- ReachOutt was build out of my frustration with not keeping in touch with friends and family that I care about. I often found myself going weeks without speaking to them. I developed ReachOutt as an automated system to remind me to keep in tough.
- After signing up users can create contacts, people they would like to keep in touch with, and set reachouts, reminders to reach out to them, on whatever schedule they would like.
- It utilizes several API's to send automated reminder texts and ideas of what to reach out about.
- ReachOutt uses Twilio for texting reminders to reachout
- You can find it online at: Reachoutt.com
- Built using Ruby on Rails, Vue.js, Vue Native, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and several API's.
- Beta.
- Setup:
bundle install
bin/rails s
front end:
- Setup:
npm install
npm run serve
You can also build the front end pages and have the backend page serve them using: npm run build
This allows you to work without having a front end server running but you will not get any
front end hot reloads or updates.
- Contributor Guidelines: Feel free to contribute or fork this project.
- Code Style/Requirements: If you are going to contribute please use rails, javascript, or vue.
- reachouts don't persist after a certain period of time on heroku
- Create User Account Page
- Fix reachout not persisting bug
- Remove Ability to change contact name on reachout page
- Create Password Reset Function
- Add Ability to turn ReachOuts off
- Rebuild front end with react
- Projects that inspired me: A terrible google calendar system I built years ago that resulted in me constantly putting off calendar reminders.
- I use Rufus-Scheduler for my reminders. It's a simple version of a cron job.