Guide on how to build cell type models using TCGA datasets with FF slides. Here, all spotlight modules are used (see spotlight modules).
- Create apptainer/singularity containers from Docker images:
# 1. save docker as tar or tar.gz (compressed)
docker save joank23/spotlight -o spotlight.tar.gz
# 2. build apptainer (.sif) from docker (.tar)
apptainer build spotlight.sif docker-archive:spotlight.tar.gz
# 1. save docker as tar or tar.gz (compressed)
docker save joank23/immunedeconvr -o immunedeconvr.tar.gz
# 2. build apptainer (.sif) from docker (.tar)
apptainer build immunedeconvr.sif docker-archive:immunedeconvr.tar.gz
- Download retrained models to extract the histopathological features, available from Fu et al., Nat Cancer, 2020 (Retrained_Inception_v4). Once you unzip the folder, extract the files to the
- Download metadata/clinical data, i.e. "biospecimen -> TSV", unzip and keep slide.tsv, then rename
such asclinical_file_TCGA_SKCM.tsv
and copy to/data
. Example dataset TCGA-SKCM can be downloaded here. - Download TCGA bulkRNAseq data via the Firehose Tool from the BROAD Institute, the files required are: "illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2-RSEM_genes" and unzip the downloaded file (.tar.gz)
- Download tissue slides from the GDC Data Portal and store in a folder.
- Download retrained models to extract the histopathological features, available from Fu et al., Nat Cancer, 2020 (Retrained_Inception_v4). Once you unzip the folder, extract the files to the
folder. - Download the signatures/published scores in the table provided here.
- Adapt the parameters file nf-params-buildmodel.yml.
- Adapt Nexflow configuration file accordingly, example see nf-custom.config
# Assuming you're in the cloned/forked GitHub repo
nextflow run ${PWD} -profile apptainer -c "nf-custom.config" -params-file assets/examples/nf-params-buildmodel.yml -outdir "output-tcga-model"
Please rename your images file names, so they only include "-", to follow the same sample coding used by the TCGA.
NOTE: there are additional parameters that can be changed, nf-params-buildmodel.yml includes the minimal parameters that need to be set. For the other parameters please check spotlightmodules.