~ A big thanks to you for visiting my profile!
- Amazon India : Software Developer Internship : 6 months : Jan'2023-Jun'2023 : Bengaluru : Scala, Java, Mockito, JUnit, React, AWS - Glue, AWS - S3, AWS - DynamoDB, SQL : Migrated a service from Apache to AWS Glue, Created a dashboard for visualizing workflows using React and SQL, Multiple adhoc tasks and tickets.
- Ericsson India : Integration Engineer : 9 months : Aug'2023-Apr'2024 : Gurugram : Linux, Shell scripting, Automation, Firmware upgrades : Performed mutiple firmware upgrades and license updates for ENM and ENIQ, wrote multiple automation scripts which saves thousands of human hours.
- Amazon Finance India : Software Developer : Present : Apr'2024-Present : Bengaluru : Java, Spring, JSP, Android/iOS, GenAI : Multiple migrations and tickets.
- I have contributed in Hacktoberfest 2021 and successfully accomplished the criteria for swag. I learnt a lot about open source contributions in this participation and enjoyed the overall process.
- participated in Access Denied hackathon conducted by IETE-VIT chapter and bagged first position for Hvantage problem statement.
- participated in LinguaFiesta conducted by VIT and secured second position for Chinese language crossword.
- participated in GirlScript Winter of Contributing and have successfully got merged five documentations.
I am looking for more internship opportunities in the Frontend Web Development domain.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Web development based projects
🤝 I’m currently focusing on DSA
💬 Ask me about HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap
📫 How to reach me sunainachirania@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact **A night-person! Sleep is the second most important part of my life XD... Programming stays the first! **