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Releases: Systems-Modeling/SysML-v2-Release

2023-10 - SysML v2 Release

07 Nov 22:39
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Pilot Implementation

This is an incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. The language pilot implementation includes bug fixes in this release. Release notes are available at

The API and Services implementation is still unchanged from 2023-02.

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

Issue Resolutions

This release includes updates to the Beta 1 specification documents corresponding to issue resolutions approved to date by the KerML, SysML v2 and Systems Modeling API and Services Finalization Task Forces (FTFs). Note, however, that these resolutions must be considered preliminary until the FTFs complete and their reports are approved by the OMG.

Resolutions to the following issues are included in this release, in addition to those included previously in release 2023-08. The subclauses of each document affected by a resolution are tagged in the document with the corresponding issue key and title.

KerML Specification

KERML-12 OCL errors in validateFeatureChainingFeatureNotOne and validateFeatureChainingFeaturesNotSelf
KERML-13 validateRedefinitionFeaturingTypes documentation and constraint are wrong
KERML-17 The OCL for checkFeatureEndRedefinition is wrong
KERML-18 Semantic constraints for subtypes of LiteralExpression are missing
KERML-19 The checkFeatureEndSpecialization constraint should apply to Connectors as well as Associations
KERML-20 Validation constraints are missing in the KerML abstract syntax
KERML-83 OCL errors in specialization constraints
KERML-89 The checkFeatureValuationSpecialization constraint is incorrect
KERML-94 The description of deriveFeatureReferenceExpressionReferent is wrong
KERML-95 validateTypeAtMostOneConjugator OCL is wrong
KERML-96 validateSpecializationSpecificNotConjugated documentation is wrong
KERML-99 deriveMembershipMemberElementId text elementId typo
KERML-100 Namespace Description Textual Errors
KERML-101 NamespaceImport Description Incorrect
KERML-102 OwningMembership Description ownedMemberElement typo
KERML-103 deriveElementIsLibraryElement Typo
KERML-107 validateSpecificationSpecificNotConjugated Typo and over Constraint
KERML-112 deriveTypeOwned TypeRelationship constraints have incomplete OCL
KERML-113 deriveFeatureOwnedSubsetting text references wrong attribute
KERML-115 FeatureMembership Description Typo
KERML-117 deriveTypeFeatureMembership incorrect unioning
KERML-118 deriveFeatureFeaturingType conflicts with owningType
KERML-122 validateClassSpecialization is too strict
KERML-151 deriveFeatureType is not correct

