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Core Persistency, Geometry and Data Processing C++ Library for Particle and Nuclear Physics Experiments


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Bayeux C++ Library for Experimental Particle and Nuclear Physics


Authors:The BxCppDev group

Bayeux provides a collection of C++ classes and functions designed for the simulation, recording and analysis of data for experimental particle and nuclear physics projects. These functionalities are splitted into several specialized submodules:

Generic data structures with Boost serialization support and core utilities for software configuration and management (support for variant configurations, object factories, service management...).
A Boost/serialization over ROOT I/O system (extends datatools I/O tools).
Generic tools for making arbitrary data selections.
Description of isotopes, elements and materials, providing input to simulation applications (i.e. GDML/Geant4).
C++ wrappers to the GNU Scientific Library and extension for numerical tools.
A basic data processing pipeline API with support for processor and service plugins.
Generic tools for the modelling of experimental geometries, providing input to simulation tools (i.e. GDML/Geant4).
Electromagnetic field modelling and management.
C++ port and extensions to the Genbb/Decay0 program by Vladimir Tretyak, providing input to simulation applications.
Vertex random generator tools providing input to simulation applications.
Utilities for particle and nuclear physics simulation with a Geant4 interface.
Utilities for dosimetry and radiation protection.

Original work on Bayeux was initiated at the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen (CNRS/IN2P3) in the framework of the NEMO3 double-beta decay experiment and the R&D for its successor: the SuperNEMO experiment. Bayeux is developped by a group of physicists working in Nuclear and Particle Physics. It provides generic classes and tools that can be used in many different contexts. It is now the cornerstone of the SuperNEMO experiment's production software chain. As a generic toolbox, it is also used by several projects for the simulation of particle transport through matter (through its Geant4 extension module), detector design for nuclear physics, detection efficiency calculation, data serialization, data processing and analysis, radiation protection and dosimetry studies (including industrial projects).

Bayeux is named thus because it weaves together several threads of software developed in Normandy ;-).

The use of the Bayeux name and logo (an extract of the lower frieze of the Bayeux Tapestry) have been courteously authorized by the Mayor of the City of Bayeux in December 2014 at the condition the Bayeux software tools are distributed under an open source software license.

This authorization is explicitely granted to the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen (UMR6534, CNRS/IN2P3, UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, Normandie Univ.).

Please study the file LICENSE.txt for the distribution terms and conditions of use of Bayeux.

Bayeux contains some code extracted from :

  • the Kitware System library (OSI-approved BSD License),
  • the BinReloc library (Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2),
  • the EOS portable archive library (MIT License).

Vladimir Tretyak has kindly accepted that the C++ wrapper and C++ port of the original Genbb/Decay0 Fortran library is published under the GPL 3 within Bayeux.

Some parts of code or management/build scripts are released under the MIT License.

All other parts of Bayeux's C++ source code are released under the GNU General Public License 3.0.

Bayeux is expected to work on modern Linux distributions based on Debian or Fedora, as Linux is our main development and production environment. Other UNIX-like OSes (Linux, BSD, macOS) may work with some work of adapting.

Bayeux uses the C++11 standard by default so this implies the use of a modern C++ compiler (example: GCC version >= 4.9).

Using the bxcppdev/bxtap Linuxbrew tap provided by the BxCppDev group should help you to provide a suitable working environment on your system.

If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions on Bayeux or any of its submodules, please contact the BxCppDev Group via the main development platform You may also contact the Bayeux team at (in English or French).

You can obtain the Bayeux source code from the main BxCppDev GitHub repository.

For example, to download Bayeux version 3.4.1, you may use, assuming a Linux system:

$ cd ${HOME}
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/BxCppDev
$ cd ${HOME}/BxCppDev
$ wget
$ mkdir Bayeux-3.4.1 && tar xvzf 3.4.1.tar.gz -C Bayeux-3.4.1 --strip-components 1
$ cd Bayeux-3.4.1/

The ${HOME}/BxCppDev/Bayeux-3.4.1/ source directory is thus created.

You can now create a dedicated directory to build Bayeux 3.4.1 following the guidelines in the Installing Bayeux section below. Note that different versions of Bayeux may have slightly different build/installation procedures, so you should read carefully the README.rst file supplied with the source code.

