From d0547e542a7ef490eafe4461e9da7148cc7ade3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SurfboardV2ray <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 01:19:18 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E2=9C=85=20Updated=20to=20v1.4.1?=
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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✅ Fixed known issue regarding trojan configs remarks
✅ Adjustments in Vless parsing logic
worker.js | 518 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
1 file changed, 258 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)
diff --git a/worker.js b/worker.js
index 57c667a..6b20285 100644
--- a/worker.js
+++ b/worker.js
@@ -1,278 +1,276 @@
// Developed by Surfboardv2ray,
-// Version 1.4
+// Version 1.4.1
// Tips: Change your subLinks accordingly. Note that only ws+tls+443 configs will work.
// Your subscription link will be: 'https://{your_worker_address}{your_clean_ip}'
// To get xxx number of configs, use '?n=xxx' at the end of your subscription link, for instance:
// 'https://{your_worker_address}{your_clean_ip}?n=50' will return only 50 configs, randomly.
const subLinks = [
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
-export default {
- async fetch(request) {
- let url = new URL(request.url);
- let pathSegments = url.pathname.split('/').filter(segment => segment !== '');
- let realhostname = pathSegments[0] || '';
- let realpathname = pathSegments[1] || '';
- if (url.pathname === '/') {
- // Return the HTML content
- return new Response(`
- Trojan-worker
- `, {
- headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' },
- });
- }
- let trojanPaths = new Set();
- let vlessPaths = new Set();
- let vmessPaths = new Set();
- if (url.pathname.startsWith('/sub')) {
- let newConfigs = '';
- for (let subLink of subLinks) {
- try {
- let resp = await fetch(subLink);
- if (!resp.ok) continue;
- let subConfigs = await resp.text();
- let isBase64Encoded = false;
- try { atob(subConfigs); isBase64Encoded = true; } catch (e) { isBase64Encoded = false; }
- if (isBase64Encoded) subConfigs = atob(subConfigs);
- subConfigs = subConfigs.split(/\r?\n/);
- for (let subConfig of subConfigs) {
- subConfig = subConfig.trim();
- if (subConfig === '') continue;
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ];
+ export default {
+ async fetch(request) {
+ let url = new URL(request.url);
+ let pathSegments = url.pathname.split('/').filter(segment => segment !== '');
+ let realhostname = pathSegments[0] || '';
+ let realpathname = pathSegments[1] || '';
+ if (url.pathname === '/') {
+ return new Response(`
+ Trojan-worker
+ `, {
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' },
+ });
+ }
+ let trojanPaths = new Set();
+ let vlessPaths = new Set();
+ let vmessPaths = new Set();
+ if (url.pathname.startsWith('/sub')) {
+ let newConfigs = '';
+ for (let subLink of subLinks) {
try {
- if (subConfig.startsWith('vmess://')) {
- let vmessData = subConfig.replace('vmess://', '');
- vmessData = atob(vmessData);
- let vmessConfig = JSON.parse(vmessData);
- if (vmessConfig.sni && !isIp(vmessConfig.sni) && === 'ws' && vmessConfig.port === 443) {
- if (shouldSkipHost(vmessConfig.sni)) continue;
- let configNew = {
- v: '2',
- ps: `Node-${vmessConfig.sni}`,
- add: realpathname === '' ? url.hostname : realpathname,
- port: vmessConfig.port,
- id:,
- net:,
- type: 'ws',
- host: url.hostname,
- path: `/${vmessConfig.sni}${vmessConfig.path}`,
- tls: vmessConfig.tls,
- sni: url.hostname,
- aid: '0',
- scy: 'auto',
- fp: 'chrome',
- alpn: 'http/1.1',
- };
- let fullPath = configNew.path;
- if (!vmessPaths.has(fullPath)) {
- vmessPaths.add(fullPath);
- let encodedVmess = 'vmess://' + btoa(JSON.stringify(configNew));
- newConfigs += encodedVmess + '\n';
- }
- }
- } else if (subConfig.startsWith('vless://')) {
- let vlessParts = subConfig.replace('vless://', '').split('@');
- if (vlessParts.length !== 2) continue;
- let uuid = vlessParts[0];
- let remainingParts = vlessParts[1].split('?');
- if (remainingParts.length !== 2) continue;
- let [ipPort, params] = remainingParts;
- let [ip, port] = ipPort.split(':');
- if (!port) continue;
- let queryParams = new URLSearchParams(params);
- let security = queryParams.get('security');
- let sni = queryParams.get('sni');
- let type = queryParams.get('type');
