- fix pytorch dependencies error
- fix zoe depth error
- move installers to github repo
- fix "TypeError: eval() arg 1..." error when loading non-existent settings on the initial run
- add error message for model version mismatch
- download dummypkl automatically
- fix venv install real-esrgan model folder not being created
- fix samtrack site-packages url
- fix samtrack missing groundingdino config
- make samtrack save separate bg mask
- fix rife imports
- fix samtrack imports
- fix samtrack not saving video
- add rife
- fix samtrack imports
- fix rife imports
- fix samtrack local install for windows
- fix samtrack incorrect frame indexing if starting not from 1st frame
- fix schedules not loading
- fix ---> 81 os.chdir(f'{root_dir}/Real-ESRGAN') file not found error thanks to Leandro Dreger
- hide "warp_mode","use_patchmatch_inpaiting","warp_num_k","warp_forward","sat_scale" from gui as deprecated
- clean up gui settings setters/getters
- fix contronet not updating in gui sometimes
Samtrack should now download prebuilt binaries for torch v2/cuda 11.x, if you have a different setup, then you will need to get VS Build Tools: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64261546/how-to-solve-error-microsoft-visual-c-14-0-or-greater-is-required-when-inst
Then install cuda toolkit for your GPU drivers/os: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Windows&target_arch=x86_64
Then it should install itself just fine.
Interpolates frames. Results example - in this post's video.
Settings are simple:
- exponent: the power of 2 to which to increase the fps. 1 - x2, 2 - x4, 3 - x8, etc.
- video_path: input video to interpolate. can be a folder with frames, but then you need to specify the fps manually.
- nth_frame: extracts only nth frame before interpolation
- fps: output fps (for image folder input only, fps for video will be based on input video's fps to keep the same video duration after interpolation)
If you have a high-fps output video (like 60ps), you can also try skipping frames to reduce high-frequency flicker. If you have already used the nth frame during your video render, skipping frames here may produce weird results.