Plugins for Neural Network Console (English/日本語)
The plugins enable pre-processing and post-processing on Neural Network Console. There are already plugins on Neural Network Console, but you can use the latest release of the pulings from this repository.
- Create dataset
eXplainable AI (XAI)
The plugins run on Neural Network Console. If you do not have Neural Network Console, please download from here (
- Download the zip files from this repository.
- Extract the zip files on your PC.
- Delete the existing plugins folder. You can find it from neural_network_console > libs > plugins.
- NOTE If you do not want to turn off some plugins, please leave them.
- Put the downloaded plugins folders in the same place, neural_network_console > libs > plugins.
- Restart Neural Network Console.
- To execute the plugins of the pre-processing, select the "DATASET" on the left of the top screen. Then click "Create Dataset", you can select the plugins of the pre-processing.
- To execute the plugins of the post-processing, right-click the evaluation results on the Evaluation tab to open a shortcut menu and select the plugins.
- Attention branch network resnet110-attention-branch-network.sdcproj
- TracIn resnet56-tracin.sdcproj
- RepresenterPoint vgg16-representer-point.sdcproj
- Prejudice Remover Regularizer prejudice_remover_regularizer.sdcproj
The sample projects run on Neural Network Console.
- Download the zip files from this repository.
- Extract the zip files on your PC.
- You can place the downloaded sample projects anywhere, but it must be a folder without double-byte characters.