- if (sni && !isIp(sni) && security === 'tls' && port === '443' && type === 'ws') {
- if (shouldSkipHost(sni)) continue;
- let newPath = `/${sni}${queryParams.get('path') || ''}`;
- if (!vlessPaths.has(newPath)) {
- vlessPaths.add(newPath);
- let newVlessConfig = `vless://${uuid}@${realpathname === '' ? url.hostname : realpathname}:${port}?encryption=none&security=${security}&sni=${url.hostname}&alpn=http/1.1&fp=chrome&allowInsecure=1&type=ws&host=${url.hostname}&path=${newPath}#Node-${sni}`;
- newConfigs += newVlessConfig + '\n';
- }
- }
- } else if (subConfig.startsWith('trojan://')) {
- let lastHashIndex = subConfig.lastIndexOf('#');
- let configWithoutRemark = subConfig;
- let remark = '';
- if (lastHashIndex !== -1) {
- configWithoutRemark = subConfig.substring(0, lastHashIndex);
- remark = subConfig.substring(lastHashIndex + 1);
- }
- let trojanURL = configWithoutRemark.replace('trojan://', '');
- let [passwordAndHost, params] = trojanURL.split('?');
- if (!params) continue;
- let [password, hostAndPort] = passwordAndHost.split('@');
- if (!hostAndPort) continue;
- let [ip, port] = hostAndPort.split(':');
- if (!port) continue;
- let queryParams = new URLSearchParams(params);
- let security = queryParams.get('security');
- let sni = queryParams.get('sni');
- let type = queryParams.get('type');
- if (sni && !isIp(sni) && security === 'tls' && port === '443' && type === 'ws') {
- if (shouldSkipHost(sni)) continue;
- let newPath = `/${sni}${decodeURIComponent(queryParams.get('path') || '')}`;
- if (!trojanPaths.has(newPath)) {
- trojanPaths.add(newPath);
- let newTrojanConfig = `trojan://${password}@${realpathname === '' ? url.hostname : realpathname}:${port}?security=${security}&sni=${url.hostname}&alpn=http/1.1&fp=chrome&allowInsecure=1&type=ws&host=${url.hostname}&path=${encodeURIComponent(newPath)}#${remark ? encodeURIComponent(remark) : `Node-${sni}`}`;
- newConfigs += newTrojanConfig + '\n';
+ let resp = await fetch(subLink);
+ if (!resp.ok) continue;
+ let subConfigs = await resp.text();
+ let isBase64Encoded = false;
+ try { atob(subConfigs); isBase64Encoded = true; } catch (e) { isBase64Encoded = false; }
+ if (isBase64Encoded) subConfigs = atob(subConfigs);
+ subConfigs = subConfigs.split(/\r?\n/);
+ for (let subConfig of subConfigs) {
+ subConfig = subConfig.trim();
+ if (subConfig === '') continue;
+ try {
+ if (subConfig.startsWith('vmess://')) {
+ let vmessData = subConfig.replace('vmess://', '');
+ vmessData = atob(vmessData);
+ let vmessConfig = JSON.parse(vmessData);
+ if (vmessConfig.sni && !isIp(vmessConfig.sni) && === 'ws' && vmessConfig.port === 443) {
+ if (shouldSkipHost(vmessConfig.sni)) continue;
+ let configNew = {
+ v: '2',
+ ps: `Node-${vmessConfig.sni}`,
+ add: realpathname === '' ? url.hostname : realpathname,
+ port: vmessConfig.port,
+ id:,
+ net:,
+ type: 'ws',
+ host: url.hostname,
+ path: `/${vmessConfig.sni}${vmessConfig.path}`,
+ tls: vmessConfig.tls,
+ sni: url.hostname,
+ aid: '0',
+ scy: 'auto',
+ fp: 'chrome',
+ alpn: 'http/1.1',
+ };
+ let fullPath = configNew.path;
+ if (!vmessPaths.has(fullPath)) {
+ vmessPaths.add(fullPath);
+ let encodedVmess = 'vmess://' + btoa(JSON.stringify(configNew));
+ newConfigs += encodedVmess + '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (subConfig.startsWith('vless://')) {
+ let vlessParts = subConfig.replace('vless://', '').split('@');
+ if (vlessParts.length !== 2) continue;
+ let uuid = vlessParts[0];
+ let remainingParts = vlessParts[1].split('?');
+ if (remainingParts.length !== 2) continue;
+ let [ipPort, params] = remainingParts;
+ let [ip, port] = ipPort.split(':');
+ if (!port) continue;
+ let queryParams = new URLSearchParams(params);
+ let security = queryParams.get('security');
+ let sni = queryParams.get('sni');
+ let type = queryParams.get('type');
+ if (sni && !isIp(sni) && security === 'tls' && port === '443' && type === 'ws') {
+ if (shouldSkipHost(sni)) continue;
+ let newPath = `/${sni}${decodeURIComponent(queryParams.get('path') || '')}`;
+ if (!vlessPaths.has(newPath)) {
+ vlessPaths.add(newPath);
+ let newVlessConfig = `vless://${uuid}@${realpathname === '' ? url.hostname : realpathname}:${port}?encryption=none&security=${security}&sni=${url.hostname}&alpn=http/1.1&fp=chrome&allowInsecure=1&type=ws&host=${url.hostname}&path=${newPath}#Node-${sni}`;
