Hello fellow Bufficorns 🦬 I was just having some fun and getting caught up by creating this TicTacToe game and user interface according to the React Docs for Front End Weds meetings Like I said just preparing for ETHDenver learning front-end skills, programming in React, learning codesandbox software like how intergrate it into my GitHub and into my VSCode stuff etc
So as of Tues/3rd/Jan/2023 I've only programmed the user interface, if tap on the squares an X will appear but haven't yet added any functionality to play the game or add O's to gameboard, game history and all that stuff will come later but if you want fork the project and add something just msg me DM on Discord or send me an email at dr.frankenmiller@gmail.com
One of the things I'd really like to learn if anyone has time to teach me is how get this app up on GitHub pages... I know it req's a few extra commands and perhaps another dependency for react-build? I'll learn it at some point but if you want tutor me I be super good student!
I really love learning software, so I'm really hoping to team up with you soon! -frankenmiller