Hi! I'm Hyeonseo. I'm happy to start our first project when i was 21. I was really satisfied to come up with a fresh new idea and make that into my code on my own. We have had a lot of success and learned a lot while falling down, getting back on out feet. I will use this experience as a springboard and go further.
- Name: KoHyeonSeo
- Github: https://github.com/KoHyeonSeo
- Contact:
2D platformer shooting
We've used C# and Unity game engine.
- 2021-08 ~ 2022-04 (about 9 months) - main development and build for the pc version
- 2022-04 ~ now - build for the mobile version
- I built AI with Unity function. That is Enemy Detection.
- The enemy can detect player, cliffs, and walls.
- Even if the enemy detect the player, you do not chase if there is a wall in between.
- Also, the enemy does not give up chasing for a certain period of time, even if the player hides behind the wall.
- The player can use long jumps and double jumps.
- The player can also move from side to side and jump down.
- I used the FSM.
- I built the basic movement of the flying enemy, the basic movement of the walking enemy, and the chasing movement of the enemy.
- I studied the movement of soft objects.
- I contributed to smooth object movement by solving the equation of the Bezier curve by coding and adding it to the Utility.
- My vezier formula is incorporated into many elements of the game.