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This application was created to allow developers access to technology related news and jobs. Using server-side APIs and Foundation, this application displays the latest news in the Tech industry and available jobs.

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Website dedicated to technology news and jobs.

User Story

*As a Software Developer I want to see the latest technology industry news so that I can keep up-to-date with changes in the industry. *As a Software Developer, I want the ability to lookup available jobs in my field so I can advance my professional career. *As a Software Developer, I want to see inspirational quotes from technology leaders to keep me motivated.


  • When opening the page, the user is presented with two main heroes for news and jobs respectively, and a timed generated quotes section
  • When the user clicks on News, it is presented with the News page that contains 8 latest news in the category of technology
  • Each article contains: headline, description, author, date updated, news article image and when the user clicks everywhere in the article, it is send to that news article in a new tab in order to fully read it
  • When the user clicks on Jobs, it is presented with the Jobs page that contains 8 latest jobs in category related to technology
  • Each job section contains: company name, job title description, date published, images and when the user clicks everywhere in the job section, it is send to that job description in a new tab to fully read it
  • When entering email in the footer input field, the user is able to submit the email and emails are stored in local storage
  • In the development team section of the footer, each developer has linkedIn and gitHub logos assigned, which sends you to each developer's profile in these medias

Technology used




Development Team

@. Enxhi Salaj @. Megan Carnaghi @. Pierce Rogg @. Marlee Eyre @. Muneeb Ali @. Alex Tatum © Copyright 2020




This application was created to allow developers access to technology related news and jobs. Using server-side APIs and Foundation, this application displays the latest news in the Tech industry and available jobs.






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