SysML Specification, Part 1: Language

SYSML2-28 Validation constraints are missing in the SysML abstract syntax
SYSML2-39 Graphical BNF production sq-part refers to wrong port
SYSML2-42 Textual production for sq-proxy-label incorrect
SYSML2-43 Graphical BNF sq-message reference incorrect
SYSML2-44 Graphical BNF sq-message-label usage incorrect
SYSML2-45 Graphical BNF interconnection view production incorrect
SYSML2-46 Graphical BNF flow-label and interface-label productions missing
SYSML2-47 Graphical BNF productions missing for connections
SYSML2-62 Incorrect production for attributes-compartment-element
SYSML2-63 Various incorrect Graphical BNF productions
SYSML2-66 Graphical BNF for n-ary connections missing
SYSML2-84 Connection declaration does not allow a feature value
SYSML2-99 Incorrect notation in action examples
SYSML2-101 Time triggers are relative to "localClock", not "defaultClock"
SYSML2-155 Limitation on specifying view renderings
SYSML2-190 The description and derivation of ForLoopActionUsage::seqArgument is wrong
SYSML2-191 deriveForLoopActionUsageBodyAction is misnamed
SYSML2-210 OCL errors in specialization constraints
SYSML2-218 Errors in TransitionUsage semantic constraints
SYSML2-223 Table 38 "Standard View Definitions" redundant
SYSML2-224 Number missing from table listing Standard View Definitions
SYSML2-252 Graphical BNF opaque "text block" productions
SYSML2-253 Additional cases when usages are required to be referential
SYSML2-254 Redundant numbered list in language description of usage
SYSML2-255 Error in textual BNF for MessageDeclaration
SYSML2-261 Error in textual BNF for TargetSuccession
SYSML2-287 sq-port-label and sq-ev-occurrence-label productions use Usage
SYSML2-291 Case View is not a standard view
SYSML2-296 validateFramedConcernUsageConstraintKind constraint is misnamed
SYSML2-298 validateDefinitionVariationMembership and validateUsageVariationMembership are too strict
SYSML2-299 validateDefinitionVariationSpecialization and validateUsageVariationSpecialization OCL is wrong
SYSML2-300 validateDefinitionNonVariationMembership and validateUsageNonVariationMembership are redundant with validateVariantMembershipOwningNamespace
SYSML2-301 validateUsageOwningType constraint is too restrictive
SYSML2-302 validateOccurrenceUsageIndividualDefinition OCL is wrong
SYSML2-306 validateStateDefinitionIsParallelGeneralization and validateStateUsageIsParallelGeneralization constraints are too restrictive
SYSML2-312 Typo: Table 19 - requirres
SYSML2-319 Wrong line style on action flow succession
SYSML2-321 Nesting port symbols should use rounded rectangles
SYSML2-322 Nesting parameter symbols should use rounded rectangles
SYSML2-325 Wrong compartment name: documentation
SYSML2-328 Incorrect private keyword notation
SYSML2-330 Incorrect entry name representative notation
SYSML2-332 Incorrect example "Variant Membership"
SYSML2-334 Incorrect example "Relationships Compartment"
SYSML2-335 Incorrect keyword in example "Attributes Compartment"
SYSML2-336 Incorrect notation in example "Individual Occurrence"
SYSML2-338 Incomplete example "Occurrences Compartment"
SYSML2-339 Unnecessarily complicated examples "Timeslices Compartment" and "Snapshots Compartment"
SYSML2-340 Examples "Timeslices Compartment" and "Snapshots Compartment" incorrectly declare state feature

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2023-08 - SysML v2 Release

18 Sep 18:57
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Pilot Implementation

This is an incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. The language pilot implementation includes bug fixes in this release. Release notes are available at

The API and Services implementation is still unchanged from 2023-02.

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

Issue Resolutions

This is the first release that includes updates to the Beta 1 specification documents corresponding to issue resolutions approved by the KerML, SysML v2 and Systems Modeling API and Services Finalization Task Forces (FTFs). Note, however, that these resolutions must be considered preliminary until the FTFs complete and their reports are approved by the OMG.

Resolutions to the following issues are included in this release. Document subclauses affected by a resolution are tagged with the corresponding issue key and title.

KerML Specification

KERML-14 validateItemFlowItemFeature documentation is wrong
KERML-15 Names validatePackageFilterIsBoolean and validatePackageFilterIsModelEvaluable are wrong
KERML-16 Rename validateDatatypeSpecialization to validateDataTypeSpecialization
KERML-30 List of symbols incomplete
KERML-31 Typo in Grammar
KERML-59 KerML Behavior Declaration: last example
KERML-60 7.4.1 Kernel Overview: Occurence instead of Object superclass
KERML-64 Typo in
KERML-65 Typo in description of Connector::targetFeature
KERML-78 Some Feature constraints have no description
KERML-80 Incorrect OCL for validateFeatureChainingFeatureNotOne and validateFeatureChainingFeaturesNotSelf

SysML Specification, Part 1: Language

SYSML2-54 Error in InterfaceUsage semantics subclause
SYSML2-78 The .project.json file for the Cause and Effect Domain Library is misnamed
SYSML2-81 Association end name " /usageWithDirectedUsage" has a typo
SYSML2-92 Packages can also have compartments
SYSML2-103 Editoral corrections in 7.16.11
SYSML2-153 Error in assert constraint example
SYSML2-156 Errors in textual BNF for RequirementDefinition and ConcernDefinition
SYSML2-157 Incorrect font in descriptions of AttributeUsage and TransitionUsage

