- Base Activity
- Base Fragment
- Base Adapter
- Base for Usecase Layer
- Base for mappers
- Home Feature
Includes Data, Domain, and Presentation Layer
- Contains response POJOS
- Contains UI Data Mappers
- Contains Fragments
- Contains View Models
- Contains Use cases
- Contains Repositories
- Contains Dependency Injection modules for a certain package
Note: Common DI has separate package of DI which contains Managers and Singleton Components
Util package contains:
- General Extensions
- Network Extensions
- View Extensions
- Constants
- Binding Adapters
Note: Binding adapters of a certain feature are inside it's presentation layer
This case study includes Unit tests as well as Instrumentation tests
Frameworks used for testing
- Mockito
- JUnit
- Espresso etc.
Note: Debug package is added to it for testing UI with Hilt which includes HiltTestActivity, Custom Test Runner, Debug Manifest