointed clip show of special effects. I have no idea if this film has anything to do with the last film except I see John Boyega and Daisy Ridley in it. So it's gotta be. All characters from last film are sidelined to keep introducing primary characters again. More characters are killed off in attempt to build empathy, but if you never introduce anything or anyone. You can't care about their loss. I don't know why this film was made. I'm not looking forward to seeing any more star wars films. Which is sad, as they used to be my favorite. If you want a good star wars story that's new, watch Star Wars Rebels, instead.", '05'), (' I really loved the film, even the fact that it was unlike the predicted storyline. Grumpy Luke? Why not, he vocalizes all the reasons jedi way might not be the right way and anyhow that the end of jedi is not the end of the force. Flying Leia? Again, why not?? The jedi can make things fly, it is only a small step from elevating themselves. The large role of women? Jees, is it really so bad to have female heroes? Some people are incredible shauvinists. Anyhow, the trolling should finally stop! It is ridiculous to see how many people voted 1/2 point - I hated the prequels and even Episode I, with its many many problems, would deserve 2.5 stars from me because it still had some merits. This downvoting seems an intentional attack. You people might hate Disney but DO NOT TAKE IT OUT ON THE LAST JEDI!! Even if you did not like it, it is a good film and deserves credit! Last words: I loved it - it might be different, but that is actually good. New direction, new breeze. 5***** and I do recommend it!!!', '50'), (" Almost a good movie, but has too many annoying scenes that stop it getting there. Like a lot of people i didn't like the way they wrote luke's character in this movie, he really did deserve better. The carrie fisher mary poppins moment had the whole cinema groaning as well. Bit of a disappointment really.", '25'), (' Fantastic film. The Last Jedi honors the legacy of Star Wars, and then makes a bold departure into fresh territory, and an exciting new horizon for the franchise.', '50'), (" The Last Jedi is one of my favorite Star Wars movies! i thought the visuals were beautiful, the story interesting and the dialogue sharp. My favorite overall character was definitely Rey and my favorite new character was Admiral Holdo. It's sad to see Holdo getting so much hate because Oscar Isaac is hot. My favorite scene was her sacrifice because Star Wars is a franchise that is built on sound and score, so having a completely silent moment left me stunned. My one issue with the movie is there seems to be a lack of overall planning and narrative for the trilogy as a whole. We aren't building up to something in the way the previous trilogies had been and Ryan Johnson clearly didn't agree with the direction that JJ wanted to take the franchise COUGHSnokeCOUGH.", '45'), (' Everything Wrong1. Too fucking CHEESY!!! 2. There were too many cut aways during each scene, which didn\'t allow some of the important scenes to properly build up to the climax, specifically the one in Snoke\'s chamber.3. Overall there were not enough scenes with Snoke and they did not give enough backstory to the character in order to show the characters strength. 4. Fin\'s adventure with the new girl and the half drunk seemed to have little importance and a bit all of over the place, making it last too long. 5. Admiral Holdo was just annoying and made the Poe scenes hard to watch. Also having her not states her original plans to Poe and everyone else dragged out the scenes with the whole resistance group on the ship.6. Those little tiny fur balls.Everything Great1. All the scenes with Rey were amazing. a. Luke teaching her the ways of the force. b. Her and Kylo Ren communicating through the force and sympathizing with each other brought a twist to how the story could play out and gives IX a lot of potential. c. Her shooting shit with the millennium falcon is always fun to watch. d. The fight scene with her and Kylo was dope as fuck. 2. Luke doing some crazy shit with the force in the "fight" with Kylo to save the resistance survivors was sick and a perfect way to send Luke off.3. Yoda coming back to teach Luke again was a great scene.', '25'), (' Intéressant malgré quelques défauts.', '35'), (' Loved it! Bold and entertaining from beginning to end.', '50'), (" Lightweight to the point of insult, no substance and when Disney's money has been spent I hope we will hear some honesty from the Mainstream press on the Film.", '05'), (" Hands down the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back.Fleshed-out, well-rounded characters driven by excellent writing and franchise best performances from the majority of the cast. Staggering attention to detail, creating a truly spectacular and intimate look at the galaxy far, far away. Thematic and moral complexity way beyond anything we've seen before. All this and the most visually striking entry into the series?Don't listen to to the whiny fans. THIS is Star Wars.", '50'), (' Star Wars died for me that evening . So pitifully disappointed. Corny one liners that were poorly delivered , a story line that was all over the place not to mention , mediocre and uninventive fight scenes . Above all else , they somehow managed to make a Star Wars film that was boring .', '05'), (" i had two major issues with this movie. First was how Luke Skywalker was handled. It was certainly not with care. Yes, he became one with the force and that was great. His character didn't feel like it evolved into anything but rather, simply re-written to be another person. Luke was always my favorite character. I should have felt something when he died. Instead ...nothing. Not a thing.My second major complaint was Fin's character. Why didn't he matter? He was a great character in TFA and added to the advancement of the plot. In this movie, he was used to prop up a weird social agenda. Also, every man in this movie was made to look like a total fool at some point. I didn't get that. I was happy to see Leia in charge and kicking ass, but that didn't mean that all the male characters had to look like losers in one way or another.Neither of my kids (7 and 8) have mentioned the movie since we saw it. Good Luck on that next generation you banked everything on.", '20'), (" SPOILERS: I had high hopes for this installment, especially after the highs from TFA and R1 last year. The trailers were brilliant and everything seemed to be in place for the triumphant return of Luke Skywalker. I was ready to embrace all the changes that Rian Johnson was going to introduce. Then I watched the movie. SPLAT....everything came crashing down with a big thud! WTH, he spat and trampled on everything I held sacred to as a 5 year old all those years ago. It was blasphemy of the highest order when Luke casually tossed the fabled Skywalker saber aside after Rey handed it to him. That was the beginning of the downward spiral. Rey never received the training she needed before being coerced by Ren to confront powerful force wielder Supreme Leader Snoke (another wasted opportunity here). Then there were the non stop running jokes and gags that were totally out of place in a Star Wars movie (come on what works for GOTG and Thor Ragnarok does not necessarily work anywhere). And we totally did NOT need the middle bits with Canto Bight or the god awful irritating DJ and his speech ticks. The only reason I did not give this movie a 1 star was because there was some genuinely great storytelling,like the force banter between Ren and Rey (Adam Driver easily the MVP of this movie for his tortured portrayal of Ben Solo), the superbly done opening sequence which rivaled ROTS's opening with Poe taking on a Dreadnought, as well as Luke's amazing force projection sequence. Take home message is I really wanted to like this movie, but I didn't. I do hope JJ can somehow salvage this shipwreck in the next movie.", '20'), (' I really enjoyed The Last Jedi. It wasn\'t a perfect movie by any means. Poe is my least favorite character he could be removed and i don\'t think he would be missed to much. Also there were parts of the movie that seemed like they didn\'t really amount to much. With that said i loved what they did with Luke it made him so much more interesting and realistic. People are disappointed but after 50 years of fighting watching friends and loved ones die learning your father was Vader would have that effect on you. One of the greatest parts was watching Luke not only pull off the most powerful force display we have ever seen but in watching Luke except his failures and peacefully become one with the force thus ending his "physical existence" . Just quickly let me touch on the internet bashing brigade. You can certainly have your own opinions but, a large majority of the hate for this movie is from the internet "detectives" who spent two years trying to figure out who Ray\'s parents where and who Snoke was just to have it shown that it doesn\'t matter! Ray\'s parents being nobodies is the point! You don\'t have to be some divine force being or a Skywalker to be an important person.', '50'), (' worst star wars by far', '05'), (' Great movie! Had to go back for a second viewing.', '50'), (' So terrible, what a mess. So many missed opportunities.', '10'), (" This movie has some good moments but suffers from a messy cut and very useless subplots.Also Luke's character is destroyed", '10'), (' Insanely good movie! Bold, entertaining and beautiful!', '50'), (' film was riddled with plot holes the writing team clearly didnt have a clue what they were doing and the switch in directors ruined the whole set up from the last film dont want to have any spoilers in this review but my god this film was just ruined and they ruined luke skywalker', '10'), (" Unbelievably bad, worst movie, let alone worst star wars movie. Does Disney, the director or anyone think that the audience / public are complete fools? Like WTF? Terribly disappointed that it so insults one's intelligence. Luke is a complete wimp. Snoke dies without a fight / wimper. The wrong skywalker dies, it's a complete joke. Almost as bad as pulling those midiclorians out of Lucas's butt. I want the score and the word to spread and get out to everyone to not watch this piece of crap.", '05'), (' Total garbage. Only Attack of the Clones is worse. Disney need to drop all the feel good diversity racial rubbish', '05'), (" WOW amazing movie !!!! Rey's the best .", '50'), (' Totally dissapointed. A movie that disrespectfully breaks many stablished concept of the Star Wars saga, and visually inferior to the previous film.', '10'), (" Excellent movie. Don't listen to trolls.", '50'), (" This movie was terrific, not what I was expecting at all and I love it for that. It's also really beautifully shot and one of the most nice looking Star Wars movies to date.", '50'), (' AMAZING MOVIE!!! One of the best!!! STAR WARS IS BACK!', '50'), (' This movie ruined starwars.', '10'), (" THE WORST IN THE FRANCHISE!! Give me Jarjar and midichlorines over this crap! Storyline makes no sense, completely destroys the entire mythology of the force, who can use it, it's powers, when its used, etc. Darth Emo sucks as a villain. Leia Poppins, omg. Fuel supply storyline- let's talk logistics!!!! And the worst sin of all, using a line of dialog to invent something (a new technology in this case) in order to cram events to fit the storyline.", '10'), (' In a nutshell:This movie was a giant middle finger by Rian Johnson and Disney to George Lucas. This movie is forces us to "move on" from the original trilogy, but doesn\'t give us any reason why we should do that.Full review *SPOILERS*:There are so many bad aspects on this movie I need to write them down one by one.1. CharactersRian Johnson completely butchered all of the characterization of the main characters from the original trilogy. It\'s as if these characters are completely different people. Han Solo, who used to be a badass smuggler, became a meh character on the last movie. And they even killed him disgracefully. Remember that Han always shoot first? If that\'s bad this is even worse. They make Luke as someone who is willing to murder someone else in cold blood because he "senses" that said person has great darkness within. What happened to the whole thing about Luke not willing to give up on his father? Not to mention that LUKE IS AFRAID OF REY\'S POWERS. THE FRIGGIN JEDI MASTER, SON OF ANAKIN HIMSELF! And oh, he died at the end just because he has to. Seriously. There\'s no logical reason as to why he died. He just sits there, and then he died. C\'mon, he\'s not even that old. And if you guys don\'t buy what I just said, ask Mark Hamill himself. Or rather, read his interview, and his reaction about the characterization of Luke in this movie. Also, Leia is completely undignified in this movie. Like, Poe was able to disregard all of her orders, without any consequences whatsoever. Lastly, Yoda seems to lose all his wisdom, because the actions he did as a ghost is completely nonsensical whatsoever.Now to the new characters. Rey\'s backstory is thrown out of a window, because it turns out her parents were junk dealers in Jakku. This just shows out how incompetent the writing team is. Not only that, she seems to know every single thing about everything. She learns how to wield a lightsaber by herself. She can lift rocks without any difficulties (contrary to what happened with Luke when he tried to lift an X-Wing). She even lectures Luke at one point in the movie. Then there\'s Kylo Ren. Who\'s still an emo, cheap and spoiled version of Darth Vader. Ridiculous. Also there\'s Poe, whose character is the total opposite of what he was portrayed with in The Force Awakens. Now it seems like he\'s some spoiled brat who thinks using his fist. Finn (and his new partner, forgot her name though) was quite interesting, and I\'d say Finn\'s characterization here is better than on the last movie. Other than that, the side characters aren\'t worth mentioning (including Snoke) because they didn\'t leave a lasting impact.2. StoryHere\'s where it gets really bad. The whole theme of the story was to make us "let go" of the past. In this case, Rian Johnson was trying to say that us (audience) need to let go of the original trilogy and accept the new one. But how they do it is disgusting. They killed off the characters from the original trilogy to make way for the new ones. That\'s just bad storytelling. It proves that THE CHARACTERS THEY CREATED FOR THE NEW TRILOGY WILL FOREVER BE OVERSHADOWED BY THOSE FROM THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY. They themselves admitted that, and yet, they want us to move on from the original trilogy. Their selfishness and hypocrisy knows no bounds it would seem.Not only that, there were so many plot holes in this movie. One of the most noticeable is the whole "hostage situation" going on between the First Order and the Resistance armada. The First Order could just lightspeed one of their cruisers to be in front of the Resistance armada. Then the Resistance are trapped from both sides. Another possible solution is that if any ship in lightspeed can destroy other ships, then why don\'t the Resistance just use one of their support frigates to do that from the start? Other holes were the misinterpretation of the force and it\'s powers, the definition of a "force