If you want to use the development version (possibly unstable), use Git:

$ cd ${HOME}
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/BxCppDev
$ cd ${HOME}/BxCppDev
$ git clone Bayeux.git
$ cd Bayeux.git
$ git checkout develop

To install Bayeux, you first need the following software:

  • Linux
  • macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or higher

We expect Bayeux to work on most modern BSD based Unices or Linux distributions derived from Debian and Fedora (RedHat) provided the software listed below is installed. However, we can only fully support and test the following at present:

If you have problems on systems other than these, please contact us, though support will be on a best effort basis.

  • CMake 3.3.0 or higher:
    • Ubuntu 18.04 provides GCC version 3.10.2.
  • C/C++ compiler supporting at least C++11 standard (GNU/Clang/Intel)
    • Ubuntu 18.04 provides GCC version 6.5 and 7.3.

On Linux, you should install these through the package manager for your distribution. Some older Linux systems (SL/CentOS, especially on institutional computing clusters) may not provide CMake 3.3. If this is the case, then you should download the latest Linux binary .sh file from:

and follow the instructions on that page to install it.

On macOS, simply install CMake from the latest Darwin64 dmg bundle available from:

To obtain the other tools, simply install the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store. After installation, you should also install the Xcode command line tools via going to the menu Xcode->Preferences, clicking on the Downloads tab, and then installing Command Line Tools.

  • Boost 1.63.0 or 1.69.0: with the following libraries: filesystem, system, serialization, iostreams, program_options, regex and thread.

    Beware Boost versions 1.65 (default on Ubuntu 18.04) to 1.68 are expected to cause some crash with GCC under Linux due to a subtle bug concerning the Boost/Serialization singleton class. Boost 1.69 should fix this issue.

  • Camp 0.8.2 :

    Former version 0.8.0 can be found at: and should work.

  • GSL 2.4 (default in Ubuntu 18.04) or higher:


    Former version is

  • Geant4 9.6 (optional) : with GDML support enabled (through the XercesC library)

    Geant4 version 10.5 support is not ready (issue #43).

  • ROOT 6.12.04 or 6.16.00: Bayeux/geomtools requires you setup ROOT at least with support for:

    • minimal X11,
    • GDML,
    • OpenGL.
  • Qt5 (optional)

For ease of use, the BxCppDev group provides the bxcppdev/bxtap Linuxbrew tap for easy use by Bayeux, Bayeux companion software and clients of Bayeux. It is advised to use this bundle if you don't know how to install and setup the dependee libraries mentioned above on your system. It will provide, for Linux and macOS systems, an uniform software environment with a selected set of blessed software, including the C++ compiler if needed.

Note however that it is perfectly possible to use system installation of the above libraries if your OS distribution provides adequate support.

Beware: We have experienced that the use of Linuxbrew is not the definitive robust solution to solve the software dependency problem. Linuxbrew regularly fails to provide a proper and stable environment to host and use Bayeux, due to rapidly changing brew formulas and their dependencies from the homebrew core tap. We try to provide the proper formulas for Ubuntu Linux. However you could be forced to adapt some formulas to your own system.

  • Bayeux/datatools requires the Qt5 library when the BAYEUX_WITH_QT_GUI option is set (experimental).

    On Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, this implies the installation of the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 libqt5svg5 \
           libqt5svg5-dev libqt5widgets5 qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools \

    Note: bxcppdev/bxtap provides a qt5-base formula.

  • Bayeux/geomtools also requires Gnuplot 4.0 or higher:

    On Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, this implies the installation of the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11 gnuplot-doc gnuplot-mode
  • Bayeux/datatools and Bayeux/geomtools uses the Readline library, if available:

    On Ubuntu 16.04, this implies the installation of the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dev readline-common

    On Ubuntu 18.04, this implies the installation of the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install libreadline7-dev readline-common

    Note: Linuxbrew provides a readline formula.

  • pandoc ( is useful to generate documentation in user friendly format:

    On Ubuntu, this implies the installation of the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install pandoc pandoc-data
  • docutils ( is also useful to generate documentation from ReST format in user friendly format:

    On Ubuntu, this implies the installation of the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install docutils-common docutils-doc python-docutils
    $ sudo apt-get install rst2pdf
  • Boost/Serialization library from version 1.65 to 1.68 introduced a bug in the implementation of the singleton template class. As a consequence, only Boost version 1.63 and 1.69 are supported so far.
  • Despite our efforts, Geant4 10.5 (no MT build) is not supported yet since the implementation of hit collections has changed in some undocumented way and now causes segfault in the Bayeux/mctools Geant4 extension module.

Bayeux provides a CMake based build system. We'll assume for brevity that you are using a UNIX system on the command line (i.e. macOS or Linux). We'll also assume that you're going to use the Linuxbrew bxcppdev/bxtap tap to provide some required third party packages.

