Applied High-Throughput Analysis: course work | Multi-omics analysis report
By Sohyung Kim, Taewoo Jung
All organisms continuously respond to the external and internal cues by perceiving stimuli, translating into signals that induces appropriate cellular responses to adapt to the environment. The heart of plants’ longevity - as it for trees that living more than a thousand years - lies on the pluripotency of the stem cell niches, located in the shoot, root, and vascular meristems. In this study, we aim to integrate differential expression data from different -omics datasets to constitute a relationship between genes playing role in maintaining the stem cell niche.
Required packages: Bioconductor (DiffBind, limma, GenomicRanges, ArrayExpress, affy, oligo, edgeR, DESeq2, tximport)
A. Microarray data 1 (E-MTAB-2853)
B. RNA-sequencing count data (GSE139715)
C. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-sequencing data (E-MTAB-7611)
D. Microarray data 2 (E-GEOD-48836)
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