Note: Windows support has been dropped. Arch Linux and Flatpak are now the only supported platforms.
Upgrading note: Data directory has changed to
. Once program has been launched once after upgrading, you may then safely manually delete the old~/.tauonmb-user
folder. (You will still need to manually copy out exported playlists and encode output files if there are any you want to keep)
Flatpak note: This will not auto update. Also sandboxing is disabled.
Tauon Music Box v3 now released!
I'm excited to bring you the latest version of Tauon Music Box. For this major 3.0 version; three big new features have been added that I hope you'll enjoy!
New playlist side panel
The issue of managing many playlists has been largely solved with a new toggle-able side panel.
The top panel has undergone a slight paradigm shift too... Tabs now only show if they are pinned
Artist info panel
A new fixed width artist information panel is now available.
This panel sits above the main playlist view and automatically scraps artist data from last.fm for the currently playing artist.
Download monitor indicator
Now you can import your new downloads to the current playlist in just a single click. If a playlist named "Downloads" is available, this playlist will be switched to automatically.
To enable this you need to have the
extract and trash archives
option also enabled
Also in this release
- The search algorithm has been tweaked. Hopefully this should bring you more relevant results faster.
- Many other fixes and UI tweaks
Note: HiDPI (2x) support is unavailable this release. If you use this feature, feel free to tell me about it and ill try refocus development in this direction.