The directory in which this README.rst file resides is called the "source directory" of Bayeux. Because CMake generates many files as part of the configuration and build process, we perform configuration in a directory isolated from the source directory. This enables us to quickly clean up in the event of issues, and prevents commital of generated (and hence system dependent) files to the repository.

To configure Bayeux, simply do, from the source directory of Bayeux:

$ mkdir Bayeux-build
$ cd Bayeux-build/
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<where you want to install> \
        -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to your Linuxbrew install> \

You may also use an arbitrary temporary build directory somewhere in your filesystem:

$ mkdir /tmp/Bayeux-build
$ cd /tmp/Bayeux-build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<where you want to install> \
        -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to your Linuxbrew install> \
        <path to the Bayeux source directory>

These options control the underlying CMake system, a full list can be obtained from the CMake documentation, but in Bayeux you will only need to deal with the following three in most cases:

Path under which to install Bayeux. It should point to an empty, writable directory. It defaults to /usr/local so you will want to change this.

Path under which Linuxbrew is installed and where some of the third party software (dependencies) should be searched for. You can use the following to automatically locate Linuxbrew on your system:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix)
Build type, e.g. Release, Debug. You will want this to be set to Release in most cases. Debug builds are only needed if you are needing to follow debugging symbols into one of Linuxbrew's thid party binaries. It defaults to Release, so you will not need to change it in most cases.

Note also that you can ask CMake to use the Ninja build system in place of the legacy make command. Use the -GNinja switch with your CMake command:

$ cmake ... -GNinja ...

These options control the core configuration of Bayeux.


Select the C++ Standard to compile against. Recognized values are:

  • 11 (default) : all features of the C++11 standard in GCC 4.9 (provided for forward compatibility)
  • 14 : same as 11 plus at least one C++14 feature (provided for forward compatibility)
  • 17 : same as 14 plus at least one C++17 feature (provided for forward compatibility)
  • 20 : same as 17 plus at least one C++20 feature (provided for forward compatibility)
Turn warnings into errors. Default is ON.
Run include-what-you-use on Bayeux sources. Default is OFF.
Build and install additional tools for developers and normal users. Default is ON.
Build the Bayeux/mctools Geant4 library extension module. Default is ON.
Build the Bayeux/mctools Geant4 library extension module with experimental Geant4 support (>=10.5, experts only). Default is OFF.
Build the Bayeux/lahague library module. Default is OFF.
Build the Qt-based GUI components (experimental). Default is OFF.
Build unit testing system for Bayeux. Default is OFF.
Build Bayeux documentation products. Default is ON.
Build object configuration description (OCD) documentation. Default is OFF. Implies BAYEUX_WITH_DOCS.
Build Bayeux core library only (datatools Bayeux/module). Default is OFF (experts only).

Once you have generated the build system for Bayeux, as described earlier, you are ready to build. Note that if you want to reconfigure at any time, you can simply run ccmake again in the build directory.

By default Bayeux generates a Makefile based system, so to build and install Bayeux, simply run:

$ make [-j4]
$ make install

where -j4 indicates the number of processors to be used to build Bayeux.

If you chose Ninja as the build system, please replace the make command above by ninja :

$ ninja [-j4]
$ ninja install

In order to run the test programs provided with the various Bayeux submodules, you should have activated the BAYEUX_ENABLE_TESTING configuration option. From the build directory, simply run:

$ make test


$ ninja test

In order to setup Bayeux on your system, we recommend to provide a bayeux activation shell function from your Bash startup script (i.e. ~/.bashrc):

function bayeux_setup()
   if [ -n "${BAYEUX_INSTALL_DIR}" ]; then
       echo >&2 "[error] bayeux_setup: Bayeux is already setup!"
       return 2

   ### Uncomment the following lines if your Bayeux depends on Linuxbrew:
   # which brew > /dev/null 2>&1
   # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   #   # You have forgotten to setup Linuxbrew:
   #   echo >&2 "[error] bayeux_setup: Linuxbrew is not setup! "
   #   echo >&2 "[error] bayeux_setup: Bayeux depends on software managed by Linuxbrew."
   #   echo >&2 "[error] bayeux_setup: Please setup Linuxbrew"
   #   echo >&2 "[error]               on your system first!"
   #   return 1
   # fi