ghost", etc etc.Another thing about this movie is how full this is of SJW bullshit. All the male characters in this movie are shown as impulsive, unwise, rebellious, etc. Want to disagree? Just look at said Luke\'s characterization. He tries to kill Kylo Ren "in a moment of pure instinct" which is bullshit, since Luke would never do something like that no matter what happens. Need another example? Poe\'s characterization as a cocky, trigger-happy, rebellious pilot. And also because of the SJW theme, all the female characters are wiser and better in every way. For example, all of the Resistance commanders are female, even all the bridge officers on-board the capital ship. Also, Rey who lectures Luke that he didn\'t fail Kylo Ren, but rather, Kylo Ren failed him (which is bullshit to begin with). There\'s also Rose who ended up sacrificing herself for Finn. Also, none of the female characters were "killed". All of them "died" (Phasma fell, not because Finn struck her. The purple-haired admiral rams her ship to Snoke\'s, Rose by sacrificing herself to save Finn), while the male characters got killed (Snoke by Kylo Ren, Admiral Ackbar when the bridge blew off, etc). Also the whole scene on the gambling planet was just trying to promote that animals are more valuable than human lives and that capitalism is bad.Finally, everything about Star Wars is gone in this film. The adventure, the whole thing about Light vs. Dark, the beautifulness of the universe, the diversity and uniqueness of each species in the movie, all gone. Also, there\'s no lightsaber duel in this movie. Which is a new low for Star Wars movies.3. CinematographyThe cinematography on this movie is just like any typical blockbuster on the recent years, Rogue One did better on this one.Conclusion:I watched this movie, and got my heart shattered because of it. It completely threw the Original Trilogy into the garbage bin, while also disregarding everything that made Star Wars feel "Star Wars". It turned Star Wars into a politically correct franchise with generic sci-fi story and generic sci-fi characters and also a generic sci-fi universe. It was bad, and Disney should retcon this and Episode VII just like what they did with the Extended Universe.Disclaimer:This is not a bot. This is from a real person and Star Wars fan, from someone who grew up with the Original Trilogy, along with many other negative reviews. The mainstream media lied once again, and their focus should be on the good reviews, because those are most likely people paid by Disney.', '05'), (' A supreme disappointment!', '15'), (' Great action and story, suffered from a couple of cringe worthy moments', '45'), (' There was know character development. many original characters die. still dont know who Snoke is. Its almost as bad as the 1rst and second star wars movies.', '15'), (' Warning - Contains Spoilers!!Before I watched this film I was aware of a disturbance in the force. Critics loved the film, but some fans were showing their displeasure. I had no idea why, so I went in feeling a bit nervous, wondering what I was about to experience.The last thing I expected to happen in the opening scene was that I\'d laugh. But when Poe stalled for time and made General Hux look like the incompetent fool he is; I was taken nicely by surprise. The opening battle was intense, loved it, what a ride!I did wonder how the First Order had managed to recover from the loss of their Starkiller base so quickly but then I realised they did the same in Empire after the Death Star was destroyed. I also realised that the First Order had wiped out the entire Republic before their base was destroyed and was now throwing everything they had to finish off the resistance. It could be what we are witnessing is the last of the First Order\'s resources, they just have substantially more than the resistance at this point. If they wipe the resistance out, there literally is no-one left in the galaxy to stand in their way. This gives the whole move a dark, desperate edge.We then switched to \'Jedi Island\'. I\'d been dreading this part. I expected Luke had turned into an Obi-Wan-Kanobi role and we\'d be in for quite a dreary series of training scenes. When he tossed aside the light sabre, I laughed unexpectedly again.At this point, I think I decided I loved what was going on, sat back and enjoyed the ride. I was pleasantly surprised that the film was being so unpredictable. I think that mental acceptance helped all the pieces of the movie fall into place. From the reviews and comments I\'ve read, if you don\'t buy into it, the opposite seems to happen. This was quite a risky approach from Johnson and I do applaud such a bold decision.We soon learn that Luke has turned into a bitter old man, full of anger and resentment at his perceived failures. His believes his moment of weakness created Kylo Ren, but Ben was already lost. Luke can\'t see this. He\'s not only isolated himself from the rest of the galaxy, but from the force itself. His concept of the Jedi is that they were a flawed concept. After watching the prequels, this was a conclusion I came to a long time ago, it was nice to hear this echoed. There should not be an elite select few chosen as guardians of the galaxy, there\'s no balance in such a concept. The fact that one Sith took down the entire Jedi proves this. The force should be there for everyone. That\'s the balance. The Last Jedi rips up this overworked Chosen One narrative and the notion that the Force should belong to only a certain elite sect.Mark Hamill was initially dead set against the script. I follow him on twitter and he even said he disagreed with every single aspect of Luke but did the job anyway. However since then he\'s said, "It took me a while to get around to his way of thinking. But once I was there, it was a thrilling experience." I think some fans will eventually get to that point as well once the shock wears off.And the dark side. I loved how the dark side tempted Rey, promising her answers to her parent\'s identity. But in the end, it simply showed her reflection. The dark side promises answers but it\'s all a lie. The dark sides isolates you until all you have left is yourself; which it then consumes.Back with the resistance, we basically have one long desperate race followed by one desperate last stand. Every small victory comes with a bitter price and not every daring plan works. This really raised the stakes.What heightened the tension here for me was the desperate plans kept on failing. Finn\'s unauthorised mission to retrieve the codebreaker, while noble and courageous, failed spectacularly. The Vice-Admiral\'s plan to sneak the transports to the base failed. The attempt to take out the Death Star cannon failed. Each failure cost lives. Each loss reduced the dwindling hope that the resistance would survive at all. We started off with hundreds of resistance personal, by the end there was about twenty.And then Luke performed that amazing Force Projection bluff. That totally fooled me, even though I should have guessed it from his new appearance. In Luke\'s final act, not only did he save the last remanence of the resistance, but in single-handily standing up to the armed might of the New Order and making Kylo Ren look like a fool, he reignited the Skywalker legend to a whole new generation of people throughout the galaxy. He\'s inspired those gifted with force powers and no doubt his sacrifice will result in many more recruits for the resistance. The showdown between Ben, Rey and Snoke also was unexpected. If Snoke had turned out to be the Emperor\'s clone, or Luke\'s Dark side, or any other predictable fan theories that\'s been banded around for the past year, it would have been disappointing. Similarly, if Rey was Ben\'s sister then we\'d now be discussing how much of an Empire clone we just watched.Sure, these types of reveals are classic Star Wars, but yet again we would have found that important characters are all conveniently connected yet are totally unaware of it. Instead, Snoke is just another Sith vying for power. I love how we\'ve gone from the Empire with powerful figures like Palpatine, Vader and Tarkin, to less competent people who\'ve taken advantage of a legacy and are desperately scrambling to maintain their position. Snoke is no Emperor and Kylo Ren really is a poor man\'s Vader; Snoke even admitted as such. He\'s been using him. Ben is trying so desperately to be Vader but he\'s a terrified little boy and yet he is growing and learning. He fooled Snoke. He thinks if he can kill the past he can define his own future. He\'s not redeemable, as Rey discovered. If this had been just a re-hash of the Luke/Vader confrontation in ROTJ I would have been disappointed. Ben now has the potential to grow into something far more dangerous than Vader ever was.And Rey is a nobody, her parents just junkers who sold her for a quick fix! I really like that. It feels far more natural than her being the long lost granddaughter of Obi-Wan or something.Johnson wasn\'t following a trilogy arc or a story arc at all, he had free reign. Yes, what he\'s done is kill the past in effect and severed ties with the classic star wars. In doing so he\'s left it wide open for a new one. I for one applaud that plus the way he did it. I think The Force Awakens didn\'t really do anyone any favours. We all complained about it being a New Hope Reboot but middle-aged fans loved the nostalgia of being an 8 year old all over again. Everyone was expecting a similar Empire reboot. While it did tread some similar ground of Empire and RoTJ, it flipped all expectations and did something new. I think it is remarkable. It was such a swan song for Carrie Fisher, all her scenes were so powerful. I went cold all over when she used the force, the first time we\'ve ever seen her do so on-screen.I have no idea what will happen next, no-one does. Rather than us all expecting a RoTJ remake next, the Star Wars universe is open for new stories, new adventure and new characters.BTW - I don\'t think the movie was perfect by far. It felt too long, I think they could cut 20 mins easy. I was disappointed that Ackbar was killed off-screen. I felt he should have been the one to do the light speed manoeuvre. I think too much effort and focus was made on Rose. She seemed likable enough but didn\'t quite work for me. For so much effort, I didn\'t feel anything at all when she sacrificed herself or that her love for Finn was real. Del Torro\'s character was also way off. He was underused and just weird. I really did like the fact that he raised the aspect of the blur between good and evil. Some folks are not evil, they are just doing business, or they switch allegiances simply to survive. I did like that point he made but it felt forced, as was his character.However, overall I thought it was awesome.', '50'), (' I dont care about Lucas´s Canon, so i am able to see the movie as what it really is .... an AWESOME movie that i deeply enjoyed. Lucas and his rabid fans should just let go.... He sold the franchise for 4000 Million Bucks.... well.... enjoy the money and STFU..... He sold a dear son..... He is the traitor , NOT Disney.', '50'), (' This was the worst Star Wars movie I have ever seen. I thought it to be extremely cheesy. I can tell it was produced by Disney. This movie is not as serious as the ones in the past, and actually has a lot of stupid cheesy jokes, almost like watching guardians of the galaxy. yeah, that stupid. When can movies be professionally made, instead of showing mostly action and "nice quality" films. It\'s too bad I will never look at Star Wars the same. If only George Lucas would have directed the film. Star Wars has dumbed down big time.', '10'), (' I consider myself a Star Wars fan and truly enjoyed this episode.', '50'), (" Rian Johnson had every opportunity to make an excellent movie. Instead, he and Disney delivered a campy, goofy, and just bizarre train wreck that doesn't do any justice to the characters or overall saga. The pacing seems like it was determined by an 8 year old with ADHD, none of the major sequences had any real gravitas and instead are peppered with cheap slapstick humor, and worst of all, the film does no justice to the great characters that previous movies created. The whole thing just seemed like a cheap, farcical knockoff. There is no quality here. Utterly disappointed.Furthermore, I'm utterly bewildered at how such an obvious pile of BS could reach a 93% fresh rating here with critics, but a thoroughly rotten rating from users. Is Disney paying off critics for good reviews? Something is fishy here...", '10'), (" Left the theater thoroughly disappointed. Acting wise, I think everyone deserves kudos...Pros:- Luke, Kylo and Rey's acting abilities- Red dudes vs Kylo and Rey- Suicide mission of bombers in the beginning- Telepathy scenes between Kylo and ReyCons:- Prank call in the beginning - Porgs (utterly useless and distracting)- Didn't feel like a Star Wars movie - Casino planet pointless mission- Benicio Del Toro character - Luke wanting to kill Kylo if only for a second?- Death of Snoke with no explanation- Carrie Fisher unanswered questions - Silver Trooper lady pointless death- Humor not similar to previous Star Wars movies", '30'), (" Sorry fanboys but this is the where the franchise had to go, the series has to turn in a new direction to thrive.I loved the film and I'm very excited to see the limitless possibilities that will come from the SW universe!", '50'), (' I created a throw away account just for this review. An absolute insult to Star Wars fans. The feel of a corporate cash grab, with the story being written by someone who hates the franchise. I grew up with Star Wars, watched all the movies and played all the games, hell I dreamt of being a Jedi countless times. An absolute joke...', '05'), (" Jar Jar Binks is somewhere smiling and feeling vindicated. This wasn't a star wars movie, and as a movie it was an ok movie. Rian Johnson stated somewhere that he shouldn't be distracted by what fans wanted, well, he wasn't lying. You can say what you want about the force awakens (I loved it a lot, but I understand why some saw it as a mirror image of new hope, and liked it less as a result) at least it seemed that JJ did care about the fans.WARNING: Spoilers.There are a lot of issues that were mentioned here very eloquently by others, those are some of the main ones for me:1. Snoke is? Well who cares, and let's kill him in a stupid way, that goes against how the character was built up.2. Princess Lia flying in space? We never really seen her use the force that much and now she can do all of this?3. Rey's parents. While I wanted her to be a Skywaker, the choice of her parents being just nobody's wouldn't have been as bad, if: 1. she didn't have a special bond with Luke's saber's. 2. She would have trained much more in the ways of the Jedi to develop the gifts that she has. 4. Progs: what was their role again? Yes, selling staff.5. Luke. Why was he projecting himself and not down fighting (and then dying as result) that would have been more in character with this franchise.6. The poetical messages in the movie about greed of powerful organizations, would have been much more profound and much less superficial if it didn't come from a company that boycotts journalist that give it bad reviews or forces distribution agreements on theaters.7. This is less about the movie but about the reactions from