+ newConfigs += newVlessConfig + '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (subConfig.startsWith('trojan://')) {
+ let lastHashIndex = subConfig.lastIndexOf('#');
+ let configWithoutRemark = subConfig;
+ let remark = '';
+ if (lastHashIndex !== -1) {
+ configWithoutRemark = subConfig.substring(0, lastHashIndex);
+ remark = subConfig.substring(lastHashIndex + 1);
+ }
+ let trojanURL = configWithoutRemark.replace('trojan://', '');
+ let [passwordAndHost, params] = trojanURL.split('?');
+ if (!params) continue;
+ let [password, hostAndPort] = passwordAndHost.split('@');
+ if (!hostAndPort) continue;
+ let [ip, port] = hostAndPort.split(':');
+ if (!port) continue;
+ let queryParams = new URLSearchParams(params);
+ let security = queryParams.get('security');
+ let sni = queryParams.get('sni');
+ let type = queryParams.get('type');
+ if (sni && !isIp(sni) && security === 'tls' && port === '443' && type === 'ws') {
+ if (shouldSkipHost(sni)) continue;
+ let newPath = `/${sni}${decodeURIComponent(queryParams.get('path') || '')}`;
+ if (!trojanPaths.has(newPath)) {
+ trojanPaths.add(newPath);
+ let newTrojanConfig = `trojan://${password}@${realpathname === '' ? url.hostname : realpathname}:${port}?security=${security}&sni=${url.hostname}&alpn=http/1.1&fp=chrome&allowInsecure=1&type=ws&host=${url.hostname}&path=${encodeURIComponent(newPath)}#Node-${sni}`;
+ newConfigs += newTrojanConfig + '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ continue;
} catch (error) {
- } catch (error) {
- continue;
+ const nParam = url.searchParams.get('n');
+ let responseConfigs = newConfigs.trim().split('\n').filter(line => line !== '');
+ if (nParam && !isNaN(nParam) && parseInt(nParam) > 0) {
+ const n = Math.min(parseInt(nParam), responseConfigs.length);
+ const randomConfigs = getRandomItems(responseConfigs, n);
+ return new Response(randomConfigs.join('\n'), {
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
+ });
+ }
+ return new Response(newConfigs, {
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
+ });
+ } else {
+ const url = new URL(request.url);
+ const splitted = url.pathname.replace(/^\/*/, '').split('/');
+ const address = splitted[0];
+ url.pathname = splitted.slice(1).join('/');
+ url.hostname = address;
+ url.protocol = 'https';
+ return fetch(new Request(url, request));
+ },
+ };
+ function shouldSkipHost(host) {
+ return host && (host.toLowerCase().includes("") || host.toLowerCase().includes(""));
+ }
+ function getRandomItems(array, count) {
+ const shuffled = array.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
+ return shuffled.slice(0, count);
+ }
+ function isIp(ipstr) {
+ try {
+ if (!ipstr) return false;
+ const ipv4Regex = /^(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){3}$/;
+ if (!ipv4Regex.test(ipstr)) return false;
+ let segments = ipstr.split('.');
+ if (segments[3] === '0') return false;
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
- const nParam = url.searchParams.get('n');
- let responseConfigs = newConfigs.trim().split('\n').filter(line => line !== '');
- if (nParam && !isNaN(nParam) && parseInt(nParam) > 0) {
- const n = Math.min(parseInt(nParam), responseConfigs.length);
- const randomConfigs = getRandomItems(responseConfigs, n);
- return new Response(randomConfigs.join('\n'), {
- headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
- });
- }
- return new Response(newConfigs, {
- headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
- });
- } else {
- const url = new URL(request.url);
- const splitted = url.pathname.replace(/^\/*/, '').split('/');
- const address = splitted[0];
- url.pathname = splitted.slice(1).join('/');
- url.hostname = address;
- url.protocol = 'https';
- return fetch(new Request(url, request));
- },
-function shouldSkipHost(host) {
- return host && (host.toLowerCase().includes("") || host.toLowerCase().includes(""));
-function getRandomItems(array, count) {
- const shuffled = array.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
- return shuffled.slice(0, count);
-function isIp(ipstr) {
- try {
- if (!ipstr) return false;
- const ipv4Regex = /^(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){3}$/;
- if (!ipv4Regex.test(ipstr)) return false;
- let segments = ipstr.split('.');
- if (segments[3] === '0') return false;
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }