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OdooTerminal - WebExtension


The BFG10k for Odoo developers

All the power of Odoo json-rpc in a really easy way!

This web extension adds a terminal-like to control Odoo (11 to 18). All implemented commands use the tools provided by the Odoo framework. An unwavering policy when developing this extension is to not modify or alter in any way the Odoo classes. This sometimes results in certain commands having reduced/increased capabilities depending on the Odoo version.

The terminal is fully initialized when it is first opened after loading the page. The time overhead for using this extension is ~24ms.



When you visit a Odoo website, the browser action icon of the extension turn to enabled state. This indicates that the extension is ready to use in the current page.

Few commands aren't available on the frontend, use command 'help' to know the available commands.

You can toggle terminal using one of these options:

  • Press CTRL + , (by default)
  • Use extension browser action icon

Example Commands

Description Terminal Command
Create 'res.partner' record create -m res.partner -v {name: 'Hipcut', street: 'Mystery street'}
Search 'res.partner' records search -m res.partner -f name,email -d [['id', '>', 5]]
Search all fields of selected 'res.partner' records search -m res.partner -f * -d [['id', '>', 5]]
Read all fields of selected 'res.partner' record read -m res.partner -i 5 -f *
Read all fields of various 'res.partner' records read -m res.partner -i 5,15,8 -f *
View 'res.partner' records (only backend) view -m res.partner
View selected 'res.partner' record (only backend) view -m res.partner -i 4
Install module install -m mymodule
Create alias alias -n myalias -c "print 'My name is: $1'"

Notice that a list is an string of values separated by commas. Example: "5, 15, 8" (quotes included) or can use array notation [5, 15, 8]

Notice that can call commands without 'named arguments', for example: create res.partner {name: 'Hipcut', street: 'Mystery street'}. The rule is that 'unnamed arguments' fill values following the order of the command arguments definition. So mix 'unnamed' with 'named' arguments can be done as long as the order is maintained.


  • This extension have a "preferences" page where you can add commands to run on every session. This is useful for example to load a remote script to extend the 'terminal' features or declare custom aliases.
  • This extension uses an internal context to extend the 'user context'. This 'terminal context' has by default the key 'active_test' = false (see issue #14 to get more information). This context only affects to terminal operations.
  • The maximum buffered screen lines is set to 750. So, you can't see more than 749 records in the same query. This is necessary to avoid have a lot of nodes... One of the problems of use HTML elements to render the output :/
  • Can remap preferred key combination at chrome://extensions/shortcuts

Advance Usage


The following are available:

Name Description
$$RMOD Returns the active model name
$$RID Returns the active record id
$$UID Returns the active user id
$$UNAME Returns the active user login


  • search $$RMOD
  • write $$RMOD $$RID {name: 'The new name'}

+ Recordsets

search, read and create commands returns recordsets. Can use them to write values with commit command.


$rs = (search res.partner)
$rs[4]['name'] = 'The Name'
$rs[2]['name'] = 'Other Name'
commit $rs

$record = (read res.partner 8)
$record['name'] = 'Willy Wonka'
$record['city'] = 'O Courel'
commit $record

$new_rec = (create res.partner {name: 'The test'})
print $new_rec

+ Nested Calls

You can execute "commands" to use the result in a new command call. The syntax of 'nested calls' looks like (command).

For example: read -m res.users -i (search -m res.users -f id)[0]['id'] or read -m res.users -i (search -m res.users -f id)['ids']

+ Loops

Massive operations are possible using for loops. Print to screen is a expensive task, consider use the keyword silent to increase the performance.


  • Create 5000 res.partner:{ for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i += 1) { silent create -m res.partner -v {name: (gen str 12 8) + ' (Test)'} }
  • Cancel all sale.order: $orders = (search sale.order); for ($i = 0; $i < $orders['length']; $i += 1) { silent call sale.order action_cancel [$orders[$i]['id']] }

+ Send files

Can use the command 'genfile' to create a file object that can be sent via post.


  • post '/web/binary/upload_attachment' -d {callback: '', model: 'res.partner', id: 1, ufile: (genfile)}

+ Websockets

Can open websocket connections (Odoo 16.0+).


  • $webs = (ws -o open -e /websocket)
    ws -o send -wo $webs -d "hello"

+ Math operations


  • Print 3*2 result: print 3 * 2
  • Modify the lst_price of the 3,product.product: $prod = (read product.product 3 -f lst_price); $prod['lst_price'] = 5 * $prod['lst_price']; commit $prod;

+ If, Elif, Else


  • if ((gen int 0 8) > 2) { print 'Yussef Dayes & Alfa Mist - Blacked Out' } else { print 'Vincenzo Salvia & PJ D\'Atri - The Elemental Dive' }
  • $num = (gen int 0 8); if ($num > 2) { print 'Yes! ' + $num + ' > 2' } else { print 'No... ' + $num + ' <= 2' }
  • $num = (gen int 0 8); if ($num > 4) { print 'Yes! ' + $num + ' > 4' } elif ($num > 2) { print 'Yes! ' + $num + ' > 2' } else { print 'No... ' + $num + ' <= 2' }

+ Functions


  • function myfun(user_name) { print "Hello, " + $user_name }; myfun 'world!'
  • $myfun = function (user_name) { print "Hello, " + $user_name }; $$myfun 'world!'

Extension Permissions

Permission Description Reason
activeTab Enables support to get information about browser tabs Used to detect Odoo pages
storage Enables support to manage stored data in the browser Used for preferences

More resources!


Copyright Alexandre Díaz & contributors

AGPL-3.0 or later (