some to fans who didn't like the movie: conspiracy theories about right wing people posting negative comments (seriously that is one of the claims to explain the negative reviews), or people who liked the Justice League movie exacting their revenge on the critics who loved the last Jedi (again, seriously that is one of the claims to explain the negative reviews), or if you didn't like the movie it means that you are against minorities (as mentioned, I loved the Force Awakens introduction of a strong female character and the other nontraditional star wars characters). I don't believe in those kind of conspires but some of those issues make me think that perhaps there is some sort of projection here by the side that did say the movie was good. There is also the issue of people saying that it's our problem if we don't like this movie, and we should like it, why? They have the right to like the movie and express their views, and we have the right not to like it, and express our views.8. This is obviously not the worst thing in the world, not even close, but for those who say that fans are taking this too seriously, Disney is also taking this very seriously (and they changed directors to several movies in this franchise as a result) because the success of this franchise is worth billions of dollars. At least the fans are not into making profit out of this franchise. Movies can inspire people and set an example for them in how to live, so this not all just a movie.", '05'), (" Complete garbage! They destroyed Luke's legacy and made him into a homeless cuck!", '05'), (' One of the most divisise yet, best film to date. They are now trying to tell their own story instead of trying to relive the trilogy yet again, and it\'s pissing a lot of people off. Ryan Johson is trying to give out a clear message in this movie, and it is best explained by Kylo Ren himself. "Let the past die, kill it, if you have to" It resumes the story perfectly and where Star Wars needs to go to continue for generations to come.', '50'), (' I love the Star Wars franchise for nostalgic reasons. I was a bit disgruntled by the Force Awakens as the characters did not have the depth I would usually.expect. Nevertheless I went to see The Last Jedi with my son and husband, all fans. Horrible, horrible horrible! I heard my son start muttering about Luke being "lame" and weak very early on. Bearing in mind he does not have the massive Luke nostalgia that I do I was shocked. Honestly I was bored and came away utterly disappointed. Kylo Ren is such a weak villain, if I want to watch a teen tantrum I can do that when I teach! Rey has no vulnerabilities. Big fat SIGH!', '10'), (" Wasnt very good. Basically a recycled movie of episodes 5 &6. Also kills off beloved characters like Luke and Admiral Ackbar which means that the story doesn't even matter.", '20'), (" Love, Love, Love this movie. After hearing so many people say the movie was terrible I didn't know what to think but after just seeing it, I am so excited and thought it was wonderful. The story of Luke and how his Arc went was fantastic and really felt honest. I can't wait to see it again.", '50'), (" I am so disappointed with this movie, it destroyed the past 30 years of the Skywalker saga. The whole movie is a disgrace to any Star Wars fan. Disney really need to wipe the film from history and start again with an actual writer/director who appreciates the Star Wars saga and know what fans want. I don't know what these so call critics are watching but maybe Disney should employ actual Star Wars fans to review there film and get a realistic opinion.", '05'), (' Porgs are love, Porgs are life', '30'), (' I really liked the movie at first - from an entertainment point of view. It was pleasant to watch. BUT - I went home and started thinking about it. The more I thought, the more I had to admit that the writers of the story line are absolute idiots! They have destroyed the Star Wars franchise, or rather, they have turned it into a joke. Seriously, how hard is it to write a coherent story line? I know that the books wandered off the mark as well, but how hard would it have been to manage the franchise even as you authorized books to be written. Anyway, I have to admit, THE ONLY WAY I COULD ENJOY WATCHING THIS MOVIE (which I did) WAS BECAUSE I LONG AGO GAVE UP CARING ABOUT STAR WARS BEING ANYTHING WORTHY TO ADMIRE.', '05'), (" I am a big time fan of Star Wars and I'm 46 years old. I have watched Star Wars at the theater since 1977! This movie was a let down! It was not what I expected. Killing Luke Skywalker was a huge mistake! :(", '20'), (" It's funny, it has alot of action, with some pace breaking narative, but the nonesense deus ex machina kinda drove me up the bend, over and over it does that and seems to love just throwing whatever nonsense they can think of into the moment.", '25'), (' Cheesy dialog with way to much humor', '20'), (" Bad acting, wrong direction, end of franchise for me as they have killed it off with bad joke's and a PC cast instead of story telling. Ask Mark Hamil what he thinks they have done to his character as it was a shame to watch him being forced to play it a way he doesn't see fit Luke's evolution to the way he's become! Never Again.", 'ni'), (" The more and more you think about this movie the less you will like it... Sub-plots that should be taken out completely, Snoke is pointless, a good guy general that was worthless all but two seconds, Both Skywalker's were just sad, Luke a coward??? come on.... Leia almost on her death bed not forcing her student, she has groomed to take her place, to go on the ships and survive. Military tactics that a four year old gamer could have come up with better options. Acting was great I can say but good god the movie isn't very good if you put any thought into it. Oh and ROSE??? what a joke.... I always recommend people going to see movies to decide for themselves but I would serious wait and rent this movie for two dollars at a RedBox.", '10'), (' Was given a solid layup by JJ Abrams in the previous film just to intentionally brick the shot and kill off everything people loved about Star Wars in addition to relegating the newly added character to 40 minutes of inconsequential fetch questing and virtue signaling. Not looking forward to the next one and anyone who accuses "haters" of being racist/misogynistic should be ashamed all the way up to the point they plunk down $18.99 for a "Porg Plushie" at their local Disney Store.', '05'), (' Watching this rubbish was hard work and I should be paid for it.', '10'), (" Been a Star Wars fan since I was a little kid. The whole movie was great. The last 30 minutes were phenomenal. I loved the story that unfolded with Luke that is a full circle with his character. Great effects, great story and great fun. I'm sad to see the backlash from a small group of Star Wars fans that should know better. They think Luke was too dark, I think the story plays out just as it should.. past failures repeating themselves and I thought it was beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. One of my favorites in the series now.", '45'), (' Not sure of where to start, so I Will just say not real happy with it.', '15'), (" The worst Star Wars film I've ever seen. Stupid dialgues, weak special effects (look at CGIs...), plotholes and no humor at all.", '05'), (' Best Star Wars film to date! Full of action, drama, great storytelling, humour, and character development. We all loved it!', '50'), (' 3 stars as a purely action sci-if movie. 1 star as a movie continuing the Star Wars story', '20'), (' While not the best in the series, The Last Jedi definitely provided a good sense of twist and engangement, dispite some plotline flaws.', '45'), (" I enjoyed how it attempted to avoid the plagiarism of the force awakens and it does manage to keep your interest for the length of the film BUT the world of the story literally makes no sense. In the original movies the Empire was extremely strong after having used politics to legitimately take over the Republic which was made up of thousands of worlds and species. In this new trilogy the First Order destroyed a handful of planets with the starkiller base and now in this film the First Order has suddenly taken over everything with no explanation of how their tiny military managed to take on a republic of thousands of worlds. I have no problem with them somehow getting the upper hand on the good guys but at least explain it. Apart from that the new writers have zero understanding of what it means to be a jedi or how the force works, or they just conveniently forgot in order to make Luke look like a depressed hermit. Even after Yoda and Obi Wan were at the helm of a jedi order that let down the entire galaxy and created darth vader they didnt get depressed and just focused on how they could make things better by helping Luke. Not here, now Jedi make one little mistake and are responsible for perhaps the least threatening sith lord ever and suddenly get super depressed and abandon all of their friends and family to die. Sci fi movies like this are dependent on creating a cohesive world with logical back stories and rules that help give the story a feeling of reality which helps with immersion. The writers of this film just blindly wander from one scene to another without ever taking the time to use the real world of the star wars universe to their advantage. Also on top of all that the space chase which lasts almost the entire movie is really poorly done. For one thing they create this new idea that the huge capital ships of the star wars universe rely on fuel. Not even the aircraft carriers and submarines of our modern navy do this since they have nuclear reactors that can let them stay at sea for decades if necessary. I'm sure star wars technology would be on at least the same level as our modern navy. And then on top of that the First Order ships laughingly cant catch up to the Resistance ships because they are bigger. In space the bigger ships would have bigger engines and therefore be faster since it is a vacuum and there is no resistance to slow the bigger ship down. This idiotic premise goes on for nearly 3 quarters of the movie. Rey and Finn were not as annoying as they were in the Force Awakens which I appreciated but Finn's subplot doesnt really matter in the story. They make you think it does but in the end pretty much everything he and Poe does is irrelevant.Also thought we were gonna get some interesting backstory on Snoke but that story is randomly cut short. Unlike when Vader takes out Palpatine which is a gradual process that builds up over the course of three films and is hugely satisfying here its kind of tacked on.And finally, Luke's death. I honestly think I would have liked the movie alot more if Luke hadnt died. A) Its depressing and B) It makes no sense. After getting into a rather interesting fight with Kylo Ren we find out he had just used a force projection, okay clever Luke we thought. Then it cuts back to his hermitage where he's looking at the suns in a homage to his Tattooine days and we think, cool he's gotten back to his roots now he's gonna kick ass like in the old days, but then he just dies. For no real reason ... THE END", '20'), (" Clearly, everyone has an opinion on The Last Jedi. I enjoyed it. I was in my early 20s when the original Star Wars Trilogy came out. I remember the reviews then, and it's hilarious that people put so much weight to what some stranger says, myself included. I was glad to see Luke up there again, period.", '50'), (' this new saga has already lost its steam very fast , and a very disappointing second chapter', '15'), (' Beautifully made, competently written, and the added bonus of feeling like I was 11 again, something I did not get from installments after The Empire Strikes Back.', '45'), (' Maybe it was the nostalgia but I could not deny this film was wonderful. The only mark missed was literally Mark, as in Mark Hammill. His performance was sub par and I felt threw off the cast as the others were strong actors. Beautiful and powerful scenes w Leia that made me cry tenfold and an absolutely heart wrenching score by John williams yet again. If you love Star Wars this will feed your soul!', '50'), (" As much as I anticipated to see this movie. I don't feel like it met up to it's true potential. There are a lot of gaps in the story. I also do not feel like they did enough justice to Mark Hamill's character Luke Skywalker. If Luke was not in the film, I probably would have walked out halfway through the movie. I would give it a 4/10 respectfully.", 'ni'), (" This film's writing is a disaster from start to finish. Not only is it poorly written cinema, it single handedly ruins the Star Wars franchise.", '05'), (' So much promise. JJ Abrams had set the tone and direction for this new trilogy. Questions were asked. Who are Rey\'s parents? Who is Snoke? Why is Luke in hiding? The audience was drawn in and eagerly awaited the next instalment.Most previous posts have already clearly stated the mutltitude of issues with this particular chapter. But the fans have been badly let down. Rian has stated that there was no pressure from Disney and that he wanted to make Star Wars "real". Well that is such a hypocritical statement. Star Wars is first and foremost a fairytale of good vs evil. But if you are continuing a 40 year history of a particular tale then there are certain rules that must be followed. All of those rules were broken.Rian says he is a fan but I struggle with this idea when he has so blatantly disregarded the framework on which Star Wars was built.Would the film be better if Leia had not miraculously come back to life and flown back to her command ship? If Luke hadn\'t been such a loser and shown complete contempt for his father\'s lightsabre? If Hux hadn\'t been made to look like a complete parody? If Luke hadn\'t milked the space cow? If the humour hadn\'t been so misplaced? If the director didn\'t have to come out and explain the ending to everyone because they simply didn\'t get it?No it wouldn\'t because it was such a poor plot with poor characters and the whole thing seemed like a complete waste of time. As others have stated, what is there now to hold on to or anticipate for the next chapter? The 3 original characters are gone and of the 3 new heroes, 2 seem to be superfluous.For a movie that was supposed to celebrate 40 years of arguably the world\'s greatest fantasy story this was an unmitigated disaster.2 stars awarded for the score and the cinematography although too much CGI. A lesson that should have been learned from the prequels.I don\'t have a clue or much interest in where the saga goes from here.', '20'), (" Disney brings SJW to Star Wars hardcore. The basic message I got from this was Man Bad, Woman Good. Star Wars was about optimism and wonder and childlike awe; now it's about nihilism and erasing the past.Nevertheless, as execrable as the ethos is, it could still be well done. I don't like the message of There Will Be Blood, but the movie a masterpiece. This one is not. There are long stretches of boredom, unnecessary subplots and characters, and nothing resembling an actual well crafted scene until the very end, just a series of rapid plot points. Learn the art of the scene from Quentin Tarantino, preach less about how evil rich people are and how about bring back some optimism and wonder to Star Wars. That was something Disney used to be good at.", '20'), (' Not a good addition to the series. Horrid pacing. Too much comedy with no serious moments. Terrible.', '10'), (' I loved it. Its really interesting to me, because it definitely feels like it belongs in the Star Wars saga, but it\'s quite different from any of the other films. I think the best way I can describe this with out spoiling things is this: Ep VII was about meeting expectations, checking a series of boxes to assure people this is still the Star Wars you knew, even to the film\'s detriment at times. Ep VIII is the inverse. It\'s about subverting expectations. Luke saying, "This isn\'t going to go the way you think," is accurate.', '50'), (' "this is not going to go the way you think." So many people pissed off about an amazing movie. But yet so many pissed about how there years of theorizing lead to nothing. They don\'t owe us shit. Remember this is the second movie in the trilogy not the final one it\'s meant to set up the next movie.', '50'), (" A lot of potential here. While I'm open to (and had been hoping for) subversion of some of the tropes that permeate Star Wars... The director went overboard. It became more like a gimmick than something that added depth to the universe. Also, the deviation from cannon continues to be frustrating, the humor in the movie was offputting, and half the movie was spent telling a story that just felt superfluous. Could have been a great movie... but I found myself wanting to leave the theatre after the several faux climaxes in this film (could have trimmed a bit).", '05'), (' Good effects plot holes all over the place , the way Luke was handled was a disappointing', '30'), (' Very hokey. Could have done so much more.', '30'), (' Absolute fucking trash', '05'), (" I liked this movie because I am such a huge Star Wars fan, but even I have to admit that it was riddled with dumb sub-plots that did not have any bearing whatsoever on the overall plot of the movie. Here are some of the things I liked and disliked about the movie.Likes:- The opening sequence with Rose's sister opening the bomber hatch was awesome. It was directed in a way that creates a lot of real world tension and suspense that isn't very common in the more 'fantasy' world of Star Wars.