#IP addresses, interfaces, etc.
#alt to ifconfig, as it is deprecated
#'ip a' shows IP addresses
#'ip n' shows ARP table
#'ip r' shows routing table
#wireless interfaces
#ping any address
arp -a
#IP addresses and MAC addresses communicating with our machine
netstat -ano
#to check ports, services
#prints routing table
- Installing and updating tools:
apt update && apt upgrade
#update and upgrade tools
apt install python-pip
#install a tool
git clone https://github.com/Dewalt-arch/pimpmykali.git
#clone a repo
#can store this in /opt
#run a shell script
- Creating and editing files:
echo "hello"
#print hello in terminal
echo "hey" > hey.txt
#write hey to a file called hey.txt
cat hey.txt
#reads file content
echo "hey again" >> hey.txt
#append to file
if [ "$1" == "" ] #to check if user gave any input or not
echo "You forgot IP address!"
echo "Syntax: ./ipsweep.sh 10.0.2"
for ip in `seq 1 254`; do #uses ip value from 1 to 254
ping -c 1 $1.$ip | grep "64 bytes" | cut -d " " -f 4 | tr -d ":" &
#ping -c 1 is used for sending exactly one packet, $1.$ip concatenates to form ip
#grep to print line with "64 bytes"
#cut command to find 4th field with space set as delimiter
#tr delimits at ":"
#ampersand used to run command in background; async
#chmod +x ipsweep.sh - for allowing script to be executed
#script output can be stored in a file
#./ipsweep.sh 10.0.2 > iplist.txt
for ip in $(cat iplist.txt); do nmap -p 80 -sS -T4 $ip & done
#nmap scan for each ip from iplist.txt