An API to copy from GCP to Google Drive from Google Apps Scripts / Cloud Functions
See as this script depends on it's library
Import MZx5DzNPsYjVyZaR67xXJQai_d-phDA33 library in your proyect
- Optional: Clone and create a new GAS project with this library for your internal reference (I'm not sharing it on GAS, sry)
Trigger authorization to read and manage your Drive files:
- i.e //DriveApp.getFiles();
- Commented out is enough
Upload your JSON credential to drive and note the file-id associated with them
Choose a namespace for your project
Call configure with the id of the credentials and your namespace
Start using the service methods. Beware of quotas!
This snippet copies a bucket, previously sync'ed with rclone ( to Google Drive (including TeamDrives).
Prior January 2018, Google Apps Script API was not working correctly with Teamdrive files
//Assume this project is cloned and referenced as library with the namespace CloudStorageApi
var creds = 'your-creds-file-id'; //JSON File with GCP Credentials for accessing the bucket
var name = 'sample-cloud-storage-project'; //Namespace for cGoa (see File->Project Properties after running once for the scopes)
var recipient = '';
var flagFileName = '___flag_copied_files.flag'; //only copy files if the flag is present
function configure() {
CloudStorageApi.ConfigureScript(creds, name);
function copyTask(bucket,folder, subject) {
//Check if there are new files
var exists = CloudStorageApi.getService().fileExists(bucket,flagFileName);
if (exists) {
CloudStorageApi.copyFromBucket(bucket,folder,false, flagFileName);
//If there is a subject, send an email report
if (subject != 'undefined') {
MailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, "Cloud Storage API:\n\nFiles copied.");
//Sample usage
function copyFromBucketA() {
copyTask('bucket-name', 'destination-folder-id','BucketA FileCopy');