- Kylo Ren and Rey's light saber battle versus Snoke's red guards was pretty bad-ass. Also liked that Kylo killed Snoke; helping to set up Kylo as the true antagonist of this new trilogy of Star Wars films.- Finn vs Captain Phasma was pretty cool and helps to kind of set up Finn as a capable warrior; as opposed to the bumbling buffoon that he appears to be in the majority of both films.- The reveal that Rey's parents were nobodies was a pretty cool revelation about the Force. I like that anybody can use the Force powers; and not just the Skywalker 'related' bloodline.- Laura Dern's character sending the Rebel ship into light speed directly into the First Order command ship was awesome; probably the best part of the whole movie.Dislikes:- Leia floating back to the ship after being blown into space was pretty dumb. It was just a convenient way to undo a very risky decision regarding her character. I just don't buy it.- The whole Finn and Rose trip to Canto Bight was a waste of time. Totally unnecessary since the 'code breaker' they were seeking did not factor into the rest of the movie one bit. It was just a dumb narrative decision.- Poe's mutiny against Laura Dern's character Holdo was so stupid and just a complete waste of time, since she had a secret plan that made his whole mutiny moot. What's the point of Holdo withholding this information in the first place?- Rey's entire time on the Jedi temple island was a complete waste of time. She didn't gain anything from being there. The only real revelation she got the whole movie was regarding her parentage, and that was given to her by Kylo Ren. More fluff that bloated the movies runtime.- The whole entire movie the First Order's ship is chasing down the Rebel ship, really? Could they both fly any slower?- Rose 'romantic' relationship and love towards Finn was stupid and unnecessary; totally forced.- Luke Skywalker senses darkness in Kylo Ren, and his first inclination is to try to kill him as he sleeps? That's so sneaky and weasily if you ask me. Not the Luke Skywalker I know (who risked everything to try and save Darth Vader from the dark side).- The Rebels get cornered by the First Order into a cave and have no way out.... only, there is a way out. They just needed to look a little harder. It made all the tension of them actually being trapped into a corner seem stupid and wasted.Maybe I'm being a bit harsh with my nitpicking, but this is Star Wars; we expect better. Overall, I enjoyed the move. I'll give it a 6.5/10.", '30'), (' My bottom line up front on this is that it ranks somewhere around the Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. It\'s not a good movie...period. Not just "Star Wars", but "movie"...bad. It barely advances the story-line we\'ve been following, has too many different plot-lines, and gives you very little to emotionally invest in any one character, save for maybe Luke at very end...but only then and really only for nostalgic reasons. It\'s not that I can\'t deal with them changing the direction of the saga. The fact is it\'s a poorly written movie that is far too long and rather boring. The various plot lines going on leave you with many head scratchers that simply don\'t make sense or don\'t advance the plot. Way too many stupid, campy, slapstick jokes. It\'s just bad. Here\'s a few questions about all this: Why is the Resistance using carpet-bomb techniques from WWII? Why do Finn and Rose have this completely useless side-story? So we can get Rose talking about freeing-horses and how rich people are bad? If that\'s a major theme you want to bring out in a movie, it would seriously help if you made the audience believe that. As it is, it\'s choppy at best. Why in the world do we have to sit through the SLOWEST. CHASE. EVER? I\'m really supposed to believe that the First Order doesn\'t have any ships that can speed up there, wipe out the Resistance, and move on with their day? Really? Why didn\'t Holdo share her plan about the escape pods? What would\'ve been the harm in that? Absolutely nothing. There was no operational secrecy that needed to be maintained on that ship. It was a dumb, plot device to make Poe look more like a hothead and attempt to strengthen Holdo\'s character.Speaking of Holdo, why does she have to go on a suicide mission? You mean to tell me that they don\'t have programmable computers on that ship? I can program my damn coffee maker to turn on at 6am and you can\'t program a damn ship to go to hyperspace in say, 15 minutes? SMH....Let\'s move on to Luke\'s character. Ok, so he has some PTSD problems from his encounter with Kylo back in the day. Rrrrriiiiggghhttt...because the guy who redeemed his father from the dark side just felt that the right thing to do was to eliminate Kylo when he was being pulled to the dark side. Yeah. That makes sense. Who thinks up this crap? Moving on, he\'s a hermit, possibly suicidal, and wants to be left alone. But then out of nowhere, he decides to "teach" Rey...of which we see basically nothing. If you\'re going to write that the character is a teacher it might help to actually show some of that. As it is, we\'re left to believe that Rey is some kind of completely exceptional character in all the history of Force users. She doesn\'t need any training, she comes fully programmed.Then we have Yoda\'s cameo where he seems to be more a Muppet from Fraggle Rock than the wizened, old Master Jedi who instructed Luke on Dagobah.Finally, Kylo and Snoke. Snoke is shown to us as being this effortlessly powerful master of the Dark Side of the Force, capable of reading minds, bridging Rey and Kylo\'s minds (in a weird sort of \'texting\' way...whatever), etc. But then he\'s easily bisected by Kylo who just sorted sneaks in a little Force use on the lightsaber next to Snoke.All of this results in one big discombobulated movie that you struggle to sit through for 2.5 hours, hoping to God it\'s going to get better but are ultimately disappointed because it just gets worse.', '10'), (" First Star Wars movie in a long time which really dares to renew the franchise. Only major problems are that the last third is too action packed, and there is generally too much action packed into it. But it's still all worth it. The last Jedi really dares to suprise the viewer by not taking the safest solution at every turn.", '50'), (' LOVED IT. Rian Johnson has made some brave decisions and instead of submitting to fan boy pressure, has taken the saga of that beloved Galaxy far, far away into a bold new direction.', '45'), (' Not a Star Wars movie. Just a parody directed by this normal guy with no talent.', '10'), (' Terrible movie. You can tell the director has never seen a Star Wars movie. The plot holes are countless and ruin all the other movies. Also the slapstick humor is ridiculous. It had great potential, but everything they set up in Episode 7 is gone. I feel bad for JJ Abrams working on 9, since he has nothing to work with and most people have now lost interest. Ignoring the plot holes...The actual plot and subplot were stupid and boring too.', '05'), (' An under- delivery of note. So much more could have been done with it. Google the plot holes in this movie... too many to list here.', '20'), (' While people wanted Luke to be the untouchable protagonist he was a perfect hero and made a fitting exit. This movie did so much justice not only for the existing characters and storyline, but also setting up a new cast or a generation to take over. This was one of my favorites besides the originals.', '50'), (' Oh no... Disney and rian johnson basically just moved their bowels on the star wars universe as enthusiasts know it. No. Just no. I was born in 1982 and fell in love with the story and the saga since the days of VHS. This wasn\'t star wars. It\'s "Disney\'s star wars" and it pays no homage to the force and it\'s white knight. Luke Skywalker. Hello! This is Darth Vaders son! Show me! Show me what like can do! No. This isn\'t star wars. It\'s greed. It\'s a company buying a story... Killing it\'s heros and it\'s concepts and doing whatever they want. This is star trash. War Laura Dern. . . Epic way to go.', '15'), (' A stunning and emotional ride with beautiful visuals and twists. However, fans of the original trilogy may feel betrayed and disrespected. The bold and radical choices appeal to some, but not all. If this was a course correction from the criticisms of episode 7, it was surely an overcompensation.', '10'), (' s a life long Star Wars fan and yes I am a "white male" (this movie seems to paint us all as white sexist oppressive nazis ) when I came out of this tripe it took me fifteen minutes to let the adrenaline to die down and put the film into context. This film is divisive on purpose it\'s basically a big f@&$ you to the fans of the series. All the lore rules and groundings in the series that meant anything.... Nar Not gona bother with that. This would be fine in some other sci fi film, heck I\'d even put up with it in some spin off, but don\'t crucify my childhood hero\'s showing zero respect because you want to be seen as a sjw hero', '05'), (' This movie is so poorly written it make the prequels look like shakespeare. This movie is terrible for countless reasons . Bad in every single way other than looks . The story is politically charged and super badly written . Plot holes with every new frame of film . This movie leaves you feeling empty and feeling ripped off for spending money on such terrible storytelling ! BAD MOVIE ~!!', '05'), (" Everything the Star Wars franchise needed. Unexpected, poignant, beautiful. For the first time I genuinely felt the temptation of the dark side, and saw and understood the struggle faced by the heroes. It is the most 'Star Wars' of any of the new films, featuring many elements that wouldn't have been out of place in the original trilogy, while at the same time moving the whole franchise forward into a place it has never been before.Time will tell, but I suspect this will become my favourite Star Wars movie of all time (tied with Empire of course).", '50'), (" The best Star Wars movie, along with Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One. A bold movie full of surprises, Most of the jokes landed perfectly and a few not as well. Growing up along with Luke and Star Wars, I went in without any preconceived ideas and was taken on an exhilarating ride. It goes to unexpected places and builds up the mythology further. Gorgeous cinematography, beautiful score, excellent sound design and incredible performances from everyone. Even the things people are complaining about, are enjoyable when you don't take it as a new author adding his own flourishes to the gospel. It's made by an talented filmmaker and team for entertainment., adding momentum to propel it further into the future. Opening up the franchise to the new generation and releasing it from the bonds of the previous generation. Growing up with the franchise, now my son is joining the new characters on this journey", '50'), (" Film has a strong first and third act, with good cast of actors and very distinct artistic style to itself.However 2nd act of the film overstays it's welcome - mostly due to poor pacing. Too many characters in too many locations watering down the plot which begun with a strong leading narrative.Film is ignorant or actively dismantles preestablished Star Wars lore and themes, boldly taking the series into the direction we'd expect from more postmodernistic productions.The Last Jedi isn't a bad film, and it is enjoyable to watch as a stand alone adventure, but it's contribution to the larger Star Wars universe is questionable at best - while Force Awakens left us guessing, The Last Jedi leaves us uninspired.", '30'), (" I signed up to rotten tomatoes, specifically to give this movie a 1. It's terrible, and deserves all the scorn heaped upon it.", '10'), (" I am so disappointed with the missed opportunities this film created I'm sure we were all looking forward to a face off between Luke and snoke, or a big revelation to where Rey came from (and no I wasn't necessarily hoping for her to he Luke's or obi wan's decendant) but something would have been better than nothing. Personally I felt Laura dern phoned in her performance and after speaking with a lot of people I don't seem to be alone in that. The over use of guardians of the Galaxy type humour was unnecessary as star wars has never needed that slapstick humour before (hello jar jar) and although some of it was funny most of it just reminded me that it was Disney pulling the strings which TFA managed to avoid doing. Although it had some good plot points, great visuals and interesting development with kylo and Rey I can't help feeling disappointed with the overall film I've never left the cinema on such a downer after a star wars movie even the prequels left me in a much better mood than this. Personal opinion worst film of the series bar none I just hope 9 can rectify the mistakes made in this one to make an all round acceptable trilogy because that way I can overlook a weak middle section.", '20'), (' this garbage of a film sucks. we waited so long to see the glory of Luke Skywalker and this is what we get? we waited 2 years to understand snoke and he is killed off in such a lame way, without explaining anything. 