This project demonstrates my ability to leverage cutting edge cloud based tools and technologies to engineer data pipelines to move data to and from a variety of sources, adopting the industry best practice Medallion Architecture.
This particular project illustrates my working knowledge of :
- Microsoft Azure
- Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2
- Azure Data Factory
- Azure Synapse Analytics
- Databricks | Spark
- MongoDB
These skills are highly transferable across other industy cloud platforms and tools. Whilst this is not a fully fledged data analysis project, it also illustrates my ability to work with both PySpark, pandas and SQL to read, write, clean and transform data.
When working on independent data engineering projects, one of the major hurdles is getting (free) access to industry level tools. As far as possible this project has been performed at no cost, taking advantages of free tiers and trial periods.
The first step is to sign up for a free trial of Microsoft Azure which at the time of writing offers the equivalent of $200 credit to be used within 30 days, and 12 months of selected free services.
As with all cloud platforms, the biggest challenge is navigating the initial set-up configuration. However, the diagram below illustrates the general hierearch, with a management group having one or more subscriptions, which have one or more resource groups, which in turn have access to one or more resources.
Azure provides extensive learning documentation. to help you get started. Access control is provided by way of keys, tokens, and secrets. Care should be taken to ensure these are not exposed. Vaults are provided within the Azure portal for enhanced security.
The data was originally hosted on Kaggle.
This is a Brazilian ecommerce public dataset of orders made at Olist Store. The dataset has information of 100k orders from 2016 to 2018 made at multiple marketplaces in Brazil. Its features allows viewing an order from multiple dimensions: from order status, price, payment and freight performance to customer location, product attributes and finally reviews written by customers. We also released a geolocation dataset that relates Brazilian zip codes to lat/lng coordinates. This is real commercial data, it has been anonymised, and references to the companies and partners in the review text have been replaced with the names of Game of Thrones great houses.
Acknowledgements to Mayank Aggarwal for making the raw csv files available here.
If you need to create a database for independent learning purposes, then check out which offers a free tier.
For this project I created a MySQL and a MongoDB database. A very useful feature is the Connection Code which is available in a number of programming languages, facilitating easy access to the Database from other sources.
Databricks offers a free Community Edition.
The Databricks Community Edition is the free version of our cloud-based big data platform. Its users can access a micro-cluster as well as a cluster manager and notebook environment. All users can share their notebooks and host them free of charge with Databricks. We hope this will enable everyone to create new and exciting content that will benefit the entire Apache Spark™ community.
The Databricks Community Edition also comes with a rich portfolio of award-winning training resources that will be expanded over time, making it ideal for developers, data scientists, data engineers and other IT professionals to learn Apache Spark.
In this step we will work within Databricks to:
- connect to the MySQL database we created on
- create a database table
- BATCH ingest a csv file held on GitHub
- insert into the MySQL table
DataBricks Python NoteBook
# Connect to MySQL database held on
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error
import pandas as pd
# Connection details taken from
hostname = ""
database = "ecomproject_breezetime"
port = 3307
username = "ecomproject_breezetime"
password = "<password>"
# Data file path
url_file_path = ""
# Database table name where data will be ingested
table_name = "ecomm_order_payments"
# Establish a connection to MySQL server
connection = mysql.connector.connect(
if connection.is_connected():
db_Info = connection.get_server_info()
print("Connected to MySQL Server")
# Create a cursor to execute SQL queries
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Drop table of it already exists
cursor.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{table_name}`;")
print(f"Table `{table_name}` dropped if it existed.")
# Create a table structure to match csv file
create_table_query = f"""
CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
order_id VARCHAR(50),
payment_sequential INT,
payment_type VARCHAR(20),
payment_installments INT,
payment_value FLOAT
print(f"Table `{table_name}` created successfully!")
# Load the csv data into a pandas DataFrame
order_payments = pd.read_csv(url_file_path)
print(f"CSV data loaded into a pandas DataFrame.")