   ### Or, to automate the setup of Linuxbrew, uncomment the following lines,
   ### as illustrated at :
   # which brew > /dev/null 2>&1
   # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   #    do_linuxbrew_setup
   #    # In case Linuxbrew provides its own version of Bayeux:
   #    brew list | tr -s [[:space:]] | grep bayeux
   #    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   #        # Disable Linuxbrew's Bayeux:
   #        # Beware, this can break some dependencies!
   #        brew unlink bayeux
   #    fi
   # fi

   export BAYEUX_INSTALL_DIR="/path/to/Bayeux/installation/dir"
   export PATH="${BAYEUX_INSTALL_DIR}/bin:${PATH}"
   echo >&2 "[info] bayeux_setup: Bayeux $(bxquery --version) is now setup!"
   return 0
export -f bayeux_setup

When you need to use the Bayeux software from a bare Bash shell, just type:

$ bayeux_setup

The bxquery utility should help you to locate the resources provided by Bayeux:

$ bxquery --help

Fell free to provide a bayeux_unsetup shell function to come back to the initial state of the shell.

Bayeux is built with some documentation, although incomplete:

  • From the installation directory, provided the BAYEUX_WITH_DOCS and BAYEUX_WITH_DOCS_OCD options have been enabled, one can find a set of Doxygen generated HTML pages. The main page is located in share/Bayeux-{Bayeux's version}/Documentation/API/html/index.html from the Bayeux's installation directory.
  • The Bayeux source code provides some test programs that may be used as sample code. However, it is not their original purpose.
  • Bayeux modules contains some example code implemented as small project. See the source code for example in share/Bayeux-{Bayeux's version}/examples/ from the Bayeux's installation directory.


You should not use the (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables because they are intended for testing, not production (see the man pages of ld/dyld). Bayeux uses rpaths to provide a simple setup that allows applications to be run directly with guaranteed library lookup. Morever, relative rpaths are used that generally allow Bayeux to be relocatable (albeit not tested).

However, these settings are platform dependent and CMake has only added support for this gradually. In particular, see these references:

Note also that if you have (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH set, you may see startup errors if any of the paths contains libraries used by Bayeux, e.g. ROOT. In general, you should never need to set the library path, though many scientific software projects (badly mis)use it.

  • Provide official example code for many classes.
  • Migrate some deprecated Boost classes to some C++11 classes (smart pointers...)
  • Implement support for radioactive decays using ENSDF files from Geant4 in the Bayeux/genbb_help module.
  • Implement a Bayeux/mctools MCNP extension library module and companion tools.
  • Split the historical GENBB/Decay0 C++ port into an external standalone project and make Bayeux/genbb depends on it.

Current development staff:

  • Xavier Garrido (LAL Orsay, Université Paris Sud, Université Paris-Saclay): all modules, validation.
  • Jean Hommet (LPC Caen): initial development of the Boost/Serialization features.
  • Yves Lemière (LPC Caen, Université de Caen, Normandie Université): validation.
  • François Mauger (LPC Caen, Université de Caen, Normandie Université, project leader): all modules.

Other contributors:

  • Guillaume Oliviéro (LPC Caen, Université de Caen, Normandie Université): validation
  • Arnaud Chapon (LPC Caen, Cerap): geometry, validation.
  • Benoit Guillon (LPC Caen, ENSICAEN): original implementation of the Bayeux/materials module.
  • Ben Morgan (University of Warwick): CMake support, logging features in datatools, other management and integration tools, Doxygen based documentation support, Trac/SVN to GitHub migration.

The authors gratefully thank the following persons for their direct or indirect contributions to the Bayeux library:

  • Vladimir Tretyak is the author of the original Genbb/Decay0 generator (written in Fortran 77) from which a significant portion of the Bayeux/genbb_help module is derived.

  • Christian Pfligersdorffer is the author of the Boost/Serialization portable binary archive classes which is supported by the I/O system of the Bayeux/datatools and Bayeux/brio modules.

  • Nicolas Devillard and Rajarshi Guha are the authors of the Gnuplot pipe library that is embedded in Bayeux/geomtools.

  • Sylvette Lemagnen (Curator at the Bayeux Museum) and Patrick Gomont (Mayor of the City of Bayeux) for their authorization for the library's name and logo.

    Visit the Bayeux Tapestry at !



Core Persistency, Geometry and Data Processing C++ Library for Particle and Nuclear Physics Experiments



GPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found

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No packages published


  • C++ 87.0%
  • Fortran 4.6%
  • GLSL 2.3%
  • CMake 1.9%
  • Shell 1.4%
  • HTML 1.3%
  • Other 1.5%