Incredible creations and resources I’ve discovered on the internet through various avenues, just like you discovering this within Assort.
I’ve listed them in reverse chronological order, so that the further you go, the more timeless they get!
Depending on how far into the future you’re reading this, there’s a pretty nonzero some of these sites no longer exist or have changed URL. Unfortunately I can’t, like, archive the entirety of all of these (as much as I’d like to).
January 2025
Remember to read this too!!
January 2025
Please remember to actually read Sup
January 2025
Very, very useful!
December 2024
This is cool. Website looks nice.
December 2024
Visualise JSON!
November 2024
Really well-written software development blog!
May 2024
Love this. As a regular user of an utterly outdated iPhone 5s where I’m hit with this way too often, I can relate.
At the same time, just get capable devices, people, I swear it’s not that difficult.
May 2024
Oh my days, who’s writing this much about mazes...
May 2024
Oooh, isn’t this nice...
Spring 2024
Really well written.
I love that this exists.
Winter 2023/2024
I can’t even remember why I stumbled upon this, but sure, it was cool.
Winter 2023/2024
I mean damn, that is... unbelievably comprehensive. I’ve read half of it, and the maths is starting to get heavy lmao
Winter 2023/2024
I don’t plan on using Flask, but gaining a rough understanding was pretty cool.
Late Summer 2023
The journey began sometime around here, and I’ve been haphazardly making my way through them one by one. I’m just taking it slow and enjoying the ride, y’know? As of April Fools’ 2024, I’m on XKCD ~.
Summer 2023
Truly a timeless masterpiece. I’m eternally thankful to my friend @iTechnicals for showing this to me. Binged the entirety of it over that summer. My favourite entries are collected here.
Summer 2023
Always down for another quick read. These are hilarious.
Sometime Prior to Summer 2023
I never intended to learn Ruby, and I have literally no clue why I found this. But it was written in a delightfully charming, witty and yeah, poignant (tho I didn’t understand the word at all at the time) manner, so it hooked me in alright. For a couple chapters, at least, until I decided I really needed to spend my time on other stuff.
And no, I haven’t learnt Ruby, but it looked like a cool and unique language. Maybe I’ll consider it again sometime in the future.
From the future: yay, I learnt it!
...2021? 2022?
Ah, this was when I was really into language. She had some cool articles.
2021 (I think)
A journal of a trip to Antarctica. Isn’t that insane. I always wanted to read it. Just never found the time, and interest died away. Maybe I’ll read it sometime.