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Simonas Marcišauskas
Nov 16, 2019
07b5a89 · Nov 16, 2019


92 lines (61 loc) · 5.7 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (61 loc) · 5.7 KB

Kluyveromyces_marxianus-GEM: The consensus genome-scale metabolic model of Kluyveromyces marxianus

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  • Brief Model Description:

This repository contains the current consensus genome-scale metabolic model of the ascomycetous yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus, named Kluyveromyces_marxianus-GEM. The model contains 4 compartments: extracellular, cytosol, mitochondrion and endoplasmic reticulum. For the latest release please click here.

  • Model KeyWords:

GEM Category: species; Utilisation: experimental data reconstruction, multi-omics integrative analysis, in silico strain design, model template; Field: metabolic-network reconstruction; Type of Model: reconstruction, curated; Model Source: iOD907, yeast-GEM; Omic Source: genomics; Taxonomy: Kluyveromyces marxianus; Metabolic System: general metabolism; Bioreactor; Strain; Condition: aerobic, glucose-limited, defined media;

  • Last update: 2019-11-16

  • Main Model Descriptors:

Taxonomy Template Model Reactions Metabolites Genes
Kluyveromyces marxianus iOD907 1913 1531 996

This repository is administered by Simonas Marcišauskas (@simas232), Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.


Required Software - User:

Required Software - Contributor:

Dependencies - Recommended Software:

Installation Instructions

  • For users: Clone it from master in the GitHub repo, or just download the latest release
  • For contributors: Fork it to your GitHub account, and create a new branch from devel


Make sure to load/save the model with the corresponding wrapper functions!

  • In MATLAB:
    • Loading: code/loadKmxModel.m
    • Saving: code/saveKmxModel.m
  • In Python:
    • Loading: code/
    • Saving: currently unavailable

Model Files

The model is available in .xml, .txt, .yml, .mat and .xlsx (the last 2 extensions only in master). Additionally, the following 2 files are available:

  • dependencies.txt: Tracks versions of toolboxes & SBML used for saving the model.
  • boundaryMets.txt: Contains a list of all boundary metabolites in model, listing the id and name.

Complementary Code

  • missingFields: Folder with functions for adding missing fields to the model.
  • modelCuration: Folder with curation functions.
  • otherChanges: Folder with other types of changes.
  • increaseKmxVersion.m: Updates the version of the model in version.txt and as metaid in the .xml file. Saves the model as .mat and as .xlsx
  • loadKmxModel.m: Loads the yeast model from the .xml file for MATLAB.
  • Loads the yeast model from the .xml file for Python.
  • saveKmxModel.m: Saves yeast model as a .xml, .yml and .txt file, and updates boundaryMets.txt and dependencies.txt.

Complementary Data

  • biomassComposition: The detailed information about the biomass composition considered in the model.
  • proteome: The list of all proteins for DMKU3-1042 strain. Useful when one wants to convert K. marxianus genes to S. cerevisiae and perform gene knockout simulations.


Marcišauskas S, Ji B, Nielsen J (2019). Reconstruction and analysis of a Kluyveromyces marxianus genome-scale metabolic model. BMC Bioinformatics 20:551. doi:10.1186/s12859-019-3134-5


Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contributions guideline to get started.


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