0 Duels in a star wars movie .... Trash just like its director.', 'wts'), (" Sorry to say, it's very disappointing. From the lack of any worthwhile over arching narrative, to pointless boneheaded side quests, to completely ignoring any of the cliff hangers of the previous films, to bizarrely motivated or nonsensical actions of characters, it's all pretty bad. Lots of plot points just don't make any rational sense. Even art department work on snoke's throne room is an uninspiring let down. Don't bother.", '05'), (' We enjoyed it! A little more character development would make you care about some of the newer people more, but then it would have been 4 hours long LOL. This was classic Star Wars. RIP Carrie Fisher, that moment when Luke kissed her on the forehead choked me up (having nothing to do with the movie.) It\'s a shame the 3 original leads are all "out of the picture" (pun intended) although I guess we could get some Luke flashbacks here and there or appearances a la Yoda/Ben. It makes me more annoyed with Lucas that he didn\'t do these episodes instead of the prequels so the same actors would be available. The prequels could have been done anytime with any actors.', '50'), (' It is amazing, it really gives you a couple of surprises that will shock you', '50'), (' The best Star Wars movie since 1980. Possibly even my new favorite. This has set a very high bar for all other SW movies to come.', '50'), (' the perfect excuse to throw away mythical characters', '20'), (' Worst SW ever. What the hell were they thinking...?', '05'), (" How do these filmmakers not only crap on the Lucas movies but also crap on their own new trilogy? I greatly dislike Force Awakens and loathe this film but come on, how can you not even keep things straight within your own context? All the things they built up: Luke's lightsaber, who is Snoke, Rey's parentage. All thrown away. I loved the Lucas films. Say what you will, at least those films had a thread going through them, a sense consistency. These new ones, it seems the directors are too busy shitting on each other.", '05'), (' Well... Disney finally did it. They\'ve made a worse film than "The Black Hole" never thought I\'d be saying that in my lifetime.', '05'), (' As good of a movie as possible. Excitement, Drama, Interesting characters and whole lot of fun. Worth the money to see.', '50'), (' Excelente en casi todos los aspectos, un poco lenta a veces pero compensa con los giros inesperados de eventos y con nostalgia a montones!', '45'), (" Incoherent and ridiculous plot, no depth or decent back story to Ren or Snook, who are both poor excuses for villains, LS goes out with a whimper - like HS, Disney has basically killed the Trilogy - where can a 3rd film go now, will anyone care? Help us George Lucas, you're our only hope ...", '10'), (' Found it frustrating that the film decided to ignore the story threads the previous film laid out. In there place we got the slowest car chase ever and a pointless sub plot. But Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamilton and Adam Driver were amazingly good.', '20'), (' A few good moments but overall the biggest disappointment since the phantom menace', '20'), (' 3 o 4 cosas que no me gustaron del todo, sin embargo hay que entender que se trata de una historia ya muy explorada, por tanto, lograr ese desprendimiento de lo viejo y generar nuevas tramas es complejo. Excelente y emotiva película.', '45'), (' I thick the movie was a little slowly paced but can;t wait to see the kylo ren and rey relationship grow !!!!', '45'), (" The Last Jedi was different then any other Star Wars movie. This is what made it so great, it is 100% a movie that should be seen twice, to really capture every little detail and to let it really sink in how important this movie is to the Star Wars Universe. This movie has the best scenes a Star Wars movie has ever seen as well. I am not sorry to all the theorist that got their hopes shot down when what they thought with Snoke and Rey didn't come true. This movie perfectly set up Rey and Kylo for the future of Star Wars and the next, generation.", '50'), (" Don't see if you like Star Wars. This movie is something else with the name slapped on it.", '05'), (' Congratulations to Mark Hamill for a mesmerizing performance. I liked that it was nuanced with good vs evil not so black and white. It kept me guessing with where it was going avoiding the being predictable.', '40'), (' With some unexpected risks in storytelling, The Last Jedi deepened the mythology as well as the development of its great heroes and villain while delivering the awesome action in a Star Wars film, despite one of its subplots completely missed the mark, caused pacing problems, and did nothing for the story.', '45'), (' Such a waste of the set up of the previous episode. Left at the end of the film feeling there is no threat and (I maybe wrong) but the next film to be totally predictable.', '25'), (' Was surprised throughout, great emotional parts, great way in emphasized its themes. Had me really excited when I left the theater.', '50'), (' This seemed more like a parody than a Star Wars movie. Let JJ Abrams direct the next one. Nothing was explained and what was explained fell wayyyyy short of expectation.', 'ni'), (' The Force is not with it', '10'), (' "I at one point had to say to Rian, \'I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you\'ve made for this character." - Mark HamillI agree with Mr. Hamill. I not only fundamentally disagree with every choice made for Luke. I fundamentally and wholeheartedly disagree with every choice made in this entire movie. This is NOT a Star Wars move. It\'s awful and has no substance. Rian is a terrible story writer and director. No I\'m not a "fanboy", no I\'m not a "hater". I am a casual Star Wars fan at best, but I still enjoy the movies and franchise. There are plenty of other movies that get bad reviews and no one calls those people "haters". It\'s a poor excuse to chalk up the bad reviews and the huge gap between critics and audiences to "fanboys" and "haters", and say they\'re not important. This is just a terrible movie all around. Real people are reviewing this and sharing their feelings, not bots. I\'m one of those real people. This movie is a joke. Just awful.', '05'), (" The movie was so bad and left me so unhappy that I am writing my first review on this website solely with hopes that Disney stops making annual Star Wars movies, and hopefully NEVER touches the character Obi-Wan Kenobi after seeing what happened to Luke's character.", '05'), (" Felt like the plotline was written by a large committee with too many different visions. Despite beautiful production, scenes, etc., it was long, tedious, rambling, with no climactic build-up or proper story arc. It was totally divorced from almost every previous Star Wars film and the lore in general, full of plotholes and inconsistencies that broke immersion and left you with a WTF look on your face half the time. Sooo many characters it wasn't even possible to identify who the actual protagonist or antagonist was. I didn't think it possible that the prequels could be made to look good, but in comparison to this ... well, their status as disappointment of the epoch is being challenged.", '20'), (' It sucked in every way possible. More proof that critics are shills.', '05'), (' In his attempt to subvert audience expectations, writer/director Rian Johnson takes far too many missteps with misplaced humor, jumbled subplots, and poor use of characters throughout.', '20'), (' i have complaints about rian johnson...', '30'), (' Out of place humour and more plotholes and stupidity than prometheus.', 'ni'), (' Hey Poe, show some f\'n respect to 3PO you douchebag nobody! Oh, and hoorraaayyyyy for the forced down our throats social justice girl power bullshit! It\'s about as realistic as me asking Luke Skywalker to pick up a gallon of milk on his way home from his "laser sword" battle with Kylo Renny-Poo. Here\'s a spinoff movie idea ... Finn and Rose to star in "Dude, Where\'s My Car 2" ... the whole movie is them searching for someone to help find their car and all the while falling in love right before our eyes because their on screen chemistry is THAT GOOD! Benicio del Toro to star as the backwards parking lot attendant who steals their stereo and pawns it for enough cash to buy a 12-piece crispy porg bucket. It would be so epic.', '05'), (' A betrayal to the Legacy!', '20'), (" This movie is a must see for every Star Wars fan out there and every action movie fan out there, too. If you are someone who enjoys a decent enough plot and action sequences with scenes that take your breath away, then this movie is for you. I went into the movie theater expecting something entirely different from what I eventually saw in there. This movie has everyone hyped for it's sequel, even those who did not expect some of the events to play out the way they did. Rey, Kylo and Luke were stand outs in this movie. Some plot lines could have been cut in some way, to reduce the overall length of the movie, but even those have a pay off in the end. Props to Rian Johnson", '40'), (' Poor story. Some very dodgy CG and way too much cheese. Not good.', '05'), (' I absolutely loved this movie! Losing another of the original characters was sad but I understand that things have to move on for the next generation. The story moved along well and even though it was 2.5 hours long, it did not seem that long.', '50'), (" This film left me conflicted upon first seeing it and then angry the more I thought about it, so annoyed infact that I signed up here just to sound off (and no lucasfilm I'm not a bot)....What I liked...1. Visually it is enrapturing, it looks beautiful and as this is supposed to be a post-republic, post-empire world it brings a balance to the differing styles of the prequels republic avant-garde high end technology and fashion and the grimy utilitarianism of the original trilogy empire.2. Both Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are wonderful actors, even if their characters are sometimes less than wonderful. They share a good on screen chemistry and their scenes are some of the best in the movie. Kylo maybe another sulky young man just like prequels Anakin, but unlike Anakin the actor playing him can actually act.3. As this is supposed to be Carrie Fisher's last outing in the franchise she got to show off her acting skill after being woefully under utilised in TFA.4. The score is magnificent (as always) well done John Williams.... yet again!5. The Snoke throne-room fight scene is one of the best in the Star Wars canon.6. Yoda gave the middle of the film a much needed shot in the arm and thank god he burnt everything on that island to the ground before the 'revelations' about ancient jedi texts and 'housekeepers' became even more boring.7. Some (and only some) of the jokes. Many were to in your face or completely distracted from the action, a few even seemed to be laughing in the audience for being so stupid as to enjoy the Star Wars universe. But a few landed well. Leia telling C3PO to wipe that look off his face and Chewy being guilted by the Porg worked for me a lot of the rest didn't.8. One particular visual... the ( before you say it I agree... far to delayed) post suicide light speed kamikaze crash into the giant First Order flagship cut in half (combined with the score going completely silent) was truly one of the best visuals I've seen in cinematic history.9. Nostalgia, brief moments of it, the original Leia-R2D2 'only hope' hologram in particular.Now the rather long list of what I didn't like and what made me so angry, I don't think I can list them all as there were so many...1. A bizarre timeline, I presume this film takes place with two separate timelines, one much shorter than the other, but even then it makes relatively little sense and is poorly directed so that it is never made clear.2. Rey being a complete Mary Sue character.3. Snoke getting no explanation as to where he came from and being completely CGI for no good reason which made him less than intimidating.4. Kylo-Ren being in no way a major threat as the main big-bad and a no-surprise character. Can he be defeated? Well yes actually because we've already seen him be defeated by Rey. Is he conflicted and could he turn to the light? Well yes because the whole movie repeatedly hits us over the head with the fact that he is conflicted.5. Want to know what happened to your ultimate hero Luke Skywalker after ROTJ? You will be disappointed to learn he became a teacher, then a potential murderer, then he went off to brood on an Island forever in a hut whilst drinking milk from the teat of a walrus-loch ness monster hybrid with a foreskin for a face.6. Leia appearing to die, and die in a brutal if rather fitting way, only for the whole audience to be trolled and for it to be revealed that she is the galaxies most powerful jedi who is the love child of Mary Poppins and Superman. She decides to use this power not to save her crew or face down her wayward son, but only when conveniently to save herself. People actually laughed in the audience I was in as she 'flew' across the screen.7. Admiral Ackbar's completely non-descript death.8. Vice-Admiral 'Dame Edna Everage Plot Hole Creator' Haldo (I think that was her name, I couldn't care to spend much time learning it). Not only does Oscar-nominated actress Laura Dern truly 'phone it in' with a performance that was practically chewing the scenery, but the character is so obvious in the whole 'you think I'm going to be a bad girl but actually I'm a goody' arc that it was hardly a surprise when she decided to go kamikaze (20 minutes late) at the end and her character should simply have been Ackbar, in order to give that iconic character the swansong he deserved.9. That leads nicely into the gripe about plot-holes in general. Not only the obvious fact that I thought the moment Leia left her ship heading for Crate that if I was Vice-Admiral Purple Wig I would turn the ship around and crash it into the enemy, but that it then took her character twenty minutes to decide that and only after watching pretty much the entire rebellion being blown to pieces. She also creates another plot-hole early on by being unnecessarily cagey about her plans seemingly in order to create a pointless sub-plot.10. Said pointless subplot of the space-casino, just awful and made some really blunt ham-fisted points about complex political issues like capitalism, slavery and animal welfare.11. Rose, great actress, had the potential to be a great character, completely misused and pushed into a pretty unbelievable romance.12. Finn not sacrificing himself.13. Phasma, you wait decades for a decent (in fact any) female Star Wars villain and along comes one who looks amazing, is played by a superb and physically intimidating actress, who is then completely wasted by being nothing but a sack of potatoes clad in chrome, who goes down twice in two movies to her former employee, a former star-destroyer janitor.14. Well if Phasma is bad then Hux is still there to intimidate right? Nope... Hux has made the most severe about turn ever in the space of just a few days and has gone from Hitler-in-space to being just a punchline and a punchbag who leaves you