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PDMD: Potential-free Data-driven Molecular Dynamics


This repository contains the code and data for the paper titled "PDMD: Potential-free Data-driven Molecular Dynamics for Variable-sized Water Clusters (H2O){n≤21}". The PDMD framework leverages ChemGNN, a graph neural network model, and SOAP (Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions) descriptors to accurately and efficiently simulate the molecular dynamics (MD) of variable-sized water clusters with gas-to-liquid phase transition. This approach is capable of generalizing to other molecular systems, making it a versatile tool for data-driven molecular simulations.



1. Structure of the Repository

┌── PDMD/
├────── models/
├────── utils/
├────── test/
├── dscribe
├── logs
├── saves
├── images
├── requirements.txt
  • PDMD/models/: folder contains the model scripts
  • PDMD/utility/: folder contains the utility scripts
  • PDMD/test/: folder contains the test and MD scripts
  • PDMD_DATASET/ENERGY_DATASET/: folder contains the processed data for the energy model
  • PDMD_DATASET/FORCES_DATASET/: folder contains the processed data for the force model
  • dscribe/: folder contains the revised dscribe==2.0.1 package
  • logs/: folder contains the files for logs
  • saves/: folder contains saved models and training record figures
  • images/: folder contains some important figures
  • file of a configuration to be applied
  • LICENSE: license file
  • readme file
  • requirements.txt: main dependent packages (please follow section 3.1 to install all dependent packages)
  • training script

2. Getting Started

This project is developed using Python 3.9 and is compatible with macOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems.

2.1 Preparations

(1) Clone the repository to your workspace.

~ $ git clone

(2) Navigate into the repository.

~ $ cd PDMD
~/PDMD $

(3) Create a new virtual environment and activate it. In this case we use Virtualenv environment (Here we assume you have installed virtualenv using you source python script), you can use other virtual environments instead (like conda). This part shows how to set it on your macOS or Linux operating system.

~/PDMD $ python3 -m venv ./venv/
~/PDMD $ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) ~/PDMD $ 

You can use the command deactivate to exit the virtual environment at any time.

2.2 Install Packages

(1) Install the Pytorch package manually corresponding to your operating systems and CUDA version if NVIDIA GPUs are available.

For example, on TACC's Vista cluster, the installation of CUDA-enabled Pytorch can be accomplished by the following commands:

(venv) ~/PDMD $ module purge
(venv) ~/PDMD $ module reset
(venv) ~/PDMD $ module load gcc/14.2.0
(venv) ~/PDMD $ module load cuda/12.5
(venv) ~/PDMD $ module load nccl/2.19.3
(venv) ~/PDMD $ module load python3/3.11.8
(venv) ~/PDMD $ pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

(2) Install other prerequisite packages.

(venv) ~/PDMD $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

2.3 Prepare Datasets

The energy and force dataset required for running model training can be downloaded via the link below:

(venv) ~/PDMD $ wget
(venv) ~/PDMD $ tar xvfz PDMD_DATASET.tar.gz

The download will take approximately several tens of minutes, and produce a compressed file of about 66GB. After extracting the file, you will obtain a folder named PDMD_DATASET. Please place this folder into the project directory to match the structure shown in 1. Structure of the Repository.

The (H2O){n≤21} .pt files can be found in the following location:

  • Energy Dataset: Contains data required for energy predictions.

  • Force Dataset: Contains data required for force predictions.


2.4 Edit the Configuration File

(1) Edit your configuration file (Please check the file name and place of your configuration file is correct). You can use command line tool vim or any other text editor.

(venv) ~/PDMD $ vi

Given Example of the configuration

from PDMD import get_config

    'data_config': {
        'main_path': './',
        'dataset': 'FORCES_DATASET',
        'model': 'ChemGNN_forces',
    'training_config': {
        'device_type': 'gpu',
        'loss_fn_id': 1,
        'epoch': 2000,
        'epoch_step': 1,
        'batch_size': 1024,
        'lr': 0.002,
        'seed': 0,
        'train_length': 0.8,
        'val_length': 0.2,

config = get_config(CONFIGS)

At this step, you have the flexibility to make adjustments to the dataset and model type. You need to choose whether to train the energy model or the force model.

  • If 'dataset': 'ENERGY_DATASET' and 'model': 'ChemGNN_energy', it indicates that the energy dataset is loaded and the energy model is trained.
  • If 'dataset': 'FORCES_DATASET' and 'model': 'ChemGNN_forces', it indicates that the force dataset is loaded and the force model is trained.

2.5 Run Testing

(1) Run Testing. Note that we saved the trained energy and force models in test/ and test/ Feel free to testing them.

(venv) ~/PDMD $ python3 --benchmark

If you want to test your retrained model, please move the trained energy model to the PDMD/test/ directory and rename it to, and move the trained force model to the same directory and rename it to, replacing the existing model files.

(2) Calculate MAE.

(venv) ~/PDMD $ python3 --mae

2.6 Run Training

(1) Training Configurations The table below show the training hyperparameters used in our experiments

Model Epoch Batch Size Learning Rate
Energy 3000 2048 0.005
Force 2000 1024 0.002

(2) Run Training. Note that if you have downloaded our data sets and saved them in the corresponding path, you do not need to process them anymore.

(venv) ~/PDMD $ python3 --train

(3) Collect the auto-generated training results in saves/.

(venv) ~/PDMD $ ls saves/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_f/
loss_last_half.png      loss_last_quarter.png    loss_whole.png           test_pred.npy

3. Examples

MAE The mean absolute errors (MAEs) of PDMD for (a) system energy, and (b) atomic force, across all (H2O)1≤n≤21 clusters.

4. Citation

If you use the PDMD code and/or its dataset, please cite our papers titled "PDMD: Potential-free Data-driven Molecular Dynamics for Variable-sized Water Clusters" and "Chemical Environment Adaptive Learning for Optical Band Gap Prediction of Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets" []

5. Questions

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Hanning Chen via