This repository uses a part of the octomap_mapping ros2
I recommend utilizing docker to easily configure your environment setting.
Test with custom data, the camera is for visualization purposes only.
- ROS2 humble
- Eigen
Clone this repository. It doesn't matter if the path is not a ros2 workspace.
git clone
cd docker
docker build -t octomap-ros2:latest .
When you create a docker container, you need several options to use the GUI and share folders.
First, you should enter the command below in the local terminal to enable docker to communicate with Xserver on the host.
xhost +local:docker
After that, make your own container with the command below.
sudo chmod -R 777
./ <container_name> <image_name:tag>
For example,
./ octomap_ros2 octomap-ros2:latest
If you have successfully created the docker container, the terminal output will be similar to the below.
output :
Current working directory: /home/taeyoung/Desktop/FAST_LIO_ROS2
================Octomap server ROS2 Docker Env Ready================
On /ros2_ws
Build the packages with dependencies at first.
colcon build --packages-select octomap_msgs octomap_ros
source install/setup.bash
Then build all the packages.
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
You need to run the 3D Mapping package (ex. FAST_LIO_ROS2) at the same time.
On the FAST-LIO2 terminal,
ros2 launch fast_lio
For this docker container,
ros2 launch octomap_server octomap_mapping.launch.xml
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/ros2_ws/src/ --ros-args --remap map:=/projected_map