SySML Specification, Part 2: SysML v1 to v2 Transformation

SYSML2-1 "Elements not mapped" table sections are empty
SYSML2-2 ItemFlowEnds of ObjectFlow transformation target are not defined correctly
SYSML2-4 Transformation of UML4SysML::AddVariableValueAction is not correct
SYSML2-5 UntypedPin_Mapping::filter: property src should be from
SYSML2-7 Pin_Mapping::filter: property src should be from
SYSML2-14 UML4SysML::ClearVariableAction transformation does not include a ReturnParameter
SYSML2-16 Subsections for mapping classes in section should be ordered alphabetically
SYSML2-19 REAOutputPin_Mapping should specialize OutputPin_Mapping
SYSML2-23 Transformation of UML4SysML::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction is not correct
SYSML2-88 Mapping of allocation between usage elements is not specified yet
SYSML2-171 Optimize Pin mapping class generalization hierarchy
SYSML2-173 Mapping of ValueSpecificationActions does not work for untyped pins
SYSML2-174 EmptyReturnParameterFeatureMembership_Mapping does not exist
SYSML2-178 ClassifierBehaviorFeatureMembership_Mapping does not exist
SYSML2-189 ControlFlowSuccessionAsUsage_Mapping uses non existing mapping class ActivityEdgeInitialNodeSourceEndFeatureMembership_Mapping
SYSML2-193 ControlFlowSuccessionAsUsage_Mapping uses non existing mapping class
SYSML2-195 GenericToEndFeatureMembership_Mapping::to property redefines itself
SYSML2-197 ControlFlow target SuccessionAsUsage should have end feature with reference subsetting
SYSML2-200 Description of Subsetting mapping classes is not correct
SYSML2-202 Filter for mapping class Behavior_Mapping is useless
SYSML2-204 Mapping of SysMLv1::ItemFlow does not consider the itemProperty
SYSML2-208 A ConnectionUsage should be owned by a FeatureMembership relationship
SYSML2-211 Introduce GenericToTransitionUsage_Mapping class
SYSML2-213 Typo in section 7.6.3 and section 7.6.4: mappingsto
SYSML2-215 ControlFlow transformation target ends are not defined correctly

Systems Modeling API and Services Specification

SYSMOAS-1 missing and superfluous properties

2023-07.1 - SysML v2 Release

07 Aug 20:12
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This is a maintenance release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. It corrects the Eclipse installation site archive install/eclipse/ in the SysML v2 Release repository. Installing from the version of this archive in the 2023-07 release resulted in some models being given spurious warning messages in the Eclipse editors for KerML and SysML. Jupyter installations were not affected. There are no changes to the implementation repositories.

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2023-07 - SysML v2 Release

03 Aug 18:36
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This is an incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. It is the first release since 2023-02. The 2023-07 release is consistent with the Beta 1 versions of the KerML, SysML and API specifications, including complete versions of all specification documents.

Only the language Pilot Implementation has been updated for this release. Release notes are available at

The API and Services implementation is unchanged from 2023-02.

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2023-02 - SysML v2 Release

15 Mar 17:03
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This is an incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. There was no public 2023-01 release, so this is the first release since 2022-12. The 2023-02 release is consistent with the fourth revised submission made to OMG on 20 February 2023, including complete versions of all specification documents.

Release notes are available at

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2022-12 - SysML v2 Release

21 Jan 05:25
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This is a monthly incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. Release notes are available at

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2022-11 - SysML v2 Release

19 Dec 03:30
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This is a monthly incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. Release notes are available at

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2022-10 - SysML v2 Release

12 Nov 04:04
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This is a monthly incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. Release notes are available at

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2022-09 - SysML v2 Release

24 Oct 04:29
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This is a monthly incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. Release notes are available at

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

2022-08 - SysML v2 Release

17 Sep 23:47
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This is a monthly incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. Release notes are available at

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.