Hey! If you're seeing this, you've found my GitHub Repo for my personal website. This website effectively serves as a digital curriculum vitae, including some of the projects I've done, and and insight into me, Mohammed Aayan Pathan.
Well to access the website, it's really simple, go into any browser, and search up aayanpathan.com. The website is best viewed on a desktop, with a 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio (or at least a landscape aspect ratio). However, the website is still optimized for typical mobile devices like mobile phones and portrait tablets.
You may use this website however legal way you want to, although credit MUST be attributed to any use of any asset of the website. Thanks!
This website is still a work in progress, as of late 2023, it is in the "Beta" stage. If you have any feedback, kindly send me an email, on: mohammedaayandev@gmail.com.