20250207 - intermediate (non-functional) IBM based on forcing points
20250207 - intermediate (non-functional) IBM based on forcing points
20250207 - intermediate (non-functional) IBM based on forcing points
20250207 - intermediate (non-functional) IBM based on forcing points
Merge branch 'dev_pressgrad' into dev_pressurefix
Merge branch 'dev_pressgrad' into dev_pressurefix
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev
added input files, python scripts and description for GABLS1 and Sull…
added input files, python scripts and description for GABLS1 and Sull…
Update changelog and authors in .zenodo.json
Update changelog and authors in .zenodo.json
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev_smagfix
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev_smagfix
CMakeLists: remove warning options not supported by nvfortran, increa…
CMakeLists: remove warning options not supported by nvfortran, increa…