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Releases: StatisMike/shiny.reglog


31 Aug 17:59
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  • added experimental RegLogMongoConnector - connector to MongoDB database
  • added shinytest2-based tests
  • fixed bugs:
    • correct modal showing up with missing inputs on credentials change
    • RegLogGsheetConnector able to save logs into googlesheet database

v 0.5.0

27 Mar 08:58
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With the release of v0.5.0 there are a lot of changes in the current implementation
of the RegLog system. Most of the changes were implemented to provide more
customization options in implementing shiny.reglog in your ShinyApp and to
widen its possibilities. At the same time I've strived to make the historical
features still accessible, so it shouldn't be harder to use for novice
Shiny developers.

Instead of using single function to run all logic for RegLog system (as was the
case in deprecated login_server) it introduces three main components:
RegLogServer, two dbConnectors and two mailConnectors. Below are listed
the main changes and improvements over previous release. For more details
you can read two detailed vignettes: RegLogServer object: fields and methods
and Creating custom RegLogConnector handlers.

  • main logic is now encapsulated in RegLogServer R6 class. Arguments provided during
    initialization of object provide options for customization, and more importantly
    objects of classes providing connection to the database (RegLogDBIConnector or
    RegLogGsheetConnector) and to your e-mail provider (RegLogEmayiliConnectororRegLogGmailrConnector`).
    • application can now observe for all state changes made during the lifespan
      of the application accessing the RegLogServer$message() reactiveVal.
    • default modalDialogs can now be inhibited - either all together (use_modals = F)
      or specifically (providing named list of FALSE bool values to use_modals argument)
    • is_logged, user_id, user_mail values are now kept inside reactiveVal
      fields, so you need to add () to access their values (eg. RegLogServer$user_id()).
      Also, account_id value is added for logged users.
  • the improved presentation of password reset procedure don't make it necessary
    for invoking modalDialog. It makes the UI more flexible for this process more
  • there is also added logic for credentials change procedure: it is now possible
    to change password, user ID and user e-mail after registration.
  • class RegLogGsheetConnector provides support for storing the userbase inside
    googlesheet. It contains the past functionality of db_method = 'gsheet' in
    • there have been made some additional improvements: now it mirrors the behaviour
      of SQL databases: password changes don't append new rows to the googlesheet,
      but changes the whole row accordingly, which makes menaging the database
      much simpler.
  • class RegLogDBIConnector provides support for storing the userbase inside
    DBI handled database. It improves on original support for SQLite database,
    providing also out-of-box support for multiple MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL
  • both mailConnectors improves on the functionality of emailing methods
    of now deprecated login_server.
    • they allow explicitly modifying all send e-mails to the users.
    • they send e-mails after register, reset password and credentials change
      procedure (user ID and/or e-mail).
    • they also support sending custom e-mails after custom events.
  • both dbConnectors and mailConnectors allow appending custom handler functions,
    either to modify the default ones or providing completely new functionalities.

To sum up, newly introduced functions/classes and their deprecated ancestors:

  • RegLogServer class replaces login_server
  • RegLog_login_UI function replaces login_UI
  • RegLog_register_UI function replaces register_UI
  • RegLog_resetPass_UI function replaces password_reset_UI
  • RegLog_credsEdit_UI function introduces credential edit UI functionality.
  • RegLogDBIConnector class replaces login_server(db_method = "sqlite") and
    widen the usability
  • RegLogGsheetConnector class replaces login_server(db_method = "gsheet")
  • RegLogEmayiliConnector class replaces login_server(email_method = "emayili")
  • RegLogGmailrConnector class replaces login_server(email_method = "gmailr")
  • RegLog_txt function replaces reglog_txt
  • DBI_tables_create function replaces create_sqlite_db with added functionality
  • gsheet_tables_create replaces create_gsheet_db
  • RegLogConnectorMessage function to parse your own messages to connectors
  • RegLogConnector class to inherit from during creation of your own connectors

Deprecated without direct replacement:

  • logout_button: using RegLogServer$logout() method creating own logout
    logic is straightforward.
  • sqlite_get_db and gsheet_get_db: getting tables and sheets is straightforward
    using functions from DBI or googlesheets4 packages


29 Oct 17:28
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CRAN submission update from

2# shiny.reglog 0.3.0

  • Added credentials argument to create_sqlite_db to create SQLite database containing some data
  • Removed use_language from exported functions, as its functionality is minimal out of its usage context
  • sqlite_get_db and gsheet_get_db functions are now exported, as their functionality grew with added credentials argument
  • Fixed user_id value returned by login_server function for anonymous users. It is now in form of paste("Anon", Sys.time(), sep = "_") to force its reads as character object. Before it could be read as datetime object while reading from 'googlesheets' database and it caused some bugs

3# shiny.reglog 0.4.0

  • Added credentials argument to create_gsheet_db, mirroring the same functionality of create_sqlite_db
  • Added logout_button function, providing the users a way to log out during usage of ShinyApp
  • Added description of how to provide credentials to create_sqlite_db and create_gsheet_db functions
  • Created vignette specifying the authorization process for gmailr and googlesheets4 to use their methods of email sending and database storage
  • Removed dbplyr dependency

0.4.1 - minor CRAN tweaks

Initial CRAN submission

14 Jul 16:33
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I know that this versioning may be controversial, but there is so much currently planned functionality in the future that the initial production version is much lower than 1.0.

On the other side, the option to register new account and login within-app (non-mandatory) seems to be too much of an utility to keep the package only on GitHub until the full planned functionality.