wondering if the First Order is this inept how the hell did they ever get so big and so grand in the first place?15. A lot of the rest of the humour, as detailed above, was terrible and misplaced.16. Rey's parental reveal was two fingers up to audience.17. Maz Kanata was poorly used (again another great actress, Lupita Nyongo, wasted) and unnecessary to the plot, she should have just been on Leia's ship, it would have made sense, her home was destroyed in TFA. Felt as though Nyongo was just contractually obliged to appear somewhere.18. No explanation as to how Maz came across the lightsabre and no mention of the Knights of Ren either.19. Every scene that contained Benicio Del Toro trying to be Lando and in the process giving us the most embarrassing attempt at a speech-impediment in acting history.20. Finally and worse of all, you can walk away from this movie questioning everything you have seen and heard and pondering on it for ages. But you do not walk away from this movie in anyway questioning what might be to come or feeling excited to see what might happen, I have none of the feeling that I had after TFA (or for that fact even the prequels) upon leaving the cinema, that feeling of 'I wish the next film was out now so I could get some answers and some more excitement'. The Last Jedi has completely flattened the hype of the franchise... and that is the biggest crying shame of all!", '15'), (' Star Wars TLJ exemplifies the effect that corporate influence can have on a film. Gone are the days of coherent stories & writing, logical rules being upheld and interesting characters with long-term setups. All of that is traded away for Disney to moralfag about how diverse their cast is in terms of genitalia and country/ethnicity of origin. Although it can be assumed that they also care about a diversity in acting talent, as can be seen by the shitstain that was the performance given by Kelly Tran, although we can share the blame around to the writing department. Between the Canto Bight social justice animal welfare plotline that delivers nothing even with the hacker, to Luke\'s death/transcendence into the force providing no utility to the story, Rey\'s continued overpowered state with no training or explanation to the lovely awkward pauses left in the movie for those "aww shucks PORGS xD" disney humour moments, it\'s amazing they even had time left for a half-decent duel between the leads (one of which has no training) of the movie. Oh, and it can\'t be forgotten that Yoda\'s CGI looks like an upgraded asset from the clone wars tv show, or the pressing problem that Snoke\'s death delivers; there is no tension in the movie. Seriously, does Kylo actually pose any threat at all to Rey? FFS at this point you\'d need the audience to be on the side of the First Order to feel any form of dramatic tension in the movie. But hey, atleast the movie had an Asian lead character, and that\'s what really matters, or so the mainstream media say. Thank you Disney, for proving right what I proclaimed so melodramatically in 2012 when the purchase of Lucasfilm was made. Atleast at the end of the day, I get to be right, by having StarWars become so wrong.', '05'), (" Had some great moments but zero character decelopment for some of the biggest characters, nothing new here just being chased by First Order same as ESB.What happened to Luke? Very dissapointed - no training Rey? No duels with Snoke? How did he lose his nephew to the dark side? None of the questions from Force Awakens answered, how did use the Force with ZERO training? Luke deserved a better ending very dissapointed. Basically, the originally three movies were for nothing, we are right back to having a Darth Vader (Kylo Ren) and an Empire (FirstOrder) and all of Luke's, Leia's and Han's sacrifices were totally for nothing...Going to boycott the next movie at the cinema", '05'), (" A marginal good time. The Disney white-washing of the script to create a Politically Correct hell, as well as brutally under-developing key characters, leaves this debacle what it was --- a giant MEH! At least Skywalker was put out to pasture. The writers/producers nailed his whiny character again perfectly. But the plot is what really killed this film --- 2.5 hrs (seemed like a week in the movie) for the most powerful ships in the galaxy to run down a single rebel ship that is running out of gas...at least it wasn't another Star Destroyer film... what talentless-hack Millennial is writing this crap? The only thing missing was JarJar Binx, but alas, we got something similar with the gerbils on Luke's island. Not shocked to find gerbils on Luke's island, come to think of it.", '05'), (" I thought is was fresh and different. It wasn't 5 stars, but I enjoyed it. The Snoke, Kylo, Rey scene was outstanding!", '40'), (" I think people that like this movie are not real Star Wars fans. I don't believe the critics anymore. I suspicious they are under the influence of the big movie studios like Disney. Just because Disney and the new Lucasfilm says it's canon, doesn't mean it's so. Free your mind.", '05'), (' So many mistakes in this movie,this is not Star Wars at all', '10'), (" Didn't like it... it ruined Star Wars for me.", '05'), (" I felt absolute emptiness after watching it. They have grinded the Star Wars legacy, I feel truly disappointed, and that's the first time that happens to me after 9 movies... Logistic & tactical mistakes, Luke's humiliation, pointless subplots (the casino, the fuel shortage), Snoke's ridiculous death... Good luck JJ, you'll need it.", '10'), (' i really do not like it', '10'), (" One of the best movies of star wars saga in terms of entertaiment. You won´t find a deep development of the force concept and jedi religion, but is full of action and fun. I felt disappointed with some expectatios I had, but I eventually understood the decisions in therms of film internal coherence. Despite being a fan since the 70s and hating prequels a bit, I have an open mind about new ideas in the saga. If you're a Star Wars religious fan and you expect the movie to go in a certain direction, you probably will not like it.", '50'), (' I liked it. I went into the movie expecting simple popcorn fare and an attempt to throw some curve ball into the Star Wars Universe..that is pretty much what we got.', '50'), (" These aren't my only thoughts, but this movie was so much fun. It both met and twisted so many of my expectations about the universe in ways that made me think not only about Star Wars, but also about how those thoughts apply in the real world. Empire did that too! So did RotJ, even! The movie is GORGEOUS. Hamill is phenomenal.", '45'), (' An insult to the Star Wars universe and a waste of my time. Disney please fire Rian Johnson!', '05'), (' Rian/Disney! You took my childhood and wiped your ass with it.', '05'), (" Well, that happened. Just as soon as I found myself almost coming to grips that this Star Wars was different and it could still be ok...it reassured me it wasn't; time and time again. Not the worst thing ever, but odd, very odd.", '25'), (' Went to see. About an hour too long. The movie went from one disaster to another, very jumpy, not smoothly sequenced. Disney has not done itself any favors in this production.', ''), (' Great movie, saw the original when I was 11 and have been a fan ever since Went to see latest chpter with my wife , youngest son and his girlfriend as well as our grandson all enjoyed the film immensly . Hammils performance was great although we were all dissapointed we his charactor being killed off. Of the 4 original main charactors they have now killed off the 2 strongest.', '50'), (" They shouldn't have given such an important movie to such an incompetent screen writer and director. The plot holes also revealed how misguided their decision was to change directors", '15'), (" I'm very disappointed in this movie. It does not hold any of the magic of Star Wars. By far the worst Star Wars movie of all of them!", '15'), (' Has it moments, very disjointed story..unnessessary scenes... A Complete mess...', '15'), (" Great cinematography but except that, pointless teasers Rey's origins(mirror scene), waste of characters, Hux, Snoke. Incoherent scenario, Finn and Rose (+DJ)'s story arc leads to nothing. Leia space fly....OMG. This lame humor, the iron, Hux Being bullied, the light saber at the see...", '20'), (' Jedi storyline 10/10Resistance storyline 5/10', '40'), (" Total garbage. Don't spend a dime on this horrible movie,", '05'), (' This movie exceeded my expectations. As a film it is character-driven, thought-provoking and well directed. As a Star Wars film - it is fresh and not a re-tread (to say this 8 films into a series is quite an achievement).I don\'t understand the backlash against it - people who say they went in expecting answers about who Snoke was, and who Rey\'s parents are, as a result of the film that came before The Last Jedi (The Force Awakens).The Force Awakens did not "introduce" Snoke so much as have him simply "there" (clearly as someone who was Kylo/Ben\'s master). Clearly, he knew (or knew of) Darth Vader, and rose up after the Emperor - but I did not leave The Force Awakens thinking - Gee, this movie set up a mystery of where did Snoke come from and how exactly did he end up in such a position of power. Why do we have the need to be told everything about a character and not have some things unanswered. He was powerful and in control of The First Order and Kylo/Ben - but the movie was not about Snoke, it was about Kylo/Ben.I can\'t recall The Force Awakens anywhere teasing us about a revelation regarding Snoke, and as for Rey - yes, in that film she is "searching" for where she came from - but the emphasis was on the search being her inner journey not a mystery set up in the film where we as viewers are putting pieces together about her parents.Again, some fans after The Force Awakens (so used to the way past films played out) expected a reveal that had her related to someone - but that is not what The Force Awakens was about. The emphasis was on Rey\'s character and what it meant for her to not know who she was or where she came from. So when The Last Jedi came out - the reveal about Rey and the death of Snoke furthered the character development of both Rey and Kylo/Ben. They didn\'t undermine the plot of The Force Awakens, nor did they throw out any mystery "set up" by that film. Fans assumed (wrongly) that there was a mystery. The fact that Rey was told by Maz that the lightsaber calls to her and that she had visions when holding it at first does not mean she was connected by bloodline to Luke/Ben (Kenobi) etc. She was clearly Force-strong. That was the extent of her connection. And it made her afraid.Luke was reckless (in ANH and ESB) - called out by Yoda always looking to the future and never on where he was and what he was doing. Training for him was needed - but some people are naturally gifted and Rey clearly has the gift (while also having the gutso to take on Luke and Kylo/Ben).The Last Jedi is a film that has many layers - and has emotional depth. The first death of Paige, and the death of Holdo, are both of characters we (at least on film) had never met before - but they were affecting and sent chills down my spine.I have seen the film 3 times - the first time, I was a little unsure of how I felt as the film did not go where I thought it would. But the second and third viewings have cemented the film as the best of all SW movies - even the casino scene was a diversion that did not go on for long, and had purpose to the theme of the film and also showed not all infiltrations will succeed.This movie has a depth and rawness that has not been captured in a SW film before.Luke was not "ruined" as some claim - this is not the Luke we last saw in Return of the Jedi, but at the same time, this is 30 years later, with so much that has happened to him since. It is one thing to redeem your fallen father, but to take on the responsibility to train your nephew, trusted by your sister and friend, and then to think about killing him after seeing the dark side in him - which is understandable given all that Luke had seen the dark side do over since ANH - that would lead any person to feel shame and guilt and to question everything.Complaints have also centred around Phasma - she was not set up to be anything more than a foil for Finn. She added texture to the plot. Some fans seem upset that she died and did not have a greater role to play. She was by no means set up as a main character and anything more than a character to lend colour to a film and round it out. Not every side-character no matter how cool needs to live on and be involved in the main plot.I saw this the first time with my 12yo son and 10yo daughter (all of us have seen all SW films). We all enjoyed it. I reserved judgment until my 2nd viewing - and on my second viewing (with my 12yo son and his 13yo friend and another adult SW fan/friend) we all thoroughly enjoyed it and I found it very enriching now that I could watch it knowing it was not going to pander to my expectations (regarding plot, not regarding how characters should or shouldn\'t behave). My third viewing (with my wife who loves a good film but is not a SW fan (though she has casually seen them all thanks to me!) - and I absolutely was enthralled and moved by the film again, and my wife (who\'d not seen The Force Awakens since 2015) was also glued to her seat and thoroughly enjoyed the film - as a great film (irrespective of it being a Star Wars film).No "I am your father" revelation - but it\'s a film that as a result will stand up to multiple viewings and dissection of meaning. It is character driven and well-acted, leading up to a finale that is truly emotional.', '45'), (' Awful. Star wars is dead. Sad. Should not be canon. Worse than fan fiction because directors are obviously not fans.', '05'), (' I signed up just to give this movie a rating. I am a fan of the originals, what the %$#. This movie is so bad. did not make sense, there was no story. Ridiculous, what did they do to Star Wars. What did they do to Luke !!! BUL##&#', '05'), (" RIP childhood. Nonsensical plot, one dimensional characters, off color jokes. I'd say don't waste your time but you're going to see it anyway.", '05'), (' Steaming pile of rancid feces. Lazy and poor storytelling/writing, zero new character development, answered no questions established in ep 7, killed the old characters in a vain attempt to make you care about the new charisma vacuum characters like Rey and Finn. Rian Johnson\'s "vision" for the movie and treatment of Luke skywalker\'s is criminal. Save your money or just wipe your ass with it, either option is better than watching this dumpster fire of thinly veiled leftist propaganda', '05'), (" Not a perfect movie - nothing is - but I highly enjoyed Mark Hamill, the Porgs weren't the new Jar Jar but instead were just there to sell the kids a few toys, and it led us in a new direction that Star Wars movies haven't seen before. Initial kneejerk reactions may leave some confused, I personally was still processing my feelings two days later. But all in all, it's a good middle movie that makes me both confused and excited to see what comes next in episode 9.", '40'), (" I will NOT be going to theaters to watch Episode 9!They have officially divided the Star Wars fanbase down the middle and have completely and utterly alienated all the older