# Insert data in batches of 1000 records
batch_size = 1000
total_records = len(order_payments)
print(f"Starting data insertion into `{table_name}` in batches of {batch_size} records.")
for start in range(0, total_records, batch_size):
end = start + batch_size
batch = order_payments.iloc[start:end] # Get the current batch of records
# Convert batch to list of tuples for MySQL insertion
batch_records = [
tuple(row) for row in batch.itertuples(index=False, name=None)
#Prepare the INSERT query
insert_query = f"""
INSERT INTO {table_name}
(order_id, payment_sequential, payment_type, payment_installments, payment_value)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);
# Execute the INSERTION query
cursor.executemany(insert_query, batch_records)
print(f"Inserted records {start + 1} to {min(end, total_records)} successfully.")
print(f"All `{total_records}` records inserted successfully into `{table_name}`.")
except Error as e:
# Error handling
print("Error while connecting to MySQL or inserting data", e)
# Close the cursor and connection
if connection.is_connected():
print("MySQL connection is closed.")
In this step we will work within Databricks to:
- connect to the MongoDB database we created on
- create a collection fron the csv held on GitHub
- insert into the MongoDB collection
DataBricks Python NoteBook
# importing module
import pandas as pd
from pymongo import MongoClient
#csv_file_path = "dbfs:/FileStore/product_category_name_translation.csv"
url_file_path = ""
## Load the product_category csv file into a pandas dataframe
product_category_df = pd.read_csv(url_file_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Error: 'product_category_name_translation.csv' not found.")
## Mongo DB connection configuration
hostname = ""
database = "ecomprojectNoSQL_ispaidsend"
port = "27018"
username = "ecomprojectNoSQL_ispaidsend"
password = "<password>"
uri = "mongodb://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + hostname + ":" + port + "/" + database
## Establish a connection to MongoDB
client = MongoClient(uri)
db = client[database]
## Select the collection (or create it if it doesn't exist)
collection = db["product_categories"]
## Convert the DataFrame to a list of dictionaries for insertion into MongoDB
data_to_insert = product_category_df.to_dict(orient="records")
## Insert the data into the collection
print("Data uploaded to MongoDB successfully!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# Close the MongoDB connection
if client:
Azure Data Factory is a cloud ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool that collects data from different sources (INGESTION), cleans and organises it (TRANSFORMATION) and moves it (LOAD) to where we need it (SINK).
We have manually configured the olist_customers_dataset
, but by splitting the file paths into a base url, and a relative url, we can iterate over all of the remaining csv files to automate the source configuration process.
ADLSGen2 is a secure cloud platform that provides scalable, cost effective storage for Big Data analytics.
We will be taking the csv files from source : Github
and moving them to a data sink : Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
. So let's first create a storage resource:
In this project we will follow industry best practice, and adopt the Medallion architecture, as illustrated below.
Using Azure Data Factory, we can create a data ingestion Pipeline to move the data from source (GitHub) to sink (ADLSGen2) :
Hit Debug to run the Pipeline, in our case move the csv file stored on Github to our Azure Data Storage container.
Initially, I manually configured the olist_customers_dataset
, but by splitting the file paths into a base and relative url, and a file name, I can iterate over all of the remaining csv files to automate the source and sink configuration process.
To do this, I will use the Azure Data Factory activity: Iteration & conditionals:For Each
and set each input as the following array :
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_customers_dataset.csv", #source
"file_name": "olist_customers_dataset.csv" #sink
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_geolocation_dataset.csv",
"file_name": "olist_geolocation_dataset.csv"
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_order_items_dataset.csv",
"file_name": "olist_order_items_dataset.csv"
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_order_reviews_dataset.csv",
"file_name": "olist_order_reviews_dataset.csv"
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_orders_dataset.csv",
"file_name": "olist_orders_dataset.csv"
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_products_dataset.csv",
"file_name": "olist_products_dataset.csv"
"csv_relative_url": "BigDataProjects/refs/heads/main/Project-Brazillian%20Ecommerce/Data/olist_sellers_dataset.csv",
"file_name": "olist_sellers_dataset.csv"
Rather than copy the array into the value parameter, I will use another ADF Activity: Lookup
to read in the array from the JSON file held on GitGub. This is better practice as it reduces the risk of error.
