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SuperNEMO Simulation Validation Tool

Yorck Ramachers (Warwick), Bartosz Pyszkowski (Warwick) Last updated August 22 2019


  • CMakeLists.txt
  • SimulationValidationTool.cxx
  • getopt_pp.cpp
  • getopt_pp.h


Just type in a SuperNEMO environment with access to ROOT or otherwise, cmake .. in a separate build directory with source access at .. Nothing else is required as you can see from the CMakeLists file.


This tool takes two ROOT ntuple files, and generates statistics for comparisons between input and reference data files. Further tests are run on the statistics produced. Primary use of the tests in this tool is to detect changes in Simulation Data produced by different versions of the Monte-Carlo Simulation. This will become useful in the future for tracking changes when the Simulation is updated.

The tool is used to :

  • Generate a comparison of data from input and reference files
  • Statistics are further used in comparison tests


After builiding the tool run the following command in the build directory to use the programme.

$ ./SimulationValidationTool -i <data ROOT file> -r <reference ROOT file to compare to>

In order to generate comparison statistics the root input and reference files should contain branches with the same names. The output of the tool is presented in the terminal. Some basic tests are present which compare data from input and reference files.

The statistics generated by the SimulationValidationTool are: Mean, Error on Mean, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Skewness, Standard Deviation, Error on Standard Deviation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and the ROOT Chi2 test.

Currently, there are 4 example tests run by the SimulationValidationTool:

  1. check if input data mean lies in the range of reference data mean and one standard deviation, and vice versa for file order reversed;

  2. check if a ratio of standard deviation errors is between 0.99 and 1.01 for both files;

  3. check if Mean values of input file are within range of reference mean values and their errors, and vice versa for file order reversed;

  4. check if Maximum of input file is larger than Minimum of reference file, and vice versa for file order reversed;

Note: To use this tool the branches have to be saved in a Tree titled "SimValidation".

Note 2: All statistics data is output to terminal hence validation tests could either use that directly or specific tests like the four examples listed above could be made and assessed. This depends on the final testing suite which is picked to use this or a similar executable.


SuperNEMO Validation tool for detailed simulation output







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