A simple welcome board for VRChat Worlds with Udon
Simple Welcome Boardは、VRChat向けのWorldギミックです
This board requires VRChat API, without VRChat SDK this thing won't work.
Made with Unity 2022.3.22f1, Unity 2019 will not be supported
Unity 2022.3.22f1対応。Unity 2019は対応する予定がありません。
Noto Sans JP is used under OFL license.
group.png is used under MIT license by Heroicons
bed.png is licensed under Apache2.0 license by Google Material Design Icons
A working sample is in RuriSapphire's home world. (with Minor color changes)
Download the unitypackage at Release section.
Drag the prefab and put everywhere you like, the board will work itself out.
If unity asks you to import TextMeshPro, import the essentials and you're good to go. (TMPro Extra isn't required)
During Offline testing, the instance owner will be shown as "Err". It's a known issue.
SDKのオフラインテスト(Play モードではない)では、Instance Ownerが「Err」になりますが、これは既知の問題です。
Please report in the issues.