My personal attempt at writing an all purpose virtual machine for interpreted languages.
To run a program in the Hiru VM one must first write it in the Hiru assembly language, then it must be compiled into a bytecode file which can then be fed into the VM.
This is a simple recursive fibonacci program written in the Hiru assembly language.
The previous program can be compiled into bytecode as follows:
$ ./assembler/assembler.rb fib.asm
This will produce fib.hbc
and it will look something like this:
There is also a disassembler available. This will produce a human friendly version of a very close representation of the bytecode. To dissasemble the previously compiled bytecode file you can run the following command:
$ ./assembler/dis.rb fib.hbc
Which will output this text into the terminal:
Before anything the VM must be compiled into a binary. This can be easily done like so:
$ go build -o hiru
Then you will be able to run a bytecode file as follows:
$ ./hiru fib.hbc