- Installation
- SQL Injection
- Broken Authentication
- Sensitive Data Exposure
- XML External Entities (XXE)
- Broken Access Control
- Security Misconfiguration
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
#install docker
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
#pull docker image
sudo docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop
#run docker image
sudo docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop
#now we can access website on <>
References (to be used throughout this section):
While using Burp Suite for intercepting requests, we can add the target website to scope under the Target section, and enable 'show only in-scope items under 'Filter settings'.
Similarly, under 'Options' in Proxy section, we can enable 'And URL is in target scope' for both 'Intercept Client Requests' and 'Intercept Server Responses' for granular control.
The scoreboard for OWASP Juice shop can be found at http://localhost:3000/#/score-board
Common SQL verbs include
; other common terms includeWHERE
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SQLi Login Bypass:
Navigate to /login, intercept the login request with dummy creds using Burp Suite. In Burp Suite, send the request to Repeater; we can edit the request here. We will be editing the creds for SQLi, currently it looks like this: {"email":"user","password":"pwd"} If we add a single-quote at the end of user, we will get an error; errors give info about the DB: {"email":"user'","password":"pwd"} For basic SQLi, we can append 'OR 1=1; --' to the username, which ends the username prematurely with single-quote, and then uses TRUE statement with OR so that it is always TRUE. {"email":"user' OR 1=1; --","password":"pwd"} This logs us in as admin of Juice Shop.
SQLi Defenses:
- Parameterized statements
- Sanitizing input
Due to poor design & implementation of identity & access controls.
Includes weaknesses such as credential stuffing, default/weak passwords, ineffective MFA and session fixation.
A simple example of broken authentication in Juice Shop is logging in with the credentials
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Broken authentication defenses:
- Implement MFA
- Proper password policies
- Limit failed login attempts
- New random session ID after login
Due to lack of encryption, weak password hashing storage techniques, and transmission of data in cleartext.
#example of checking SSL ciphers nmap --script=ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 tesla.com #this checks the level of encryption #we can also check security headers using securityheaders.com
Sensitive data exposure defenses:
- Identify & apply controls to sensitive data
- Do not store unnecessary data
- Encrypt all data
- Store passwords using strong hashing functions
XXE abuses systems that pass XML input; attacks include DoS, local file disclosure, RCE, etc.
XXE is carried out by exploiting the SYSTEM parameter.
Due to lack of automated detection and absence of access control; detected usually with the help of manual means.
Common vulnerabilities include bypassing access control checks, viewing other users' records, privilege escalation and metadata manipulation.
Broken access control defenses:
- Deny by default, except for public resources
- Disable web server directory listing
- Implement access control mechanisms
Exploiting unpatched flaws, accessing default accounts and unprotected directories are a few examples of exploiting security misconfigurations.
It is due to lack of security hardening, usage of default creds, or disabled security features.
Security misconfiguration defenses:
- Automation of security
- Minimal platform without unnecessary features
- Verify effectiveness of configurations
Types of XSS:
- Reflected XSS
- Stored XSS
An example of a simple payload for reflected XSS is
<iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)">
; this can be inserted as input or as query in URL. -
XSS defenses:
- Encoding
- Filtering
- Validating
- Sanitization