- Replace Travis with GH actions CI workflow
- Add missing #include <atomic>
- Contributors: Matt Reynolds
- Use atomic types
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Shane Loretz, Zheng Qu
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
- Contributors: Shane Loretz
- Check whether thread joinable before joining
- realtime_server_goal_handle_tests needs actionlib
- Contributors: Maverobot, Shane Loretz
- Remove actionlib definitions
- Contributors: Shane Loretz
- Undo action typedef changes
- Remove boost
- Clean up includes in realtime_tools namespace
- Switch to gmock
- Remove TARGET check on tests
- Add unit test for RealtimeServerGoalHandle, RealtimePublisher, RealtimeClock, RealtimeBuffer, RealtimeBox
- Fix race where first message won't get published
- Clean up dependencies and package.xml
- Contributors: Shane Loretz
- Fix actionlib regression
- Contributors: Bence Magyar
- Update readme
- use this_thread::sleep_for instead of usleep (#32)
- specify RUNTIME DESTINATION for libraries (#33) needed for exporting DLLs on Windows
- Made RealtimeBuffer's copy-constructor const
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Gennaro Raiola, James Xu, Mathias Lüdtke, Matt Reynolds
- Add RealtimePublisherSharedPtr<T>
- boost::shared_ptr -> std::shared_ptr
- Contributors: Bence Magyar
- Updated RT goal handle to handle cancel requests (#22)
- switch to industrial_ci (#20)
- Contributors: Mathias Lüdtke, Nick Lamprianidis
- Added constructor in RTB for objects without default constructor
- Add feedback sending capability to RealtimeServerGoalHandle.
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Aris Synodinos, Miguel Prada, graiola
- RealtimeBox: Fix member doc
- Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Dave Coleman
- Remove rosbuild artifacts.
- Cleaned up CMake and removed unnecessary dependencies
- Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Dave Coleman
- Fix linking The library needs to be linked against roscpp and Boost thread. GCC won't complain about missing symbols for a shared library, but other linkers (like clang's) will not accept it by default.
- Added Travis support
- Renamed manifest.xml so it doesn't brek rosdep
- Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Dave Coleman, Paul Mathieu
- Append newline.
- Merge pull request #4 from pal-robotics/hydro-devel Add realtime action server goal handle.
- Add realtime action server goal handle. - Factored out from PR2's implementation of the JointTrajectoryActionController.
- Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Austin Hendrix
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hydro-devel
- Merge pull request #2 from davetcoleman/master Made member vars mutable in realtime buffer to allow const read
- initialize realtime_data_ and non_realtime_data_ before dereferencing and assigning to them in copy constructor
- Added comments
- Added readFromNonRT() function, overloaded assignment and copy constructor, and made mutex mutable.
- Fix typos.
- Fix build order.
- Contributors: Austin Hendrix, Dave Coleman
- Version 1.8.0
- Install channelecho.py under catkin.
- adding install targets
- adding missing manifests
- merging CMakeLists.txt files from rosbuild and catkin
- adding hybrid-buildsystem makefiles
- catkinizing, could still be cleaned up
- initialize correctly
- compile realtime clock into library
- new interface with time and duration
- support both condition and polling version to allow re-use of binaries in realtime; add realtime buffer to get data from non-RT into RT
- Make the realtime publisher realtime safe, without needing an rt_condition; we need the same binaries to work on both non-rt and rt.
- Make the realtime publisher realtime safe, without needing an rt_condition; we need the same binaries to work in both non-rt and rt.
- move realtime tools in ros control, and create empty constructors for handles
- Contributors: Austin Hendrix, Jonathan Bohren, Wim Meeussen, hiDOF