If you are using IniWrapper this console application will help you generate classes to easier write/read from .ini file.
Run from command line: dotnet ConfigurationGenerator.dll -h to see help description:
You need to pass two parameter -f|--file <file_path> and -o|--output <directory_path> other are optional.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Configuration
class MainConfiguration
public ComplexType1 ComplexType1 { get; set; }
public TestConfiguration TestConfiguration { get; set; }
public List<ComplexTypes> ComplexTypes { get; set; }
using IniWrapper.Attribute;
namespace Configuration
class ComplexTypes
[IniOptions(Section = "ComplexTypes", Key = "IntTest")]
public int IntTest { get; set; }
[IniOptions(Section = "ComplexTypes", Key = "StringTest")]
public string StringTest { get; set; }
namespace Configuration
class ComplexTypes
public int IntTest { get; set; }
public string StringTest { get; set; }