die hard Star Wars fans. It's split literally down the middle!Rian Johnson and Disney's decision to ignore nostalgia is going to come back and bite them in the ass in 2 years when it comes time for Episode 9 to be released.I won't buy a ticket. I won't go see it in theaters and I won't because Disney not only disrespected me as a Star Wars fan...they committed the worst unforgivable sin you can do to a Star Wars fan... They ignored what 50% of fans wanted.Nostalgia.Star Wars: The Last Jedi did not FEEL like a Star Wars movie.It's not my Star Wars.It's not the Star Wars I know and love anymore.Disney ignored me as a Star Wars fan and the deeply emotional feelings I have for Star Wars. People will laugh and joke and say I'm too emotional. But I watch Star Wars for that very reason. The emotions it impart. The feeling is gives me watching my favorite sci-fi films ever. That feeling it what made Star Wars great and Disney completely and utterly ignored 50% of the Star Wars fans and how they feel.A movie is about the FEELING it gives you when you watch it. Disney destroyed the feeling for me. It wasn't anything like Star Wars. It was something else and it wasn't good.It's not Star Wars anymore.All this bitching and griping won't matter right now though.It won't matter for another 2 years. It won't matter because this movie will still make tons of money because it appealed to the lowest common denominator. It won't matter now because Disney will make $1-$2 billion on TLJ and they won't care. For now...Disney chose quantity over quality.If they don't fix it they will lose 50% of their Star Wars fanbase.But they will care in 2019 when Episode 9 is released. That's when they will realize they fucked up. When it hurts their bottom line. Their mistake will hurt them in 2019 with lower opening weekend ticket sales.They chose to ignore 50% of their fanbase.50% of fans aren't wrong.We will remember when it comes to buying tickets in 2019.", '25'), (' The Best Star Wars Movie of all time', '50'), (' This movie was not a bad movie on it\'s own but as a Star Wars film... it butchered the franchise lore. It actually destroyed every bit of hype and theory building surrounding Luke, Rey\'s parents, Snoke, and even Captain Phasma. There is absolutely no reason to invest in the world of star wars from here on out because the writers have basically said "lol it\'s not that deep". My biggest gripe is that they made Luke Skywalker so jarringly out of character I was removed from my immersion in the film. It reminded me that these films stories are being created by people just looking for a paycheck. We have tons of good movies with bold new ideas that break the expected formula of a story, but Star Wars is a world that belongs to the fans now who only want to escape from their own reality. Be honest, if you are jumping all in emotionally for a fictional series it is because you wish to escape the depression of life. This movie took the self insert hero character Luke from the original trilogy and made him flawed, mortal, and weak well after he conquered his "trials". It\'s a slap in the face to everyone who became attached to the legend they wished to be like. The new direction is about Rey I get it but as a character she has no struggles to overcome and succeeds at everything she does. Any foreshadowing in these movies is immediately a red herring so that now all expectations, all speculation, any reason to wish to follow this story further has evaporated. I enjoyed many moments and liked the risk taken with the main villain but I have concluded this was not made with the fans in mind. My advice would have been to make a new unrelated series instead of rewriting well established characters from scratch.', '10'), (' As a huge Luke Skywalker fan, I have never been more disappointed in a movie. I got screwed over on force awakens, now Ive been screwed over again. I cant believe i have waited 2 years for this shit.', '05'), (" Coming from a life long fan. Stat wars has failed to deliver too many times now. The story telling is ridiculously atrocious. I'm out it was nice", '05'), (' This was one of the best Star Wars films. My husband and I absolutely loved it - from the story, to the lighting and cinematography, everything. I know a lot of folks are upset about the treatment of certain characters, but I think the direction the story is going is not only working, but necessary. The Jedi were flawed, but were so powerful and pompous they could not see their own mistakes. Mistakes that led to the creation of Darth Vader. Mistakes Luke repeated because he did not know better, creating Kylo Ren. It is time for a new generation to choose their own path, without the doctrine of the Jedi. Make new mistakes, absolutely, but learn from them without the pressure of the Jedi to be perfect. It is something I have wanted to see treated in every previous film, and The Last Jedi finally does that - and does it well.', '50'), (" It's an unpopular opinion, but it's changes and differentness are what makes the movie so good. The plot has significant issues and leaves too many unanswered questions that are likely never to be answered. But the film is beautifully shot, and full of exciting spectacle all framed within the intimacy and danger of a submarine action film. It's use of the Force and visuals are wonderfully weird. I went to TLJ to have a good time and it delivered that and left me thinking about all the gorgeous things that can be done with Star Wars in the future when we are done mining what we can out of it's past.", '40'), (' Watching it wasted an hour of my life', '05'), (" My initial reaction was that this movie was entertaining, had exciting visuals and did a serviceable job with the main cast. The more I thought deeply about the subplots, the connections, or lack thereof, to the previous film and how it handles the original trilogy cast and lore the more I realized this was a terrible Star Wars movie.[SPOLIERS]It's message about how being a hero and undergoing heroic sacrifice was the wrong thing to do and yet depending on said heroes to save the day was confusing. As well as the philosophy of burying the past. None of it made much sense. Not learning from the past dooms you to repeat it. Not only were these messages confusing but the entire casino plotline was pointless if Admiral Huldo just let Poe in on the plan. Luke acted like none of the lessons learned or things he fought for in his trilogy mattered which was completely out of character. His contempt for the Jedi order was interesting but his apathy towards the resistance made no sense. Why wouldn't he help his sister!? Its just all rather confusing and if any of the filmmakers had even seen the previous films they would agree this one was unfaithful as well was a slap in the face of hardcore fans.", '10'), (" After growing up watching the Star Wars saga over and over to the ownership of most of the toys and spending hours pretending to have lightsaber battles with friends, you could say that I am a huge Star Wars fan. I approached the Force Awakens with an open mind, eager excitement for what would hold in the new saga story. The Force Awakens I enjoyed a lot, yes it is very similar in story to ANH but to see the old faces interaction with the team of new comers was something that most fans had hoped for for decades. It was with the same excitement (perhaps even more) that I approached the arrival of The Last Jedi. Over the past few months I have tried to stay away from Spoilers, Trailers and generally anything that may give away details of the film, I didn't want to find out any deaths or plots (Unlike finding out about Han before watching TFA). So when it came time to take my seat in the Cinema I had little idea what to expect! To say that after watching the film I was left utterly disappointed, is some what of an understatement! The opening scene alone felt as though I was watching a follow up to Space Balls the movie, I was expecting Yoghurt to come flying in with Barf to battle Dark Helmet. The comedy is forced and wholly out of place if not very childish, there is no menace in the villains and the heroes are as wet as they come, no charm and certainly nothing in them makes you want to cheer them on.I understand that some fans are upset with the way that the original saga was treated in this film, not least in the way that Luke Skywalker has been portrayed. The biggest problem for me is that the whole movie seems to revolve around an incredibly ridiculous plot of a space chase that could have been over with in a matter of minutes, the whole outside of blaster range is probably the biggest cop out in the history of movie making, it seems the director wanted you to forget about the previous grand space battles that have been in Star Wars movies and hoped that none of us would remember that the First Order has Squadrons of fighters that would have ended the chase in minutes! Tractor Beam anyone???Plot holes are abound in the film and that isn't the worst part.It seems that everything that was set up in TFA was forgotten, Finn is shoe horned in with an incredibly stupid side mission just for the sake of him being there, they go to find somebody that is one of only a handful of people known in the galaxy to be able to crack the security on the Dreadnought, only to stumble upon another character that just so happens to be able to aswell, what are the odds!!! Snoke is built up in TFA only to be treated as an afterthought, built up as the next big baddie only to be bested in the most pathetic way by a petulant teenager who's strops and mood swings only are only rivaled by Harry Enfields Kevin, Reys parents again built up and teased, then bang nothing. It is as though the Rian Johnson wanted to mess this up so badly as to make things almost impossible for JJ to sort in episode 9. I could go on and on but all in all I found this to be a massive let down, and after reading some of the reviews left by the critics, I am beginning to wonder if they have seen the same film that was released to the general public?", '05'), (" I will watch it again and thought it was entertaining. I love all types of movies and enjoy them for what they are. Some people have already decided to hate it before even seeing it, while others are deliberately giving it a bad score whithout even watching it? Why I don't know? These so called fans build it up to much and get hooked on what they think/want to happen and when it doesn't they hate it. It's a good movie I enjoyed it.", '50'), (" Probably my least favourite Star Wars movie I've seen. Worse than the prequels. So many plot holes, so many epic sub-plot setups from the previous movie that were scrapped. Just a mess! Very disappointing, This movie makes it seem that there is no hope of another trilogy that is even close to the original. I struggle to see the last movie solving this mess. I only hope that the spin offs stay good.", '15'), (' Greatest movie yet I have seen, pure emotions, great action & perfect humor. This is what makes a production film a classic.', '50'), (' "This Won\'t Go The Way You Think"Or could have ever conceived in your worst nightmares.Wasted plot lines,wasted characters,destroying characters,plot holes galore,Pointless social justice warrior side quest,Pacing issues.', '10'), (" I've never had a Cinema experience like it! Brilliant!!", '45'), (' Giving this film 1 star because it wasn\'t terrible in its own right. But for me it destroyed the legacy of Star Wars going forward. Why do all movies seem to have to have such forced humour in them these days? Just to get a cheap laugh and appease a very small number of morons? Star Wars did have some subtle humour in it previously but this effort was worse than listening to Dad jokes repeated over and over. In terms of character development, this was non-existent for the majority of the core characters. The only one who seemed to develop in some way was Po and even that wasn\'t great. Rey\'s Jedi "training" or lack thereof was a wasted opportunity and I can only imagine that they were afraid they would be accused of copying the Luke Skywalker training scenes from all those years ago. The Luke storyline was pathetic at best and nothing he did in this movie represents the character from previous films, something which Hammill himself would likely agree with (and did as far as I am aware). Kylo Ren is still a whiny little kid that doesn\'t want to share his toys... nothing more to say there. Snoake... waste of time! Porgs... Lets sell some toys...Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO and any other original characters... on Borrowed time and only make an appearance to have a spurious link to the original movies. I was really looking forward to this movie after TFA but came away feeling nothing but disappointment and I couldn\'t care less about episode 9 at the moment.', '10'), (" Worst movie to date.The Mary Sue manages to best like skywalker in a duel, the first order manages to be so inept at military strategy they win, Kyle is still the most emotionally inconsistent man child ever, and Leia the Mary poppins.That's just some of the problems with this film.Don't see it, save your money.", '05'), (' This was NOT a Star Wars movie!', '20'), (" Disney destroyed 40 years worth of classic stuff in one movie. Made people's childhood heroes useless. The movie was nothing but a generic sci-fi film full of plot holes.", '05'), (' This movie is hot garbage. They sidelined the most exciting and interesting character from force awakens in po danrek.Lack luster resolution to fasma and fin. Not to mention completely ruining fins hero moment for him to complete his story arc as a hero to go out in a blaze of glory, saving his friends.Abysmal waste of snoke, with no explanation or back story for the character or even a hint.Completely rewriting the character of luke and what the originals established his character as.Plotholes galore!!!!Weak writing that could have eliminated they need for 20mins of the movie with a 5sec conversation between a admiral and her highest ranking captain to let him in on her plan.Ignorance of basic physics and how a vacuum works in space, and gravity for that matter.20mins of the movie being essentially fruitless after a rather tedious build up, referring to undercover mission.Reys apparent mastery of the force without any substantial training.Lackluster backstory for rey.Again reference knights of ren for them to be nowhere in the movie.Untrained stable boy apparently proficient in the force, capable of casually force pulling a broom to him, evem though he has no knowledge or training in the force.Lots of sjw undertones.They make every male character irrational and incompetent of foresight unless its made blantantly obvious for them like rey does for luke or when po recognizes lukes obvious stall so they can escape.Uncerimonious and disrespectful deaths for long time characters and fan favorites.Also lack of common sense by characters and basic features like autopilot that where present in the originals when r2 offers to use autopilot to get to degoba bit luke keeps it on manual.....but the admirals and captains must stay back to fly their ships because they cant autopilot or leave a driod to pilot...Jedi with raw power capable of stopping blaster fire mid air or moving dozens of large boulders have a very tough fight against no force using imperial guards. Force push and choke, not employed once when both are capable.....just unnecessary and forced tension.Also this movie basically made han solos death pointless. Yes it split his soul according to snoke but he was split before that. Anyway hes gone full on dark side so han died for literally no reason. This is the worst star wars movie by a longshot from a character development, storytelling, plot progession and plothole standpoint. The only redeaming factor is the acting performance from a few of the cast.', '05'), (' Bleh, if i wanted to watch a kids movie with lame jokes thrown throughout and 0 attention to plot holes id go see a bay movie. Worse than what he did to tmnt not worth a theater viewing at all.', '05'), (' Awful, if government bureaucrats were making a Star Wars movie this is what you would get.', '10'), (' Really disappointing ....', '10'), (' Cliche and tacky, despite the few moment of stunning beauty I was left with mixed feeling about whether it was the money I spent for the ticket.', '10'), (" Absolutely loved it! When I exited the theater I told my friend I felt like a kid again. No other star wars movie made me feel that way since I discovered the original trilogy in the early nineties. The story is just great, a fresh take on the SW universe. And yet everything that makes SW is there: politics, space battles, the Force, lightsabers... I'll keep spoilers to a minimum, the best scene in my opinion is when Ben and Rey battle the praetorian guards together. Clearly, until the conclusion of that battle the lines are blurred. Light side/dark side are the Force and nothing is certain until the charachters consciously choose which path they will follow. SW VIII is truly epic and fittingly it gives us HOPE that the conclusion to the current trilogy will surpass this one.", '45'), (" I really loved it, had a great moment watching it, just can't wait to see the last one !", '50'), (' Absolutely the worst Star Wars movie to date. Disney chose to hijack the Star Wars saga into a two hour political documentary. