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Jerboa: minimalistic web framework for everyone

Jerboa is web framework, which is:

  • Minimalistic: It will give you the building blocks, but nothing more
  • Flexible: It let's you be as flexible as you want to be
  • Easy to use: You only need to understand the simple building blocks to use it


API Documentation

How to use it?

This how to is based on the example that you can find in the examples directory.

First install Jerboa via opam: opam install jerboa

The entry point of the framework is the Jerboa.start function, which accepts:

  • port (optional, default is 8080)
  • default_request_handler (optional, default gives back http 404 error)
  • middleware_config (optional, default is empty middleware config)
  • path_handler_config (required)

Path handler config

From these arguments the most important is the path handler config, which is basically a list of path handlers. A path handler's job is to handle the incoming request's that match it's criteria. A path handler has three components:

  • meth: the http method to match
  • path_mapping: request's path\route to match
  • request_handler: a function, which will handle the incomming request by turning it into a response

You can create path handlers easily with the Jerboa.Path_Handler.create function, which arguments are the ones mentioned above.

For example the following creates a path handler for request where:

  • meth is a GET request and
  • path_mapping matches the /hello/<something> path:
let my_path_handler = 
  let open Jerboa in
  Path_handler.create `GET [Path.const "hello"; Path.var "name"] (fun request ->
      let open Request in
      let found_path_parameter = Base.List.Assoc.find request.path_parameter ~equal:(=) "name" in
      Response.create 200 ("Hello " ^ (Base.Option.value found_path_parameter ~default:"not found")) 

If we get the specified reuquest than Jerboa will call our request_handler, which will reponde with the "Hello <something>" message.

Path mapping

In the above example we could see that the path_mapping is [Path.const "hello"; Path.var "name"], which means that:

  • Path.const "hello" means that the first part of the route must be equal to "hello", but it won't be captured as a variable, because it's a constatnt value
  • Path.var "name" means that the second part of the route can be anything, but we are capturing it's value with the name path parameter

Path mapping in Jerboa is pretty flexible, because you can make your own regex based path matchings with:

  • Path.create_const regex, which create a constant path part with the supplied regex
  • Path.create_var name regex, which creates a path variable with the supplied variable name and regex

Request handler

Request handler is basically a function that transforms request(Request.t) into a response(Response.t). In the above example the following was the request_handler:

(fun request ->
  let open Request in
  let found_path_parameter = Base.List.Assoc.find request.path_parameter ~equal:(=) "name" in
  Response.create 200 ("Hello " ^ (Base.Option.value found_path_parameter ~default:"not found")) 

The most important function used in the request_handler is the Response.create function, which inputs are the http response method and the body of the response.

Middleware config

Middleware config is a list of middlewares and a middleware is a function, which updates the content of the request(Request.t) by creating a new request based on the old one. The following example show this in action:

let my_middleware request = 
  let open Jerboa.Request in
  if request.path = "/" then 
    {request with path = "/hello/world"}

The above example updates the request's path to point to /hello/world, when a request comes with the / path.

Default request handler

The default request handler comes into play, when Jerboa can't find a matching path_handler for the incoming request. The default default_request_handler gives back an empty http 404 response.