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Releases: T342guy/VAIIYA-terminal


19 Nov 04:39
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Hello again everyone!!

it has come to my attention through Smashel and myself, that there is a bug regarding frosts login.
the way it worked it that if the wrong, or any wrong password put into frosts login would automatically send you to the DEBUG command line and that was not intended. so i fixed it!

todays changes include:

  • added def DEBUG_ENABLE
  • changed the game_loop to accommodate these fixes.
  • added a debug disabled message when you try and use the command.

that's it for this fix today everyone! so have fun, stay safe and secure everyone!!

V10! what a journey! and the first mega-patch!

17 Nov 06:25
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Hello again VAIIYA trustees and THE FINALS contestants!

Today, one week later i have a made a update FULL of fixes, mostly additions and other!
i hope you all can see the difference and love i poured into this update, mostly quality of life fixes hehe
there ARE some things i may have missed, and thats ok as it was prob minor.

but here are the fixes!!

todays changes include:

  • added requirements.txt for easy contributions. (thanks dad!)
  • added more | spacings and a MESSAGE OF THE DAY future! there are only 3 available lines at the moment.
  • fixed the space command issue where no characters would trigger the no-command error string. but spaces still trigger it. #35 solved.
  • fixed the exit traceback error AGAIN by using raise SystemExit instead of exit() #36 solved.
  • added more notes.
  • fixed ASCII softwrap by making the A's smaller. #28 solved.
  • added VAIITY RESTRICTED RECORDS AND LOGS SYSTEM AUTOMATED or V.R.R.A.L.S.A. to the CMs logins. this fulfills #13
  • added a DEBUG command line for easy debugging. (only available to cloned repositories of contributors)
  • deleted the REALLY old notes from v2 or v3
  • added command version
  • added command version to the command directory
  • added walker to VRRALSA
  • added violet to VRRALSA
  • added frostbyte to VRRALSA
  • fixed a HELL ton of typos (oopsie) after i installed a VS code spellchecker.
  • edited .gitignore and added .vscode
  • deleted due to it not being needed.
  • added command lines system$walker and system$frostbyte to the CMs logins.
  • added a smol little info popup as a reminder for checking the latest version.
  • changed the no-command line to VAIIYA Engine did not detect that as a valid command. please check spelling, spaces, or other. or use 'commands'
  • changed the command t342 to T342
  • added the license info to credits.
  • removed the one annoying placeholder line in the commands directory
  • fixed a bug where exiting the password prompt from frosts login would open the debug commandline, even though it was disabled.

thats it for this brim-filled update! have fun, stay safe and secure everyone!!

V9 release!

12 Nov 04:26
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hello again fellow VAIIYA trustees and THE FINALS contestants!

here is the FULL v9 patch for VAIIYA terminal! i did say in v9-PRE that i would sign the EXEs, but it was a much larger pain in the ass. so instead, if you DO get windows smart app control, you can safely ignore this warning by going to MORE > run anyways .

thank you for understanding.

todays changes are separate from V9-PRE. please review that release if you want all the patch notes.

todays changes include:

  • minor changes to the ASCII
  • fixed a bug that caused the traceback to send error info due to the exit() not doing a "cleanup" before exiting. this was resolved by using quit() instead. (thanks for finding the issue Smashel! )
  • changed more notes.
  • re-worded the discord command.
  • fixed some typos (thanks Smashel!)

welp, thats all today everyone! it was short, but its something! have fun, stay safe and secure!

(this was repost as i forgot to merge to main, oopsies!)

V9 pre-release!

12 Nov 00:16
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hello again fellow VAIIYA trustees and THE FINALS contestants!

today the official V9 is DELAYED due to me finding/getting reports that windows defender will flag the app for some reason. my main culprit is that i have not made a digital certificate/signed the program. i am actively working on this with help from Riskit (thanks btw!)

also because of the issues and new skepticisms, i am now going to also bundle the .spec sheets in the releases

todays changes include:

  • fixed bug #24 by changing all the command's if with elif . this fixed the issue. (again thanks riskit!)
  • added command credits along with the credits themself with Smashel and Riskit currently added to the contributors list.
  • added more notes to places that needed them.
  • added the command discord along with a link to The VAIIYA hub that will NEVER EXPIRE.
  • added all of the new commands to the commands directory.
  • re-arranged a lot of code, but nothing too major.
  • added a very rare chance for an ALT ascii to start instead. ( a random roll from 1-5650 hehe) #30 requested by and ascii made by Smashel!
  • added a very cool looking 5 digit code generator to spice up the looking for verifi codes loading bar
  • made the last A in the norm ascii juuuust a tiny bit smaller.
  • added the new def changes to the game_loop()

V8.1 no-command bug HOTFIX! (thanks riskit!)