I will be using Databricks to:
- read raw data from ADLSGen2 BRONZE layer
- perform basic transformation using Spark to clean, rename, filter etc
- perform join operations to integrate multiple datasets
- enrich the data via MongoDB
- perform aggregation and derive insights
- write final data back to ADLSGen2 SILVER layer
Step 1: Create a Microsoft Entra ID service principal
Step 2: Create a client secret for your service principal
Step 3: Grant the service principal access to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Step 4: Add the client secret to Azure Key Vault
Step 5: Configure your Azure key vault instance for Azure Databricks
Step 6: Create Azure Key Vault-backed secret scope in your Azure Databricks workspace
# Access configuration for ADLSGen2
container = "ecom-data"
storage_account = "ecomdatastorage"
application_id = "fb7ba273-59ce-42eb-91d7-4d054efd9277" #Application(client)ID
directory_id = "9304b1b4-1646-4e1f-8059-6f38efeb3f40" #Directory(tenant)ID
service_credential = "<client_secrets_value>" #Client secrets - value
spark.conf.set(f"{storage_account}", "OAuth")
spark.conf.set(f"{storage_account}", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider")
spark.conf.set(f"{storage_account}", application_id)
spark.conf.set(f"{storage_account}", service_credential)
spark.conf.set(f"{storage_account}", f"{directory_id}/oauth2/token")
# specify directory
path_to_directory = "bronze/"
# List files in the directory
files ="abfss://{container}@{storage_account}{path_to_directory}")
# Create a dictionary to hold DataFrames for each file
dataframes = {}
# Iterate through the files
for file in files:
if'.csv'): # Check if the file is a CSV
# Create a DataFrame for each CSV file
df_name ='.csv', '') # Create a name for the DataFrame (remove .csv)
df = \
.format("csv") \
.option("header", "true") \
.option("inferSchema", "true") \
.load(file.path) # Load the CSV file
# Store the DataFrame in the dictionary
dataframes[df_name] = df
# Now you can access each DataFrame by its name
for name, df in dataframes.items():
print(f"DataFrame for {name}:") # Display the contents of the DataFrame
The transformation scripts are included in a separate file
So far I have :
- ingested raw csv data and stored it in the BRONZE layer of ADLSGen2
- performed Spark transformations within DataBricks and written the data to the SILVER layer of ADLSGen2
It is now time to leverage Azure Synapse Analytics to derive insights and write the final data to the GOLD layer for serving to clients, data scientists, analysts etc.
We need to give our Azure Synapse permission to connect to ADLSGen2. We do this by adding role assignment Storage Blob Data Contributor
to our Azure Synapse Workspace.
We can create a serverless SQL database in Synapse.
To connect with ADLSGen2 from Azure Synapse we use OPENROWSET.
We can see that we can access our SILVER layer data in ADLSGen2 storage from Synapse by using VIEWS. Once we are happy with our data, in order to serve the data to the GOLD layer, we have to create:
- a Database
- master key encryption
- database scoped credential
- external file format
- external data source
- external table
We can use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS) in a dedicated SQL pool or serverless SQL pool to complete the following tasks:
- Create an external table
- Export, in parallel, the results of a Transact-SQL SELECT statement to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
-- Set credentials
-- Specify the source data format
-- specify the location where we wish to send the data
CREDENTIAL = sjbarrieadmin
-- create a table for the data we want to send to the gold layer
LOCATION = 'FinalServing',
DATA_SOURCE = goldlayer,
FILE_FORMAT = extfileformat
) AS
--- data from our VIEW which was created from the SILVER layer data
SELECT * FROM gold.final2
You can access your credentials using:
-- View credential details
SELECT * FROM sys.database_credentials