Python3.9 or above is required to make use of this project.
Clone this repository1 or download the source code and proceed as given below.
Before executing the shown commands, make sure to be in the project's root directory i.e. ~\YT-Comments-Clustering\
. Operate your command line or terminal from this path.
Before we move onto clustering YouTube comments, we would first need to fetch its comments.
Google thankfully provides us with the YouTube Data API, which could be used for a multitude of purposes. However our need for this project is just limited to fetching comments from a specific YouTube video, along with their respective like counts.
Follow the steps as described here to set up a new API key.
Navigate to the following path within the project, and create a file
Now, in this file, create a variable named
and assign the API key obtained from step 1 to this variable as a string.API_KEY = "your_api_key_here"
And you're done with the API key setup!
It's preferable to use this project in a separate virtual environment of its own, by virtue of the nature of the dependendence of certain modules on some certain specific versions of other modules that are used in this project.
Use pip3
and python3
if on a Mac or Linux machine, otherwise the usual python
on Windows.
Navigate to the project root
and execute:python -m venv project-venv
To activate this venv:
source project-venv/bin/activate
When done with using the project, deactivate the venv:
Now all our requirements will be installed within this venv, namely project-venv
. Make sure to activate this venv whenever you wish to make use of this project.
Run the following commands
pip install -r requirements.txt
>>> import nltk
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
And you are done with the requirements' setup! The project's now ready to use!
Let us now cluster the comments made on this video, going through each of the steps involved in the project's usage.
The video ID will be located in the URL of the video page, right after the v=
URL parameter
For this video, it is IUTGFQpKaPU
python src/comments-extractor/ -h
is indeed a command line tool.
usage: [-h] VIDEO_ID JSON_PATH
Command Line Utility to extract and save YouTube comments of a specified video to a json file
positional arguments:
VIDEO_ID a YouTube video's ID
JSON_PATH relative path of json file to save the data
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To fetch the comments made on the shown video, run:
python src/comments-extractor/ IUTGFQpKaPU raw-data/comments_1.json
It should take a while until the program finishes exectution with the message
Comments Data saved successfully.
Now navigate to the earlier specified JSON file path, and you should be able to see the JSON file containing all the comments made on the video, along with their respective like counts.
The fetched comments don't include the replies made on the comments of the video, and thus as a consequence the total number of comments fetched maybe less than the actual comments made on a video.
Now we shall move on with clustering the comments that have been fetched.
python src/ -h
, alike
, is also a command line tool.
usage: [-h] JSON_PATH CSV_PATH
Command Line Utility to cluster (pre-saved) YouTube comments and visualise the results
positional arguments:
JSON_PATH relative path of json file to be processed
CSV_PATH relative path of csv file to save the processed data
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python src/ raw-data/comments_1.json data/comments_1.csv
You'll be sequentially displayed the following lines of output
Reading data... Data read successfully
Cleaning data... Data cleaned successfully (28.06)s
Extracting features from cleaned data... Feature extraction performed successfully
Clustering datapoints... Datapoints clustered successfully
Writing data to data/comments_1.csv... Data written to csv successfully
Task complete (34.54s)
Press Enter to view the visual results
Upon pressing enter, as many word-clouds shall be displayed (one-by-one) on your screen as there would be the number of clusters generated. You can save these word-clouds in a folder.
- TODO: Auto-save the generated word-clouds and bar graph plot on the go.
Each word-cloud would represent the frequency and relevance of the words that were the most used in the comments belonging to that cluster by means of their size.
After all the word-clouds, a bar graph plot shall also be displayed, comparing the number of comments and the total likes received to each of the clusters.
And Voila! You have now successfully clustered and analysed the comments on a video for the very first time by means of this project.