11 Nov 03:33
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Hello again fellow VAIIYA trustees and THE FINALS contestants!
this update is a HOTFFIX from Riskit!

fixes include:

  • changed the command if text == 'exit': to elif text == 'exit': this stopped the error command dupe every time another command was sent.

v8 major overhual with SMASHEL!

11 Nov 01:22
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Hello again fellow VAIIYA trustees and THE FINALS contestants!
this update is mostly from ideas and fixes from the one and only SMASHEL!

fixes include:

  • made a major note overhaul for ease of understanding
  • fixed a dual command message dupe due to the way open_terminal() was written. it has been fixed by making a new def terminal_start_message so that the starting note only happens once and not every time the CMD line re-prints (thanks for pointing it out smashel!)
  • changed the starting message on the CNS ee from running secondary program... to CNS_VAIIYA_BYPASS_V4.567.EXE EXITCUTING....
  • changed the CNS ee ending message and exit sequince from FATAL ERROR!: VAIIYA defenter has encountered an error! please restart the program to continue! to VAIIYA DEFENDER ENGINE CRITICAL FAILURE!: THE VAIIYA DEFENDER ENGINE HAS FOUND A BREACH AND WILL NOW FORCE QUIT THE PROGRAM and a 3/2/1 countdown will start and close the program. (thanks for the countdown idea smashel!)
  • added C0MM#ND: CNS | {ERROR: UNKNOWN PROGRAM ENTITY} to the command directory list
  • added command: frostbyte | The login for CM|frostbyte to the command directory list
  • added command: walker | The login for CM|walker to the directory list
  • added a lot of spacer as | for ease of reading.

i may have missed some things but thats ok!

have fun, stay safe and secure fellow VAIIYA trustees and contestants!

v7 release!

10 Nov 08:33
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hello again everyone! i am back and now with minor changes to V7! the biggest is NEW ASCII!

the new minor changes include:

  • changed all the ASCII with a self made VAIIYA ASCII
  • changed the def loading_bars_into to loading_bars_intro_1
  • added def loading_bars_intro_2
  • added def loading_bars_intro_3
  • added all loading_bars_intro_#123 to the game_loop() startup
  • added more tidbits for the startup :3

additional notes:

  • there is a minor bit of ASCII line wrapping due to the size of the command prompt

and i think that's all for today! GLHF contestants and VAIIYA Trustees!

welcome to V6!!

16 Oct 19:30
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welcome back everybody! i took a small break and i have had a lot of ideas and changes! so here they are!


  • added def timefetch() for a time greeting message!
  • changed lettering in the startup ASCII from security to cybersecurity
  • added input dialog from prompt toolkit to replace all the other password entries. (like walkers and frosts logins)
  • added some extra EEs to frosts login, (get some help and stop saying scibidy fuck idk how to spell it)
  • added file to the repository


  • when entering the wrong password to the password prompts, it will exit and print the "no command" error string.
  • when exiting the logins for the CMs, the "no command" error string will trigger.
  • when exiting the password prompts with the <cancel> key, the program will quit.

v0.0.5 update!

11 Oct 19:38
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welcome back everyone to a new release of the VAIIYA terminal!
i added some new features, added a logo to the executable, ( thanks for the idea ryu! ) and gave walker his own login like frosts!

new features;

  • gave walker his own login, with command walker
  • added a logo/pic to the executable (thanks ryu!)

minor changes;

  • changed the title of the CNS ee from CNS sEeK tHe TrutH to CNS.02.06.01 (I dont think you know where this is from hehe)
  • reduced the length of the into to the CNS ee, got feedback it was cheesy
  • changed the def name of frostbyte_EE to frostbyte_login
  • added the please type 'commands' for a list of commands string when staring the app
  • changed the input string from awaiting commands>>>> to awaiting command(s)>>>
  • changed the frostbyte login to say welcome frostbyte to your login! please wait while i startup the supercomputer and freeze these bytes!.... instead of welcome frostbyte!
  • changed the frostbyte login hash from hash to frosthash so the password system doesn't get confused
  • added file to the repository

upcoming features;

  • going to make a CM only commands panel thru their logins

and thats all today! GLHF Contestants!

V0.0.4 NEW CNS EE!

10 Oct 22:53
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got a new EE in, the CNS EE! and thats basically it, thanks to CM | Justice for the idea!

new features;

  • added the CNS EE with command 'CNS'

known bugs;

  • (v0.0.3) the FROSTBYTE EE will return the "no command" string when exiting the FROSTBYTE EE

thanks for the support and GLHF Contestants!