Dynamic Closest Color Warping to Sort and Compare Palettes
Suzi Kim and Sunghee Choi
Geometric Computing Lab., School of Computing, KAIST
Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2021
- KHTP is a dataset to evaluate the palette pair sorting.
- For each test palette, the naturalness and concurrency of the pair are measured.
├──/KHTP-interpolation%d-jitter%d-csv : This includes test palette pair in format of csv.
│ ├── KHTP-p0.csv
│ ├── KHTP-p1.csv
│ ├── ...
│ └── KHTP-p99.csv
└──/KHTP-interpolation%d-jitter%d-image : This includes test palette pair's images.
├── KHTP-p0-0.png : image of the 1st palette of the first pair in shuffled order
├── KHTP-p0-0-sorted.png : image of the 1st palette of the first pair in sorted order
├── KHTP-p0-1.png : image of the 2nd palette of the first pair in shuffled order
├── KHTP-p0-1-sorted.png : image of the 2nd palette of the first pair in sorted order
├── ...
├── KHTP-p99-0.png
├── KHTP-p99-0-sorted.png
├── KHTP-p99-1.png
└── KHTP-p99-1-sorted.png
The name of each KHTP type follows KHTP-interpolation%d-jitter%d.
parameter description interpolation interpolated color count jitter jittering offset
The name of each file follows KHTP-p%d.csv.
parameter description p palette's no. -
Each CSV file presents a test palette pair, and the order is shuffled.
A palette pair consists of two palettes P1 and P2.
row no. description 1 original order of hex color in the sorted P1 2 shuffled hex colors of the P1 3 original order of hex color in the sorted P2 4 shuffled hex colors of the P2 -
> cat example.csv 0 7 8 3 9 1 4 6 2 5 #e76c56 #cbd7e8 #b8bebd #a2b324 #cd9a95 #f1b066 #129a2f #7ebcd1 #e3bd1c #2b9759 0 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 1 9 #cf2e31 #00939f #b8bebd #e1c808 #a5b8c7 #068654 #aac61b #58ab2d #f1b066 #a09383
Sorted hexes of first palette:
- #e76c56 #f1b066 #e3bd1c #a2b324 #129a2f #2b9759 #7ebcd1 #cbd7e8 #b8bebd #cd9a95
Sorted hexes of second palette:
- #cf2e31 #f1b066 #e1c808 #aac61b #58ab2d #068654 #00939f #a5b8c7 #b8bebd #a09383
Our paper is available at ACM Digital Library. Please cite with the following Bibtex code:
title = {Dynamic Closest Color Warping to Sort and Compare Palettes},
author = {Kim, Suzi and Choi, Sunghee},
year = {2021},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings SIGGRAPH)},
volume = {40},
number = {4},
articleno = {95},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/3450626.3459776},
This work was supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No.2019-0-01158, Development of a Framework for 3D Geometric Model Processing)