🔥 Firebase - Realtime Database is used for Guest Book feature which allows anyone to leave a message anonymously on this website.🔥
Hosted on Firebase Web Apps 👇🏻
- Hosting - Azure Web App
- Backend Server - Spring Boot (Web, JPA, Thymeleaf and JDBC)
- Frontend - React and Tailwind for styling
- Database - Azure MySQL and Firebase Realtime Database
- To connect to mysql database in azure, u need to create a free account and start a azure mysql service.
- You can use Azure Cloud shell portal or MySQL Workbench by adding credentials of server to connect to Azure Mysql Server. you can also connect to database locally by using powershell:
mysql -h {mysql_service_name}.mysql.database.azure.com -u {username} -p
Enter password: <mysql_password> 🙈🙈🙈
Add the String provided to you after successful creation mysql server on azure cloud, in application.properties file of spring boot.
spring.datasource.url = <JDBC URL>
spring.datasource.username = <your username>
spring.datasource.password = <your password>
See how you can Integrate your React app in Spring boot by reading this article:
Run React and SpringBoot on the same port and Package them as a single artifact !!
If you'd like to update the repo, let me know 💁