npm run migrate:base-sepolia
the script above will recompile/rebuild the contracts in order to get the relevant build files, after that it should start the blockchain (currently testnet) deployment if the deployment didn't start you should check the console to identify the error message
npm run generate-swapup-output
generate SwapUp contract for verifying it on testnet
approveAndSwap(swapId, responderAddress, initiatorAssets, responderAssets, swapType)
- swapId = the ID for both DB and Smart contract storages (providing from FE)
- responderAddress = the wallet address for counter-agent of the deal (the sender address is the one who is calling the method)
- initiatorAssets = the deal initiator assets - [{ "assetAddress": "address of token/NFT", "value": "amount/ID" }]
- responderAssets = counter-agent assets - [{ "assetAddress": "address of token/NFT", "value": "amount/ID" }]
- swapType = OPEN/PRIVATE
the unified structure of assets: { "assetAddress": "asset address", "value": "amount/ID" }