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. This movie is AWFUL! And just for reference, I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. ZERO STARS', '05'), (" Short non-spoiler review - Ok film, but a big disappointment. Save your money to the DVD or Blu-Ray release. SPOILER REVIEWThe reason why I am so disappointed is just how many plot holes and half-thought through ideas there are. I can look beyond them if the film is really good or fun (e.g. Star Trek and the whole red matter nonsense) but when the film is sub-par any mistakes/issue just become massive beacons, especially when they dont make any sense compared to previous films.WHAT WAS THE PLOT? - So since Ep7 we are told that the First Order (FO) have taken over the galaxy, despite Starkiller base being destroyed, and they are hunting the last Resistance fighters. And at the end of the film the bad guys are still chasing the good guys. Wow, that was interesting.WORLD LONGEST CHASE - This part of the movie takes up almost two thirds of the film and is dull. Plus as ships can come and go as they please any tension is lost by the chase. Also why not just send one FO Star Destroyer slightly ahead at hyperspace and then catch up with Leia's ship? No, lets just chase them until their fuel runs out. STAR WARS MEETS PIRATES OF THE CAIBBEAN - Why do lasers in Ep8 dip and arc like 17th century cannon fire in this film (when they never did before)? Why also do disabled or destroyed ships sink like they are in the sea? Also why do bombers 'drop' bombs in space?SNOKES SCARY BIG SHIP - They introduce Snoke's big ship, the Supremacy, but apart from size what is so scary or threatening about it? The Death Star was a fearsome planet killer, StarKiller base also was a clear threat to the galaxy, even the Dreadnought at the star of this film seemed quite dangerous, but all Snoke's ship can do is chase Leias ship at the same speed, fire lasers that are more like cannons in the 17th century, and gets cut in two by a far smaller ship at the end. Pointless.HYPERSPACE DEATH MOVE- So a Resistance ship, piloted by a purple haired admiral we just met, can wipe out a far bigger FO ship by hyper spacing into it. Why couldn't one of Snoke's spare Star Destroyers he had just hyperspace into Leia's ship rather than chase it for 1 hour?Also as this is clearly such a powerful tactic why don't other Resistance ships just constantly take out massive Star Destroyers using this tactic? After all, you only need one semi-competent person to fly a ship according to this film. Porkins in his X-Wing could have just hyperspaced into the Deathstar in Ep4, and Lando could have hyperspaced the Falcon into the Deathstar 2 in Ep6. If you are going to introduce an all powerful move at least the producers should think it through.SUPERWOMAN - Oh dear, that scene where Leia floats through space is simply cringeworthy. Also we all know Leia is force sensitive but she has basic powers. Yet she single handedly becomes the most powerful user that ever lived by coming back to life, in space, and flying herself to safety. And when they are trapped on the planet later she is unable to move some rocks until Rey shows up. YODA IS NOW A GOD - Yoda is so powerful a Jedi now that he can also cause storms and lighting bolts even from the dead. So between Ep3 and 4 why didn't he just wait for Emperor Palpatine to be walking down the road before striking him down with a storm? SNOKE WHO - we had a villain, who clearly would never match Palpatine in evilness, but he was interesting. Plus we wanted to know what his plan (if any) was. Then he is killed off with little explanation or answers on anything. Also why did Snoke's character have to be CGI or done by Andy Serkis when he doesn't actually do anything but sit in a chair? MORALS - Rose, the new character, doesn't like the planet they visit as its full of rich people getting richer through war profiteering and slavery. That is meant to have some deep and meaningful insight into her character? Surely most Resistance fighters would share her view, so why is Rose so special here?The biggest moral statement in the film, but is glossed over in 5 seconds, was DJ's point that the Resistance are hypocrites and there are truly no 'good guys' given they also use the same war merchants to get their arms. Shame that point wasn't expanded further, but then I guess the point would go over most kids heads.LUKES END - He force projects to Klyo Ren on the planet, and then dies with no explanation back on the island. He may as well have flown to the planet and done a Obi-Wan disappear force death with Kylo Ren than this really weird death scene. Also Luke's death is so 'meh', which is a shame given he is such an important part of these films.BATTERING RAM - Snoke's ship has been cut in half, but don't worry guys we managed to save the big battering ram! Also good job the FO packed one in the first place. Snoke couldn't foresee a lightsabre turning by his side but he did have the foresight to pack a battering ram to a space ship chase!REY - What was the point of her entering that dark butt hole on Luke's planet? It is clear now that Disney simply do not have the guts to make Rey turn to the dark side, given they want every hero in films to be a woman now, so her flirting with the dark side is a waste of time. I'd rather see more Kylo Ren being tormented and torn between the light and dark.", '20'), (' Worst Star Wars movie ever. Destroys the Star Wars character and punches fans in the face.', '05'), (" As a movie by itself, I really liked it. AS far as the controversy of Lukes death, I guess I just didn't have as much of a connection to him. I thought his death aligned perfectly with Jedi of the past. Yoda and Obi-Wan both became longtime recluses seeking solitude. His character did save the resistance and became an eternal hero. What did piss me off was that Rey came from nobodies, hopefully, thats a ruse for part 9. The space battles to me seemed really cheap, can't put my finger on why maybe its the cannon fire having arcs like they were in gravity when they were in space? Maybe that there really was no point other than to have a space battle, maybe it people walking around with gaping holes in the hulls like they could function, physics doesn't exist I guess? Personally, I liked the lame misplaced humor. Seriously, go watch the original SW again, they are full of lame pointless humor.", '45'), (' Loved it even more after the second viewing.', '50'), (" Disappointed by the posted score by the audience. Perfect movie, no... but a great roller coaster of a ride! This is not the Star Wars we grew up with, perhaps... but let's remember Ep IV was not well received originally, plenty of hokey stuff going on there as well. Embrace the future, give up the past... Riam Johnson is taking us somewhere here and it's logical. Absolutely gorgeous film", '45'), (" Star wars the last jedi was a visually a buffet for my eyes. The contrast of colors and the special effects won me over. Plot wise the movie was good. A few scenes that I could have gone without because I felt they distracted from the overall plot. Its a shame to see Gwendoline Christie's character (Captain Phasma) so underutilized in terms of her great acting. Overall the movie was amazing and it just gets better after the 3rd time.", '45'), (" Too rushed, felt out of place. Wasted half of movie, Luke wasn't luke.", '10'), (" Bold, exciting, heart felt, revealing... absolutely loved this movie.No, just because you didn't like the movie doesn't mean the critics were paid by mickey mouse. The Force Awakens was a very safe film. The Last Jedi has massive balls and takes many risks. You will either love it or hate it. It's unfortunate if you are the latter. It truly is. Because this is everything I felt when watching the original Star Wars as a kid; not copying anything else, but breaking new ground.", '50'), (' Fantastic movie that gives the franchise a chance to move away from the skywalker family.', 'wts'), (' Incredible, beautiful, and daring. I love it when they get me out of the comfort zone with such mastery. Star wars needed this episode. I hope more surprises and more Rian Johnson!', '50'), (" If I wanted to see politics, I would've turned on the news. Even Star Wars is contaminated now, which marks off one of the few last things I actually had to look forward to.", '05'), (' Disney destroyed everything before and left no interest going forward.', '10'), (' Star Wars is still around because of the fans of the original trilogy. They are what has made star wars a success. The last Jedi spat in the face of these fans. The star wars universe is immense, interesting creation full of mystery, action and great characters. This movie gave us none of that. I want to love this movie but I nearly ended up walking out.', '05'), (' The Last Jedi is one Wild ride which serves to dash all expectations and take risks. The movie is bogged down by a few errors in an otherwise gorgeous film. During the entirety of the second half of the film It was a nonstop ride throwing viewers onto the edge of their seats. I am adding an extra star for a particularly gorgeous scene that I never seen before in film let alone a Star Wars film.', '45'), (" Terrible. Horrible writing. Plot holes everywhere. Meaningless side plots. Weak conflict. Overly cutesy BS creatures. Absolute disregard for beloved characters. Wastes excellent new characters for no reason. The acting from Adam Driver and Mark Hamill was great, but that doesn't change the fact that their characters were disrespected by the writers. The half star is for them and only them.", '05'), (" Visually stunning and dramatically epic, The Last Jedi is everything The Force Awakens should have been: a space western. Building more off of what George Lucas started with the franchise than Abrams action-packed Star Wars, The Last Jedi has tension and drama that fills a short plot, and makes up for its less than strong start with ease. Any flaws aside, there's nothing like an epic Star Wars film, and this fits the bill.", '45'), (" Star Wars as Star Wars has never been. The Last Jedi feels like no other Star Wars, but at the same time is unmistakably Star Wars. Rian Johnson has produced a film which evidently has divided the Star Wars fan base.For me, The Last Jedi was brilliant. I walked into the cinema excited to see what was on offer, and I did not leave disappointed. The new direction of returning characters made the plot feel fresh and the new characters begin to feel fleshed out.The recent internet backlash has lead to fans demanding The Last Jedi being removed from the Canon. This is a ridiculous overreaction to a film which admittedly would not, and has not pleased every one.The only thing that I did not like was the overuse of silly comedic jokes. At first it was chuckle worthy but by then end it became distracting.A brilliant film, but not perfect. At least it isn't Episode II.", '45'), (' I\'m gonna give it a middle score, because it was "okay".The first third of the movie was definitely worth just 1 star for its excessive use of jokes and far too light of a tone for a SW movie, but it got better as it progressed. My biggest gripes with this movie, however: No balls to let characters die where it seems right and fitting; missed out on some much better dark story lines and character deveoplemtn, instead opting for more neutral-grey and heroism.', '25'), (' Totally ruined Luke. Not looking forward to disney vomiting out garbage every year for the next 30 years to milk every shekel they can out of the franchise.', '05'), (' A good well rounded movie, story line was very fluid and went over expectation.', '50'), (" there is a good movie, inside this tragedy of raging desire to murder the past. Disney's Star wars CEO finally pointing out that NOTHING matters but their story of the day. History means work, who wants that ?", '10'), (" gutted - one word to sum up my feelings after watching the last Jedi.After an exciting first 10 mins the film turns into a painfully slow chase film with a pointless mid break at a casino which serves no purpose than to give some characters screen time with no end result. We had characters who can fly in space, milking of space elephants, forced and pointless humour and the worst direction for one of cinemas most iconic characters. I wonder if the power of Disney has forced some reviewers hands as I cannot believe the positive reviews I've seen. Awful, truly awful. Worst SW film by a country mile.", '05'), (" Sure, the movie looks good. But the challenge of any speculative fiction narrative (fantasy or sci-fi) is elaborate world / universe creation. This includes creating mythos and rules that subsequent contributors to the universe must live by - if we want the narrative consumers to maintain interest. This is a Star Wars movie because there are lightsabers characters say 'may the force be with you'? Rian Johnson foolishly disrespected the universe in which these narratives are told - to his, and his overlords', peril. You heard it here: this beautiful travesty is not going to have legs... That's force sensitivity.", '10')]
def sort(lst1):
existing = open('all_reviews.csv', 'r')
final = []
for x in lst1:
if x[0] not in existing.read()
with open('final.csv', 'w') as out:
csv_out = csv.writer(out)
csv_out.writerow(['star', 'review'])
for row in final:
if __name__ == '__main__':